It’s incredible how quickly this ‘person of interest’ was identified with all the elements and evidence supporting the manhunt. Yet, when President Donald J. Trump was shot at, no one was able to uncover any details about the shooter, couldn’t access his phone, and found no social media presence. The level of theater this year is Oscar-worthy. Unreal.
It’s terrible that he was murdered. Also terrible that the company in the state I live has caused harm to sick and dying people. I lost my first husband young due to malpractice and it was under the United Healthcare system. I wouldn’t, however, think of murdering someone because of it. Big Pharma and the healthcare system needs a definite redo. Hopefully MAHA & MAGA will dramatically change the current systems at play.
Not to mention that killing a CEO doesn’t stop the companies from anything, they’ll just replace their CEO.l, of course. The ideology needs reframing and policy changes. The CEO is not particularly a well thought out target, nor is murder.
Not disagreeing with you. I am sorry for the loss of your husband.
Just adding a side note:
everyone online, and not just here, is talking about evil insurance companies, and yes, the system is broken but just as much focus needs to be looked at into the fraud waste and abuse caused by the sweet little doctors with a good bedside manner, and that nice little hospital's billing practices. For the most part, it has always been easier to blame the insurance company. For example, a doctor can bill a claim for services and not bill correctly, as medical billing is super complicated and when the claim is denied, the provider blames the insurance company as a scape goat (instead of doing the footwork/training to learn to bill appropriately) and then tell the patient that their insurance is at fault and they will have to pay out of pocket. The providers are still getting their money either way. The lack of ethics and accountability goes BOTH WAYS. EVERYONE is trying to get a piece of the pie and only the patients are suffering.
MAHA hopefully will set us straight. It is definitely a complex and broken system.
Look into the Hollywood firefighters pension fund lawsuit against UHG for insider trading naming 3 UHG execs of which Brian was the lowest ranked. Pension fund reps were at last year’s UHC investors meeting. Media quiet on this sinister aspect. Sir Andrew Witty, also named in the lawsuit is CEO of UHG and has deep ties to WHO and global vaccine distribution. This story js much deeper than scapegoat Luigi.
As you should be…fucking twat with NO respect for a man shot down in the back on a public street. Father of two and wife; yet your vapid cunt remarks discussed the healthcare industry. You’re a vile, disgusting POS.
You’re a fine one to be talking about showing respect while calling strangers cunts and twats. This woman you’re berating lost her husband, so “virtue signaling in the name of healthcare” does not apply here. She said she does not condone murder, yet you’re treating her as if she did this. And acting like a lunatic, as if this CEO would’ve given a shit about you.
And while you’re telling others to take their meds, I’m assuming you haven’t taken yours. Maybe do that before we’re reading a Substack article about you.
It’s the breakdown of society and generational decay from individuals like you who, instead of engaging thoughtfully, resort to hurling vile names at those around you simply because they’re discussing topics you deem off-topic.
Discussing anything healthcare related in regards to that senseless assassination on the streets of NY. A grotesque cowardly act. You seem to have poor comprehension skills.
Not to mention I haven’t seen a single response here in support of the killer. A high level murder of ceo of a major healthcare company is naturally going to bring up what is wrong with our healthcare system. Not to mention it is the clear narrative that msm is spewing. He must’ve killed him because of the poor care he received for his back surgery - that is what msm is saying. But saying that and discussing that does not equate to sympathizing or supporting the killer. So I think you need to take a step back and re read everything here and maybe then you will realize the confusion and concern everyone clearly has over your obnoxious behavior. Unless you are 13 - if that’s the case, just say that.
So what you are saying is - unless anyone speaks about this highly intense situation that most of us have never seen play out on television the way I has this far in the exact manner that you deem appropriate - that gives you the right to fly off the handle, be disrespectful, say things that are wildly inaccurate while cursing at people - because you and only you are permitted to speak on this situation and have an opinion about it? Am I understanding correctly?
