This entire case is compromised. I am still not convinced that if BK did this that he did it by himself. Too many cars there that night, and to fight four people in a knife fight you have to be like Uma Thurman in Kill Bill. Exhausting. He’s not that athletic. The answer lies in Dylan. Something about that smells worse than the Russian women’s wrestlers locker room after 3 days of non showering. Pretty, Pretty Fishy.

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Susie, your comment made me laugh right out and then I had the guilt one often gets when laughing out in church ...😬

I can’t agree with you more , something isn’t right with this decision to demolish the crime scene . Your description of BK is spot on. I can honestly say I’ve never murdered anyone but the thought of doing what they say he did in the time they implied he did it ... well that’s some super human strength.

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You’re my kinda girl Kacey. We are like Jessica’s Third Grade FBI sleuths! We need to come up with a name for our gang. Are we allowed to say Gang anymore? ❤️

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You know what would be really great? If Jessica could have a retreat somewhere that we all get to meet and she walks us thru her investigative reporting. I would so go! It would be so much to meet all the followers and share our life stories and basically we are all so smart. I’d pay good money to go. I’ll sponsor my gang too! ❤️

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This community is the best! So funny!😆 Gang Gang Gang. There I just said it.

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You can be part of the gang too Audrey lol

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I want in lol

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You’re in.

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Yay! Thank you Kacey!

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You’re in Audrey!

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Well if we aren’t allowed to say “gang “ it’s even more reason TO use it ! 😂 sign me up !

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I’ll think of a good name. Happy New Year Darling.

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Keep me posted 😊

And Happy New Year to you !

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Nancy Drew Wanabees😉

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Add me add me! What’s the initiation?! 🤣

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Oh you’re for sure in this group!

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I want to be part too!!! And im a little bit behind on the news for this so I would really love to hear everyone's theories. The one thing I dont really doubt is his guilt. That man creeps me out. There is just something missing in his dead eyes. I absolutely agree that that house needs to stay standing until this is all over. New advances are made in tech all the time. Who knows what could be invented before this trial FINALLY goes to court that could settle this once and for all. And gang gang gang. I'm getting to be an old woman (52) and I'm getting sick of snowflakes saying I can't say words that were never intended to insult anyone. Love you guys already! You all gave me my one laugh after a really really terrible day so thanks GANG!

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Oh we love your enthusiasm Tracy. I feel ya on the words we can and can’t use! I can’t even use my real name on here cause of the job I have. Well, Susie is my first name for sure and we love that you are part of our gang! I hope Jessica seriously considers a retreat for all of us to get together and share stories and hear stories and continue to question this woke upside down world we are living in. Keep on being the Genuine you. ❤️ Susie.

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Even my husband, who hasn’t been following this case, was appalled by the decision to tear down the house before the trial.

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The house IS evidence. Just like any other object. It’s all shady.

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This remains such an interesting case. I’m not sure anyone will ever know the truth. So sad.

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I worry that as welll

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Ethan's parents...very, very suspicious 👀 🤔

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I don’t find Ethan’s parents suspicious at all. I think they are seeking healing for the town, the campus and their two older children and the King Road home is a constant reminder of the murders. I disagree with their support of the home being demolished now. It’s stood for more than a year after these crimes and it should have stood until the trial is over and justice served. For them to think selfishly and not ban together with these other families and think critically is not right. But I do not think they have any nefarious motive.

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I agree. I would not make the same choices as the Chapin’s (I think home shouldn’t be demolished before trial) but I have seen several interviews with them and I do not detect anything suspicious about them. They seem like incredibly kind and loving people who have simply taken a different approach to healing from this horrible tragedy.

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Why do we think they are suspicious?

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They are in favor of the university tearing the home down.

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I know that but I can see with their other kids still on campus them ready for it to be gone. Even though I agree it should wait until after trial. I was wondering why it makes them suspicious other than being okay with it being torn down early??

