Kw, because the same laws in place 3 days ago are still in place. The same laws in place in 6m will still be in place, but with a closed border. Legal immigration adds a safety control to ppl coming in. Laws are meant to be followed by everyone. It is 2024. NO black or brown person is being harmed in the streets. Statistically unless it'…
Kw, because the same laws in place 3 days ago are still in place. The same laws in place in 6m will still be in place, but with a closed border. Legal immigration adds a safety control to ppl coming in. Laws are meant to be followed by everyone. It is 2024. NO black or brown person is being harmed in the streets. Statistically unless it's another black or brown person. And 15 police killings a year cross country. White ppl kill more white ppl as well. Although, interestingly enough when I was 13 my mother was beaten to death by black men in a rural NC town, and they got away with it woth the help of the police. Because they redistribute drugs for dirty cops. Thats how the fuck I can see things the way I see them. My Mama's color and female status didn't stop her from being murdered. Their poc and male status didn't put them in jail. Not everything is black and white.
You were at least trying to be logical a month ago. You're in your feelings right now and being a bitch. Step back and remember what you used to tell everyone. Look at policy and FACT. There is no part of the gov that can be changed by Trump that would allow races and lgbtqia to be harmed (although that's subjective. Feelings don't count). And reproductive rights were tasked by the supreme court. He can't touch those either.
Jamie, sadly my whole childhood was rough. Well under the poverty line, we had an out house, sketch power ect. I'm only 37. So I grew up poor 1930 tho sort of. My mom sadly was a little manic bipolar and an alcoholic. She def had herself in ununsafe positions in her manic episodes. But it was a lot to get around mentally. Cause there is the narrative that this doesn't happen to white ppl. So it was a whole thing. My rough childhood actually helped me mentally deal with her passing. I have her ashes in my home. I have closure ect. But it does inform how I see race relations. I can honestly admit that openly. Her color and sex didn't shield her or my family.
You are wrong about the number of killings by police. Besides that, police kill civilians in their own homes, or abuse them openly. I’m not talking about what is legal. I’m talking about what people get away with.
Calling me a “bitch” for asking you a pointed question speaks to your own feelings, not mine.
Kw I do know actually. Since I was the victim of a violent hate crime as mentioned above. But again, that doesn't fit your narrative of victim victim I guess. If white men murdered your mother and got away with it we would have to sing a different tune because you're a poc. But it happening to a white woman isn't good enough to appropriately understand race relations in regards to violence I guess.
You are being a bitch. In the whole thread. You're talking about empathy and everyone understanding your plight. And seeing your pain, your communities pain (which, I ironically do, but its hard to communicate with anyone being so angry)...but you're being so ugly to everyone. All the while over half of this nation just said they're tired of the identity politics and whining and PC shit. You were so smug a month ago. So sure Kamala was the great savior. But at least you were able to have some discourse and conversation with people in a different way. The results made you feel shit and you are taking it out on a comment section on sub stack.
I’m not a POC, I’m not sure where you got that idea.
I’m sorry your mother was the victim of a crime. Your story doesn’t magically mean Black people are the enemy in every case, nor does it absolve the police of their crimes.
Kw I assumed you were by the way you went hard at me being neither in the community or poc. How the fuck would I know anything ect.
Ya I know my mom's story gives a gray area. That's why I shared it. Not everyone in the LGBTqia community or poc community are the only ones neg affected by police/gov ect. And in my case the poc were the protected ones instead of the white person. There are a ton of morally gray areas. And it feels polarizing to you in diff ways than me. I don't Harbor I'll will towards all poc or police. But it does give me pause and question things more. Which is what I was trying to say.
I selfishly say Trump is better for my personal life. My husband's retirement will go more smoothly from the usmc, home buying is going to be a different scenario, va loans are shifting ect. But that doesn't mean I want bad for other ppl. I think there are more ppl like me then most liberals can see. But it's the polarizing of the left and right arguments.
Home loans won’t change under Trump. Tariffs will raise prices domestically, and housing prices will stay static.
My points are not meant to be polarizing. IMO you have every right to be angry at the police for failing to protect your mother. American police are an incredibly corrupt institution. They protect property, not people.
Kw in our situation the loans will change because we will use a va loan. So they are based closely off of what is happening inside the government. The rates for us will drop, although I'm not sure for conventional or fha will to be honest. I focused more on understanding the loan I knew we would attempt to utilize in the future.
Your comments may not be polarizing all the time. But there are certain talking points that are. We are made to believe there is no middle ground. No gray. My Mama's death taught me that. That nothing is always as it seems. That's why I said I am sympathetic to dems right now. Everyone's feelings. But also, the US got here because things have been so bad the last 4yr I think ppl are tired. The pendulum had to swing back conservative for a bit.
