Hello, and happy weekend to you all!
I’m writing from a semi-depressing hotel room with bad lighting in DC, wrapping up a jam-packed East Coast adventure where I collected fabulous bits from all walks of life to weave together here soon. The journey began with lively protests at Trump’s trial, followed by a tour of his childhood home and college, ending with taco bowls and rosé toasted at Trump Tower, before being greeted by a parking ticket tacked to Olivia Nuzzi’s windshield as unfortunate proof of a good time.
Next, I moved to DC to celebrate Tulsi Gabbard’s book atop a historic Alexandria skyline at dusk, hosted by Meghan McCain and Ben Domenech. Today, I’m heading back for day two of the Libertarian convention to see how these folks welcome or reject Donald Trump. RFK’s appearance yesterday stirred a mix of excitement and chaotic pushback, including fistfights on the floor below us, so I’m curious to see their reaction to Trump on the main stage tonight.
At home tomorrow, I’ll dive back into frantic graduation preparation leading up to Arlo’s big day this Thursday. In the meantime, I want to acknowledge new promising analytics: The fact that this newsletter has jumped from 1.2 monthly views to just under 5 million in recent weeks! Unexpectedly, the political pivot seems to be popular and not slowing down anytime soon. I can’t thank you enough for sticking with me. I know many of you landed here for different reasons, driven by varying interests, and as the focus shifts often. I’m grateful for your trust in these detours.
Online support has been incredible, but it’s the real-life encounters voicing appreciation lately that truly touch me. I can’t tell you how many people have stopped me recently to say that my coverage, whether here or on IG, is the first time they’ve ever felt included, informed, and interested in politics. From a grocery store run to a restaurant, a school event to a flight, someone has paused to thank me for making them care.
I’m proud because my goal was always that — to engage and reanimate a portion of Americans who feel at odds with media, or perhaps uneducated or turned off by election coverage, by offering them a place where they feel represented by alternative approach. Last week, on our NY flight, the sweetest attendant appeared at my seat with a handwritten card to say how much she loves following our travels. Further proof that I have the best women behind me, and reminder of how lucky I am to be a herder of the internet's kindest and most ingenious corner through such weird Orwellian times.
As For Reader Feedback:
I read through your comments and am taking stock: Some of your requests and suggestions I’ll entertain, some of them I’ll have to overlook (only because I’m fully committed to the campaign trail for another 6 months and have no desire to pull away from it now).
To those of you asking for less politics here, my apologies. Some of you want more RFK or Trump, some of you prefer less. Both men will remain regular subjects here.
What I will work on is mixing in more celebrity/royal/fashion posts wedged between campaign chapters. So far, I’m not missing celebrities or entertainment news because politicians, their supporting characters and backstories, are more compelling. Still, I’m mentally invested in certain breaking scandals and trials, of course, so inclusion of that coverage shall prevail.
Free Vs. Paid Subs:
The majority of political content will always be free. Whereas PAID subs will have access to BTS posts, some incoming personal / family updates, conspiracy fodder, podcast features, and the Diddy Files (a working series currently being unfolded by Emilie Hagen).
5 mil🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 more views than any MSM show
My subscriptionn to your newsletter is some of the best money I spend all year. Your success is so well deserved!
Please come back to Austin some time soon - I missed the most recent meet up because I just had my first child 😅