Leah is just bitter she wasn’t asked back. There are housewives who don’t drink or drink very little during filming. There are bravolebrities who are completely sober and their castmates, producers, and Andy congratulate them and are supportive of it. If Leah couldn’t handle being a housewife without alcohol, that’s her own issue. Also, just before this lawsuit she willingly accepted their offer to go on Real Housewives Ultimate Girls Trip in Thailand. She is the last one I’m going to listen to on this topic.
Leah is not a reliable person or a believable person - she didn’t get her way and this is her hissy fit - she has nothing concrete - Bravo is doing just fine, next!
Maybe I'm just an Andy apologist, but I've never seen Housewives (or his behavior) as generalized misogyny per se. I've always thought he was making fun of these people becuase they are eccentric, egomaniacal, delusional, and completely lacking of self-awareness -- and the audience is in on the joke, which is why it's fun to watch. I don't doubt that he might be a bit of a misogynist but these women are also complicit - they are selling their privacy for fame, status, exposure, opportunity, money, etc. and Leah is no exception.
Thank you Jess. This really breaks it down to the basics. I think if Andy were a straight man, he would’ve been canceled 10 yrs ago. He’s antagonistic and demeaning to the women, and that’s on camera. Imagine if you’re not in his good graces. If you go into that show not seeing it for what it is…. Toxic relationships and inhumane behavior fostered, you probably need therapy. And yes, just like video games are hypnotic to our kids, I think these shows are too. They absolutely desensitize us. There’s no real humor, wit, or storyline. it’s all crap.
When do we stop accepting this behavior because you’re gay, brown, white, trans, anxious, dem, republican, etc etc. It’s insane.
I get there’s a level of entertainment to see how the other half live 🤷🏼♀️ I know the majority of people that are affluent don’t live this way.
We see this in politics everywhere right now. I saw a video of man holding a pro life sign get attacked by a woman that had her young daughter with her.
Can we go back to threes company and the love boat please. 🤣🤣
Can you give some specific examples of when he has been antagonistic and demeaning on camera to the women? Several examples please. As someone who’s been watching these franchises for years, this claim seems pretty false. The way the women treat each other is a different story. That’s on them.
Yep and it’s the women being antagonistic and demeaning to each other, not Andy. He sits there and moderates. Nice try. Women need to take responsibility for what comes out of their own mouths.
To hate these franchises for their toxicity seems to perpetuate an infantilizing attitude toward the culture that loves them. Of course they’re toxic! That’s the point! Just as politics is, just as corporate culture is, just as media in general is, just as so many aspects of human relationships are. These shows shine a mirror on those parts of our humanity and create an insanely weird and complicated entertainment product with them. I mean, have you ever watched the films of Almodovar? What about Twin Peaks? We love these masterpieces *because* of their darkness.
I hate the moralizing attitude that asks whether or not these shows are “healthy.” And I would argue that that attitude is perhaps much worse for women, and culture, overall.
These shows are great because of their humanity, warts and all. They’re great because they are dark, like life is. Casey Wilson and Danielle Schneider on their podcast “Bitch Sesh” have argued that the greatest real housewives scenes rival Tennessee Williams and the other best dramatic writers of our time. Any superfan would agree.
The feminist critic Camille Paglia argues the exact opposite of this piece also, and is gleefully obsessed with the franchise. I feel like some viewers, especially those who don’t watch closely, fail to appreciate the camp and satire that makes the whole endeavor what it is, a theme that Paglia narrows in on in her writing about Cohen and the Housewives.
All in all I feel the criticisms in this piece are too shallow. Would have packed more of a punch if it more deeply engaged with an alternative perspective.
I feel for Leah, but agree with what others here have said. It was insane for her to start drinking again when she got on the show. And, like any toxic work environment, the Housewives of obviously not for everyone. And that’s okay.
I’ve been looking forward to this article since it was teased in the stories, but I’m a little disappointed that it doesn’t go deeper. Part of the appeal of Housewives is the audaciousness of how they act and what they say, it’s outrageous that people actually act this way, and on camera! Leah’s behavior was some of the kookiest, from the naked tiki torches to her brattiness on the UGT. Leah came on the show saying she’d been sober for years, but felt like now was a good time to start drinking again, that’s on her. I’m glad she sober and thriving, but she’s always come across as a spoiled child who throws fits when she doesn’t get her way, and this lawsuit seems like another example of that.
