Seven plaintiffs from the Netherlands file a suit regarding their personal experience with vaccination injuries
Two Thousand and Twenty
I didn’t want to get vaccinated, out of instinct. I wore my my anti-vax outlook like a pair of cement shoes, immovable. My pandemic reality was eutopic compared to other women my age. I was 31 and Brooklyn was at my fingertips. I wasn’t at home with a newborn or even worse a teething toddler who needed my attention. Unlike most New Yorkers, I had access to a backyard where I spent most of the day swinging on the hammock next to Olivia who discovered a new app called TikTok. For months, I slept till noon and enjoyed an impossible to execute social distancing walk around McCaren Park. New Yorkers were always shoulder to shoulder.
COVID-19 was so suspicious to me from the very beginning, but I hadn’t fully grown my instincts. I was collecting monthly checks for unemployment and trying not to spend it all at Free People. When vaccinations rolled out, I thought no fucking way, and soon found myself peer pressured by two female friends whose advice I wouldn’t take now without a hefty grain of salt.
Within a few weeks of my second vaccination, I found myself sitting on my white couch with my legs crossed in a tight white tank top and tight underwear. I remember the feeling of my skin that day. My thighs were like clouds, cold and elastic. My belly button deep and focused, my arms stayed crossed. I was so depressed that I could not move. I was afraid if I were to get off of my couch, I would find a way to kill myself. Never in my entire life had I ever experienced suicidal ideation like that. It wasn’t voices, it was an inner knowing. I knew my manageable darkness had moved itself in a position to lurch.
At that time, I had a therapist. A privilege, but more than that, she saved my life. Soon, I began taking Wellbutrin. A technology I leaned on for a few months until I snapped back into myself.
In those months of pharmaceutical dependence, I did my best to convince myself that either I had not reaaallllyyy received a vaccination, or that I was doing a good enough job eating raw lemons and sucking down detox supplements to assist my body in a cleanse. The idea that I had not actually received a vaccination, and instead, it was merely a hefty dose of saline came from the fact that my primary case physicians were in the heart of Hasidic Williamsburg, and there is no way the Hasidic Jewish community would accept a vaccination, therefore, they wouldn’t steer me in the wrong direction either. Right?
On Wednesday October 23, 2024, news broke that billionaire philanthropist and close friend of Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Gates, must stand trial in the Netherlands on allegations he and his co-defendants misled the public about the safety of COVID-19 during the pandemic. The suit, filed by seven plaintiffs, claim vaccination injuries for each, with the additional defendants being former Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, Pfizer CEO Albert Burl, and the Dutch state.
The anonymous plaintiffs have argued that The Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum were involved in a far-reaching agenda referred to as “The Great Reset Project,” an initiative masked as a financial plan to rebuild businesses, whose true intentions were to implement drastic societal changes through the exploitation of the pandemic. Plaintiffs say the vaccination consequences have been mentally and physically devastating.
A hearing is set for November 27, 2024 and the court has already order Gates to pay the plaintiffs legal fees ($1,518.44) within 14 days.
Basic research into vaccinations in will present opportunities to explore countless avenues of theory. Most recently, I have been reading about the Fourth Industrial Revolution, also known as 4IR, or Industry 4.0.
4IR is a newly formed phrase that describes the “rapid technological advancement in the 21st century.” It follows the Third Industrial Revolution, aka The Information Age, and incites a shift in the development of technologies like artificial intelligence, gene editing, and advanced robotics, in a way that obscures and elevates what we currently know of the physical, digital, and biological words. An introduction to the metaworld, perhaps.
I bring this up, not to incite your rage, rather I am interested in giving a benefit of the doubt to the elite. It is difficult for me to believe that it is in anyone’s best interest to wipe out the population, as many conspire to believe. However, I can understand why we would be interested in making progress to better decipher and eradicate diseases, whether physical or mental.
As someone who has had many ghost pains and has been billed $1,000 for an MRI that told me I was constipated, I would only hope that there is developing technology to support conversations about what our bodies are really doing, and what their greatest potential is.
If the vaccinations were something more than making sure we didn’t get COVID-19, then please teach me what it is. I want to know, I want to know my body and mind just as much as you do, Bill Gates!
I posted on Instagram, teasing the research and development of this piece. The response was abundant and validating in the theory that whether or not vaccination injuries are real, the concept evokes passionate and thoughtful responses. All anybody wants is to feel safe, and to feel safe in agreements within their community
Only time will tell how deep the honesty from Bill Gates and his friends will exist in a court of law. You would think that a group of people whose companies and charitable foundations are built upon the idea that they are furthering humanity, would be eager to be transparent about their scientific capabilities and big, huge, philanthropic souls. You would think they would want to debunk theories of population control and accidental autism. You would think they would want to wield their power to create a sense of understanding. Right?
I usually hide from speaking about my thoughts on the vaccine…,from interactions with other humans for that matter. There were so many people who were blatantly cruel during the pandemic about those who made the choice to not get vaccinated. Nurses were posting claim to their hospitals stating “stay out of my ER if you are so selfish to not get vaccinated”. Our pediatrician even got verbally aggressive with me during an annual well check. In my life it served as the great divide. I removed myself from society as much as humanly possible and completely distanced myself from family. It’s interesting to see from this perspective how some have come around to the reality of the dangers of the vaccine. It’s even more interesting to see how few apologies have been offered from those who felt entitled to dish out judgment and hate during that time. I’m so sorry you fell victim to the pressure but it’s easily understandable why. A disappointing time for humanity. I am wishing you an abundance of health and wellness.
I did not receive the vax, but the majority of my family has. Since then I have watched each member physically, mentally and emotionally decline. When it comes to Bill Gates he is not shy about telling us to our faces that he plans on controlling the population through vaccinations. My theory (not that anyone is asking) is that we all have underlying health conditions and the vaccine catapults them to the present. My aunts, cousins, uncle, mother and best friend were all diagnosed within a year of each other for diabetes and a variety of cancers after they received 1 to 2 COV jabs. That's insane! My FIL all of a sudden severe dementia as though it was overnight, and he just received his COV booster and has already declined by 2 points 2 weeks after the shot for his dementia assessment. Coincidence? Maybe. My MIL ended up with a pacemaker and all sorts of BP issues. Now, I've worked in the medical environment for 25+ years and have been exposed to many things. As a counselor, I could go into depths about fear, control and how people are manipulated by others (elites/corporations/etc.) by the values/experiences and traumas people have but it would be better addressed in a podcast. What I do know, is that I do not carry any harsh judgment for those who made the choice one way or the other because each person had their reason. What I do find myself to be angry over is how the government got the results they wanted by manipulating people and then years after the fact you see Bill Gates on an interview stating COV wasn't as bad as we initially thought and it's no worse than the flu. WTF?! Now I do feel more certain there was an agenda. I always ask in any circumstance ... what are the intentions? In this post you briefly mention autism and Del Bigtree with The Highwire has done excellent work through ICAN - a legal approach to suing and obtaining documents and they have won some incredible cases. I encourage others to look into it.