I actually feel sad for you that you have believed everything the MSM has fed you. You realize that the MSM uses fear as a tactic to gain power over people. They can get others to believe that someone like Trump is a monster. Fortunately, there are Americans who have actually listened to Trump's entire speeches instead of listening to cl…
I actually feel sad for you that you have believed everything the MSM has fed you. You realize that the MSM uses fear as a tactic to gain power over people. They can get others to believe that someone like Trump is a monster. Fortunately, there are Americans who have actually listened to Trump's entire speeches instead of listening to clipped comments on the MSM. Trump is the opposite of Hitler. How anyone could think that Trump is compared to Hitler is farcical. As for women's healthcare, it has nothing to do with Trump. That is a lie that the Liberal media has spouted over and over to instill fear in people. It is the Supreme Court that put the power of abortion rights into the people of each state, which is how the forefathers set the Constitution up in the first place. It should have never been a decision made at the Federal level. Trump has said over and over that he is not against abortion. He has no desire to have any say over abortion rights. He has said over and over that it is up to the people of each state. You have also been fed a false narrative about how women who are in danger of their lives will be forced to give birth. That is crap! If a woman's life is in danger then she can choose to abort the baby or not. It really sickens me how the Left twists everything to make people fear. They also make it sound like Trump is some dictator that can wave a wand and decide that abortion is banned from the entire country. That is not how the Constitution is set up! Trump actually has nothing to do with what each state decides. He has nothing to do with it!!!!! He believes that the choice is up to each state because he follows the Constitution.
You have been fed a bunch of lies to make you scared. You should have listened and followed more than just the Liberal news media that want to scare people into voting for their candidate. Nothing they have fed you is true! Trump's own wife has stated that she is for women's rights to choose. Trump has never, not once, said he is against abortion!
As for Trump being a racist and a rapist and blah blah blah. It's not true. Every black person who has ever worked for Trump loves him. Trump gives his own money to those in need without touting his own horn. There are stories that have come out of Trump paying off people's mortgages just because they helped him when his car broke down. The black people who have worked for him have come out and said that Trump has never been racist towards anyone. Trump dated black women back in the day for heavens sake! You are listening to the lies that have been fed to you. The issue is you truly have Trump Derangement Syndrome. Most of us have woken up to the fact that the Liberals absolutely loved Trump until he was elected president. Why do they hate him so much? Because they can't control him. He is not a puppet. He is not a politician. He will call out people's corruption. So what did the Left do? They accuse him of things that they actually have done. It's disgusting. Trump loves America. He loves the American people. He fights for the little guy. And here is a fact....Black communities and minorities were better off when Trump was president than any other president in history. The employment rate skyrocketed and minorities were thriving. In less than a year the Biden/Harris administration ruined all of it. You truly need to look at facts and stop listening to the lying rhetoric that has made Trump look like Satan himself. It is disgusting how the MSM and the Left elitists have divided Americans. They will lie and do anything to try and bring down Trump even though our country was thriving when he was president. If you do not want to listen to how Americans are celebrating because we know life is about to get better, then unfollow House In Habit! Everyone here knows that you have TDS and that you have fed into all the lies that you now think is fact. It's truly sad that something said over and over will make people believe it.
I actually feel sad for you that you have believed everything the MSM has fed you. You realize that the MSM uses fear as a tactic to gain power over people. They can get others to believe that someone like Trump is a monster. Fortunately, there are Americans who have actually listened to Trump's entire speeches instead of listening to clipped comments on the MSM. Trump is the opposite of Hitler. How anyone could think that Trump is compared to Hitler is farcical. As for women's healthcare, it has nothing to do with Trump. That is a lie that the Liberal media has spouted over and over to instill fear in people. It is the Supreme Court that put the power of abortion rights into the people of each state, which is how the forefathers set the Constitution up in the first place. It should have never been a decision made at the Federal level. Trump has said over and over that he is not against abortion. He has no desire to have any say over abortion rights. He has said over and over that it is up to the people of each state. You have also been fed a false narrative about how women who are in danger of their lives will be forced to give birth. That is crap! If a woman's life is in danger then she can choose to abort the baby or not. It really sickens me how the Left twists everything to make people fear. They also make it sound like Trump is some dictator that can wave a wand and decide that abortion is banned from the entire country. That is not how the Constitution is set up! Trump actually has nothing to do with what each state decides. He has nothing to do with it!!!!! He believes that the choice is up to each state because he follows the Constitution.
You have been fed a bunch of lies to make you scared. You should have listened and followed more than just the Liberal news media that want to scare people into voting for their candidate. Nothing they have fed you is true! Trump's own wife has stated that she is for women's rights to choose. Trump has never, not once, said he is against abortion!
As for Trump being a racist and a rapist and blah blah blah. It's not true. Every black person who has ever worked for Trump loves him. Trump gives his own money to those in need without touting his own horn. There are stories that have come out of Trump paying off people's mortgages just because they helped him when his car broke down. The black people who have worked for him have come out and said that Trump has never been racist towards anyone. Trump dated black women back in the day for heavens sake! You are listening to the lies that have been fed to you. The issue is you truly have Trump Derangement Syndrome. Most of us have woken up to the fact that the Liberals absolutely loved Trump until he was elected president. Why do they hate him so much? Because they can't control him. He is not a puppet. He is not a politician. He will call out people's corruption. So what did the Left do? They accuse him of things that they actually have done. It's disgusting. Trump loves America. He loves the American people. He fights for the little guy. And here is a fact....Black communities and minorities were better off when Trump was president than any other president in history. The employment rate skyrocketed and minorities were thriving. In less than a year the Biden/Harris administration ruined all of it. You truly need to look at facts and stop listening to the lying rhetoric that has made Trump look like Satan himself. It is disgusting how the MSM and the Left elitists have divided Americans. They will lie and do anything to try and bring down Trump even though our country was thriving when he was president. If you do not want to listen to how Americans are celebrating because we know life is about to get better, then unfollow House In Habit! Everyone here knows that you have TDS and that you have fed into all the lies that you now think is fact. It's truly sad that something said over and over will make people believe it.
Eloquently stated!
Thank you so much for saying all of this so I don't have to :)