How 1/2 the country is not asking questions about what is happening is mind boggling. Even my non-political family & friends are starting to open their eyes. You don’t have to be a conspiracy theorist to understand we are being played by the government & MSM media.

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Thank you.

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It's stunning the upsidedown world you all live in. It's hard to believe that you actually believe what you spew.

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Tonni, If you want to know how they think….I was talking to two Democrat ladies today in Hobby Lobby. It was a random conversation over scrapbook paper. I mentioned how everything is so expensive under this administration WRONG THING TO SAY…long story short…they are Dems and don’t think it has anything to do with his policies. I mentioned his dementia, “well he’s old, but Trump has dementia too.” They like Kamala and think she’s done a great job, they also like Newsom. 🤮 The J6’ers deserve “life in Prison”. According to them, along with breaking windows, they defecated all over the halls of Congress. (Never heard that one before.) and also people were killed. They only went there because of Trump telling them to FIGHT. I asked them about JFK, Jr, “He’s a NUT.” They also don’t like Trump because of the “grab them by the…”. I forgot to ask them about their guy raping Tara Reid when he was a Senator. This all came out as we were talking. They were surprised they could talk to a conservative. I mostly just listened, other than to interject comments, because they weren’t going to believe anything I said. Oh, and Trump is a Dictator, because he said he was going to be one once he’s elected and he’s going to take over the country and deport everyone who isn’t White. (They were White.) They also didn’t think illegal aliens are committing any crime…they’re just here to work.

They both shook their heads in horror about even watching any of the RNC convention. I ended with saying I liked cheap gas and my IRA was doing great under Trump and I didn’t care what he did in his personal life. ( Hindsight…missed the opportunity to bring up Clinton and Monica, et al.)

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They have been so brainwashed by CNN, they no longer have a belief of their own. Robots do as they’re programmed. It’s all coming together for me and it’s actually very sad to watch. My own parents & sister speak exactly like those Hobby Lobby ladies. I’m the ostracized crazy one though. 🙄

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In all my years, I've never harbored true hatred for anyone. Sure, there've been actions I've disagreed with, but the venom directed towards Trump is beyond comprehension. When did it become acceptable to demonize someone you've never even met? As for Biden, I've never uttered a hateful word. But what about the deceptions of the left? Is it OK for them to lie about Biden being in great shape and perfect health? Harris being close to him and lying constantly? How can we trust anything that comes from the Democrats when they've lied to us repeatedly? What does the future hold if they remain in power? This intricate system surpasses anything I have encountered, leaving me with a reluctance to engage with my family’s posts that evokes anxiety. I long to intervene and advise my sister-in-law, yet the fear of judgment and internal conflict hinders me from speaking out. It’s better for me to keep my mouth shut and stay away from all of it.

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I wish that I could post what my sister-in-law and cousin have been posting about Trump! It is some of the most disgusting things I have ever read. They are calling him a racist, a Jew hater, a white supremacist, and a dictator. And that’s not even a complete list. They are making fun of his assassination attempt and his ear. I am so ashamed of those two people that I can’t even describe how I feel. I don’t know what’s wrong with people that they think this stuff is funny and they have to try and make a point. They are calling for him to have neurological tests etc since they claim that he is more unstable than Biden ever was. My sister-in-law posts negative things about Trump every single day on her Facebook. I know my brother feels the same way but he doesn’t post because he has a big job with Boeing. They are all posting now that they’re going to back Harris. God help us all if she even comes close to winning.

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They hate Trump - irrationally - so much that they can’t help talking about him. It’s so sad, but funny.

I’m sorry that it’s your own family. I had to block my own sister because of the vile comments.

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I am the “black sheep” of the family who still is all in the very liberal part of California because of my refusal to “just go with what the democrats say.” No matter what fact and evidence you have to prove that what they say is 100% false- they refuse to see it with their own eyes. It truly is frightening.

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The one lady mentioned her neighbor is a Republican, she said she was afraid of him. Apparently the neighbor gives his big dog chew toys and calls them all “Biden”and instructions the dog to “ kill it”. Crazy stuff like this is what’s dividing everyone.

