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Oh come on. You are brainwashed if you think there aren’t dark sides to religion. Ummm...the Catholic Church. This trial also proved how hard it still is for victims to get their voices heard. Do you have a daughter? Scientology obviously has some shady shit going on if you don’t even know where your “leaders” wife is or has been for some time. Transparency is non existent, why do you think they would tell their members about the business of senior members of the church.

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Your sentiment on this topic is proof of the insidious and toxic nature the biased media has on "popular opinion".

Have you considered that the unfair, slanted, biased and vitriolic treatment Scientologists and the Church have gotten over the decades may be the very reason you don't see anyone in the Church bothering to do or say anything to any reporter or pundit? Why on earth would anyone in the Church validate ridiculous claims of conspiracy when the same "reporters" have dismissed and ignored every effort and offer to observe evidence contrary to their claims.

Do you think in LA county, where they will put away a prominent Scientologist for 30 years on flimsy evidence, they would also close a missing person's report within 4 hours after a simple welfare check? You know who filed the missing person's report? Leah Remini. This woman has absolutely no idea what is going on with the leadership of the Church. It was a ruse to get attention and headlines, nothing more.

We are people, we have lives and families and we pay bills, go to the dentist, raise kids and build businesses just like anyone else. The VAST majority of Scientologists do not commit crimes, we pay our taxes and as you have heard from the trial we not only don't do drugs, we help our friends get off of them. We have secular social betterment campaigns that have helped millions live better lives. If you've never looked for yourself I can assure you that your information on Scientology is sensationalized false and bigoted junk.

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The woman who’s Substack you are on has raised that very question. I don’t care in the least bit about Scientology, what I do care about are rape victims. You are obviously looking at this one side as an attack on Scientology. When the perpetrator of these acts involves the church of Scientology to harass, cover up or silence the victims, that is when it is positively acceptable to bring the church of Scientology into this. If it weren’t for his status in the church, maybe this wouldn’t have happened. I’m not talking about the average Scientologist either. According to the victims, they were average Scientologists, that were abused, disrespected, and betrayed but their church. Can you have some compassion for them?

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No because I believe they are lying or severely twisting the truth just like so many other past litigants against the Church spanning decades. Make no mistake, I have nothing but compassion for true victims of violent crime. I have nothing but contempt for liars and I believe these three Jane Does and their accomplices are just that.

There are people who will do whatever it takes to take down Scientology because they are afraid of it. And people like you form an opinion that has been pre-formed on your behalf by the propaganda media machine who have been handed the task.

Throughout history popular political and religious movements have been violently treated because cowards in power felt threatened. This is nothing new.

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I was a member of the Catholic Church for 30 years and our leaders absolutely duped us, lied to us and covered it up. One should never be so trusting in organized religion.

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I am sorry that you had a bad experience with the Catholics. Scientology is 100% not the Catholic Church in any way. I have extensive experience with it over the last 25 years and I have yet to be "duped".

I have gained so much more spiritually from my religion than any monetary donations. You can't tell me that my experiences aren't real and that I can't trust my own observations and actually I'm not happy, because I am.

And this doesn't comport with the twisted propaganda you've been exposed to about it, and that's sad. We live in a world now where everyone is told what to believe and what to like and what to hate. We're socially stigmatized for free expression. We're told ugly things are beautiful, and that things of beauty should be dismantled or that so-and-so has it out for you so you better fight them. The ONLY way to truly be free is to look for yourself and make your own observations; keep your own counsel and have some courage to say what you believe despite unpopularity.

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I don’t believe anyone is out to get Scientology. I believe victims, and you haven’t been duped because you’re not opening yourself up to the possibility that the religion that has given you so much and has been a great experience, has been the opposite of that for someone else. For you to deny other people’s stories is proof how hard it is for victims to come forward. That’s all I’m saying. Just because you believe something to be true, doesn’t mean it is.

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I have immense respect for any and all religions, which includes Scientology. And your own experiences absolutely should carry weight within your own life.

What I believe the previous commenter was getting at by mentioning the Catholic Church is that it’s a massive and established religious institution. Every major religion that I’ve read about, hell any religion at all, has had nefarious characters and bad behavior. The larger something is such as a large company, a government, a religion, the greater the chance that you will have people doing bad things because it’s part of human nature. I would encourage you to not dismiss issues that absolutely are happening within your own religion, which is not an insult to Scientology, it’s acknowledging that it’s made up of humans, all of which are fallible. Is there unfair propaganda against it? I’m sure. But are there stories that have come out that are based on truth? I have no doubt. You can value something and still be critical of it.

I believe most people are doing their best and I’m happy for you if Scientology is your path to betterment and happiness.

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Serious question, are you allowed as a Scientologist to even be reading media such as this? That might speak poorly of Scientology? I thought Scientologists were not allowed to? Did you read Leah’s book and what are your thoughts on Scientology and the Aftermath show and the people who appeared on it? I wish Jessica would interview you I think it would be fascinating.

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Point #1 of the Code of a Scientologist (which is freely available on scientologyreligion.org) states "To keep Scientologists, the public and the press accurately informed concerning Scientology, the world of mental health and society." Of the 19 remaining, there are a number of other applicable points to this topic.

When you're only listening to apostates and people who have been expelled from the Church you tend to get a one-sided view simply by way of the fact that no other information is being looked at. But the other side of the story is all available at standleague.org and if you take an objective look at the facts presented you would be much better informed as to the true intentions of these people.

Did you see the video a couple weeks ago of a naked homeless woman shooting randomly at cars in the middle of the freeway in San Francisco? That's about how I view Leah Remini. A mentally disturbed righteously indignant lunatic with no regard for the lives she harms. I would never bother to listen to the hate and vitriol that comes from her mouth. On the same token I would never listen to a rabid anti-semite or heed the words of militant Islamist terrorists. I don't think I'd read books written by anyone who has an axe to grind with any religion. Just give me the facts and hold the bias and cherrypicking.

I've been in Scientology for 25 years and I have been very active with my Church community for most of that time. I have seen with my own eyes the miracles the technology is capable of. I've done plenty of courses and received auditing which helped me in ways you wouldn't believe. I was married by a Scientology minster and had a Scientology wedding ceremony. I have been to multiple Scientology funeral services, including for my mother and brother. Been to many of the international events and have had the pleasure to meet and befriend many other Scientologists from around the world. My experience has not just been "good," it's been spectacular.

Don't you think it's kind of weird that the mainstream media press who never passes up an opportunity to viciously discredit any "conspiracy theorist" would go to such great lengths to push conspiracy theories about the Church? My advice to anyone reading is to look up Occam's Razor and take it to whatever they hear about anything in the popular media. It's 99% fabricated misdirection and the remaining 1% is earthquake and tornado coverage.

I would politely decline an interview as I don't think it's my place to "go on the record" about it. But it's been nice to be able to write out my thoughts and experiences on this thread. Hope you have a lovely day!

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Sep 9, 2023
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But biases can be based on truth. All journalists aren’t out there to spread main stream medias biases. They do hard work to uncover things themselves.

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