Jul 12Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

I think the "anti-vax" and "conspiracy theorist" labels should be put into quotation marks. I mean, does he identify as such? I think of him as a skeptic, not a blanket "anti," and I respect him mightily for that. Plus, as news continues to validate his stances, it's less "theory," and more FACT...

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And can you please show me your medical degree, Linda? Or even your degree in public health? Is your “friend” running for president also a smallpox vaccine or polio vaccine “skeptic”? (It was a smallpox VACCINE that completely eradicated a disease in 1977 that had previously killed over 300 million people. Before polio vaccine the number of yearly paralytic polio cases and deaths were 16,316 and 1,879, respectively. The total number of yearly polio cases after polio vaccine, less than 100.) You can only be “skeptical” if you are either ignorant of the facts, or are a conspiracist, or both. Ignorance kills, Linda, as do conspiracy theories.

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Rose, have you ever read the Real Anthony Fauci? Do you read experts opinions about vaccines in general? I can tell you one of my best friends is a leading scientist/ doctor who is highly respected across the globe. She was the first female executive at Eli Lilly. She has consulted presidents when massive diseases may impact our country. She has worked with Fauci for decades and knows him well. She will be the first to tell you he’s the most unqualified, money grubbing, dishonest crook in the industry. She helped Ryan White live longer after Fauci came along and sold his poison to millions of aids patients. He took the pharma money back then and made back room deals. I can tell you I don’t need an expert to lie to me about vaccines because they permanently have damaged me. I died twice upon my first shots. I have autoimmune for the rest of my life. Now I’m crowned with wonderful title of being the first in my family history to develop turbo cancers of three different types.

You want to talk about experts…. Most reputable scientists and doctors will explore all data. His books, along with countless doctors across the globe, will give you data on top of data to show you have been sold a poisoned bill of goods. It’s not theory when it has been proven Rose. This data just doesn’t fit the narrative of the pharma companies nor their pocket books.

I have 5 beautiful children. Not one has ever been nor will ever be vaccinated. Thankfully after my sever reactions as a child, I had an ethical pediatrician and a curious mother who dove into the ‘science’ of it all. We became very educated on what vaccines actually do to perfectly healthy children. All of my children are in excellent health with no allergies, or autoimmune illnesses, or chronic illnesses. It’s amazing.

No, you’re bullying with no actual basis doesn’t work anymore. There is just as much data to show the damage the polio vaccines has done as the ‘ data’ that you’re referencing.

Kennedy is widely known for researching and knowing his material backwards and forwards before he moves forward. You’d be wise to do some actual investigating of his work and watch the interviews of the countless parents across the country that he has helped before you come to this crowd with your spineless comments.

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Jul 12Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

I love this snapshot of RFK and his family, united in support of his presidential run. I never see these positive comments made by his detracting family members…most agreeing on his abundant charisma. I’d love to see these comments repeated on social media.

RFK is the modern day embodiment of the Kennedy spirit we all love and admire. Anxious for the rest of the country to get on board his run for the WH.

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Jul 12Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

RFK has a much larger family than by blood; he has a soul family, his supporters, who recognize his gifts and tenacity to serve the american people. A life of deep trauma, followed by deep healing.

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Jul 12Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

Finally we have the option to vote for a role model who walks the walk. I've never been more excited for an election and hope we all get to witness him making history. He's the best candidate of my lifetime, a candidate for the ages.

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Jul 12Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

Years ago I remember seeing some really gorgeous photos of a young Tony Shriver and his family. They were like the California hippy surfer family.

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Yes! I love the old photos so much

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When was this event? I kinda/sorta recall your stories of when you and Denise went - a few months ago? But trying to recall when. Thanks for another lovely story and even lovelier photos!

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Yes. It's been about 6 months at least.

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Jul 12Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

This so perfectly seems to capture a magic and essence of the evening - felt like I was there xo. Great photos too! Thank you!

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Jul 12Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

Remarkable man. Incredibly thoughtful, bright and articulate. He would make a great President.

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Wow - so much more unity than the msm would like us to believe.

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I am very happy you posted about the support and love people have for RFLJ. I met Cheryl Hines once when she helped be an auctioneer at a benefit for the ASPCA I organized at the House of Blues. I was disappointed about the vax requirement/strong suggestion at their Christmas party. I understand he is not always the boss in his own house, but he should have been in this instance. He needs to be a leader both in his personal life and his political life. This is his weakness IMO. Can you imagine Melania ever telling Trump what to do? I am a huge supporter of Kennedy and will vote for him but if he wants to get more to vote for him he must project strength. The family he has that doesn't support him are clearly captured and frankly corrupt. I understand he wants to be the peaceful candidate but his perceived lack of strength is hurting him. He needs to call out his family on being captured and stand strongly in his convictions. That said, beautiful photos and a well-written post Jessica. I hope you are enjoying all of your escapades. They sure are entertaining! sabrinalabow.substack.com

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Jul 13Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

Hi 😊 I didn’t know that there was a Christmas party controversy! I thought about something - when Nicole Shanahan was announced I was not happy but because RFK doesn’t make uncalculated decisions I decided to learn about her and I now love her. As far as the Christmas party “COVID-free” proof, Cheryl may have been trying to accommodate guests that might be susceptible and she wanted them to feel as comfortable as possible. I’m not trying to defend her or her motives, I am neutral about her at this point but I would hate for her to be thrown under the bus based on an action that many people did at that time to be accommodating, not necessarily complacent.