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Oh good grief. The dog is probably a Pomeranian. They lie and exaggerate so much they can no longer tell the truth. Scared of a Republican neighbor. 😂

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It definitely is all about the emotion. No facts.

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As a retired counselor, I find the lies and deception we’ve witnessed in the past few years tragic and confounding. I noticed the narratives they put out there when they first put an incompetent man in office. One elder woman is facing a prison sentence now because she decided to pray for her country on January 6. People operate based on what they believe, so the narrative they created had to be convincing. Then they brought the military into the nation’s capital based on lies. They demonize conservatives while covering up immense corruption. It’s been a huge demonstration of how gaslighting works, and how creating propaganda is used to try to grab more power and control. They take Trump’s words out of context and the kangaroo court we witnessed was a disgrace. The list is endless. He’s not perfect but he has the guts to stand up to corruption and he actually cares about the people of this country. Desperate people lie and distort the truth. You are right about so much. I’m sad that people can’t have a respectful discussion these days about policies. It’s become about the image they portray and the lies they spew…character assassins.

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Spot on Susan. All we can do at this is pray God opens eyes and hearts.

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I agree. Praying for sure.

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I would think you had to be making an encounter like this up but I believe it 100% because my boyfriend just told me about a conversation he had with his white, liberal female neighbor and it is pretty much identical to your story. Horrifying. Do you think these are all the msnbc viewers? It’s mind boggling and scary as hell that they vote.

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Nicole, I could tell you give more stories along the same vein. My new neighbor told me “Trump is a Nazi and the Antichrist. We learned it at church, it’s in Revelation.“ I didn’t want to go there, but I SO wanted to ask her what church she attended. 😳

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Renee, if you want to mess with your neighbor, let them know that in the Bible, the book of Leviticus, the concept of blood on the right ear serves as a visible mark of consecration, signifying that the person is dedicated to God's service and has been set apart for a specific purpose. In other words, Trump has been marked by God. ;-)

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Also, don’t they care that Kamala has slept her way to the top? Or are they willing to overlook that?

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They overlook just about everything and have for generations. Trump is a threat to the globalist agenda and they would put a chimpanzee front and center and the Dems would vote for it. It blows my mind they’ve told us with a straight face Biden is the greatest president in history and 100% competent. They have been purposely destroying our pineal gland to disconnect us from the higher world. The pineal gland is the most sensitive part of our central nervous system. It is highly sensitive to four things - aluminum, glyphosate, fluoride, and Wi-Fi. They are saturating us with those and dumbing us down.

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Wow. What an experience at Hobby Lobby. This is the frightening and irrational mentality of the left.

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I am a moderate republican who will vote for Trump. I am able to see his flaws, and am embarrassed and annoyed by how he sometimes behaved while president, but his economic and global policies are in line with my beliefs.

The crazy behavior of the democratic leadership makes my head spin - I don’t know how anyone can support Kamala with a straight face!

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And to be fair, the only power a president has during their short term is in economic and global policy. I'm an anti-war 3rd party voter coming to realize that the only president who did not start a new conflict in my lifetime had been Trump. Allowing that reality to set in and overcoming my bias against him has been quite revealing and humbling. I want to deescalate WW3 and I want a strong solid economy. Trump's goals in that realm align with mine.

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Just think of all the money that’s been wasted on these endless wars. We could have rebuilt our country.

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I have and that's why I've been voting for Jill Stein since 2012.

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Because our beliefs lead us to believe that we CANNOT have Trump in office.

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Why? What did he do first go around that makes everyone so afraid of Trump ?? Honestly need to know this .

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SCOTUS, His hateful rhetoric gave racists the belief that what they used to conceal was ok to say out loud and act on it, no common sense gun laws, JAN 6, not denouncing nazis ( good people on both sides) giving tax breaks to the wealthy, and the amount of debt he put us in. Just to name some things.

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I can’t with this regurgitated left rhetoric. You are not saying anything that hasn’t been said ( and in some cases disproved ) before . It’s sad that your beliefs are based on lies and propaganda. Do some research please …

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Don’t ask me honestly a question and then criticize it. It’s not rhetoric. Do you honestly think that we don’t research our candidates?

