Give me a break. He's basically a Bernie Sanders socialist. He's anti cop and so far to the left. Mask up Minnesota....what a bunch of crap. And don't get me started on him "protecting" young kids that think they want to transition...another load of shit. I am so fed up with these 'woke' assholes. Polls don't mean anything....people lied about voting for Trump when he was up against Hillary....they'll lie again to protect themselves against the left haters.

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You got to be sum kind of stupid to want four mores years of this crap. Plus, he’s just a VP. He’ll do as he is told.

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As will she. We know she's not running the show.

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Really? Who is?

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It's a secret. We're not allowed to know. Stop asking questions or you go on the list.

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I thought you gave me the last word but you keep running on. And try saying something pertinent.

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You’ll have to continue being fed up, I’m afraid. 🤷‍♀️ Tim and Kamala are about to sweep this election handily.

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KW- we all just wanna’ keep being fed!

Bread crumbs and water droplets don’t make for stamina- especially when the lines are long. Freedom or the big C is our choice.

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We could get cancer? Really? I’m a nurse. BIG C means one thing only.

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There’s a new disease in town.


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I’m not sure what you’re trying to say.

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The only way those two win is by cheating. Again.

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Feel the Bern baby!

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I mean it’s hard to know right?

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As a lifelong resident of Minnesota I’m finding this article hard to swallow. Was any research done at all to write this. Walz if so far left that he believes in socialism. Our education numbers have dropped continuously since he was in office. He spent a 18 billion dollar tax surplus. No refunds that he promised. No one outside of the twin cities likes him or trusts him. For good reason. He refers to them as rocks and cow people.

He allowed 248 million in corruption in the Feeding Our Children Fund.

No money went to feeding a child. The courts cases still continue. Yet Walz hasn’t fired one person.

Allowing children to get trans surgery without their parents permission is unbelievably allowed.

He did not serve in the army. He dropped out when he heard he was being assigned to Iraq.

The list goes on and on. He put elderly people in nursing homes with Covid to die alone.

I hope people take the time to research everything about this guy.

Why he has gone to China 30 times.

He is a bloviating idiot. God help us all.

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I agree as a fellow Minnesotan!

Read this https://www.startribune.com/goodbye-minnesota/600277235

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Tampon Tim ended his military service shamefully by quitting immediately after his battalion received orders they were being mobilized for active duty deployment to Iraq.


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He turned in his notice of retirement 6 months prior to it being announced they were going to be needed. He served 24 years. He could have retired at 20 yrs.

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Why do you think that those who served with him and went to war honoring their oath feel betrayed? The link I shared is to a post with a letter from those who previously served with Tampon Tim and do not see it as you do, Karen.

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Okay, they can feel how they want. However, his retirement was put in and approved before his battalion was notified of deployment. No need to call me a Karen for stating a fact.

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He had already retired at 20 years. He re-enlisted after 9/11 for another 6 years, but left early when he found out his unit was deploying.

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Cite a reference please. Not a right wing rag or an editorial.

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Even the headline says: JD Vance accuses Walz….when you need to stoop to the level of J D Vance says…, your argument has less than zero value. In fact, it actually negates any other sense you might have accidentally made!

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He spoke with men who were supposed to have gone to Iraq with Timmy, but Timmy left. Timmy claims to have carried a "weapon of war" but didn't.

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Oh yes..the Vets in pod casts and YouTube subscribes are coming out in numbers calling him out for stolen Valor when he ranted about carrying a weapon in war zones. All of the things I despise about WOKE agenda is what this man stands for. One additional thought..the way Harris is hiding behind him makes me think if she is elected she is going to be slid aside somehow and he will become our President. He is overly ambitious and oozes of power hunger.

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Where did you hear that. My news feeds shows only delighted people!

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Go to bed, Sally. It’s way past your bedtime.

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This is not true. The Republican disinformation campaign has already gone into I high gear-and it duped you. For shame!

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Disinformation campaign??? I think its insane how people can look at the entire world erupting into wars, US economy tanking, we can barely afford groceries or gas, men needing tampons, etc... and be like "hell yes, I'm voting for 4 more years of that"

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Thank you for this. Can confirm, 10/10 the worst. Walz is right up there with all the other Covid dictators of 2020. Don’t let his nice guy former teacher attitude fool you. “Mask up Minnesota” was his slogan. Check out the maps of votes when he was elected; concentrated areas with highly liberal cities included. He cares more about all the woke agendas than anything else; a puppet. Here’s a great recent article by the Star Tribune from 7/25 which is a newspaper in the Twin Cities.