Honestly Leah and Ebony RUINED the RHONY franchise with their liberal agendas and made everything political. Leah is a grown woman and knew exactly what she was signing up for. Her behavior was insane especially the first season she was on. She’s trying to stay relevant.
Getting make up, hair & wardrobe to film at different supposedly sophisticated & fun locations, then to see snarky in-fighting between the cast members gets stale quickly. That this has had almost two decades is a testament to the P.T.Barnum dictum stating that no one ever went broke underestimating the tastes of the general public.
Does anyone recall the term “jump the shark”? That is what’s happening to these franchises, they’ve jumped the shark. The format by now is too well known, too familiar, and they now have to dig too much to elicit the same shock & interest from the audience.
The Housewives franchises jumped the shark many, many years ago. Anyone remember AvivaDrescher throwing her fake leg across the room?? That was ten years ago and it was hoped that her leg would have the same or better impact than the infamous table flip... it's been downhill since then. A fast trip down, not a gentle slide!!
I have never watched any of the housewives shows. They just seem inane to me. I'm not above it, I just don't find that kind of show entertaining precisely because you know it's staged and that the cast is plied with alcohol. Also, Andy Cohen seems like a douche bag. The guy has had multiple lawsuits filed against him. That said I do not have any sympathy for Leah. I'm just going by your post but anyone who signs on to be on a show like that knows what they are getting into. Toxic environment? Isn't that the whole point? Andy Cohen has had a horrible reputation for quite some time. Bravo should try out something new. It seems like this franchise is tired. Sabrinalabow.substack.com
Exactly! Who cares… As if that’s some major offense. Questioning is never a crime! And to imply otherwise is to perpetuate the same sanitized PC culture that we all loathe.
And yet we have people supporting Trump - who openly does ALL of these things and is praised! Pot meet kettle. RE: Are we complicit in sustaining a culture that thrives on degradation and conflict for amusement? If so, what does this say about our society's treatment and perception of women?
I’m not sure how Trump’s behavior relates to RH. He’s sober, never drank. I mean, I think we’d all like to have hung out with Ivanka in the 80s, and have a spa date with Melania today. Trump’s chose classy wives, who knows what happened on the side. Trump is the classic billionaire playboy before Bill Gates and Zuck turned the stereotype into a quietly evil snoozefest.
How dos someone manage to bring DJT into this can only be explained by the fact you’re suffering from a severe case of TDS & possibly one too many ☠️💉💉☠️ Seek mental help
Excuse me. Kindly explain your statement re PresidentTrump. And please respond with FACTUAL information, not your opinion nor your perception of women voters.
As a woman voter who has voted for PresidentTrump and plan on voting for him again, this FACTUAL information would be helpful.
“Grab em by their pussy?” For one? Personally I may not like the people he’s talking about below but the way he talks about women - that’s a problem- he’s vulgar and unhinged. some examples - feel free to Google the rest
"This is not even a smart person, other than she's got a good line of stuff. I mean, she goes out and she yaps."
On Stormy Daniels
"Horseface" [Oct. 16, 2018]
"I never liked horseface. That wouldn't be the one. There is no one. We have a great First Lady." [March 25, 2023]
On the #MeToo movement
"It is a very scary time for young men in America, where you can be guilty of something you may not be guilty of. …
On Omarosa Manigault Newman
"A crazed, crying lowlife" and a "dog." [Aug. 14, 2018]
On Heidi Klum
"Sadly, she's no longer a 10." [Aug. 15, 2015]
On Megyn Kelly
"She gets out and she starts asking me all sorts of ridiculous questions. You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever." [Aug. 7, 2015]
Every ONE of these are not only NOT factual, but they are responses by PresidentTrump to the women who first blasted HIM! AND, PresidentTrump speaks the truth about these nutjobs.
Nice try though... and quite a quick response with such a loooong history of PresidentTrump quotes. It's almost like you had them ready when running across requests to provide some PROOF.
Now, please try again with some actual PROOF of actions, not responses nor anything taken out of context. Please try.
A "like"??? And still no FACTS re PresidentTrump??? Really?? I'm sure you got away with your "facts" elsewhere with others, but still no FACTS. Nice try.