We were still conservative under Biden courtesy of Trump’s influence and Ron DeSantis’ influence. Trump advocated against the border bill so he could use it as a talking point. It makes no sense to me how people support this man when he has made it clear he doesn’t understand most of his own words (a 25% tariff on goods from Mexico will be passed on to consumers, for example). The man has bankrupted casinos. He doesn’t know economics, he knows how to extract money and leave.
Kw, and you're still not listening to the comments back to you. We were not still conservative under Biden. It's the most radical liberal the US has been in recent history. Which is why I said naturally, like in nature. The pendulum will swing back. And you can talk about a billionaire being bad with money all day. It looks silly. Fact is, the va loan rates come out at 10 am M-F. The day after he was elected they dropped a full .5% and are going to keep trending down. That doesn't mean 2% or anything. But we won't be at 7% anymore.
I wanted to be able to take you seriously as a person. But our abortion and "birth worker" thread has made me realize. You're just walking around thinking you're smarter than everyone. But you don't grasp how abortion, pregnancy, birth, medical care for women, women's bodies actually work. You just talk a big game. But never actually put any hard work in behind the scenes. I'll be over here actually working to give and get better care for women, and you can commiserate on how the orange man is gonna harm your community, and were all stupid for thinking his economic policies will work.
Young men are already threatening to rape women. As a doula, are those cases you see the result of? I would expect those would be found in the ER, not seeing a doula.
You are intent on saying I think I know more than you. That’s an issue within you. I’ve never said or implied anything about your intelligence (but you did call me a bitch though!)
I’m sure you have vast amounts of knowledge in your area of expertise that I do not. However, that doesn’t mean that because you are unaffected by what is to come that it doesn’t happen.
Biden didn’t and doesn’t have a Dem supermajority. Trump will. So you will have plenty of time to “enjoy” his economic policy. The rest of us will be suffering but it sounds an awful lot like you don’t care.
Kw you were being a bitch. To a tonnnnnn of ppl. As I mentioned in another comment, I see all the comments you give. Not just to me. In scrolling you have been extra in the last few days. In a way you weren't pre election. You've actually not been a bitch to me directly. But you have been to others especially in this thread. Which I noted was different then past interactions I've seen and participated in with and around you on this platform.
Intelligence assumptions don't have to be blatant. You asking ppl to deep explain things when you see fit...but you refusing to explain things when ppl ask you a question is a thing. I never said you said I wasn't intelligent. But the way you have written in this thread and in the past to not only myself but many others...leaves a sense that you think you're smarted than all of us. Especially down to you accusing me of projecting, or having an imagined insecurity on my own consciousness etc. And especially you being smarmy and downplaying me being a "birth worker" and what does that even mean. I choose to have clients when I want to. I don't have to. I do a shit ton for free etc. But apparently if I don't work with women who were raped by some ass hole...then the rest if my comments are not valid? And I have worked with multiple women that experienced SA and became pregnant. 3 carried the babies to full term. One was the more recent abortion postpartum case that I worked on.
You're speaking in absolutes. Like women WILL be raped, WILL be victimized, the community WILL be forced into hiding and in danger, all of these horrible things WILL FOR SURE happen. There is no way to know that. And it didn't happen his 1st term. The same fears were propogandized his 1st term.
I will take advantage of the economic and familial advantages during this administration. .y familyand our home, health, safety are more imprtant to me then anyone elses. I can say that and nkt feel bad. But YOU took advantage of the Biden Harris administration while millions of ppl suffered financial ruin ect. That's how this country works. There are ppl that will like policies. Like laws. Like SCOTUS picks and not.
You're really good at telling ppl on this thread in particular that we all aren't empathetic enough. Assuming we don't care for others. We don't care for the community and their plight. But lgbtqia didn't care when ppl wanted more safety for our kids. You're saying boys are already threatening to rape women...Men/teens (masquerading as trans wome )HAVE raped, flashed, and filmed/photo women and children in restrooms, schools, malls. All in record.
So who wins? Who's the most giving and empathetic? There are ass holes on both sides. But there are amazing ppl on both sides too. So maybe chit chat to yourself and psycoanalize you're life and choices before you keep insinuating all of us have mental things we need to work on, and soul searching to do, and we are all projecting, we are all insecure.
