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You realize there was no war for the first time in forever when Trump was president? Do you realize that children were safer when Trump was president? You really need to stop listening to the Liberal MSM and look at facts. Also, crime has skyrocketed since Biden/Harris came into office. I love how the Liberal media says, "Crime is down." Uhhh, ya it is down from when it was at it's highest with Biden/Harris, but it is still way higher than when Trump was in office. You hear things on the MSM over and over and you believe it. Other countries respected Trump. No one would mess with America when Trump was president. We weren't paying billions of tax dollar money to fight other countries wars while our own Americans are living in devastation with no help from our government. Instead of listening to the Liberal media, maybe open your mind to why so many people like Trump. Do you really believe that half of our country would vote for a racist, misogynistic, rapist president? Do you really believe that you know the truth and that we are all uneducated and dumb? It is dumbfounding to me that Liberals truly believe that crap! Did you know that Republicans give more to the needy than Liberals? That is called charity and love for others! Taxes are forced. It is not charity. It is not given out of the goodness of someone's heart. Money out of someone's pocket and time helping others in need is called charity. And Republicans are the ones that give most to those in need. The Liberals paint us out to be hateful, bigoted, racist, and uneducated. It is false. It is a false narrative they want you to believe because they want you to continue to believe everything they say. Wake up! Half of the USA would not vote for a rapist, racist, bigoted, misogynistic person to run our country. We are the ones that look at facts and actually listen to everything Trump says and more importantly his actions! Actions always speak louder than words! Obama was a smooth talker, but he was a sly snake!

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We were in still Afghanistan while Trump was in office.

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