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Yes I do

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Please state what hasn't been proved.

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Everything you just said was total BS. Stop watching The View.

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I work. I don’t watch daytime tv unless I catch a glimpse in a patients room 😉 thanks though

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Melanie even Snopes has admitted he never said good people on both sides. That was edited to make it sound like he was supporting Nazis. You really might want to start doing some research into all the lies you believe. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-very-fine-people/

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“Trump had put neo-Nazis and counterprotesters on the "same moral plane."

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Actually you didn’t read the whole article. They explained he did NOT put them on the same plane. Seriously Melanie, how hard is it to read instead of cherry picking.

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Agreed. SCOTUS, Jan 6, grab her by the p***, oh God, I find him disgusting. I'm independent and I find Trump too deranged and dangerous to even consider voting for him. Biden is terrible, too, but after all the shit Trump put us through, after all his nonsensical rants, trying to overturn the election and his pathetic and absurd behavior I cannot believe there are people openly supporting this man and wanting him to become POTUS.

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Jan 6

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What exactly is his economic policy? I've never heard him talk about it in any sensible terms. He still doesn't understand that increasing tariffs increases inflation.

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When I read comments such as these, it makes me sad. I have seen the craziness of this since the Michael Brown "incident". I live in St. Louis and watched the riots break out and so many minority owned small businesses put out of business in Ferguson. The people pushing this nonsense never tried to help these business owners. They were collateral damage to them. Just like all the businesses bankrupt by further riots and Antifa. No one cared that Brown had held up a convenience store, nor that his hands were never raised in the infamous "hands up, don't shoot". People just wanted to hate and, sadly, they were being used by a higher authority. Between then and now there have been more and more of this deception. My eyes have been open since Michael Brown and I have questioned everything from George Floyd to pandemic to January 6th. I have 5 kids and 4 are adult age now. I have brought them up to be critical thinkers. Not Republican or Democrats. Think responsibly and you will find yourself on the right side of history every time. It may not always be the popular thought process but you sleep well at night. My family is together now for some R&R and it is wonderful to watch them dissect all the news coming in on the media. I have introduced them to many of my substack follows and podcasts and they have introduced me to what they follow. (my daughter introduced me to House Inhabit, which I am very grateful). Jessica, would love to see you in the Midwest sometime talking to the flyover state patriots. There is a reason that Vance is popular - he is a voice for many who are overlooked.

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Thank you, Stephanie. I would love to meet you and all the other patriots in the Midwest at some point before November. X

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Can you make it near Omaha?😉😉😉

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Anytime! I am a huge St Louis fan and would love to show you the history and beauty of the Midwest!

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Hi Stephanie, I’m in STL too, & love our city. Although it can be difficult at times living in a blue county, fortunately MO always is a red state. 👍❤️. I’m located just south of LaDue & have to admit there are a lot of Trump fans.

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I can't express in words how exhausted I am with idealogical possession - no matter what "brand" it flies under.

I appreciate your level-headed analysis and interesting content. It's so refreshing. Thank you.

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I agree!

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Nobody is shocked about Biden drooping out as Biden has been unfit for years. But if he’s unfit to run for a second term, that means he’s unwell to remain the leader of the free world. We as Americans and who pay their salaries are owed more than this.

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That Biden should step down right now from not just the candidacy but from the presidency as well makes sense if he is unfit. However, that would turn Kamala into president instantly, then she would run as incumbent, utilizing all the resources & power of the Oval Office. I don’t see that happening unless Biden dies and they have no way of concealing his demise.

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We don’t have concrete facts. He could be recovering fine from Covid but not be able to speak to the nation. He could barely do it at the debate when he had a cold. Have you had Covid before? Sometimes, that cough gets you. And you have no voice

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Melanie, you are exactly who the Democratic Party targets and takes advantage of. You should demand and question more. They are playing you for a fool.

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I see Lindsey Shaw deleted her comments. Hmmmmm.

