I read the manifesto. The fact that the government took his computer?? 🚩🚩🚩

I’m listening….

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Me too.

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I believe it but I think I’m not bothered because I know Jesus and God reigns and has control over all things. I just read this and sit in peace

Psalm 2:2-4

The kings of the earth set themselves,

and the rulers take counsel together,

against the LORD and against his Anointed, saying,

“Let us burst their bonds apart

and cast away their cords from us.”

He who sits in the heavens laughs;

the Lord holds them in derision.

God laughs at all the evil people thinking they can get away with things but every knee will bow.

That’s all.

Sad that he has to set himself on fire to make anyone aware

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Amen!!!!! Jesus is our only hope.

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NO, Jesus' teachings are our only hope. It's up to us to put them into action.

12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

What do you think he meant when he said this? You are to be an agent in Christ if you are going to throw his name around. It's not up to you to sit and wait for him to handle this unbridled evil. You have your part and if this man died for anything, it was for you to take yourself and your part in what is to come more seriously.

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Thank you for clarifying Tonni’s comment, though she was quite possibly paraphrasing and meaning also, ‘…and his teachings.’ For that it so much of what or who Jesus is. 😉👍

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Who says I’m sitting around?

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Yes. We can all sit back and do nothing because a figment of your imagination is coming to save us all.

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Was this comment necessary? I thought this was a safe place for everyone. Even *gasp* Christians.

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It's not a figment of your imagination. Jesus was a legit person who walked this earth and who most likely had an extremely high level of consciousness or awareness, that an entire concept was created about his existence to try to create the very exact thing this manifesto is unfolding! I feel like Jesus was essentially cancelled and because technology didn't exist then, they had to write a book to make a story more plausible to more people. You're comment shows you are stuck in the very same system this manifesto is describing.

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👏 👏 👏

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Well not save you… since you don’t believe you obviously don’t need saving

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Oh...it's not a "figment of imagination" ...it's a bleeding heart's song. Not to worry, Pastel, you will be someone's mess to clean up.

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I do agree that we can trust in Jesus for our deep inner peace no matter what happens, but that doesn't change the fact that we should be aware of how we are being treated by the elites. Awareness and action are necessary if we want to see real change, especially when we are called to care for the least of these, who are the ones who are affected the most by the elites continuing to just get richer. I understand the sentiment, but I think it's unhelpful in times of crisis, which this man obviously believed we are living in right now.

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What does Jesus call us to do? Do that. Live a quiet life and mind our business.

Act justly love mercy

Rejoice always

Pray without ceasing

Give thanks in all circumstances.

I feel like David did what we should be doing. Being in prayer. I think in our own little lives we can do what God calls us to do. He takes ordinary men like Joseph and David and Jonah and does crazy things through. I’m really aware what’s going on to the millionth degree but what is helpful is loving your neighbor and loving Jesus. showing people Christ and being sensitive to His spirit.

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I agree with everything you said, but one point. We are not being taught to "mind our own business ". We are told that we are our brothers keeper and to do good to all men. This poor man tried to warn us in his own dramatic way.

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Right, I'm just saying that maybe some people feel like being called to act justly in this current cultural moment is to do more than just sit at home and pray. Prayer is powerful, but action is what that prayer is meant to empower.

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Read the Bible. It tells us what to do.

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You mean like "Defend the weak and the fatherless, uphold the case of the poor and oppressed?" and "Faith by itself without being accompanied by action is dead?"

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mic drop

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I believe every word. Especially about the Uniparty.

I also think he set himself on fire because he knew he was going to be killed anyway and wanted to die on his own terms and ensure maximum exposure for his manifesto. We would not be reading it now if they’d got to him first.

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I hadn't even thought of that. You are %100 right.

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Why was he going to be killed anyway??

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Read his Substack and his manifesto.

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I met him yesterday at Washington Park! He asked to pet my dog and we ended up in a long conversation . He did not act crazy , he wasn’t a Trump fan , he was against both parties and said they’ve been working together to further an endless war agenda. His message was that we are purposely being divided while the elite are robbing everyone blind . He seemed like a friendly dude and my dog liked him which is rare. I still have the literature he gave me. This is so disturbing and awful.

