Absolutely teach your fucking kids that people. Your actions have CONSEQUENCES. THATS THE FUCKING POINT. TEACH boys about consent and then they won’t go to prison. Is it that hard?!?!
Absolutely teach your fucking kids that people. Your actions have CONSEQUENCES. THATS THE FUCKING POINT. TEACH boys about consent and then they won’t go to prison. Is it that hard?!?!
I’m so sorry for the things you experienced. This is clearly very personal and jarring for you and for that, I do feel deep sadness and empathy. I think what some are trying to relay, and Jenn Z got closest, is that 20 something years ago, as a 20-something, things were just “different”. Rape is never ok. It shouldn’t be swept under the rug. But also, back then, the definition of rape was “different” in culture at large. Date rape was only *just* being acknowledged as real. It was only in 1994 that my home state of Texas made marital rape illegal. It wasn’t until 2021 that California equalized penalties of “spousal rape” and “rape”. Keeping that in mind, rape between consensually dating adults 20 years ago would be viewed and experienced by both parties very differently.
Yes, everyone should be raised to understand and respect consent. But THAT conversation simply didn’t happen in the 80’s and 90’s when we were growing up. The conversation was, “watch you drink, carry a rape whistle, use the buddy system, and don’t run at night (especially with headphones on)”. We simply can not forget what the culture and atmosphere was at the time of the events that transpired.
The issue at hand now is an incredibly unfair (in my opinion) sentence and that these now grown women are raping a child of her father. The narcissism is stomach churning.
A rape survivor themselves (since you have been demanding we raise our hand)
Not demanding you raise your hand but I do appreciate you doing so. And I absolutely agree that it was different 20 years ago, but hiding behind that makes things worse. It was never okay for men to do this yet society makes excuses (not you, but society). Whether it happened in 1800 or 1950, 1993, or 1999 in my case, the way society speaks about rape victims, at any point in time for sure causes me to spiral. I should take a break from this case but it’s so freaking frustrating to me when people who haven’t experienced rape try to weigh in. A 30 year sentence is lenient in my comparison. Those victims will suffer for way longer than 30 years.
And his daughter will suffer for longer than all of them. As will her children. We can agree to disagree on the fairness of the sentencing. But a stronger victim would likely have asked for another sentence than to destroy a small girl’s world. They have only added to the burden they carry, not alleviated it. Again, only my opinion. I respect yours.
Just my two cents but this logic assumes he would never do it again and if he is truly guilty of raping these women, who is to say he wouldn’t again? It’s terrible his daughter has to suffer for this but if he truly did it, it was his own actions that will cause his daughter pain, not the women that came forward.
I feel horrible for his wife and child and family. If he were remorseful and admitted he wasn’t aware what he was doing was rape but has learned etc, I would absolutely ask for a lesser sentence. He’s denying the truth of others though, proving he’s still a danger to society.
Yes. Take a break. You’re definitely projecting your feelings on to others in this thread. Your experience is unique to you. I’ve had some of the exact experiences as these women stated they had. Woke up with bruises on my thighs from someone having sex with me in my sleep after being up for days on drugs. I don’t condone what they did but I also don’t feel that it was rape as I willingly had sex with them multiple times. And if I did I wouldn’t go after them now, 15 years later, because it serves no purpose. When you know better you do better and I believe the ppl that did that to me do better now. I’m sorry for what happened to you but just because that is your story doesn’t mean I have to bow down to your demands that he suffer. Sorry. Also, feel free to not comment on every single persons comment, opinion, or belief.
But you made the choice to be ‘up for days on drugs’ (not excusing that as a reason for rape someone) these women were drugged against their will by someone else with the soul purpose of having sex with them.
You can’t have it both ways. The victims of this trial also chose to be drinking, which we know leads to inability to make responsible choices. Was it the first drink of the night? The 4th? I don’t know that answer based on my limited knowledge of the case. But the question is, does it matter? If it doesn’t matter then your response about her choosing to be on drugs for days doesn’t matter. But it *does* do an excellent job of pointing out how juries can easily be swayed one way or another based on language allowed. And different language was allowed in this trial than in the first. Very important difference in the two trials. Language creates your reality, afterall.