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Mask up Minnesota was great advice. It kept you alive. Your dismissal of common sense says way more about you than it does about this man .

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How did it keep me alive if I never wore one? Your refusal to accept reality is laughable at this point. Look into Fauci being questioned; spoiler—he lied, made it all up.

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Don't waste your time with Sally, Brittany. Or others like her. Their minds will never be changed as they do not want to admit they were duped. Hell, Sally is probably one of the ones who wore a mask alone in her car.

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Her cognitive dissonance is sadly common among many that took the 💉☠️💉

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You sound selfish af.

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I find your cognitive dissonance to be remarkable also. I also find your general concern for yourself only to be a very bad thing for humanity.

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What's bad for humanity is the last 4 years.

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Hooray - you got the last word. You must feel so satisfied.

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Yeah I’m done 😂 my thoughts exactly

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Jamie and Brittany - you guys are truly beyond. Why are you so angry?

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Who’s angry?

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You. Clearly.

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Asking questions that you won’t answer. You just post clown emojis.

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My thoughts exactly-about you. At first I didn’t realize whose Substack I was writing on -or I’d never have written anything.

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The Democrats lied. Dr Fauci lied. It was the gaslight of the 21st century. It’s enough now, time to put American RIGHT do it in November it’s our last chance!

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Aug 7
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Didn't he try to stop flights from Chyyyyynnnna and get called "racist?" Tucker Carlson was all over this months before mainstream and was mocked. I question your facts.

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Fauci produced the biggest theatrical prop of the ages … a mask that was for life BEYOND the stages- germ invested- humanity hiding- panic inducing-

ladies and gents…


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Yip Dr Fauci became our unelected bureaucrat who ran our country. He lied and lied every time he opened his mouth. The draconian measures taken around vaccines the mandates etc was totally unAmerican, the feeing vac hadn’t been tested properly - We were mad to follow these lunatics.

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Fauci helped fund the pandemic which originated from a lab in China! My beautiful son had to go to preschool wearing a full face mask. He was three years old. I eventually took him out and that’s the last time he wore a damn mask! I never got vaccinated but my sister who was fully vaccinated and had the booster died alone in a hospital basement!

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I’m sorry for your loss🥲

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I am sorry about your sister. That is sad.

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Because enough people wore them -and kept the distance to protect YOU. You see it is about people caring about OTHERS to act communally.

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🤣😂🤣 the powered that be have ALL admitted under questioning that masks do NOT work. But hey, you do you; just don’t push it on rational people

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I was about to post this too. Even her "GOD/Hero" Fauci has admitted there was NO basis for using masks! There is more evidence of the harm masking caused (particularly to children) than evidence of actual good.

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Jamie - they absolutely fucking worked to protect the healthcare workers life myself and Sally who would have unfortunately had to care for your should you have ended up in the hospital. The thing about science is that as knowledge evolves so does policy. People who shit on Fauci and the response to Covid don’t seem to understand basic science which is that we didn’t know everything upfront - we had to learn and adjust as things played out. Did you take high school science?

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Masks do work-not as well as other measures, but I also got no colds . And I sneeze a lot ( hay fever) and removing a mask could see everything that I would have spewed into the atmosphere. Do they do work on some level. Also being a nurse had to mask up a lot-they worked in the hospital as well.

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God what planet is she on - probably still masked up today.

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Per her profile, Sally is:

74 year old retired RN. Native Californian, raised in the Bay Area, now living in West Sacramento. Raised and still am a Democrat, raised Methodist, now an atheist and a cat lover.

Shocker, right?

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No, I’m not. But I am an oldster-75 and I do mask up on planes. Masking during COVID also kept me from getting any colds -and I liked that!

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I think they are telling people to still mask up, especially when driving alone. We better tell Sally. 😉

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Holy shit! I didn't really think there were still people like you left. Who will be the last holdout, clinging to their precious face diaper to save them from the scary, scolding those who go about living their normal lives? Will it be you Sally?

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Wow, your cynicism is amazing. I didn’t know there were still people like you around!

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No, he did not. Fauci is an actual hero.

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Fauci had to work under an administration where the president didn’t understand science and asked if bleach could be put into people’s veins. Remember that?