Call me a conspiracy theorist but it seems highly unlikely he was operating alone, with a weak, intellectually driven (vs emotional or personal) motive. Where did he learn to shoot like that? How was phase one of his plans execution (pun not intended) near flawless, but he was found days later in a McDonalds with a manifesto conveniently in his backpack? They don’t train snipers at Ivys, but they do poach a decent number of students for intelligence services. That said they Ivys hammer home a lot of Marxism (speaking from personal experience), but again thus far his ideological impetus doesn’t seem super strong, or communist/anarchist… maybe not enough has come out but to me it smells like he was acting on behalf of someone powerful or intelligence (or both)
Not to mention he was on the phone with someone and showed up to the scene just before the ceo walked out. I can see figuring out what hotel he’s at if there’s a big conference, but to be able to anticipate his morning schedule makes me think there was someone else involved
This one is easy, you approach whomever is working the front desk of the hotel, tell them you're needing to serve papers on someone, give them $500 and your phone number and ask them to call you when they're in the lobby in the morning.
I don't buy it for a second. You can't tell me that this guy was just calmly sitting around in a McD's mouing down on a 10 piece nuggs with a diet coke and all of a sudden, dozens of people decide to call in that he's the guy?! Meanwhile, they supposedly still can't identify the Las Vegas shooter or whose booger sugar was found in the White House....sure. Come on now. *rolls eyes* They don't even try to make anything believable anymore, and those that are so indoctrinated by MSM will eat this up and run with it.
That's what I'm saying! What is happening because he does not look like either of the photos the police previously released. Also, if he was so meticulous as to not get caught, why would he have a manifesto and the other items?? I'm sure the real killer is out there very happy that the cops have arrested this guy.
I agree - I am having a hard time with the thought of someone who was otherwise so thoughtful and meticulous in their actions all of a sudden turning into Mr Magoo at the end. Why on earth would he still have the suppressor, let alone the gun?? And all of the evidence so perfectly and conveniently on his possession?? Unless he was hanging out in public hoping to get caught… it’s very bizarre.
Exactly and why did he find it necessary to ditch the backpack and jacket, but not the gun, suppressor, and basically a confession? 🤥🤥 Something is not right!
Also, why make a ghost gun if you are going to keep it on your person? This does not make sense.
I think he just had his first schizophrenic episode, because according to anyone who knew him these actions don't line up with the person they knew. 🤷🏼♀️
Increased social media policing by the inherently corrupt State, more pew pew laws surrounding ghost pew pews, more surveillance state, just off the top of my head.
Yes it's endless and frankly all pathetically sad. The one good thing about the covid farce is that those sitting on the fence or questioning are now "cookers and tin foil hatters". According to the slanderous psychotic perpetrators.
I think they are dismantling all systems to usher in a completely new system- government, healthcare, food, agriculture, etc. Notice how the collective agrees that healthcare sucks and needs to be changed
This is the weirdest story... it is just wrapped up too perfect, nice and neat with a tidy bow. A man is murdered, very clearly on video, the suspect has photos everywhere of all his activities, a fun game "murder mystery" with bullets engraved and monopoly money to make headlines. The MSM is leaked information at real time to make sure every little detail is reported and talked about. Nothing has EVER been this neat and tidy.
So.... my tin hat theory is getting more and more solidified (at least in my mind). My bet is on Brian Thompson is actually in protective custody. He KNOWS too much about the insider trading and Pelosi and others involvements. He also has a frontend knowledge of the government's influence and control during our national COVID response. Willing to be he has dirt on so, so many. What better way to take him off the streets, put him somewhere safe. Luigi is obviously smart enough to be in some sort of "intelligence field", his family owning nursing homes makes the "proposed narrative" believable. The court case for Luigi will be delayed and delayed and delayed until they can take Brian out of protective custody. (As we know from Tartaglione inmates can go missing and tracking is not that great- they can let him go free and no one will be the wiser). Just my thinking.... maybe more "movie material" than anything truth but?????