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I don’t feel in any way taken advantage of. Why should I? In what way

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Jul 22
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Aw I see. You’re mad you can’t kill your baby in some states. That baby has its own body. Another brainwashed woman who repeats the lies. And yes, call me mean again. It’s way more demonic to murder.

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Jul 22
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Not I. I’m a good, God fearing woman. Anyone who writes things like this to someone needs to take a hard look within themselves.

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Nope. I’ll be with Jesus. I pray you seek Him before it’s too late. I’d hate to see anyone willingly go to hell.

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I wasn’t the first term with Trump. I go by actions. Not fairytales and false media statements. Facts over feelings

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Melanie, I have read all your comments on this thread supporting the fact that Biden is ill and not up to being in front of the camera. And typically, I would agree. So what are your thoughts with his call into Kamala yesterday. His voice sounded stronger than he has in a year. If he was able to be that pleasant (almost joyful) and coherent then, why do you suppose he could do a 3min recoding on video? The two scenarios just do not coincide. Thoughts?

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Then who called in yesterday to endorse Kamala? And why did that person sound so well? Why didn’t Biden do a video call yesterday?

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I guess you missed his DR’s statement today.

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Agreed!! and well said!

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Kamala is one of the most unlikeable candidates in recent memory- but how can they skip over the “first female, black” VP- in theory it fits all there bingo cards. Who is gonna want to be her running mate? Whitmire, Shapiro, and Newsom all have Presidential aspirations of their own- they won’t want to sully their name/brand with a loss that is possibly astronomical. Kelly might be a good pick- but with polls showing they are gonna lose the senate why risk narrowing your side? It’s utter chaos. It’s also bizarre that Biden hasn’t been seen- I don’t think he is dead- but did something happen to make him even more frail? If he resigns then that’s an admission that the Dems have been lying all along. Hardcore Dems might not care, but independents I don’t think will share that sentiment.

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What’s really gross is all the brainwashed dems now posting “I’m with her” when those specific people happen to be the ones she locked up in California. They are too brainwashed to vote party lines to remember how she screwed up their own families.

Already unfriended people and she’s not even officially running yet

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My cousin posted today “maybe there’s hope after all” sorry but WTH???!!!! Some of these people are so brainwashed (or brain dead) that they will vote for anyone except Trump. Our country is going to hell in a hand basket and these people are along for the ride. It’s mind boggling!!!

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My mom texted me Trump DESERVED what he got because he’s a bully. This is also someone who lives in CONSTANT panic of mass shootings and guns.

I just can’t imagine celebrating the assassination attempt of any president. This is what the media has done to people. 🤯

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I was always taught to respect the office of the president, and I still do regardless of who it is and if I agree with them. I would never wish for anyone to be shot or assassinated. This is America for heaven’s sake, not a 3rd world country. We have to maintain decency or we become just like them.

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Biden exit announcement was very "burger" from SATC lol. Kamala can't be their pick. By mid August they will have a new ticket lined up

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Yep. The modern day equivalent of a post it note

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This is all just BANANAS!!! Love your coverage so so much.

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Kamala (IMO) will not be their choice. If she is. If she wins…soooo much corruption. I truly believe the Bidens wanted more money before he stepped aside with a note. Strange way to step down as president. Covid or not.

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If she wins- they cheated. Plain & simple.

Hell- if anyone other than Trump wins- they cheated. And even more obviously than they did in 2020

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Wow. Talk about delusional

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Polls mean nothing. Polls said Hillary was going to beat Trump in 2016. And while she did win the popular vote, that’s not how it works.

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You are delusional.

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Jul 22
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I’m going to call out stupidity and delusion when I see it. Jesus did the very same thing. Thanks for caring enough to read my profile.

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So you truly believe Harris will beat Trump? He’s 11 points up today. If you say yes, you’re delusional.

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@melanie- why yes- that’s exactly how I’d describe you.


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If anyone wins but trump, they cheated. That is wild that you actually think that way

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This may sound really out there but it's possible he is dead.

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I’m def getting those theories in my texts

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At this point, nothing sounds out there.

