In the dictionary under the word ‘gaslighting,’ is this farewell address.

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My thoughts exactly!!!! Well said!

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I see everyone has already echoed my own thoughts so I will only say a prayer that we can dig out from under the morass this lying, conniving, ignorant fool has left us in.

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“Morass” I love that

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What we need is less ass.

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Literally no. To all of it.

You didn’t achieve the peace outcomes re: Hamas - these peace deals came microseconds after Trump said “sort this out before I get to the White House, or there will be hell to pay.”

You don’t think the future of children or grandchildren is important - you’re in support of mutilating the bodies of children so they can never sexually function, let alone procreate.

You don’t believe in assisting the little guy - you forced everyday ordinary people to get vaccinated or lose their jobs for an illness your mate created, spread and got rich from. And when communities burned down in Maui, you metaphorically kicked them while they were down by sending hundreds of millions to Ukraine. At least Mrs Zelenskyy can keep shopping at Prada.

You don’t give a F about the world being controlled by a rich elite - you just wanted to stay in that elite while you thought it was on the downlow and keep getting your Ukrainian kick backs.

You didn’t create 17 million jobs - sure, you created tonnes of useless jobs in government for the fat cats but allowing businesses to reopen or rebuild after Covid isn’t a win of yours.

Just no, Biden. Go away.

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"Sacred obligation to veterans exposed to toxic materials" - you mean forcing the military to be injected against their will with toxic materials or lose their jobs that feed their families? Please.

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As a veteran the money they pay us for being permanently and totally disabled by their damage is barely survivable in this economy 😭

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There is nothing scared to this man (and his wife, for that matter) except lining their own pockets and staying in power until the last possible moment to do so. Self absorption to the highest power! This administration, from the highest position to the lowest, literally stunk.

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"scared" #sacred" funny that. Like "evil" "live"

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Don’t forget that under his administration it’s been more difficult to deal with any and all VA care than it was in any of the past 12 years before him.

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….🫣 There is no way the real Biden will be able to make it through this. BRING IN THE STUNT DOUBLE 📣

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Why would anyone care? One lie after another one fantasy after another

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He has a very odd way of showing he “loves America” seems a lot of his 4 yrs were support anything not American! We’ve sent more money to Ukraine than Maui or NC or CA. Downright ridiculous we are funding a war we shouldn’t be!

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Well this was a waste of print. Who could possibly care what he has to say. We lived through the past years and barely survived as a country. Good riddance Joe!

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All I can say to this ridiculous banter is "good riddance"!

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Worst President in American History, even when Jimmy Carter was alive. Thank God we have the Trump administration to turn our country around! 🇺🇸🙏

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What a crock of shit. 😂

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He’s a fraud and so is every word he has ever uttered. Good riddance.

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The Weekend at Bernie’s is almost over!

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So many lies, so much hyperbole, so almost falling asleep LOL... I did a little "fact-checking" of the farewell address in my own post today... ;) https://jennasside.rocks/p/bye-bye-biden

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Phew! I thought I'd come to this comment section and see 100% praise and adulation for Uncle Joe, people sobbing at his departure... so glad to see my expectation was wrong. Good riddance Joe.

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What a sad, sorry legacy Biden is leaving behind. We literally don't know who is running our country. How is this acceptable? The line of what we tolerate keeps shifting, making room for increasingly outrageous things. Like men competing in women's sports. We can’t keep moving the goalposts and expect things to hold together. I pray things will shift to some sort of normalcy starting January 20th.

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