Am I the only one who doesn’t buy this at all? It’s all smoke and mirrors to me. I can’t help it, I believe none of it anymore. There are too many controversial shootings, I.e. Vegas, for one, where they never told us a thing. Just all of it disappeared. We are told what they WANT us to know, and this just seems to easily solved. I can’t tell if it’s a set up and he’s the fall guy, or if he’s part of the act…. But if what they say is true and that CEO was going to maybe tell on some colleagues who may be high up, I’m not buying it at all.
funny how only actually murdering CEOs gets any attention from the psychopathic CEO class.
A shame how completely bankrupt the US capitalist system is.
we all noticed how Blue Cross took back its horrific "cost saving " decision to only cover SO MANY HOURS OF ANESTHESIA for patients on the operating table right after this.
and the video from the other CEO of United was extremely tone deaf from a company that makes alll its $$ from denying care to the people it's supposed to be providing care TO.
I dont condone murder, but how different is this murder from the murder of all the people who died as a result of Thompson's decisions?
its time we had a serious discussion about the RACKET that is health care in the US.
I certainly do not condone this murder or any others. It’s clear that the healthcare system, or "sick care" system as I’ve heard it referred to, is in urgent need of a complete overhaul!
do you think you are making any friends or influencing anyone with your piggy comments? and your unfounded assumptions? I wonder if you are an operative out to turn people off to asking questions and getting answers.
Why do you feel it necessary to use such vulgar language to get your point across? I think you’re cheapening your perspective and loosing respect along the way.
Jessica - Can you shed any light as to Mr. Thompson purportedly due to testify in a hearing that Pelosi is involved with? I've seen several allegations of that online. As to this this - the bushy eyebrows remind me of Bryan Kohberger. This dude's smile is not even close to the one we see in the video. There is nothing charming about this one - kinda the opposite in that there is an ick factor. I think this is a patsy.
I've been thinking a lot about this, as I'm sure many have. The commentary around the justification (or not) of Thompson's murder seems to be completely missing a simmering (and quite possibly ready to boil over) issue: We all know that these CEOs, their shareholders, and their investors will never have to answer for the countless cruelties they have imparted on innumerable Americans. We've seen it OVER and OVER and OVER again. It seems that this was inevitable to anyone who was paying attention to these layers. When it is proven time and time again that the law doesn't apply to the folks in their income brackets, and our governmental bodies are putrid with corporate capture, what is left for people to do? How far to you push people before they feel just hopeless and helpless enough, that they realize what it takes to defeat evil people running evil corporations is unthinkable to most?
He had nothing to do with bringing death and misery to anyone. He is an administrator you half ass moron stupid shit Wow....this is fucking scary. It is such a crazy comment. it warrants drug intervention Go the fuck away NOW Jesus shit ball christ WOW
he’s just the administrator! Do you hear what you’re saying? He’s the head of the company. If he’s not responsible for what’s happening under his watch, then tell me who is. Countless people have died as a result of their incompetence and you wanna swear and curse at me because you don’t understand how the world works, give me a break
And actually, I’m being nice there unnecessarily and unjustly. They weren’t incompetent they knowingly let those people die. That’s called murder wake up.
They were using a computer algorithm to deny claims. They were using AI in place of medical professionals to deny elderly patients care. Care that their treating physicians deemed necessary. Knowing very few would appeal this decision, they’d be forced to pay out of pocket or just not move forward with the care.
So, the ones making these decisions are no better than this murderer. Actually, they’re worse. Taking their money first.
I don’t believe in free healthcare for all. I do believe ppl who are paying insane amounts of money for coverage should BE COVERED. If not, give me back my money.
Everybody believes that. That is not the issue. The issue here is not the evil insurance companies. It is how to deal with life, frustration, and not always getting what you want…… They left the mustard off my Whopper. I must kill the President of company . That is where you are going, and NO I am not comparing a hamburger to a human life. You woke so proper mother fuckers are so/ literal it kills me.
Were? Do you mean where? Your username was obviously your decision. You probably needed a little help with the spelling, but I can tell it was your idea. You did that all by yourself.
