Feb 24, 2023Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

I personally love this. Friends sharing their most favorite things evokes a sense of community that I’m grateful to be a part of. Thank you ❤️

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Feb 25, 2023·edited Feb 25, 2023Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

I'm voting for a home tour of Jess's NY apartment. She has such interesting taste and I love all the peeps of her finds we get to see!

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

I know we aren’t friends, but when I finally get my Substack about minority owned and operated Bourbon Distilleries up and running, would you be game for featuring an amazing Bourbon of the Month?

I was born and raised in a Kentucky town that had 5 distilleries, so I know Bourbon like the back of my hand!

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

Thank you so much! Hopefully by the end of next month I will have something for you!

As an aside, thank you for everything thing you do! I have no idea how I stumbled upon you ( it was your Insta account, but still have no idea how that even happened?). Keep bringing us the lowdown!

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I think it’s a very cool Idea.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

When will we get the JD vs AH finale?

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I never know when the bigger stories will finally wrap. I have one last chapter I have drafted but haven't felt like finishing. But I will (eventually)

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

It kills me waiting for it! 😩😂 thank you for replying x

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What did I miss? There’s a finale?

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Yes and honestly because of the constant postponing of it i am guessing the either :

- Jessica is very lazy (which i HIGHLY doubt) OR

- It's going to be a BIG and SHOCKING one that has to come out when "it's time"

Time will tell but i'm here for it...

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

Just read your comment re AmberHeard. Also been waiting for an update.

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Same. I have too! And the picture Jess.

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I keep thinking it’s a picture of Amber’s turd on the bed.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

Obsessed with Noble Blood! This round-up is legitimate. Are you doing anything w/ Alex Maurdugh's case? Can we pls RIP JD V AH? It was all-encompassing and need to move on. It was definitely the seminal case that busted open my eyes to more sides of the story, MSM lies, and Lawtube (and you!!)

Still think AH is a part of a much bigger story, maybe Whitney Webb-style connections.

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We can, as soon as I close it out w last chapter. Otherwise it’ll haunt me 🙆🏻‍♀️

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will we be able to see it in march or is still far ahead?

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No one wants it over with more than me 😌

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is it still unfolding?

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

Love this Jess, so nice to break up the heavy (which I love) with some beautiful objects and inspiring art, this will definitely be something I’m looking forward to each month

Ps as someone who has been in the past quite minimalistic due to environmental concerns- it is nice to challenge that in myself and enjoy the beautiful things that humans create. That kind of anti-consumerism can become such a dogmatic religion, and honestly lead to quite a sad existence. I love buying pretty things and that’s ok 😆 So thanks for sharing all the joy bringing things from perfume to good reads 🥂

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

Jess, as a former florist I can confirm those flowers are called Alstromaria and the do indeed last sooooo long! 🤩

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what a lovely name too! i hear 'Alstro-Maria' in my ears! cheers

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

Love this bit, nice and refreshing after all the heavy stuff the last couple of weeks, thanks! Hope you are still enjoying a bit of time off!

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

I really enjoyed this! Look forward to next months.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

I LOVE THIS. You and Jessica complement each other so well. And Luana is a great addition to the mix. Between the three of you, it’s an excellent melange and hopefully there’s something there for all readers to consider/try. Can’t wait for more.

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Thanks Mel. Glad you liked it. ❤️

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Feb 25, 2023Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

That Playboy doc was 😳😳😳

I mean, it sort of stands to reason Heff was an abusive SOB, but seeing it all play out over decades was 🤯🤯🤯.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

Can we just say this is fantastic?! I cannot wait to get this every month!

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

Heaven on earth is I.M. on Audible, read by the inimitable Isaac. Just finished. I dragged out the end, I didn't want it to be over

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

Nice list! Thank you for the reminder of MP’s fragrances I would love to try those. I didn’t know about Brett’s new book!! Will be snapping that up. Loads of other brilliant rec’s too, thank you 😊.

Btw you chose the right documentary. Both are good but I got VERY engrossed in the playboy one, thought it was really well done x

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Oh good! So far I’m really into it.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

This is SO fun!!! What a lovely surprise in the inbox. Plus we get to hear from NYC Jess?! Amazing!! For next month's post would love to know your favorite sunglasses you both have your eyes on for summer. Now off to spend 30 minutes down a moma shop rabbit hole! :)

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Good idea!

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

Any thoughts on AngelaDavis being a DAR? Pretty damn funny!!!

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