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I’ve been saying this was coming after the attempt on Pres. Trump.

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Biden was seen (on all news channels) yesterday 23rd July.

You people with your weird theories are crazy! And Jessica Reed Krause is cashing in by stoking the fires.

Please God Kamala Harris wins the election.

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What God are you praying to? Jesus doesn’t approve of murdering His children.

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I hope this isn't true. Killing these men, Trump or Biden, is not a good sign for the future.

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I didn't say anyone killed him. He may have just passed away.

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They, they, they... This is horrible reporting. You never say who, who, who. Like who are you referring to when you say: "Word is the Bidens were stalling because they were demanding lots and lots of money, immunity for Hunter, and all kinds of other over the top stipulations that brought negotiations to a halt." Whose word? Who are they allegedly negotiating with? This is ridiculous. And of course, it's been understood he was going to drop out as soon as it was all set for smooth sailing because, you know what, that what good leaders do: they make sure things flow properly so that operations can continue as smoothly as possible. And you want to call it gaslighting? Girl? You must not know the meaning of the word! And to use it with regard to the left when the right has been doing nothing but gaslighting. This article is trash. I can't recall why I started to follow you or where I learned of your substance, but definitely not doing a paid subscription and unfollowing right about: now!

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Take a deep breath Tina. Farewell 🫡

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Why are liberals so unhinged. Just see yourself out. No need to show your true colors.

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So funny! We all know that "Tina" isn't going anywhere. As usual, they alway threaten, but never actually do anything. I'm still waiting for all the big mouth lowIQ "celebs" to leave the country!

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This is my biggest pet peeve on social media! They should just go, I don’t need the announcement…. And they should denounce their citizenship so they can’t vote.

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Those types are just narcissistic to think someone cares.

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Your reaction to this article is wild to me!. You seem to have an unwillingness to take a look behind the curtain. Your strong reaction tells me that you have done no research and you are just regurgitating the typical ideas you have been forced fed by the media outlets that tell you how to think and what to feel. You came here to attack an independent journalist and trash her work, with no research of your own and with an unwillingness to critically think. Does it not register with you how devious the machinations of this bait & switch really are? The voters in the Primary (who voted for Biden) should at least recognize that their votes never mattered in the 1st place. That, in and of itself, should at the very least give you some pause before you just scream in the wind about contrasting opinions to yours! I wish you well today as you watch MSNBC and gather more incendiary and foolish talking points to scream at the next person you find that disagrees with your myopic point of view.

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You’re missing the point here. Biden and the government work for us! We are owed more than some note on him resigning. This isn’t some job at the grocery store, it’s the free world. We are owed an explanation in full and it’s obvious the Democratic Party has lied to us for years about his condition. This could be one of the biggest scandals in American history.

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Agreed 100%. Politicians seem to forget they are public SERVANTS, that we literally are their bosses and they work for us. We demand answers and want to know who is running our country now. The fact that some people seem not to give a crap is mind boggling to me. How are they going to feel when ALL of their rights are taken away and we are invaded? Will they be defending the country or agreeing? Mind is blown.

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It’s the gaslight of the 21st century, as well as Covid - all a sham and a scam!

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This has been giving me Covid flashbacks with all the “expert” information the media is feeding us that goes against what we already knew.

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Switch off MSM especially CNN, they are all the propaganda arm of the Democrats. Whatever they have feed us the last 40 years has been a massive lie, we have got to take our country back. We have got to do it in November

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He’s not resigning, he’s not accepting the nomination. Which is what everyone and their brother has been saying he should do since the debate. Why is everyone shook that he listened?

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I’m not “shook” that he wrote in a tweet that he’s not running for president, it’s the entire past 2-3 weeks since the debate. We’ve been gaslighted by Joe, Jill, the left, the media, all saying he just had a bad night. Then the rumors began, but some still supported him, while others said he should not run. Joe himself said he was running late last week. Then on Sunday, he writes a letter - not on Presidential letterhead - plus not having the balls to face the nation in person.

That you all on the left cannot or choose not to see what we & Jessica, specifically, are saying is perplexing. How do you refuse to see it? Or are you just trolling? It makes zero sense.