But denying life saving treatments to those who are paying ungodly amounts for coverage is justified? Taking ppl’s money then denying them life saving treatments to make more money? That’s cold blooded.
And there you go! The definition of moral relativism. Your ignorance is astounding bitch! You got on here chastising about me not allowing healthcare discussion related to “cold blooded murder “ yet your vapid and veiled response is exactly what I said it was. My goodness you’re a dumb cunt.
Nice detail. 👍 But is it relevant? Most temps in Hawaii keep forwarding addresses where they came from due to really high Hawaii State taxes. Presumably due to the high cost of still looking for a hard copy of Obama’s Long Form Birth Certificate. The clearly digital forgery of which lists “Kenya” on it for his faked polygamist father. 18 months before Kenya was even a country. Different Frank Marshall Davis Communist statutory rape communist rabbit hole that one though.
Last known “listed” address found by researchers has not very much to do with your details point, if you get the point. Neither the Trump would be or if this is even the United CEO assassin were in Hawaii recently. Actual assassins leave faked bread crumb trails on purpose. Seems to be a lot happening in Hawaii like Lahina recently. Just like all money laundering goes through Delaware Biden LLCs. As a for instance. Facilitated by the Bank of Choice Hillary gave a slap on the wrist for Cartel money laundering, HSBC. The same bank HSBC both Mueller and Comey sat on the Board of.
Hawaii is just an interesting trend to keep an eye on. Not get too bogged down in the Weed with. What was that Weed Gang Obama used to be in over in Hawaii?
While you triple check all the details, if someone really was a paid hit man dude, would he still be walking into a McDougles with the same weapon, suppressor, faked IDs, mask and a Manifesto in his pocket? 🧐
Next we will be asked to believe a 600 meter blast on the sand offshore Cali was an earthquake, right? Because earthquakes that magnitude always occur on the surface. More related to United Healthcare, we are asked to believe some Nigerians sitting in a bamboo hut steal over $100 Billion from Medicare annually. And the Goober$Mint is clueless some how to stop them, they are so very clever. 🧐
The Great Awakening is exhausting. We are living in an adrenal exhaustion news cycle. Everyday is something and I can’t relax long enough to read my sweet Christmas book. Could Luigi have been MK’d like Kaczynski? Why so careless knowing cameras are everywhere? Why didn’t BT have his bodyguard with him? BT didn’t deserve to be gunned down in cold blood but I see this as a catalyst for needed change. I was just denied on three appeals from my provider. Or are is it more sinister - like pushing us to beg for socialized healthcare? Whatever it is, it’s all totally wild.
It’s incredible how quickly this ‘person of interest’ was identified with all the elements and evidence supporting the manhunt. Yet, when President Donald J. Trump was shot at, no one was able to uncover any details about the shooter, couldn’t access his phone, and found no social media presence. The level of theater this year is Oscar-worthy. Unreal.
100%. I bet the FBI has deleted a lot of their records already.
This entire Shakespearean play smells funny.
It’s terrible that he was murdered. Also terrible that the company in the state I live has caused harm to sick and dying people. I lost my first husband young due to malpractice and it was under the United Healthcare system. I wouldn’t, however, think of murdering someone because of it. Big Pharma and the healthcare system needs a definite redo. Hopefully MAHA & MAGA will dramatically change the current systems at play.
Not to mention that killing a CEO doesn’t stop the companies from anything, they’ll just replace their CEO.l, of course. The ideology needs reframing and policy changes. The CEO is not particularly a well thought out target, nor is murder.
Not disagreeing with you. I am sorry for the loss of your husband.
Just adding a side note:
everyone online, and not just here, is talking about evil insurance companies, and yes, the system is broken but just as much focus needs to be looked at into the fraud waste and abuse caused by the sweet little doctors with a good bedside manner, and that nice little hospital's billing practices. For the most part, it has always been easier to blame the insurance company. For example, a doctor can bill a claim for services and not bill correctly, as medical billing is super complicated and when the claim is denied, the provider blames the insurance company as a scape goat (instead of doing the footwork/training to learn to bill appropriately) and then tell the patient that their insurance is at fault and they will have to pay out of pocket. The providers are still getting their money either way. The lack of ethics and accountability goes BOTH WAYS. EVERYONE is trying to get a piece of the pie and only the patients are suffering.