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He was staunchly against the vaccine so it just seems hypocritical to me for him to ask that of guests invited to a Xmas party in his home. That's my view. He also just recently tweeted about systemic racism. He appears to be influenced by others on subjects he had different views on. It's just coming off as wishy washy. That said he is the best choice between the 3.

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What an exciting opportunity for you to be there. I am fascinated by their lifestyle and some of their political views. For some reason, Cheryl isn’t one of my favorites. Either is his running mate. Why wasn’t she there?

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This was before she named

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Nicole Shanahan's interview with Rick Rubin on TETRAGRAMMATON was informative as to her brilliance and life accomplishments. Her investment in mitochondrial research could turn our chronic illness epidemic around. I highly recommend the podcast/ youtube.

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Oh, I’ll have to listen!

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This might have been before she was even announced.

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I’ll forever devour kennedy deets

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I love your added quips and insight. Freaking love this substack

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So are you still going to write the story of Anne Greene? The woman who was attacked by Christina Schwarzenegger's boyfriend, Shawn Driz? Her info: TIKTOK, YOUTUBE: @anneimalgreene

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She told me she will contact me soon.

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He is a good man

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Anybody have any leads on those fabulous heels?

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You have to ask Eunice 😌

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Sorry to be another to blow a hole into the fever dream of another so-called “Kennedy” to assume the WH, but if RFK, Jr were ever to succeed, of which he has zero chance, there would be another massive Covid pandemic, reoccurrence of measles encephalitis, and even polio. Fortunately, smallpox couldn’t reoccur, because it was the first viral disease to be completely ERADICATED, by OMG—VACCINATION! You Sir, are no Kennedy.

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Keeping drinking the kool-aid Rose. It sounds like you honestly believe Covid vaccines work? 🙄🤡

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Can you imagine thinking RFK was going to single-handedly destroy the world? It’s nearly as ludicrous as the people who think Trump is a dictator and plans to destroy democracy. I truly feel bad for people who are so delusional.

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Actually, if you really start digging into the research on the smallpox vaccination, it’s a lot more complicated than what we’ve been led to believe. And it wasn’t actually a vaccination in the true sense. It was more of an inoculation and it had horrible side effects for many many people.

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As I asked Linda, can I see either your medical or public health degree? I get so exasperated with anti-scientists and conspiracists who are able to pick out some ridiculous “fact,” and blow it up to “prove” their point. The bottom line is a disease that previously killed over 300 million people was ERADICATED by BOTH first inoculation and later, vaccination. I prefer to live on Earth 1, the world of facts.

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Also Rose. I’m super curious where you got that fact. No seriously you ask me for facts. I’m going to ask you. Where did that fact come from. Exactly which study came out with that fact. Was it an actual study? Or was it perhaps a talking point of public health officials that has been assumed to be fact And that we have now just woven into our collective subconscious. Surprisingly, many things in our collective subconscious are not 100% factual. Not when we start asking questions and digging around.

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Well, I know that I’m probably wasting my time but just a few weeks ago some top vaccines scientists, including Stanley Plotkin, who is known as the godfather of the vaccine program in America wrote this and published it in the New England Journal of Medicine. Which is one of the most prestigious journals in the US.


Basically, they’re saying that post market research on vaccination really should be done because we don’t do it right now. You might not want to believe that we don’t do it but read the article. Most of the things they write about in this are things that the “anti-VAX” have been yelling for for years. They want better studies. They want to know the full range of what can go wrong in the immune system and are there ways for us to detect this in advance.

What are the actual cost benefits of the vaccines. If you stop a bunch of kids from getting chickenpox and missing school yet you give a larger percentage of them other chronic lifelong illnesses? Is it worth it? These are questions that have ve not been grappled with and absolutely need to be. These guys are finally coming around and acknowledging that point.

And no, I will not provide you with a full copy beyond the pay wall, pay for it yourself, or find someone who has access to the full article for you. That’s what I did. Me and my non-medical scientific self.

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TC coming with facts that Rose

Most likely will be immune to 😉😂

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So you think the massive rise in childhood autism is organic?

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I don't see it that way. I disagree with Kennedy's stance on vaccines, but I'm not afraid of a systematic review of the evidence. And tbh, I think we might need a review driven by someone inclined to doubt to restore Americans faith in vaccines after the covid jabs debacle when the evidence comes in which I expect to show that the traditional vaccines are safe.

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The definition of vaccine has been changed and no longer means to eradicate anything.

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Do you really think you have done more research than he has? He has won cases in the court of law with barriers greater than applying for a Substack handle. Do you also think that roundup is safe? Do you use it? Maybe open your mind to fact that pharma is out to make money - period.

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Oh Rose🫣

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Here is another bullshit article painting RFK jr out to be a crazy person and again labeling him as an anti-vaxer which we know he’s not.


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