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What?! You saw him yesterday? This is wild

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We spoke for over 20 minutes , my dog who usually hates everyone was friendly towards him. He was passionate and didn’t act like a lunatic, he was well spoken and very sweet. His message was that it’s all theater and we have been lied to for decades. I can send you pics of the literature he gave me , it was still in my bag when I heard what happened. I’m really shaken.

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Can you email me @jessicareedkraus@gmail.com

I’ll give you my # so you can call and discuss this if you like x

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I will .

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Sharon, thank you for sharing your personal experience with him. He was clearly not a "thoughtless or cruel man". He knew what he was there for when he spoke to you. Your interaction with him was a gift and I hope you can come to see it as such. Take his apology unto your own heart.

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Haven't read his full manifesto or the "more info here" posts he links...but did save them as PDFs in case they're taken down. Never would've felt the impulse to do that even four years ago...

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I just saved it too. Knowing they will likely try and hide it.

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Screenshot everything you come across that can be taken as 'sedition against the government '. Even when you think you've saved it, it can disappear.

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How do you save it to a pdf?

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On my mac, I hit print (without actually printing). The print/preview page lets you save as a PDF.

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God wins. Hold on to that. There is alot of evil in this world. But,there is alot of good too. Stick together. Pray together. Stand together.

Hollywood doesn't care about you, nor does Silicone Valley. Elites. Or so they think.

There is a reason why we are seeing so much censorship in our social media, and propaganda in our news. Stick with the

Independent journalist.

God bless!

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I’ve always told my kids to “look for the good” or “look for the helpers” like Mr. Rogers used to say. I need to do this myself now. It’s so hard when there’s so much evil all around us and it’s not hiding anymore.

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Be a helper ❤️ don't wait for them

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Thank you

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I’m sure he’s come across deeply unsettling information. My heart aches that he felt this was his only option.

The question becomes, even if half of what he says is true — what can be done? What do we do?

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We don’t set ourselves on fire 😂😂

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No, we usually don’t. But the fact is his Manifesto will be read by a hell of a lot more people when it’s tied to “the man who set himself on fire” vs a regular guy labeled as a conspiracy theorist. That’s how desperate people are now - they’re willing to kill themselves for people to take information seriously.

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To be fair, all revolutionaries need to be at least little crazy. You have to be in order break from a controlled existence. 🤷🏼‍♀️

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Indeed, the truth alone when delved into and accepted will make one a "little crazy". Just think of those of us who are well aware of all of the child trafficking and senseless sexual usury and murder of children all over the world. Wrap your head around that ONE truth and tell me it's not "crazy making" for a normal human being.

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Yes totally get your POV! I mean, if my days were filled with researching Ponzi schemes & how our government is corrupt, I’d be crazy too 😅 so yes, i do think he was crazy because obviously sane people don’t set themselves on fire. That said, i can *kinda* understand his rationale as to why he did it (which is what i mentioned in my original comment). Additionally, it did sound like the government was after him (taking his computer, etc), so that would scare me into psychosis … we know what they’re capable of!

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I have to take a break from the rabbit holes every now and then.

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I hear you. For the sake of argument, is anyone else thinking maybe he’s crazy?

Not saying what he said isn’t true! Probably is. But someone setting themselves on fire doesn’t really change the state of the world for me 🤷🏼‍♀️ know what I mean?

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Yes!! I typed out a whole comment saying as much as nice as possible but deleted. Only a crazy person sets themselves on fire! 😵‍💫

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The Buddhist monk who set himself on fire wasn't crazy. Sometimes you have to go to extreme lengths to make yourself heard. The kind of things he likely came across in his research, would've been so extreme, that he understood only extreme action would highlight his plight. Is he crazy, or just that passionate about what he believes?

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If he didn't know before what the Buddhist monk knew then, he surely knows now. This life is fragile from a human perspective, however, it is endless and most don't know that until they pass from this world. His love for humanity has garnered him a very unique experience and relationship to self that few would intentionally create or navigate. He spent a large portion of his life in the "fire" of human frailty and greed. He was no longer afraid of fire.

Rest assured that he was not alone when he passed.

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He wasn't crazy. I believe he had discernment

and knew that he didn't have long to live. He was exposing the most usurious, dangerous people on the planet who kill for much less than exposure. Anyone around him was in danger and he knew it. Don't be a fool. A simple, silent nod of gratitude for his hard work and pure heart to let creeper sleepers like yourself know what is happening to your life and the lives of those you love.