Absolutely teach your fucking kids that people. Your actions have CONSEQUENCES. THATS THE FUCKING POINT. TEACH boys about consent and then they won’t go to prison. Is it that hard?!?!
I’m so sorry for the things you experienced. This is clearly very personal and jarring for you and for that, I do feel deep sadness and empathy. I think what some are trying to relay, and Jenn Z got closest, is that 20 something years ago, as a 20-something, things were just “different”. Rape is never ok. It shouldn’t be swept under the rug. But also, back then, the definition of rape was “different” in culture at large. Date rape was only *just* being acknowledged as real. It was only in 1994 that my home state of Texas made marital rape illegal. It wasn’t until 2021 that California equalized penalties of “spousal rape” and “rape”. Keeping that in mind, rape between consensually dating adults 20 years ago would be viewed and experienced by both parties very differently.
Yes, everyone should be raised to understand and respect consent. But THAT conversation simply didn’t happen in the 80’s and 90’s when we were growing up. The conversation was, “watch you drink, carry a rape whistle, use the buddy system, and don’t run at night (especially with headphones on)”. We simply can not forget what the culture and atmosphere was at the time of the events that transpired.
The issue at hand now is an incredibly unfair (in my opinion) sentence and that these now grown women are raping a child of her father. The narcissism is stomach churning.
A rape survivor themselves (since you have been demanding we raise our hand)
Not demanding you raise your hand but I do appreciate you doing so. And I absolutely agree that it was different 20 years ago, but hiding behind that makes things worse. It was never okay for men to do this yet society makes excuses (not you, but society). Whether it happened in 1800 or 1950, 1993, or 1999 in my case, the way society speaks about rape victims, at any point in time for sure causes me to spiral. I should take a break from this case but it’s so freaking frustrating to me when people who haven’t experienced rape try to weigh in. A 30 year sentence is lenient in my comparison. Those victims will suffer for way longer than 30 years.
And his daughter will suffer for longer than all of them. As will her children. We can agree to disagree on the fairness of the sentencing. But a stronger victim would likely have asked for another sentence than to destroy a small girl’s world. They have only added to the burden they carry, not alleviated it. Again, only my opinion. I respect yours.
Just my two cents but this logic assumes he would never do it again and if he is truly guilty of raping these women, who is to say he wouldn’t again? It’s terrible his daughter has to suffer for this but if he truly did it, it was his own actions that will cause his daughter pain, not the women that came forward.
I feel horrible for his wife and child and family. If he were remorseful and admitted he wasn’t aware what he was doing was rape but has learned etc, I would absolutely ask for a lesser sentence. He’s denying the truth of others though, proving he’s still a danger to society.
Yes. Take a break. You’re definitely projecting your feelings on to others in this thread. Your experience is unique to you. I’ve had some of the exact experiences as these women stated they had. Woke up with bruises on my thighs from someone having sex with me in my sleep after being up for days on drugs. I don’t condone what they did but I also don’t feel that it was rape as I willingly had sex with them multiple times. And if I did I wouldn’t go after them now, 15 years later, because it serves no purpose. When you know better you do better and I believe the ppl that did that to me do better now. I’m sorry for what happened to you but just because that is your story doesn’t mean I have to bow down to your demands that he suffer. Sorry. Also, feel free to not comment on every single persons comment, opinion, or belief.
But you made the choice to be ‘up for days on drugs’ (not excusing that as a reason for rape someone) these women were drugged against their will by someone else with the soul purpose of having sex with them.
You can’t have it both ways. The victims of this trial also chose to be drinking, which we know leads to inability to make responsible choices. Was it the first drink of the night? The 4th? I don’t know that answer based on my limited knowledge of the case. But the question is, does it matter? If it doesn’t matter then your response about her choosing to be on drugs for days doesn’t matter. But it *does* do an excellent job of pointing out how juries can easily be swayed one way or another based on language allowed. And different language was allowed in this trial than in the first. Very important difference in the two trials. Language creates your reality, afterall.
And by “you can’t have it both ways” I meant to say/convey “we can’t have it both ways”.
Prove they were drugged please? I’ve seen NO EVIDENCE OF THAT