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PedoJoe is deathly ill. According to LauraLoomer (I'll take her reports over anyone else... as do the MSM and others, who are known to steal her items w/no credit given), Kamala is on her way today to Delaware to console his staff. A month ago, PedoJoe had a medical incident on AFOne (only NOW being reported) and today his VP is on her way to his home to console his STAFF!?!? PUH-LEEEZE! She's there to pay her last respects. Will having a State Funeral delay the election!?!?

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Who said he didn’t have a bad night?

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Re-read please. They all said he had a bad debate night. Geez.

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I mean, I’m glad he listened. I guess for me what I don’t understand is why post something on X? If he has a bad cough why not wait until he can speak to the nation. An incumbent president bowing out of a reelection 100 days before the election is really, really big news. I can’t imagine this type of thing happening without the candidate themselves speaking to a camera. It’s mind-boggling to me to be honest.

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I don’t think there was any right or wrong way to do it if he’s sick. The quicker we can figure out the next nominee, the better. Would it have been 100 times better if he did it in a press conference or something? Yes! But who knows how long until he can do that in person

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In his call to Kamala he sounded just great . Really great actually for having Covid … really great for addressing the nation as well . Wonder why he hasn’t? No cough, no stutter, really no sounds of sickness at all . 🤔

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I’m not sure that was him. The voice was actually coherent, no stuttering, faster speech than what we’ve seen live from him. Something is very off about this entire situation.

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Then he should address the nation if he’s feeling up to it. No excuses. Everyone deserves to hear from him and not just a letter and social media post.

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You don't feel there is a right or wrong way for a President to resign???? I can tell you my president or VP from the company I work would have never resigned in this matter and that is not the "leader of the free world". Would your boss be happy if you texted him your resignation???? (Even if sick, trusted family and staff can make sure professional protocol is set in place.)

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HES NOT RESIGNING 👏🏻! He’s still President until January.

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He is not ‘sick’. He is on day seven of Covid that started out mild. We’ve all gone to work w a mild cold; and now the experts say you can do the same w Covid.

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I literally said now that he called In and spoke with Kamala, that he needs to address the nation face to face

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Do you not know how to read? Maybe you should reread the article. Dont let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya! Laters Tina.

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Buh byeeeeee

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The belief that Kamala protects our "democracy" is absolutely insane. People already posting, "I'm with HER." OH yeah? Do you even KNOW what she's capable of or has been capable of? No. It's trendy to wear a string of pearls along with Chuck Taylors. She's been in on this plan for 4, or maybe even longer, years! She is the far left elite that I cannot stand and I cannot have a conversation with because "they" (far left) are so determined to be right and fight for a bag of shit!

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you said

"we are finally unburdened by what has been"

and I couldn't keep reading because of my tucker chuckle.

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We, all Americans, are certainly living through extraordinary, and yes, reckless times. When emotions are so high (on both sides) I like to try and step back, aim for the kind of objectivity usually afforded by time and space. When I do that here, well, what we are experiencing is truly fascinating. The ugliness, (assassination attempt), the challenge to norms (pressuring Biden to step down and Jan 6), voters' confusion and undemocratic polarization. This fascination should inspire an effort by all of us to deeper understanding. We should all be humbled, regardless of POV. And I must add, for you to say this is a coup is a misunderstanding. How could a president coup d'etat him- or her-self? And those calling for Biden to step down (both sides) didn't take the presidency away; Biden chose to pull out of the race. You also state there is nothing noble about this. Step back, look at the man's life. It sure looks like pure humility; to realize he's hurting the cause and people he's dedicated his entire life to, and put aside ego and ambition to allow someone else to try and preserve what he believes is right. It's rarely been done, and Biden should be applauded for it, even by all who disagree with the direction he has been taking the country. Can we all not summon our objectivity enough to see humility when it's on full display?