Bahahaha funny you pull out a quote on Megyn Kelly from 9 years ago whereas Megyn and Trump have since moved past it and she even did a wonderful, fair interview with him not too long ago. Your quotes are the same repetitive talking points used over and over by the left and we are bored with it. The majority will now take mean tweets over incompetence any day.
Ding! Ding! Ding! Always someone who has to bring “Trump” into the conversation even when it is the most inane comparison like Real Housewives that has zero to do with him. What’s next? “If you don’t watch Real Housewives you ain't a middle aged white woman?”
They can’t help themselves. As the saying goes, “rent free”. Other than Jesus Christ, I’ve never had a person, let alone a man, control my every thought. It’s a true sickness.
Is this why years after RHONY she joined a completely different cast to do ultimate girls trip and sank that ship as well. Couldn’t even hang with the girls. She acted completely out-of-pocket. She is irrelevant. If you’d been watching since day 1, Jessica you would see for yourself
This is difficult to believe. I have watched only a handful of seasons and mostly the RHONY flavor - but it’s ALL drama and there is a lot of alcohol consumption across the board. She would have known this going in…
I go back and forth with Leah. Seems she brought a lot of this on herself. About watching the housewives and the toxic amusement: I personally used to laugh about it with some friends that our lives were light years better than theirs. I guess we viewed it more like bad comedy that made ourselves feel better about our own lives. It has grown tiresome. I rarely watch any version of them anymore. I have, however, questioned Andy's behavior after reading this article and others. Thank you Jessica....well done.
Leah is just bitter she wasn’t asked back. There are housewives who don’t drink or drink very little during filming. There are bravolebrities who are completely sober and their castmates, producers, and Andy congratulate them and are supportive of it. If Leah couldn’t handle being a housewife without alcohol, that’s her own issue. Also, just before this lawsuit she willingly accepted their offer to go on Real Housewives Ultimate Girls Trip in Thailand. She is the last one I’m going to listen to on this topic.
Leah is not a reliable person or a believable person - she didn’t get her way and this is her hissy fit - she has nothing concrete - Bravo is doing just fine, next!
I completely agree!
I say good riddance to the entire trashy franchise. I watched NY and Jersey years ago but realized I was losing brain cells in doing so and stopped.
These shows contribute to the shit society we have today whether we want to accept it or not.
Maybe I'm just an Andy apologist, but I've never seen Housewives (or his behavior) as generalized misogyny per se. I've always thought he was making fun of these people becuase they are eccentric, egomaniacal, delusional, and completely lacking of self-awareness -- and the audience is in on the joke, which is why it's fun to watch. I don't doubt that he might be a bit of a misogynist but these women are also complicit - they are selling their privacy for fame, status, exposure, opportunity, money, etc. and Leah is no exception.
Thank you Jess. This really breaks it down to the basics. I think if Andy were a straight man, he would’ve been canceled 10 yrs ago. He’s antagonistic and demeaning to the women, and that’s on camera. Imagine if you’re not in his good graces. If you go into that show not seeing it for what it is…. Toxic relationships and inhumane behavior fostered, you probably need therapy. And yes, just like video games are hypnotic to our kids, I think these shows are too. They absolutely desensitize us. There’s no real humor, wit, or storyline. it’s all crap.
When do we stop accepting this behavior because you’re gay, brown, white, trans, anxious, dem, republican, etc etc. It’s insane.
I get there’s a level of entertainment to see how the other half live 🤷🏼♀️ I know the majority of people that are affluent don’t live this way.
We see this in politics everywhere right now. I saw a video of man holding a pro life sign get attacked by a woman that had her young daughter with her.
Can we go back to threes company and the love boat please. 🤣🤣
Can you give some specific examples of when he has been antagonistic and demeaning on camera to the women? Several examples please. As someone who’s been watching these franchises for years, this claim seems pretty false. The way the women treat each other is a different story. That’s on them.
Have you watched any of the HW reunion shows???
Yep and it’s the women being antagonistic and demeaning to each other, not Andy. He sits there and moderates. Nice try. Women need to take responsibility for what comes out of their own mouths.
I never cared for these shows. They are demeaning to real women. It is hard to have sympathy for these women on tv. They could have walked away...
