What a gift for you as a mother to be able to provide your kids with all of these amazing experiences! Good job Mama. Winning.

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This was a great post.

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What a wonderful experience!! Nothing better than a bonfire among friends.

It’s been so refreshing to hear these first hand tales, from someone who actually experienced it, not second hand gossip, trashing something so intimate! This is what the American public has been craving for the last 5 years. Honest, first hand reporting !!

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I can't agree more. I'm so happy it's resonating. A refreshing break from all the slander we've grown accustomed to waking up and reading, right?

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Jessica were you really once opposed to Trump? I thought I read it somewhere in one of your articles. I loved this story.

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It sounds like Trump is a more present grandpa than he was a dad. A very common refrain. His grandkids seem to think he's the bee's knees. :)

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Especially with big business men

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Also - anyone prefer Vanessa over Kim?! … 😬…. I always find it interesting how a child can be so upset by their parents divorce and/or affair but then go and donthe same :( ( not saying Don Jr. had an affair but rather a divorce!)

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I do! I honestly don't like Kim. She is always sour looking, imo. And way too much eye make-up. :/

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I was going to comment the same! I would love to see Don Jr & Vanessa together again. Kim has always given me bad vibes. And why do beautiful women destroy their faces with plastic surgery? So gross.

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She looks 😬

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Love this. And Hayes' haircut was fantastic!! Is he always barefoot? I love it.

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Yes. Always barefoot 🙃

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Jessica, you have a way of seeing, observing and experiencing people just as they are without others influence. And then you write about it in a way that makes the reader feel connected to you and them. You are genuinely interested in people’s lives and their stories. I hope I run into you one day in San Clemente or Luguna Beach and give you a hug. Loved this article and photos. Denise’s photos capture so many beautiful textures.

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Thank you, Audrey!

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Morning coffee ☕️ and croissant is now complete with this glance into your now “unreal” life on the political road.

What a light and lovely piece. Thank you!

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Happy Thursday!

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What I love about the Trump kids is they are all very grounded, successful in their own ways, but truly love their father, despite their upbringing. It doesn’t sound like he was the best dad, but they all worked through the difficult times.

Let the boys have their mustaches and long hair! 🤣

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I once watched part of a documentary by one of the Johnson and Johnson heirs. It was a bizarre look into the lives of the uber, generational elite. It was so weird, I couldn't watch a lot but what stood out is Ivanka just quietly dignified while the rest were obnoxious, bullies or seriously messed up.

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I love that Kai fishes with her dad and golfs with her Gp. She has the best of both worlds. Great stories!

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And Kai is so down to earth. My husband and I watched a golf video on Youtube and she was so unassuming and sweet. Instant fan here! :)

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I am a writer, have been for 20 odd years. You are fabulous...I am there, in the mix, with you, thinking your thoughts and wondering, all along, how did I get here. Thank you. Thank you. Your voice is a balm for this insanity of a time right now.

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Thank you, Kat.

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What a cool evening! Are you accepting applications for adoption 🤣

Also….did you get the purse back? 👀

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I did not 😩

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I love a good story before I slip off to sleep! This was yet another great read. 🤍

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Your life makes me cry. I keep crying. Not because I think that being on the right is the best but because you aren’t brainwashed.

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Its the best feeling! I'm so glad you appreciate it, Kelly.

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At the very same time I watched my best friend do the same thing you did so it’s cool to see the timeline. Can’t wait to hear your full story of how it happened

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I cannot get enough of this!

You've honestly made me do a complete reversal on the whole Trump family that I could have sworn was absolutely impossible. It's mind-blowing.

Cannot wait to read how you got over your TDS, I think it's going to resonate with a lot of people!!

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I think so, too. It's relatable to many post covid.

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I hope your kids understand how incredible this entire journey is. Hayes at 8 has had a lifetime of experiences already. I adore that you bring them along for all of this. #winning

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They better!

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It will be interesting to see of any of your sons become writers- can’t wait to read Hayes’ memoir chronicling his unique perspective of this campaign coverage. Especially excited for the falconry with the Jrs chapter!

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Palm Beach is like nowhere in the world. The Breakers is quite the scene! When we visited, my daughter said it looked like Disneyland for adults. The way the Trumps handle divorce is admirable. Of course that's never discussed in the media. Your boys have had a hell of an education from all of this. Better than any Ivy League school could provide! Trump's kids, his sons in particular, have been demonized and made fun of ad nauseam. My parents went through an ugly divorce but it wasn't public. It must have been awful for all of Trump's kids. It's hard enough being a teenager. You did a great job of humanizing Don Jr. Denise's photos are so candid! Fantastic! sabrinalabow.substack.com

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