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He was showing signs of cognitive decline YEARS ago. It isn’t noble to “step down” when you are basically on death’s door. He maintained that he was not leaving, that he was in it for the long haul until days before he suddenly, and without address to the country, pulled out with a note that wasn’t on official letterhead and with a signature that doesn’t match his usual one. Then he is unseen for several days. There is literally nothing brave or heroic or America-first about the way this was handled. And the fact that you’re fine with it speaks volumes to the conditioning via mainstream media over the years. Whether you can see it or not.

Don’t you question why the media were all pro-Biden and clutching their pearls at the thought of anyone suggesting Biden’s decline and then in an instant they’re all on board with him stepping aside and pro-Kamala? Look at how Jill Biden, elder abuser, spoke to the President after the debate. “Oh my gosh WELL DONE, JOE! You answered all the questions!”

Expect more from your President, guys!

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I don't agree with some of what you say here. We all show some decline as we age. Biden certainly isn't at death's door. Anyone who has nursed a loved one as they decline and die can see that. Some degree of diminished capacity doesn't make someone worthless.

Reagan didn't step down when he was showing signs of dementia. His white house staff and wife protected him beyond anything that's happened with Biden.

Trump is making more verbal and mental slip ups than he used to. And he's never been super-articulate to begin with.

Stepping down from the Presidency was a noble act. The man wanted this his entire life, and stepped down when he didn't have to. Regardless of one's political views, that's courageous and demonstrates humility- one of the most difficult values to manifest.

I am a long way from being a creature of mainstream media. I watch and listen to Fox, NPR, Newsmax, MSNBC, Al Jazeera, BBC, and OAN at times. Read the New Republic, the Economist, and the Nation. It's not that hard to spot bias in the media. It is present in most news programs. Most of it is leaving something out to not offend an advertiser, or employer, and yes, a constituency. But that doesn't mean all the media are equally biased. Some are better than others, and it's worth the effort to pay attention and understand the bias one is listening to. That's how you have a chance to sort to the truth. My background is in philosophy. I taught logic and critical thinking. I do not believe it's helpful to name-call or get excited. I can respect someone's right to have an opinion, and recognize that not all opinions are based on good evidence and logic.

This is one of the reasons I am enjoying Substack. It's a forum to argue- in the philosophical sense this means a discussion to discover the truth.

If one's mind is made up to the point it can't be changed, there's no need to discuss. Just be aware such single-mindedness exposes one to manipulation by those without scruples who want to take advantage of such blind faith. Keep up the discussion!

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Thanks for responding with respect. I am definitely open to having discussions with people from all walks of life.

I agree that we certainly decline as we age, and have value the whole way. But poor Biden has showed signs of ageing for many years and seems to have aged exponentially over the last few years. I feel that Jill and others who have benefitted from his position have held him there much, much longer than was good for the country and the western world. It would have been noble to stand down at the first sign of cognitive decline, rather than selfishly staying on because, as you said, he really wanted to be there.

When I say his decline has been exponential,

I’m referring to things like his gait, the t-Rex walk he has going on with his poor hands out in front, needing to be assisted to walk down 1-2 steps. As many gaffes as Trump may make, he clearly and steadily strode off that debate stage without a handler.

It was overdue that he stepped down.

I’d love to ask, and I hope you’re willing to continue the conversation because it’s a genuine question; what has Biden achieved in his term?

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Good responses and questions. I still am not convinced that the decline meant he wasn't capable of running the country. Physical decline does not always mean mental decline.

I have an 85 year old friend who is very intelligent and sharp as ever. Ornery as hell, but very practical yet nuanced in her understanding of issues and people. Over the last year and a half she's having some physical limitations. Now uses a ski pole for a cane to get around, tires more easily, and her kidneys are slowly failing. But in that same time period no detectable mental decline. And her legendary powers of observation are intact.

Even some people who have a hard time finding the right word are still capable of high level mental processing. I believe Biden demonstrated this after the NATO summit. His speech demonstrated a nuanced and clear understanding of complicated geo-political issues. Of course, that's been his expertise his entire career.

As for Jill, I don't really understand the focus on her. Sure, her husband consults her on important things in their lives-same as I do with my wife. And it's likely she wants to protect him. I just don't want to extend the blame for anything Joe does to her, just as, if I took a course of action based on discussions and influence from my wife, and I was wrong, I wouldn't blame her.