To hate these franchises for their toxicity seems to perpetuate an infantilizing attitude toward the culture that loves them. Of course they’re toxic! That’s the point! Just as politics is, just as corporate culture is, just as media in general is, just as so many aspects of human relationships are. These shows shine a mirror on those parts of our humanity and create an insanely weird and complicated entertainment product with them. I mean, have you ever watched the films of Almodovar? What about Twin Peaks? We love these masterpieces *because* of their darkness.
I hate the moralizing attitude that asks whether or not these shows are “healthy.” And I would argue that that attitude is perhaps much worse for women, and culture, overall.
These shows are great because of their humanity, warts and all. They’re great because they are dark, like life is. Casey Wilson and Danielle Schneider on their podcast “Bitch Sesh” have argued that the greatest real housewives scenes rival Tennessee Williams and the other best dramatic writers of our time. Any superfan would agree.
The feminist critic Camille Paglia argues the exact opposite of this piece also, and is gleefully obsessed with the franchise. I feel like some viewers, especially those who don’t watch closely, fail to appreciate the camp and satire that makes the whole endeavor what it is, a theme that Paglia narrows in on in her writing about Cohen and the Housewives.
All in all I feel the criticisms in this piece are too shallow. Would have packed more of a punch if it more deeply engaged with an alternative perspective.
I feel for Leah, but agree with what others here have said. It was insane for her to start drinking again when she got on the show. And, like any toxic work environment, the Housewives of obviously not for everyone. And that’s okay.
I’ve been looking forward to this article since it was teased in the stories, but I’m a little disappointed that it doesn’t go deeper. Part of the appeal of Housewives is the audaciousness of how they act and what they say, it’s outrageous that people actually act this way, and on camera! Leah’s behavior was some of the kookiest, from the naked tiki torches to her brattiness on the UGT. Leah came on the show saying she’d been sober for years, but felt like now was a good time to start drinking again, that’s on her. I’m glad she sober and thriving, but she’s always come across as a spoiled child who throws fits when she doesn’t get her way, and this lawsuit seems like another example of that.
Honestly Leah and Ebony RUINED the RHONY franchise with their liberal agendas and made everything political. Leah is a grown woman and knew exactly what she was signing up for. Her behavior was insane especially the first season she was on. She’s trying to stay relevant.
Getting make up, hair & wardrobe to film at different supposedly sophisticated & fun locations, then to see snarky in-fighting between the cast members gets stale quickly. That this has had almost two decades is a testament to the P.T.Barnum dictum stating that no one ever went broke underestimating the tastes of the general public.
Does anyone recall the term “jump the shark”? That is what’s happening to these franchises, they’ve jumped the shark. The format by now is too well known, too familiar, and they now have to dig too much to elicit the same shock & interest from the audience.
The Housewives franchises jumped the shark many, many years ago. Anyone remember AvivaDrescher throwing her fake leg across the room?? That was ten years ago and it was hoped that her leg would have the same or better impact than the infamous table flip... it's been downhill since then. A fast trip down, not a gentle slide!!
I have never watched any of the housewives shows. They just seem inane to me. I'm not above it, I just don't find that kind of show entertaining precisely because you know it's staged and that the cast is plied with alcohol. Also, Andy Cohen seems like a douche bag. The guy has had multiple lawsuits filed against him. That said I do not have any sympathy for Leah. I'm just going by your post but anyone who signs on to be on a show like that knows what they are getting into. Toxic environment? Isn't that the whole point? Andy Cohen has had a horrible reputation for quite some time. Bravo should try out something new. It seems like this franchise is tired. Sabrinalabow.substack.com
Saying "that ain't Kate" is not at all mocking her. I don't think it was her either....
Agree! That wasn't Kate. Why isn't he allowed to say what he thinks? Curiosity is not a crime, right?
Exactly! Who cares… As if that’s some major offense. Questioning is never a crime! And to imply otherwise is to perpetuate the same sanitized PC culture that we all loathe.
And yet we have people supporting Trump - who openly does ALL of these things and is praised! Pot meet kettle. RE: Are we complicit in sustaining a culture that thrives on degradation and conflict for amusement? If so, what does this say about our society's treatment and perception of women?