MAHA hopefully will set us straight. It is definitely a complex and broken system.
This isn’t true. You can’t balance bill
I'm so sorry for your loss. Insurance companies are the worst but like you, it would never enter my mind to take someone out due to it.
🖕 and your highly misguided response
Ummm wut?
Look into the Hollywood firefighters pension fund lawsuit against UHG for insider trading naming 3 UHG execs of which Brian was the lowest ranked. Pension fund reps were at last year’s UHC investors meeting. Media quiet on this sinister aspect. Sir Andrew Witty, also named in the lawsuit is CEO of UHG and has deep ties to WHO and global vaccine distribution. This story js much deeper than scapegoat Luigi.
Replying to Deb Johnson
As you should be…fucking twat with NO respect for a man shot down in the back on a public street. Father of two and wife; yet your vapid cunt remarks discussed the healthcare industry. You’re a vile, disgusting POS.
I didn’t comment positively on the shooting of the CEO. Just the opposite. And your words are vile and disgusting! And you probably are too.
You’re a fine one to be talking about showing respect while calling strangers cunts and twats. This woman you’re berating lost her husband, so “virtue signaling in the name of healthcare” does not apply here. She said she does not condone murder, yet you’re treating her as if she did this. And acting like a lunatic, as if this CEO would’ve given a shit about you.
And while you’re telling others to take their meds, I’m assuming you haven’t taken yours. Maybe do that before we’re reading a Substack article about you.
In the meantime,
What in the world are you disagreeing with?
It’s the breakdown of society and generational decay from individuals like you who, instead of engaging thoughtfully, resort to hurling vile names at those around you simply because they’re discussing topics you deem off-topic.
Discussing anything healthcare related in regards to that senseless assassination on the streets of NY. A grotesque cowardly act. You seem to have poor comprehension skills.
You came looking to argue, huh?
Absolutely. The response supporting the shooter is disgraceful and disgusting.
Not to mention I haven’t seen a single response here in support of the killer. A high level murder of ceo of a major healthcare company is naturally going to bring up what is wrong with our healthcare system. Not to mention it is the clear narrative that msm is spewing. He must’ve killed him because of the poor care he received for his back surgery - that is what msm is saying. But saying that and discussing that does not equate to sympathizing or supporting the killer. So I think you need to take a step back and re read everything here and maybe then you will realize the confusion and concern everyone clearly has over your obnoxious behavior. Unless you are 13 - if that’s the case, just say that.
So what you are saying is - unless anyone speaks about this highly intense situation that most of us have never seen play out on television the way I has this far in the exact manner that you deem appropriate - that gives you the right to fly off the handle, be disrespectful, say things that are wildly inaccurate while cursing at people - because you and only you are permitted to speak on this situation and have an opinion about it? Am I understanding correctly?
Poor comprehension skills would describe interpreting that as a “response supporting the shooter”.
Call me a conspiracy theorist but it seems highly unlikely he was operating alone, with a weak, intellectually driven (vs emotional or personal) motive. Where did he learn to shoot like that? How was phase one of his plans execution (pun not intended) near flawless, but he was found days later in a McDonalds with a manifesto conveniently in his backpack? They don’t train snipers at Ivys, but they do poach a decent number of students for intelligence services. That said they Ivys hammer home a lot of Marxism (speaking from personal experience), but again thus far his ideological impetus doesn’t seem super strong, or communist/anarchist… maybe not enough has come out but to me it smells like he was acting on behalf of someone powerful or intelligence (or both)
Not to mention he was on the phone with someone and showed up to the scene just before the ceo walked out. I can see figuring out what hotel he’s at if there’s a big conference, but to be able to anticipate his morning schedule makes me think there was someone else involved
This one is easy, you approach whomever is working the front desk of the hotel, tell them you're needing to serve papers on someone, give them $500 and your phone number and ask them to call you when they're in the lobby in the morning.
