Jul 20Liked by Brianna

Wow. I grew up in the MySpace era and I can’t imagine a MySpace page being used as evidence against me in such a serious criminal case. Kids really have no idea the impact of what they do online - at least I don’t think we truly understood back then. It’s sad how those victims were treated!

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Agreed about MySpace. I had no clue and was just a silly teenager posting my top friends 🤣 ans coding cool songs and backgrounds.

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I was thinking about this too and also how a lot of stuff on there was meant either jokingly or just to look cool. Like those survey answers were nonsense, I remember my friends and I literally making up stories and thinking we were so hilarious 😂. So, I can’t imagine trying to explain that lol

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Kayla, you mentioned you were from the MySpace era.

In your opinion, what do you think has stayed the same as today from the past?

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We continually hear about Epstein and then nothing happens. All of these cases, filings, witness, testimonies, documentaries, and then nobody's held accountable. Nothing happens. It's similar to the attempted Trump assassination. All of these people implicated in what is obviously an inside job. Same with Fauci where we have his actual emails and he is out promoting his book which is a NY Times #1 bestseller. No one is held accountable. Yes Ghislaine but that's it. We shall see what happens but I won't hold my breath. Thanks for sharing. I hope I'm wrong and this case finally has some traction after all of these years! Sabrinalabow.substack.com

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God. As a mother of daughters this is enraging. I cannot fathom people being allowed to blame them in a situation. Like this. I also feel awful for these girls in general and it makes my heart ache. I feel the vulnerability in their immature words. Like someone else said, I cannot fathom my social media- at the dawn of it- being used like that.

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It's frustrating to see victim blaming and shaming. These are kids coming from unstable homes and poor neighborhoods. I expected to read about adults asking tough questions about this much older man taking advantage and intimidating them. It's disheartening that the focus wasn't on protecting them and reassuring them that they did nothing wrong. It should have been a priority to emphasize to these young girls, that this person is manipulating and taking advantage of them!

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Agree with Rebecca. It's really scary and heartbreaking at the same time.

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Just finished Mike Cernovich interview on Tucker Carlson. Jess, you need to listen or have Arlo. It was really good and he actually gives advice to 18/19 year olds boys for a bit. It was the anti despair podcast needed after watching Alex Jones on Tim Dillon and Candace Owens. IYKYK! They touch on Epstein the last 30m of the convo (2.5h). Mike spent $250k on legal fees to try to unseal Epstein docs back in 2016. His theory of why Epstein became mainstream is bc the judge Acosta who gave him the sweetheart deal was linked with Trump. Super interesting info on what he was charged with and how the FBI helped him. “We don’t have a media we have propaganda outlets of the intelligence agencies” Our next HIH bookclub book after Chaos needs to be Cointelpro (all about CIA tactics to disrupt movements).

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Thank you, I'll listen on the plane tonight!

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I listened to Tucker and Mike Cernovich yesterday. I have a 17 yo son and he listened to part of it with me. As a single mother I was appreciative of what he had to say to young men. After Alex Jones on Dillon and Candace it was a “breather”. I just finished Chaos recently and now I’m reading a fluff romance. Now my usual genre but my brain needs serious decomposition lol.

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Thank you for this. I'll listen. My heart was so discouraged after the Candace/Alex interview. I've never liked Alex Jones in spite of usually agreeing with him - his voice, yelling and red face are a massive turnoff. I gained a respect for him due to Candace. The info towards the end dropped my stomach. I have 2 and 4 year old grandsons whom I love more than probably both my kids and I'm terrfied for the world we're leaving them. I'll also read Cointelpro. Have you read Family of Secrets? It's much more dry than Chaos but filled with a ton of info. The Bush family is beyond vile.

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Sounds interesting . But I think HIH is an Alex jones fan and Candace too? She put up a link to Alex interview the other day on her IG . Still love her stuff though

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I watched the Alex interview after she shared it. think she’s a fan of information and alternative outlooks/opinions. I am sharing an interview with Mike Cernovich and it doesn’t make me a fan of his. I just found the content and outlook on events to be an interesting take. His take of Epstein, QAnon and bad actors who are anti-human were new that I had not heard before. It leaned more into region/christianity with reminders to not fall victim to despair which was a good reminder after Alex said he thinks nuclear war is coming. Mike/Tucker talked about similar sentiment Candace has said on her new show which is if you don’t believe is God you might want to reconsider because the people doing all the anti-human stuff really believe in Satan. Her episode that pointed out satanic origins of NASA (as shared on their Wikipedia page) was wild. YouTube took it down but I think you can still listen as a podcast.

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I remember being so upset(, I was in high school when aids came out. )I Then young women were seeing Bill Clinton, oral sex “ didn’t count “ as real sex any more… (& we still had pay phones and mtv without commercials and pre social media)

Sorry I’m jumbled.

This is good, finally having something from Epstein. It’s so outrageous how he could leave “jail “ during the day .

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Interesting that jurors attempted to coerce victims much like the perpetrators in this trial. At least lawyers kept things in line to prevent the case from being contaminated entirely. Quite reminiscent of undercover cops entrapping potential suspects with or without having real intent.

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I lived in Palm Beach County in those days and very familiar with the area where JE lived. So sad for those girls and yet I want to shake them and also holler at their parents too.

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I believe social media is grooming our girls, and giving pedophiles access to them. Instagram, X, Tiktok...they are all the same.

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Where is the client list? People need to be held accountable.

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I heard it was partially destroyed.

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That would not surprise me one bit. Elites cover for each other.

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Teenagers and internet publishing are a recipe for disaster. I marvel at young people today being inundated with the world 24/7. It’s definitely different from the MySpace days and look at the mess created then!

And then adults being coercive to them is even worse! We need you to say this; do this; be willing to participate in that. Epstein paid girls outrageous amounts of money. That was the incentive. 98% of them knew it was sketch at best. But then in comes the government wanting the info with nothing more than you must tell the truth, you’ve participated in criminal activities and shame. That’s a huge problem. And no recourse for them mentioned at all. They’re the walking wounded at this point.

I’d be upset if one of my daughters got themselves into this mess but I certainly wouldn’t allow the level of pressure these people applied.

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Exactly!!! They were awful shaming and blaming them, then digging up things on their Myspace to shame them some more.

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The immaturity, fear, self loathing, and naivety that comes across in their words is heartbreaking. Reading the questions and seeing how some of the Grand Jury members talked to them is both infuriating and heartbreaking. As someone said above, those young women are the walking wounded. Seeing their MySpace pages used as evidence was a bit of a shock.

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There’s a lot of awful to unpack but on a side note I’m disgusted that a father would take his 14yo daughter to get her belly button pierced.

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They just keep buying time. Everyone is focused on the Island. The victims are getting older and they are taking. Epstein’s New Mexico Ranch had a laboratory.

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This got me thinking. The Clinton scandal did expose kids to a lot of adult subject matter. I remember discourse about whether oral counted as sex, etc. I was born in 88 so I was maybe 10 years old being exposed to a lot of high profile coverage about sex. Now we have slut walks and onlyfans…

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The rage I felt reading this..

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You are on the money. The cover up amongst this sort of circle is formidable ,everybody therein has a kink, an obsession if you will, and desires constant gratification in the form of power and validation or else they would stop, say thanks, and retire to the country and be happy, a concept alien to that crowd. Bang on with the impact of Bill Clinton and Pop culture it has ever been so. We live in religious times and nobody is perfect.

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Maybe one more evil pointed out, and something will change.

Heh, I wonder how long we’ve been playing that game. Eventually, the Individual has to figure things out for him/herself and then ACT.

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