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To me, it is suspicious that the owner of the home sold the house to the university and then the university decided to demo it. Then, you have two roommates that waited 8 hours to report these murders - one of them being the parent of the child who was murdered and is in favor of the house being torn down. I've been following Jessica's stories on this particular case and the rumblings of a deep seeded drug ring in that town, etc. I believe one of the parents was recently arrested for selling drugs as well. So, that's suspicious to me. Check out her articles she's written on this case. It will answer a lot or raise a lot of suspicions. 😊

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I have read them all. I just have not felt any red flags from Ethan’s family. That is why I was asking if there was something specific from his family. I’ve seen the interviews with them and it just appears to be a grieving family wanting to honor their sons life.

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I think Ethan’s parents are also distancing themselves from Xana’s family. It seems like Ethan came from a loving and stable home but Xana not so much... I still think drugs are a huge part of this story.

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Ok! 😊

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Those poor families. The fact that they would allow and do this before a trial is inexcusable. The blatant lack of respect for the victims and their families and lack of effort to have this be a clear, clean cut investigation is appalling. Disgraceful on all levels...

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I'm sorry to post another comment but I'm processing. I have so many questions. Why is the court, attorneys, & local government there slow walking this? The drug ring must run deep!

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Honestly, it’s not that slow given the charges and magnitude AND you’re in a small town . They’re scared to be on such a public stage. Prosecuters, judges etc. What bothers me ( as an attorney) is the procedure! It’s a MESS!!!

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I think if you’re the defendant and you’re not guilty you’d want your day in court sooner rather than later. But if you’re the defendant and you are guilty, maybe these delays buy you more time in the local jail where you get your vegan meals and you are not mixing with the general population of a penitentiary.

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You’d want it, yes, but when the they have to file EIGHT motions to compel discovery-the issue is obvious. Yes you want your day in court and the opportunity to clear your name (which can never be done in this case). Yes you want out of jail. BUT when you’re looking at a potential death sentence upon conviction, what’s 3 years? Alive and in jail > dead.

Trials are SO much work; let alone a capital case. It takes literal years to prepare for a case like this, and I’d sure as hell want as much time as possible to prepare properly and review EVERY single iota of discovery the State sends (or doesn’t send in this case).

This case has been ruined since the beginning. If* this actually goes to trial a lot of people are going to be positively shocked about the details that come out. Allegedly, this is the only case in all of Idaho (from what I’ve been told from a former Latah County Prosecutor) that is under lock and key. This is also the first time longtime employees there had seen that (allegedly). Unless you were directly assigned, you can’t see a single document. The Vallow case that had so much media attention? Open for everyone to nose around in. They were threatened with firing and disbarment if they even spoke about this case with others, allegedly; even fellow employees. The Grand Jury convention process was a sham (again, allegedly) and AT apparently has good reason to challenge not only the ruling but how it was formed. I’ve been following this since literal day one, and it’s been the same mess ever since. BK very well may be the lone killer, but proving it will be an act of god (or corruption). Or this is some sort of psych--op test we are all failing miserably. 😂 Drugs-sex-church-money-power. Perhaps someday we will know t

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This whole situation is heartbreaking. I’m so confused by some of the victims families. Why would Ethan’s family approve of tearing down the most important part of evidence? Something sinister is going on.

There was a horrible massacre in my town with the Waukesha Christmas parade in November 2021. The murderer went to trial October 2022. How is there not a trial date set for the Idaho killings? There must be a massive cover up. It makes me sick to my stomach to think law enforcement and the university are in on it!

I shouldn’t be surprised by this evil as I read the Franklin Cover-Up which absolutely broke me of trusting people in higher echelons.

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Christine B, me too. I felt the same way after reading, “The Franklin Cover-Up”. I had to read it twice. I looked up/searched every person responsible in the cover-up so I could see their faces and read about their prominent positions in society. Did you ever see the documentary which was banned just before it aired? It’s old and very grainy but worth the watch. I think it might still be on YouTube.

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I have had The Franklin Scandal on my ‘to be read’ list for awhile. I wonder if The Franklin Cover-Up is about the same thing. Do you know the name of the documentary? I want to look it up. Might be on Bitchute.

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LW, The name of the documentary is “The Conspiracy of Silence”. The book, “The Franklin Cover-Up” is about the same thing as the other book you mentioned. However, it was actually written by the Republican politician, John DeCamp - also a lawyer who helped bring down the Franklin Credit Union involved with child sex trafficking and satanic rituals. DeCamp was also the attorney for a few of the victims. The Franklin Cover-Up is a must read. It is a much more thorough account of what happened in the Omaha, Nebraska’s community.