If his family can afford 40,000 a year for school he should be getting pretty good counsel.
Provided his parents are willing to foot the bill.
I don't buy it for a second. You can't tell me that this guy was just calmly sitting around in a McD's mouing down on a 10 piece nuggs with a diet coke and all of a sudden, dozens of people decide to call in that he's the guy?! Meanwhile, they supposedly still can't identify the Las Vegas shooter or whose booger sugar was found in the White House....sure. Come on now. *rolls eyes* They don't even try to make anything believable anymore, and those that are so indoctrinated by MSM will eat this up and run with it.
That’s not the same person!!
That's what I'm saying! What is happening because he does not look like either of the photos the police previously released. Also, if he was so meticulous as to not get caught, why would he have a manifesto and the other items?? I'm sure the real killer is out there very happy that the cops have arrested this guy.
I agree - I am having a hard time with the thought of someone who was otherwise so thoughtful and meticulous in their actions all of a sudden turning into Mr Magoo at the end. Why on earth would he still have the suppressor, let alone the gun?? And all of the evidence so perfectly and conveniently on his possession?? Unless he was hanging out in public hoping to get caught… it’s very bizarre.
Exactly and why did he find it necessary to ditch the backpack and jacket, but not the gun, suppressor, and basically a confession? 🤥🤥 Something is not right!
Also, why make a ghost gun if you are going to keep it on your person? This does not make sense.
I think he just had his first schizophrenic episode, because according to anyone who knew him these actions don't line up with the person they knew. 🤷🏼♀️
Or it’s not Luigi. Luigi is just the patsy/fall guy.
I've had the same thoughts.
I guess he carried the manifesto on his person in case he was killed by law enforcement. He wanted people to know his mission.
Or the FBI wants to look useful and planted it all on him to frame him. Going week without an arrest, they were feeling the heat.
I think so too... the murdered seems older and not a young 26th boy.
That’s what I thought looking at the pictures previous to arrest, looks like someone in their 30’s
Mkultra patsy yet again….
Reeks of yet another false 🚩. But why is the question? What is their next agenda?
Increased social media policing by the inherently corrupt State, more pew pew laws surrounding ghost pew pews, more surveillance state, just off the top of my head.
Yes it's endless and frankly all pathetically sad. The one good thing about the covid farce is that those sitting on the fence or questioning are now "cookers and tin foil hatters". According to the slanderous psychotic perpetrators.
I think they are dismantling all systems to usher in a completely new system- government, healthcare, food, agriculture, etc. Notice how the collective agrees that healthcare sucks and needs to be changed
Yes well, we do know that's the ultimate goal of these psychopaths.
This is the weirdest story... it is just wrapped up too perfect, nice and neat with a tidy bow. A man is murdered, very clearly on video, the suspect has photos everywhere of all his activities, a fun game "murder mystery" with bullets engraved and monopoly money to make headlines. The MSM is leaked information at real time to make sure every little detail is reported and talked about. Nothing has EVER been this neat and tidy.
So.... my tin hat theory is getting more and more solidified (at least in my mind). My bet is on Brian Thompson is actually in protective custody. He KNOWS too much about the insider trading and Pelosi and others involvements. He also has a frontend knowledge of the government's influence and control during our national COVID response. Willing to be he has dirt on so, so many. What better way to take him off the streets, put him somewhere safe. Luigi is obviously smart enough to be in some sort of "intelligence field", his family owning nursing homes makes the "proposed narrative" believable. The court case for Luigi will be delayed and delayed and delayed until they can take Brian out of protective custody. (As we know from Tartaglione inmates can go missing and tracking is not that great- they can let him go free and no one will be the wiser). Just my thinking.... maybe more "movie material" than anything truth but?????
I like this theory!
Put the bong down!
I'm not buying the "developing story" we are being fed.