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So the man studying science since the 60s didn’t know better and that’s excused but the president who trusted the scientists professional guidance is to blame? 2020s tagline was not ‘trust the president’. Do you remember that?

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He was talking about blue light and you know it. He did not mean actual bleach. Your TDS is strong.

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OMG…STOP WITH THE BLEACH LIE! It has been debunked long ago!!! Catch up!

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The fuck he is.

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You have a kind heart according to your profile but your comments on this thread, and frankly all the other conservatives comments, are unhinged and rude. Your cousin a cardiologist hates nurses? Cool. You guys are all appalling in your comments. And should be embarassed.

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I am kind. Most of us started responding to you and Sally in an even hand but you two keep doubling down. Accusing those of us who think for ourselves as selfish and responsible for deaths. That is massively offensive and wrong. Of course we will strart swinging. We are strong and can stand up for ourselves and others. Look at all of the doctors, nurses, police, attorneys, judges, politicians ... who think they know best and they are 100% wrong. The "RN" does not make you immune to misinformation or, pehaps blatant willful ignorance. We are not appalled or embarrassed, nor should we be. Virtually every "conspiracy theory" we tried to share was silenced but later proven to be true. There is no shame in being wrong. The media is owned; Fox and Newsmax get attacked when they are sharing facts. Perhaps listen to Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson, Alex Clark....gasp - Jessica Krause. The fact you are on her page attempting to discredit all she stands for is appaling and embarrassing.

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Just because you disagree, doesn’t mean it’s wrong or rude to think differently. You seem to somehow feel these comments deeply and are confusing your own emotion with what other people are saying. You called me angry earlier but I’m not. There’s no way for you to know how a person is through comments or a short bio. When all else is lost, the argument becomes a question of character and intellect which in this environment is strange. We read the same article and have different views. I’ve provided many sources of information and it’s disregarded even though it’s factual. Your eyes are sewn shut and this exchange has become an utter waste of time.

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Bullshit - it destroyed the poor and the middle class. Made the billionaires trillionaires, I’m done with Democrats get them out of office asap!

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I cannot believe there are still people who think that masks did anything to help stop the spread of a virus that is much smaller than the molecules allowed through a mask. It just kills me that there’s still people this ignorant in this country!!!

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Seriously 🥴 I don’t remember an N95 mask being shoved at me at every business or building I went in during that time, do you? They would hand out the paper thin surgical masks and the homemade cloth ones that had the horrid scent of Tide detergent.

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If you wear one and sneeze a lot, the wetness inside your mask and on your face is the stuff you would have spewed into the air. Wearing a mask outside also helps with hay fever.

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Not a farce. In fact the N95 masks work well. I frequently encounter old sicker people with masks on.

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Try spraying water on a mask. The molecules travel via saliva. This isn’t hard to figure out. Masks work.

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The argument isn’t if they stop droplets from spreading. We were told they can stop the transmission of the virus itself and that is not true. Wear one outside in negative temperatures and tell me if you can’t see your breath.

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I didn’t think anyone still believed in masks. I thought everyone now understood that was a farce.

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LOL. You still masking up there Sally? You know covid has not gone away.

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I live in California - unvaxxed and unmaxxed. Covid free. My masking had ZERO to do with anyone being sick - I never got covid. I'm now 60.

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Well good for you. You probably have a wonderful immune system. Not every one has that. We are all different. But thousands died needlessly because of Trump!

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Aug 8
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What i hate is sanctimonious bullshit. Id rather hear a fly buzzing around aimlessly. I stopped reading after about the 8th word.

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This is a right-wing editorial. They do not like how he handled the riots -and I agree -it could have been done better. But it also doesn’t like his COVID response-which I think was right on. We were faced with a new deadly virus -and it was good to do as much as possible to SAVE LIVES. Maybe a native Minnesotan can tell me how many people died before the vaccines were available.

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Aug 7
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Yep. Focus on the facts and that’s where you find the truth of who this person is. The horrific things he’s done cannot be denied.

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Aug 7
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Go ahead and read the article. Perfect outline for his accomplishments.

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I read it. It’s opinion. Very little fact.

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It’s an opinion piece but there are facts in the article, you can’t deny that. I mean, you can but that’s delusional…

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I believe Jessica listed them above. Additionally, 8 abortions were botched under Tim's laws. No one tried to save the babies. These poor innocent lives died with no one comforting them. That is diabolic. Think of the same story but replace "baby" with "puppy." PETA would be all over this.