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Thanks so much for the explanation! I will definitely read The Franklin Cover-Up! I found The Conspiracy of Silence on YouTube! Wow, several things with the same name glad I kept scrolling.

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Side note - I always wondered why Whitney Webb’s podcast is called ‘Unlimited Hangout’. I found out what a limited hangout means and it makes sense. For example, I think Britney Spears is being used as a limited hangout.

If you don't know what a limited hangout is, it's a tactic being used to deflect, distract, and create chaos.

A limited hangout is spy jargon for a favorite and frequently used gimmick of the clandestine professionals.

When their veil of secrecy is shredded and they can no longer rely on a phony cover story to misinform the public, they resort to

admitting - sometimes even volunteering, some of the truth while still managing to withhold the key and damaging facts in the case.

The public, however, is usually so intrigued by the new information that it never thinks to pursue the matter further.

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Whitney Webb is talking about The Franklin Scandal on her podcast, Unlimited Hangout, with that books author, Nick Bryant.


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From interviews I have seen with the Chapins, they have already said they do not plan to attend the trial because it will not bring Ethan back. I assume they feel the same about the home being demolished. It’s not the choice I would make, but I think they just have their way of moving on from this horrible tragedy. I don’t see it as sinister.

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Just thinking of jurors who have walked the crime scenes. It has to help make things more real and put things into perspective. Doesn’t make sense

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Totally agree. The sound alone would be a priority for the jurors to hear... can you hear a dog barking on the 3rd floor while in the 2nd floor bedroom? Can you hear loud voices/screams from outside of the house? Can you hear footsteps on the wood flooring? Etc. this is just insanity to me.

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I thought this was common too, to me it’s flat out destroying evidence

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So super suspicious.

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Can you provide links to your last fantastic articles you’ve written on this? I would love to go back and re-read

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Moscow has its own category at the header (like Maxwell, Depp and RFK) I try to keep All continuing subjects separated by category 🙂

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At the top of this post, just under the black horizontal line with the House Inhabit logo, the word MOSCOW is written in all caps in grey font. Click on the word and it will take you to all associated articles from JRK. I'm on a laptop, but I imagine this feature works on mobile as well.

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I feel so bad for the families that are just waiting for this to be over! If it were me, I’d be so upset if not distraught. Closure is not going to heal them immediately but, having to wait this long is probably like the families who never know what happened to their love ones! Then imagine if BK is not responsible! They will have to look at other things and with the house torn down that will be impossible! I have never been in their shoes, yet I believe it’s possible to think about it in a very small way. My whole being ache’s for them. I’m not going to speculate on what the two surviving girls have to do with this because maybe they didn’t know anything! That will all come out eventually but, having to live with this has to be incredibly sad for them. It dwells in me for days after reading anything about this so, living through it would probably cripple me for a long time. If drugs are involved that too will come out! I hope whoever is involved in that coverup is prosecuted for staying silent if so. I will pray for the families and friends..

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I need to go back and read all of the articles you posted on this. I don’t know the case in detail. My hunch is if the college is involved with drug trafficking then the police are also involved in keeping things covered and if the police are corrupt than judges/attorneys may also be helping with covering it up. This kind of crime doesn’t happen without one or the other. Also there is something that doesn’t sit well with me with the parents who were on board with the demolition before the trial. But, then maybe I’ve got it all wrong because I read too much about corruption.

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Definitely read them all, there’s so much information out there about this case now that it can be hard to make sense of it all. Jessica is pretty straightforward about everything though!

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I will and agree. I’ve read a few on Moscow. Jessica’s the best. She notices and senses the subtle. Love her writing/reporting.

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Some powerful people most likely involved. I know it’s a small town but from the beginning, there’s so many questions re the “investigation”. Who is covering for who? 🤔

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This reeks of a massive cover up. Who destroys a critical piece of evidence before the trial?

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Things continue to not add up and having the house demolished feels like a strategic move on the university’s/LE’s part to me.

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