Am I the only one who doesn’t buy this at all? It’s all smoke and mirrors to me. I can’t help it, I believe none of it anymore. There are too many controversial shootings, I.e. Vegas, for one, where they never told us a thing. Just all of it disappeared. We are told what they WANT us to know, and this just seems to easily solved. I can’t tell if it’s a set up and he’s the fall guy, or if he’s part of the act…. But if what they say is true and that CEO was going to maybe tell on some colleagues who may be high up, I’m not buying it at all.
I’m curious as to how he slipped up. If he was so methodical in the shooting, how did he not think this part through ?
He left a trail all the way along. I think he wanted to get caught, as many such killers.
funny how only actually murdering CEOs gets any attention from the psychopathic CEO class.
A shame how completely bankrupt the US capitalist system is.
we all noticed how Blue Cross took back its horrific "cost saving " decision to only cover SO MANY HOURS OF ANESTHESIA for patients on the operating table right after this.
and the video from the other CEO of United was extremely tone deaf from a company that makes alll its $$ from denying care to the people it's supposed to be providing care TO.
I dont condone murder, but how different is this murder from the murder of all the people who died as a result of Thompson's decisions?
its time we had a serious discussion about the RACKET that is health care in the US.
I certainly do not condone this murder or any others. It’s clear that the healthcare system, or "sick care" system as I’ve heard it referred to, is in urgent need of a complete overhaul!
We had that discussion on healthcare and your cunt party voted to pass obozocare.
do you think you are making any friends or influencing anyone with your piggy comments? and your unfounded assumptions? I wonder if you are an operative out to turn people off to asking questions and getting answers.
who's paying you?
Maybe so. “Dumbass” was the only qualification listed. I hope they paid big because he’s overqualified.
And here we have another cunt commenting like a fool. I don’t give a fuck about your opinion.
Why do you feel it necessary to use such vulgar language to get your point across? I think you’re cheapening your perspective and loosing respect along the way.
better question. why is this abusive scumbag not blocked from the platform?
I’m trying to figure that out myself.
Jessica - Can you shed any light as to Mr. Thompson purportedly due to testify in a hearing that Pelosi is involved with? I've seen several allegations of that online. As to this this - the bushy eyebrows remind me of Bryan Kohberger. This dude's smile is not even close to the one we see in the video. There is nothing charming about this one - kinda the opposite in that there is an ick factor. I think this is a patsy.
Totally had the same thought about Kohlberger and the eyebrows
Agree! I totally look at people’s teeth and their smiles and the teeth are not the same!
I've been thinking a lot about this, as I'm sure many have. The commentary around the justification (or not) of Thompson's murder seems to be completely missing a simmering (and quite possibly ready to boil over) issue: We all know that these CEOs, their shareholders, and their investors will never have to answer for the countless cruelties they have imparted on innumerable Americans. We've seen it OVER and OVER and OVER again. It seems that this was inevitable to anyone who was paying attention to these layers. When it is proven time and time again that the law doesn't apply to the folks in their income brackets, and our governmental bodies are putrid with corporate capture, what is left for people to do? How far to you push people before they feel just hopeless and helpless enough, that they realize what it takes to defeat evil people running evil corporations is unthinkable to most?
You do not justify cold blooded murder on your feeling about insurance claims.
Two wrongs don't make a right, but it's awful hard to feel bad for someone directly responsible for bringing so much death and misery into the world.
He had nothing to do with bringing death and misery to anyone. He is an administrator you half ass moron stupid shit Wow....this is fucking scary. It is such a crazy comment. it warrants drug intervention Go the fuck away NOW Jesus shit ball christ WOW
he’s just the administrator! Do you hear what you’re saying? He’s the head of the company. If he’s not responsible for what’s happening under his watch, then tell me who is. Countless people have died as a result of their incompetence and you wanna swear and curse at me because you don’t understand how the world works, give me a break
And actually, I’m being nice there unnecessarily and unjustly. They weren’t incompetent they knowingly let those people die. That’s called murder wake up.