As for Biden's accomplishments, like all leaders, same as for all of us, there are successes and things that are less successful. I shy away from the word 'failures', as I believe failures are opportunities to learn and do better. The sign of a successful life, and a good leader, is being able to learn from mistakes and overcome them.

Still, your question is a good one, as it makes me (provides me opportunity) to examine Biden's record. We all hear about and have in our heads things we count as positives and negatives for each administration, but rarely attempt a comprehensive understanding of what comes ready-to-mind.

Here's some things to look at for Biden: Remember he inherited a country in the middle of a pandemic, which economy was in freefall. 9.7 million people out of work. This presented tremendous challenges, but also tremendous opportunities.

American Rescue Plan- payments to low/medium income households, extending unemployment benefits (Unemployment is likely the best way to boost an economy; keeps people from going hungry/homeless, and the money turns over on average 6x, more than any other stimulus). Loans for small business and education for retraining. Was it all perfect? No. But a big stimulus and temporary aid with so many out of work is what was needed, and any large program like that is going to have some issues, like dishonest people taking advantage. But the plan largely worked, and in the process sped up a recalibrating of the economy.

Bipartisan Infrastructure bill - money for roads, bridges, transportation, broadband, power infrastructure and clean drinking water- all things way overdue that will provide economic and health benefits for decades. (Trump also expanded broadband access, but in general did not invest in infrastructure.)

First gun safety reform in 30 years- though not everyone supports gun law reform, the majority of Americans do, so we could categorize this as democratic/populist.

CHIPS - important manufacturing in the US, funded largely by foreign money, and boosts national security

Build Back Better - $369 billion for a climate initiative to reduce greenhouse emissions and promote lean energy technologies.

 $300 billion in new revenue through a corporate tax increase.

 $80 billion for the Internal Revenue Service to hire new agents, modernize its technology, audit the wealthy and more.

 A $2,000 annual cap for out-of-pocket prescription drug costs for those insured by Medicare.

Strengthened NATO- regardless of one's position on Ukraine, Putin, or Russia, this was a notable diplomatic accomplishment. Not all Biden's foreign policy actions have been successful (Afghanistan, Israel) but this was something it's hard to imagine any of the last 3-4 administrations accomplishing.

The Budget Deficit- here's a comparison, per The Committee For A Responsible Federal Budget- a nonpartisan group founded by a republican and a democrat.

"The national debt is on course to reach a record share of the economy under the next presidential administration, due in part to policies approved by Presidents Trump and Biden during their time in office, including executive actions and legislation passed by Congress."

• President Trump approved $8.4 trillion of new ten-year borrowing during his full term in office, or $4.8 trillion excluding the CARES Act and other COVID relief.

• President Biden, in his first three years and five months in office, approved $4.3 trillion of new ten-year borrowing, or $2.2 trillion excluding the American Rescue Plan.

• President Trump approved $8.8 trillion of gross new borrowing and $443 billion of deficit reduction during his full presidential term.

• President Biden has so far approved $6.2 trillion of gross new borrowing and $1.9 trillion of deficit reduction.

This is a start. Love to hear your thoughts!

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Hi Pete! Apologies for my delayed response, I didn’t get a notification that you had responded. I want to respond but will do so when I have a sec to do so properly (currently at work doing two roles at once!).

Thanks for your patience!

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Excellent work

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I didn’t vote for DJT in 2016 but I did in 2020 because he didn’t try and mandate me to take a medically experimental shot. This will also be my reason for voting for him in 2024. I hope there’s room for rfk jr in his cabinet. I’m a lifelong independent just for reference.

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Love this and I agree on rfk jr, still bummed he’s not trumps vp but hopeful with Vance and I like him more now that I’ve learned more. If anyone watched Biden in that video where he promised a winter of sickness and death during Covid and didn’t have a problem with it, I have no idea what goes on in the mind of someone like that. That’s dictator status, pure evil, and demonic which is what this fight is all about—good and evil.

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