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Ya...but it did get millions of eyes on what he researched And found...which could inspire people to look into his research and make change. 🤷‍♀️

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And yes I agree with you!

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Return to God.

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This is the answer: turn and return to God.

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I think it is fair to say that we all know less than we imagine we do about any one topic. There is no longer a point where we all consume the same news, the same content, or the same information. Everything is tailored to us as individuals and based on that information we all make unique choices.

The only thing I am sure about is that we must have more compassion and openness to people who earnestly believe things counter to what is presented across the media ecosystem. We must allow that we will disagree with one another and hope that in this country we can disagree while fully utilizing our federally protected rights to freedom of speech.

Finally, and this something I have been thinking about in light of reading this and other independent outlets, we need to engage in more long form written correspondence. It is imperative that we take time to engage with ideas that we do not agree with. The deliberative process of writing is important for the articulation of ideas and messages. It also, as this manifesto illustrates, articulates the cogency (or lack thereof) of the authors thoughts.

I would like to see more letters and correspondence between those individuals who disagree, if we cannot get debates, then let's at least get something in writing that outlines the ideas, opinions, and information we all need to make informed decisions in the future.

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Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World has become an even bigger warning than Orwells 1984.

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Many people have read 1984, not enough have read Brave New World. They both tell part of a story.

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I agree. I only recently discovered Huxley, it shocked me how much closer to today’s society it is. With the drugs, promiscuity, designer babies and class struggle I feel like a war is the only thing stopping the world from becoming Huxley’s world.

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It is interesting. Years ago, I had my students read Brave New World, when they wanted to read 1984. They were shocked at how fully it reflected their own lives as IVF babies, adolescents medicated to be happy, and with abundant access to pornography through the internet.

Today we live at the intersection of both books. Unfortunately, the SF writers of the past did not give us a path for escape.

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The foresight of these writers is both spectacular and scary. To be able to identify the patterns in human nature and society in such a precise manner. If only we had academics and politicians who had such foresight for today. The path we are heading down can be corrected but it will take more people to wake up.

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Much more people and a new President, vote right the man come Nov 🇺🇸🇺🇸

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We (humans) have always known things aren't right, the rebals really know what's going on. If they are an artist, then it really comes out. Ever since the ship started sinking.

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Re: war, once it becomes fully automated, everyone can sit back and take soma, even the military brass.

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Absolutely. They both tell two sides of the same story. Winston Smith did say that if there is any hope, it lies with the proles. As I tell my students when we read it, Orwell’s message is that WE are the proles.

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“Desperation is the raw material of drastic change. Only those who can leave behind everything they have ever believed in the hope to escape.” - William S. Burroughs

We are a broken people on a mass scale. Men, especially men are tragically lost and wandering like ghosts through their lives, abandoned by a system and culture now controlled by twisted females and cowering boys dressed up like puppets of the Ruling Class. It’s all crumbling, the whole structure of what we’ve ever known as ‘true’ ‘safe’ ‘free’ because it never was any of those things, we just have the almighty media versus the Almighty. I feel deeply for this wretched soul, he felt deprived, lied to and deceived… this can cause cavernous pain in most, certain madness in someone without perspective. May he find peace now and may his heart rest quietly beyond this thing we call Life.

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The men of this world need to stand up and get back to being men. Until that happens, and God is allowed back in homes and schools, this world will continue to be complete chaos.

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There is a great divide though, with men just needing to 'stand up and get back to being men' as the Establishment (both Left and Right) have been strategically whittling away at their sense of worth and value from mind numbing video games, 24/7 porn, young females convinced independence and abortion are choices of honor and the entertainment industry's Machiavellian schemes to convince the human race that to be gay or trans is to be applauded, even awarded (pay raise, better jobs, the list is endless) so while I'd love to believe bringing God back into the classroom would solve this fraying rope of despair, we first have to remove radical feminism from the educational system entirely. And, let's be real grownups here, we are in 'complete chaos' there is no continuing, there is only riding the tiger and hold your own ground where you can. Support and validate the men you know, protect the young children in your family and your community and be prepped and ready when the day comes, and it will come, when the strongest and the most at-the-ready will be the ones the others run to for salvation.

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You are a very bight human LDB loving all your post so sensible keep them coming

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Agree completely!