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I don’t like anything I have heard about him so far. He is very far left! I don’t care for anything he stands for, but open borders, the tampons in male bathrooms and where they can remove a child from a parent who recuses to allow a sex change sends me over the edge! He’s a definite no for me-just like Harris!

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You should read the actual bill you refer to. It’s to remove at-risk LGBT kids who are *abused* and ensures the laws of other states don’t affect kids in MN. It’s a good law.

Link so you can read the actual text of the bill: https://www.revisor.mn.gov/bills/text.php?number=HF146&type=bill&version=1&session=ls93&session_year=2023&session_number=0

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I just listened to a judge describe this law and I do not agree with you on this.

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Why don’t you read it yourself?

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Again, read the bill. A judge is giving you their opinion. Read the primary source and decide for yourself.

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You apparently didn't read the bill. It is not about "LGBT kids who are abused". It is only about ensuring "gender affirming care" of children where there are custody battles that cross state lines. It's a vile law.

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Clicking the "DISLIKE" button.

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Unfortunately abuse is a relative term nowadays. Someone can feel emotionally threatened for not feeling inclusive. It sounds nice in theory for the very small few that may experience true actual abuse for their gender confusion but it creates a gray line that shouldn’t be crossed by government in peoples homes. When legal terms are too loose, it ends up being abused (pun intended) by the system. Gender confusion sounds like a hormonal imbalance to some. Is wanting to get their child’s hormones checked abuse?

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It’s so loose they say threatened with mistreatment or abuse.

“(2) it is necessary in an emergency to protect the child because the child, or a sibling or

parent of the child, is subjected to or threatened with mistreatment or abuse ; or (3) the child has been unable to obtain gender-affirming health care as defined in section”

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I'm surprised to see such a surface level article for this substack. Did you know he lied about major parts of his military service and/or purposely omitted facts?


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A “Paid Letter”?

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KW-we are definitely on the wrong site. These people are whack-a-dos -and Trumpers and totally impervious to facts.

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These comments crack me up every time- so leave then!!

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I wish there was a laughing option instead of a like for your comments. You can’t be serious

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So why do you continue posting her Sally?

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I grabbed the first source I saw to link, but there's lots more out there that corroborates all of this.

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Super basic boring read. Would have much rather heard your take Jessica whether it’s biased or not. PS- It’s biased because you’re not stupid and you have common sense and you believe in freedom and you’re literate and know how to research actual facts.

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I'm originally from (very rural) MN and most of my family/friends still live there, and Walz has been awesome for the state. It's very strong for business and also basic human support & rights. Him being the VP pick actually makes me way more likely to vote for Harris than I was before.

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Oh 🤮

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Really, you throw up because someone who knows how he was in Minnesota disagrees with you?

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She said she’s from there, I would take that to mean that she doesn’t currently live there, but has family who does. There’s plenty of people from Minnesota on this thread but she’s the only one that you agree with because your views must align.

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Garbage, the only thing he has done for this State was spend tax payer money, represent cities, and his own special interests, push his far left agenda, then watched as black neighborhoods burned, and do nothing, and let's not forget the violent criminals released with the Minnesota Freedom Fund

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Who burned those neighborhoods? At least a few Texan conservatives got tried and convicted for setting fires in Minneapolis in 2020.

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How do you

Know they were conservatives?

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You don't find it odd then they were convicted, but a man chargedwith domestic violence was released on bail and 2 weeks later shot a man in a road rage incident, so yes let's go with your version

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He's awful for parental rights. He's awful for his support of gender ideology. He was awful for covid. He was awful during the riots in his state and let it burn. I'm in California and I didn't realize it could get much worse than Newscum, but here we are.

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I’m from California and have a few beefs with Newsom but none that involve handling of COVID. We got hit hard at first, but after the vaccines were widely available, our death rate was lower than Florida ( DeSantis did everything he could to expose his constituents to death/disease) -lower than Texas too.

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Central Valley?

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San Diego

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Sure if you don’t mind your city being burned down while his wife opens the windows so she can smell the sweet smell of it burning. Oh, I guess you don’t live in Minneapolis.

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Trump praised Walz for how he handled the riots in 2020.

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He was probably being sarcastic. I can see that smirk now. lol

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No, he wasn’t.