Nobody died because of his decisions. Go Boycott Dennys
They were using a computer algorithm to deny claims. They were using AI in place of medical professionals to deny elderly patients care. Care that their treating physicians deemed necessary. Knowing very few would appeal this decision, they’d be forced to pay out of pocket or just not move forward with the care.
So, the ones making these decisions are no better than this murderer. Actually, they’re worse. Taking their money first.
I don’t believe in free healthcare for all. I do believe ppl who are paying insane amounts of money for coverage should BE COVERED. If not, give me back my money.
Everybody believes that. That is not the issue. The issue here is not the evil insurance companies. It is how to deal with life, frustration, and not always getting what you want…… They left the mustard off my Whopper. I must kill the President of company . That is where you are going, and NO I am not comparing a hamburger to a human life. You woke so proper mother fuckers are so/ literal it kills me.
I can almost bet you have blue/purple hair.
Your moral relativism is palpable. I’d never want you involved were adults make decisions.
Were? Do you mean where? Your username was obviously your decision. You probably needed a little help with the spelling, but I can tell it was your idea. You did that all by yourself.
Triggered much? You’re a big Karen eh?
But denying life saving treatments to those who are paying ungodly amounts for coverage is justified? Taking ppl’s money then denying them life saving treatments to make more money? That’s cold blooded.
And there you go! The definition of moral relativism. Your ignorance is astounding bitch! You got on here chastising about me not allowing healthcare discussion related to “cold blooded murder “ yet your vapid and veiled response is exactly what I said it was. My goodness you’re a dumb cunt.
Why do all these assassins like the would be Trump assassin have “last known addresses” in Obama’s Hawaii? Where Kamala was just hiding out.
He didn’t have an address in Hawaii. If you actually read the state of Hawaii documents, he was a Maryland resident at the time.
Nice detail. 👍 But is it relevant? Most temps in Hawaii keep forwarding addresses where they came from due to really high Hawaii State taxes. Presumably due to the high cost of still looking for a hard copy of Obama’s Long Form Birth Certificate. The clearly digital forgery of which lists “Kenya” on it for his faked polygamist father. 18 months before Kenya was even a country. Different Frank Marshall Davis Communist statutory rape communist rabbit hole that one though.
Last known “listed” address found by researchers has not very much to do with your details point, if you get the point. Neither the Trump would be or if this is even the United CEO assassin were in Hawaii recently. Actual assassins leave faked bread crumb trails on purpose. Seems to be a lot happening in Hawaii like Lahina recently. Just like all money laundering goes through Delaware Biden LLCs. As a for instance. Facilitated by the Bank of Choice Hillary gave a slap on the wrist for Cartel money laundering, HSBC. The same bank HSBC both Mueller and Comey sat on the Board of.
Hawaii is just an interesting trend to keep an eye on. Not get too bogged down in the Weed with. What was that Weed Gang Obama used to be in over in Hawaii?
While you triple check all the details, if someone really was a paid hit man dude, would he still be walking into a McDougles with the same weapon, suppressor, faked IDs, mask and a Manifesto in his pocket? 🧐
Next we will be asked to believe a 600 meter blast on the sand offshore Cali was an earthquake, right? Because earthquakes that magnitude always occur on the surface. More related to United Healthcare, we are asked to believe some Nigerians sitting in a bamboo hut steal over $100 Billion from Medicare annually. And the Goober$Mint is clueless some how to stop them, they are so very clever. 🧐
🍿🍿🍿 have mucho fun sleuthing!
The Great Awakening is exhausting. We are living in an adrenal exhaustion news cycle. Everyday is something and I can’t relax long enough to read my sweet Christmas book. Could Luigi have been MK’d like Kaczynski? Why so careless knowing cameras are everywhere? Why didn’t BT have his bodyguard with him? BT didn’t deserve to be gunned down in cold blood but I see this as a catalyst for needed change. I was just denied on three appeals from my provider. Or are is it more sinister - like pushing us to beg for socialized healthcare? Whatever it is, it’s all totally wild.