I’m not sure how Trump’s behavior relates to RH. He’s sober, never drank. I mean, I think we’d all like to have hung out with Ivanka in the 80s, and have a spa date with Melania today. Trump’s chose classy wives, who knows what happened on the side. Trump is the classic billionaire playboy before Bill Gates and Zuck turned the stereotype into a quietly evil snoozefest.
I agree but I can see her point too.
What point???
How dos someone manage to bring DJT into this can only be explained by the fact you’re suffering from a severe case of TDS & possibly one too many ☠️💉💉☠️ Seek mental help
Those who attack PresidentTrump are suddenly shocked when they are asked to provide any PROOF aka FACTS. "CM" has still not provided any FACTS.
Excuse me. Kindly explain your statement re PresidentTrump. And please respond with FACTUAL information, not your opinion nor your perception of women voters.
As a woman voter who has voted for PresidentTrump and plan on voting for him again, this FACTUAL information would be helpful.
“Grab em by their pussy?” For one? Personally I may not like the people he’s talking about below but the way he talks about women - that’s a problem- he’s vulgar and unhinged. some examples - feel free to Google the rest
On former Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao
"[GOP Senate Leader Mitch McConnell's] China loving wife, Coco Chao!" [Sept. 30, 2022]
On Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
"This is not even a smart person, other than she's got a good line of stuff. I mean, she goes out and she yaps."
On Stormy Daniels
"Horseface" [Oct. 16, 2018]
"I never liked horseface. That wouldn't be the one. There is no one. We have a great First Lady." [March 25, 2023]
On the #MeToo movement
"It is a very scary time for young men in America, where you can be guilty of something you may not be guilty of. …
On Omarosa Manigault Newman
"A crazed, crying lowlife" and a "dog." [Aug. 14, 2018]
On Heidi Klum
"Sadly, she's no longer a 10." [Aug. 15, 2015]
On Megyn Kelly
"She gets out and she starts asking me all sorts of ridiculous questions. You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever." [Aug. 7, 2015]
"Bimbo." [Aug. 7, 2015]
Every ONE of these are not only NOT factual, but they are responses by PresidentTrump to the women who first blasted HIM! AND, PresidentTrump speaks the truth about these nutjobs.
Nice try though... and quite a quick response with such a loooong history of PresidentTrump quotes. It's almost like you had them ready when running across requests to provide some PROOF.
Now, please try again with some actual PROOF of actions, not responses nor anything taken out of context. Please try.
take a breath, people can have different opinions, these have also all been said on camera, on tape. Or is that AI?
"take a breath"??? "different opinions"???
What a nice way to state that YOU have no FACTS to back up your statements re PresidentTrump. Again, nice try. Please try harder.
Or are you AI???
A "like"??? And still no FACTS re PresidentTrump??? Really?? I'm sure you got away with your "facts" elsewhere with others, but still no FACTS. Nice try.
Bahahaha funny you pull out a quote on Megyn Kelly from 9 years ago whereas Megyn and Trump have since moved past it and she even did a wonderful, fair interview with him not too long ago. Your quotes are the same repetitive talking points used over and over by the left and we are bored with it. The majority will now take mean tweets over incompetence any day.
Ding! Ding! Ding! Always someone who has to bring “Trump” into the conversation even when it is the most inane comparison like Real Housewives that has zero to do with him. What’s next? “If you don’t watch Real Housewives you ain't a middle aged white woman?”
They can’t help themselves. As the saying goes, “rent free”. Other than Jesus Christ, I’ve never had a person, let alone a man, control my every thought. It’s a true sickness.
Is this why years after RHONY she joined a completely different cast to do ultimate girls trip and sank that ship as well. Couldn’t even hang with the girls. She acted completely out-of-pocket. She is irrelevant. If you’d been watching since day 1, Jessica you would see for yourself
This is difficult to believe. I have watched only a handful of seasons and mostly the RHONY flavor - but it’s ALL drama and there is a lot of alcohol consumption across the board. She would have known this going in…
I go back and forth with Leah. Seems she brought a lot of this on herself. About watching the housewives and the toxic amusement: I personally used to laugh about it with some friends that our lives were light years better than theirs. I guess we viewed it more like bad comedy that made ourselves feel better about our own lives. It has grown tiresome. I rarely watch any version of them anymore. I have, however, questioned Andy's behavior after reading this article and others. Thank you Jessica....well done.
The only good thing about these shows still is Brad Goreski's hilarious impressions.