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You’ve assessed Burning man very well, NOW tell me what are we Americans going to do about all this crap that is taking place right in front of our very noses. President Trump is in court in NY, Israel is fighting for its life and Russia is busy brutalizing the Ukraine - DLB we are paying for all this to happen while our inflation has rocketed, our gas prices are sky high, Covid was a lie and Climate Change is the gaslight of the century where to from here - I will just come straight out and say it Vote TRUMP that’s our savior!

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Well said 🙏🏼🥺

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This truly sullies the integrity of this form of protest. Trump is a lifelong elite whose tax policy continues to negatively impact my father(a life long blue collar worker) and whose crimes have finally caught up with him. It’s wild to me that folks have bought his grift that he gives two shits about the common person. It will be interesting to see how much coverage this poor soul gets in comparison to Aaron Bushnell who was on fire with guns pointed at him while screaming Free Palestine. I pray we all open our eyes to the reality that none of these rich assholes care about us, whether they have and R or D by their name.

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I’m sticking with Trump he’ll turn this place around in his 2nd term hopefully he knows exactly which swamp needs to be drained first and then once he drained the first the rest will be a piece of cake God willing 🇺🇸🇮🇱

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Biden cares less

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Please tell us how Trump's "tax policy continues to negatively impact" your father. A bunch of words strung together that make no sense. Why don't you go after the real criminals and stop focusing on one man. This is your myopia and it gets in your way. Being rich doesn't make a person an asshole in the minds of reasonably intelligent people. Do you have any idea how expensive it is to be "rich"?

You sound like a parrot who repeats BS that comes from your handlers....yes, your handlers. You are under mind-control.

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I mean you want to talk shit on my dad who saw a distinct change in his taxes after Trump changed the policy? How he and his former roommate(a retired disabled man who now lives in section 8 housing) went from getting tax returns to having to PAY? Something that literally happened after

Trump changed policy? I don’t know what else to tell you. I don’t give a fuck about any of these politicians especially not Trump who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and is the epitome of elite that so many claim to have disdain for. He IS THE ELITE. Tbh I know my dad’s experience and I can’t make you believe shit if you’re dead set on boot licking the wealthy. They don’t care about you. They care about hoarding wealth and resources and extracting labor from regular folks (for less and less)to continue to increase their dividends. I don’t claim either political party, I just know that Trump is a well marketed con man.

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You claim I’m under “mind control” while you’re simping for the wealthy. Give me a break.

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Ok. I read the manifesto. He sounds and writes clearly and sounds sane and educated. I don't know enough about banking and finances to know how correct he is but sounds about right.

I do disagree his view on Trump. Maybe I am blinded but I truly believe he is the outsider of this "global coup" which is why they have attacked him so hard. Romney was the one that was supposed to be with Hillary and it blew up when Trump won the primary.

With that said, this is so sad that he was this desperate to be heard and seen. Prayers for the family, other people present and first responders.

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I read the manifesto and his booklet he's spreading around and I hear him loud and clear. I understand how all of this has brought him to this drastic action of lighting himself on fire.

Without a doubt it will get people's attention.

Just like the Buddhist monk who lit himself on fire in 1963 out of protest against his corrupt government (also the cover of Rage Against The Machine album).

I don't see him as crazy. I see Max as a brave man who just wants better for the world. It takes big kahunas to light yourself on fire to spread a message. I pray his soul is at peace after this... I also pray people take his messages seriously and know that WE have the power to create the change we want to see.

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I love all the speculation about this guy being crazy rather than the fact that very little that he claimed in his manifesto is hard to believe, yet we all just accept it because "what can be done?" And here we have a person who used a gruesome way to get our attention because he was literally that grieved by what is coming and how asleep everyone is, and we just write him off. I legitimately can't believe how desensitized and malleable we have become. And the elites just keep laughing their way to the bank.

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He may be certifiably insane. But it’s equally plausible he set himself on fire for widespread attention BEFORE he was quietly shut up and whatever he knows never saw the light of day?! 🥴 Kinda how Epstein definitely hung himself 👀

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My husband: “ are we going to believe the man that just let himself on fire?”

Me: “…maybe?🫣”

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Your husband needs to pull his head from his ass and you need to acknowledge that "yes, that is shit on your face, honey".

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I welcome skepticism and a good healthy discourse. Sometimes seeing both sides in depth can help form a stronger understanding.

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Same here too

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Same 😂

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