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Like that did not happen.

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Yes, thank you. He’s a great guy.

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I have lived in Minnesota all of my life. Watch the documentary called the Fall of Minneapolis before casting your vote.

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I watched it awhile back and now is a good time for everyone to see and understand how Walz handled the riots. The 3rd precinct was ordered to stand down when the rioters burned the precinct. Very sad. He also signed a bill to permits illegal aliens to get a drivers license here in MN. People fear going downtown Mpls at night. I live in the outskirts of the metro. Unfortunately most of Mpls is blue but outside of the city is primarily red.

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Let’s talk about his stolen valor and his driving 95 in a 55 while running from a state trooper and also drunk. 🤡

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And changing the state flag.

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What stolen valor? He was in the National Guard for 24 years. He has been clear that he was never deployed. Go tell a member of the National Guard they have stolen valor and see what happens.

He quit drinking after his DUI 30 years ago. Y’all gotta get better material.

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Dude - if he were not "deployed" he would not have carried a "weapon of war" that he claimed to carry. He is a liar. It's okay. Admit you've been taken for an idiot and move on.

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Lollll ok babes.

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“he has been clear that he was never deployed.” Oh! so since HE says he was never deployed, we should just take his word? Right

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You need to do some research.

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Wait, so did they actually vote for Harris to be the presidential candidate, or was that just breezed over and "forgotten" by the media?

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There have not been any votes for Harris (or Walz of course) cast by actual primary voters. She did "officially" receive the Dem nomination via a 5 day virtual vote of delegates.

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Liberals want her in office. She’s the VP. No one in the party has objected; we’re thrilled.

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🙄 She’s not qualified to be the VP, much less the president. I don’t understand how anyone could be thrilled about her being the candidate. She is literally a living puppet, just like Biden. Another win for the powers that be. 🤦🏻‍♀️

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Wait, did you really just say that someone who has been a state attorney general, senator, and vice president isn't qualified to be president?

And equivocate the same about Biden? Someone who was a long-term (36 years) senator and then vice president??

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Absolutely. She performed poorly in those positions the same way she’s performed poorly as VP. She is not qualified to be the President of the United States.

Biden is the epitome of why we shouldn’t be electing career politicians.

Term limits for everyone, not just the president.

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Back in reality, though, Kamala is a badass. Go watch her interrogate literally anyone. She doesn’t mince words.

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You’re joking, right? I know, compared Biden she seems like a well spoken savant but, most first graders are stronger linguists than Harris.

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Kamala is a badass? Bless your heart

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That’s all that is required.

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The delegates all weighed in -and she was the choice. So, technically yes.

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He's giving Karl Marx.

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To answer the title question, this article should only really be four words long: He is a socialist.

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I don’t know- “Liar” could be up there too. I trust this guy as far as I could throw him- and I know I wouldn’t be able to lift up to try.

Teachers like him are the reason so many y conservatives no longer have faith in the public school systems.

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Please find a lie he’s told.

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Everyone who wants Social Security when they retire is a socialist.

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Jane. No people pay into social security because it’s the law. They just want a portion of the money back!

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We'll see what you think when you're 65.

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What’s your point?

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Lol, just like Robyn said, we pay into it with our hard earn money. Go look up with the definition of socialism is because I think you need a refresher.

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That IS socialism. SMH! Public libraries, too! Or do you not like those, either?

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Social security is administered by the SSA which is an independent agency. If it were a true socialist program everyone would “benefit” at any given time which is far from the truth…

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You left out commie in your title. And yeah, some Army vet…🤦‍♀️

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It’s not my title. I would have had expletives lol

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Anything to the left of Atilla the Hun qualifies as a "commie" in the USA of 2024, so that isn't saying much.

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Well, perhaps you should have some input on the titles, even from guest writers, since it is YOUR Substack. Just my two cents :)

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My intro says it all 🙃

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Loved your intro. The rest of the article was good as well.

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Thank you for your reporting. I love your coverage. Alpha News in MN has many stories about Walz that are not in MSM. For example


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Love the guest post from Lucia! Appreciate the straight listing of policies. I miss the days of Ghislaine coverage. (And let’s be honest, I miss the days of home renos and gossip coverage.) Also curious, for those who don’t believe in overreaching governmental policies related to COVID, how they feel about the current and potential monitoring of abortion/miscarriage/period related topics? Just a curious question, not asking to argue on here.

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