
Thank You for the Feedback

An ode to Liz and Maggie as reward, cry too if you want

Regarding decided newsletter direction (content structure to be implemented for an “official” launch next month) your feedback has been incredibly helpful! Thank you to all who took time to offer such concise and considerate suggestions.

It seems the majority are in agreement over what they’d prefer a paid subscription here look like. Basically consisting of an end of week Friday round up of all the internet tea and mayhem (because good lord, we know it never stops) mixed with some shorter, gossipy pop culture tales wedged in between.

Great news because this is exactly what I’d prefer as well.

So beginning in April I’ll be carving out each Friday to house a layered roundup (lengthy but fun, with links, photos and video attached) And then offer up at least one side story mid week as a quick, jaunty read.

You requested more royals, which I’m more than happy to oblige.

Also, if I’m intently following a story, case or trial (I.e. G Maxwell) that subject will land here in expanded form too. I like the idea of growing dedicated chapters on the deeper dives seeing how the IG story versions I do daily often don’t envelope as much as I’d like. The Maxwell family, for example, is perfect example. Where the details, the side stories, and bizzare characters involved offer limitless coverage deserving of richer analysis.

As for a book club, looks like that’ll happen too. We have Luana Holloway, one of my very favorite writers, on board to select and review a new book at the end of every month. She’s amazing. You’re going to love her, and the way she talks about these books!

Be excited.

As a thank you, please enjoy this nod to the bond between Liz and Margaret, embarrassing only because the video makes me a little weepy, and … I created it.

Guess that tells us who my real target reader here is…

“For Elizabeth, Margaret's freedom to live life on her own terms looks like heaven. For Margaret, the clear set of rules Elizabeth follows as a monarch is something she longs for as much as the spotlight.

Queen Elizabeth's two main interests are dogs and horses, standard aristocratic pastimes that Margaret finds unbearably boring. Sure, she enjoys riding horses, but breeding them? Compared to the rest of her family, Margaret is much more cosmopolitan and keeps up with the latest and greatest in arts and entertainment.

When reminiscing about their father, the sisters have slightly different memories of what he always used to call them. "Elizabeth is my pride and Margaret is my joy," Elizabeth says, only for Margaret to correct her: "But Margaret is my joy" and apologize for having to claim the few victories she's left with as the spare princess.”

Princess Maraget Quotes

“In our family, we don't have rifts. We have a jolly good row and then it's all over. And I've only twice ever had a row with my sister.”

“When my sister and I were growing up, she was made out to be the goody-goody one. I have as much privacy as a goldfish in a bowl.”

“The Queen is the only person who can put on a tiara with one hand, while walking down stairs.”

“My children are not royal; they just happen to have the Queen for their aunt.”

[On public events attended by royalty:] “It was the usual 'zoo tea.' You know, we eat - the others watch.”

“Disobedience is my joy!”

“Thank God the other one was born first. ...”

“It was while Princess Margaret was attending a high-society party in New York that the hostess asked her politely how the Queen was keeping. "Which one?" she is reported to have replied with her typically razor-sharp wit. "My sister, my mother or my husband?”

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