Nicole Shanahan - "We are NOT in Talks With Harris. Speaking Personally, They Are a Lost Cause. Literally."
RFK's VP squashes DNC rumors
Greetings from our third cloudy morning in Palm Beach. I overslept, waiting on coffee and bagels now, savoring this moment. We're having the best time—the weather is wonky but I like the intensity of it, and the women I've befriended here are a delight. They show up at any hour or restaurant, draped in Hermes ready to gossip. A late lunch date in Palm Beach never disappoints.
Yesterday, we drove around town for a couple of hours then swam here at our pool between rainstorms. The boys are all getting along—no one is vomiting or complaining about broken bones hindering access to certain attractions. Today, they're off to a water park. Tomorrow, I have a meetup hosted by a local at her beautiful home in Jupiter, and then there's the MAGA boat parade on Sunday. So far, it's the perfect mix of work and pleasure.
As for the DNC events, we've got some exciting things planned. I'll be sharing details shortly.
It’s a jam packed two weeks. Even in leisure, my thoughts inevitably turn to politics. The drama of this race is inescapable.
On that note, I wanted to address a few things.
This morning, while reading comments from yesterday’s post, I was struck by how sensitive some Kennedy supporters can be. Finding the slightest critiques enraging, as if questioning him is some sort of betrayal. I’m sorry but anyone invested in his messaging and movement, as I clearly am, has the right to critique his words and actions along the way. Flattering discourse alone isn't doing anyone any favors. And frankly, this is not what he invited.
One of the things that hooked me early on was his promise to run "the most transparent campaign in history." I thought, what an honorable and refreshing objective. From my standpoint over the past 10 months, he's largely lived up to that, and I respect him for it.
But that doesn't mean I won't question what warrants discussion or pause. To gain a layered perception of anyone, you have to step back and analyze them subjectively from time to time. I've been enormously inspired by what I see or learn about him at times and rightfully baffled others. My commitment is to be as honest as possible in whatever I'm trying to translate. Right now it's politics, which deserves a fair share of skepticism and scrutiny.
“The DNC wants to win this election in court—rather than win over the American people.” — RFK Jr.
I approach news by talking out loud through breaking headlines to digest it with you as readers. I crave conversational forums where discourse is welcome and conflicting views remain respectful. Logging on here should feel like a virtual water cooler where we breeze through trending topics and news with unguarded interest and discussion.
This latest WAPO piece about Bobby isn't something I made up. It came stocked with quotes and read like something his team contributed to. Note the same two journalists, Josh Dawsey and Michael Scherer, are behind breaking news about Kennedy’s request to meet with Harris and his talks with Trump about a potential role in his administration during the RNC. My guess is that his team trusts them enough to feed them certain details.
After I shared my post, a handful of political experts I trust texted me with their theories. This is how it should be. This is what makes politics as sport fun—entertaining a smattering of angles and perspectives from various sources, hoping I can emerge to offer sharper, more compelling commentary.
The question being: Is Bobby a traitor to those who see him as the real deal? Would he fold on core convictions to snag a seat in a Harris administration?
Several I spoke to see this as a way for him to justify potentially linking up with Trump. The timing of him spotted in Palm Beach last week (not denied by him) is telling. One source noted, "The intention behind reaching out seems to be to show that Trump listened while Harris did not, possibly using this as a pretext to endorse Trump. This strategy is reminiscent of his moves before deciding to run as an independent. If the goal is to get Trump's attention and highlight the story of being shunned, it's a narrative that could be sold, regardless of whether he genuinely believes it. There's absolutely no chance of success with Harris—perhaps even less than zero. I assume this all unfolded right after the convention, likely before the debate?"
Another source speculated that this Harris meeting story could be a Trump-directed play, given his need to pull votes from the left (or at least the medical freedom crowd). Bobby's offering to meet with Harris shows he values the Democrats. Their declining him (we all know he has zero chance with the left) at least proves he's open to bipartisan unity. It's them who aren't. Smart, if this is indeed the case.
Others wonder if he’s simply at a crossroad.
I can say that Team Trump was impressed by RFK's tweet calling out how much the Democrats have strayed from the party of his uncle and father. I received a few complimentary messages about it and saw that Don Jr. also reposted it. So, there is proof of subtle support between the two camps.
Amid yesterday's panic, Bobby's running mate, Nicole Shanahan, eased my fears with a single tweet framed in absolutes. In response to the WAPO uproar, she wrote, "Confirming: We are NOT in talks with Harris. Speaking personally, they are a lost cause. Literally."
Thank you, Nicole. I needed that. She sounds as fed up as I am, which is reassuring.
Aside from all of that, some of you need to lighten up. Bobby Kennedy is subject to fair criticism just like all the rest. He's made monumental shifts and grave mistakes over the past months. You can't run "the most transparent campaign in history" through rose-colored lenses. Even he understands that.
Up Ahead: New audio from cellmate Nick regarding what Epstein told him about Trump, RNC Recap, Hyannis Port clambake with Kennedy, an hour-long conversation with a gorgeous travel agent to billionaires, and the psychic reading in Cape Cod that brought me to tears.
So much. Stay tuned!
We dont want platitudes. We want truth, whether it be good or bad for a candidate. As long as you expose and share the truth, you will win, personally and professionally. Thank you for believing in the same.
Thank you for staying committed to reporting from a balanced perspective! It’s been SO refreshing.