In a newly released documentary, funded by RFK’s super PAC, narrated by Woody Harrelson, Robert Kennedy Jr. is portrayed as more than just a famous name or fringe conspiracy theorist operating as a “spoiler” in this election. Instead, he is depicted fairly — as an environmental activist, attorney, and champion of public health, standing against censorship and steering us away from resorting to fear-based voting.
Please watch and share your comments below.
I’m curious where everyone else is at. Before he chose his VP I would’ve jumped at this video and was so excited to vote for him. I just don’t care anymore I’m voting Trump 🤷🏼♀️
Jessica. This was just what I needed to watch. I have reached out a handful (or two) times to his party via text (in response to their texts) or email asking about his stance on several topics not really covered in his campaign that are imperative to our family and our careers. My husband is a full time fishing guide with a complete passion for the fish he chases to include safety, preservation, and health. Your coverage and this video, as well as some of the campaign media, have solidified my vote for RFK Jr. I appreciate beyond words covering all candidates authentically. The proof is in their involvement and openess to inviting you into their "world(s)."