Nice journalism! I am with you in finding her very intriguing. Her biggest flaw is the men she has chosen to be in her life. Obviously a pattern and sad.... and so many of us women have done the same. They have used her and she let them just to be loved. (That doesn't make her role in finding teen girls for Epstein forgivable but maybe more relatable by obviously losing some judgement because of love.)

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My thoughts exactly. For such a brilliant mind, she sure makes horrible choices in men. That she didn’t protect any of her money in other ways is unbelievable to me. Scott is a scumbag though. Despicable that he didn’t support her in any way.

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I’m shocked at this as well. Completely surprised it wasn’t held with a family member instead of her so called husband and their shell companies.

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Just goes to show that it’s not money that makes a person intelligent and happy. She’s a therapists dream client, digging through the layers of her brain would be fascinating. I’m not one for titillation. Humans do stupid things, but getting to the why they make the choices they do is much more interesting. Goes right back to “be curious, not judgmental”.

I’m looking forward to the whole write up. Thank you Jessica. 👏

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I’m so intrigued because she’s so darn relatable, but also...not. Also, Scott sounds like a real dumpster of a human.

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My favorite part: Trustees trying to block Scott’s and her private beach access after looking into her background. 🤣

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sounds like it is time for a gofundme for GM’s legal defense promoted by HiH😊

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I am curious about the TerraMar connection.

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Some more info on that in future chapters

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Very interesting! I look forward to reading more. I only know of her as the “Madame” recruiter of young girls for Epstein and I’ve judged her harshly for her part in duping young girls. I always wondered why she chose to do it. So many theories, including both of them possibly being Mossad spies to set up the wealthy for blackmail. 🧐

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Why didn’t she flee to a non extradition place? Bet she regrets that now

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You need to interview her.

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How will inquisitive minds survive this break... alas we will be 💪🏽...side-note: This is just so intriguing...I cannot say I defend her however, for as intelligent and shrewd as she obviously is I cannot help but wonder why did she sign everything over to her husband, we’re there not better options? ... after probably witnessing so much “financial education”(use that as a kinder term).

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I am curious about the TerraMar connection.

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Riveting read

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From the heights of wealth and prestige, to the bars of a cell. I hope there will be more arrests in the future. The victims deserve that.

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I heard you say you are taking a three week break from IG! You are my lunch time companion every day. Going to miss your stories so much but I understand that you are busy.

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I hate taking breaks. The Daily news roundups are my favorite, but these stories in my canon are all deserving of my full focus. So temporarily … I have to commit myself to them.

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So well written and covered Jessica , as usual .I think Ghislain was so busy trying to hide and protect her ‘ ill gotten gains’ that it never occurred to her that her co conspirator would take it she thought she was in control of the situation.

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What baffles me, is that someone as bright as GM used tin foil around a cell phone...🫠 Scott is literally like a movie villain, disgusting human being.

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