Kw, because the same laws in place 3 days ago are still in place. The same laws in place in 6m will still be in place, but with a closed border. Legal immigration adds a safety control to ppl coming in. Laws are meant to be followed by everyone. It is 2024. NO black or brown person is being harmed in the streets. Statistically unless it's another black or brown person. And 15 police killings a year cross country. White ppl kill more white ppl as well. Although, interestingly enough when I was 13 my mother was beaten to death by black men in a rural NC town, and they got away with it woth the help of the police. Because they redistribute drugs for dirty cops. Thats how the fuck I can see things the way I see them. My Mama's color and female status didn't stop her from being murdered. Their poc and male status didn't put them in jail. Not everything is black and white.
You were at least trying to be logical a month ago. You're in your feelings right now and being a bitch. Step back and remember what you used to tell everyone. Look at policy and FACT. There is no part of the gov that can be changed by Trump that would allow races and lgbtqia to be harmed (although that's subjective. Feelings don't count). And reproductive rights were tasked by the supreme court. He can't touch those either.
I am so terribly sorry to hear about your mother's tragic death. That is horrible and must have been awful for you to go through at such a young age.
Jamie, sadly my whole childhood was rough. Well under the poverty line, we had an out house, sketch power ect. I'm only 37. So I grew up poor 1930 tho sort of. My mom sadly was a little manic bipolar and an alcoholic. She def had herself in ununsafe positions in her manic episodes. But it was a lot to get around mentally. Cause there is the narrative that this doesn't happen to white ppl. So it was a whole thing. My rough childhood actually helped me mentally deal with her passing. I have her ashes in my home. I have closure ect. But it does inform how I see race relations. I can honestly admit that openly. Her color and sex didn't shield her or my family.
So you don’t know. Cool.
You are wrong about the number of killings by police. Besides that, police kill civilians in their own homes, or abuse them openly. I’m not talking about what is legal. I’m talking about what people get away with.
Calling me a “bitch” for asking you a pointed question speaks to your own feelings, not mine.
Kw I do know actually. Since I was the victim of a violent hate crime as mentioned above. But again, that doesn't fit your narrative of victim victim I guess. If white men murdered your mother and got away with it we would have to sing a different tune because you're a poc. But it happening to a white woman isn't good enough to appropriately understand race relations in regards to violence I guess.
You are being a bitch. In the whole thread. You're talking about empathy and everyone understanding your plight. And seeing your pain, your communities pain (which, I ironically do, but its hard to communicate with anyone being so angry)...but you're being so ugly to everyone. All the while over half of this nation just said they're tired of the identity politics and whining and PC shit. You were so smug a month ago. So sure Kamala was the great savior. But at least you were able to have some discourse and conversation with people in a different way. The results made you feel shit and you are taking it out on a comment section on sub stack.
I’m not a POC, I’m not sure where you got that idea.
I’m sorry your mother was the victim of a crime. Your story doesn’t magically mean Black people are the enemy in every case, nor does it absolve the police of their crimes.
Kw I assumed you were by the way you went hard at me being neither in the community or poc. How the fuck would I know anything ect.
Ya I know my mom's story gives a gray area. That's why I shared it. Not everyone in the LGBTqia community or poc community are the only ones neg affected by police/gov ect. And in my case the poc were the protected ones instead of the white person. There are a ton of morally gray areas. And it feels polarizing to you in diff ways than me. I don't Harbor I'll will towards all poc or police. But it does give me pause and question things more. Which is what I was trying to say.
I selfishly say Trump is better for my personal life. My husband's retirement will go more smoothly from the usmc, home buying is going to be a different scenario, va loans are shifting ect. But that doesn't mean I want bad for other ppl. I think there are more ppl like me then most liberals can see. But it's the polarizing of the left and right arguments.
Home loans won’t change under Trump. Tariffs will raise prices domestically, and housing prices will stay static.
My points are not meant to be polarizing. IMO you have every right to be angry at the police for failing to protect your mother. American police are an incredibly corrupt institution. They protect property, not people.
Kw in our situation the loans will change because we will use a va loan. So they are based closely off of what is happening inside the government. The rates for us will drop, although I'm not sure for conventional or fha will to be honest. I focused more on understanding the loan I knew we would attempt to utilize in the future.
Your comments may not be polarizing all the time. But there are certain talking points that are. We are made to believe there is no middle ground. No gray. My Mama's death taught me that. That nothing is always as it seems. That's why I said I am sympathetic to dems right now. Everyone's feelings. But also, the US got here because things have been so bad the last 4yr I think ppl are tired. The pendulum had to swing back conservative for a bit.
We were still conservative under Biden courtesy of Trump’s influence and Ron DeSantis’ influence. Trump advocated against the border bill so he could use it as a talking point. It makes no sense to me how people support this man when he has made it clear he doesn’t understand most of his own words (a 25% tariff on goods from Mexico will be passed on to consumers, for example). The man has bankrupted casinos. He doesn’t know economics, he knows how to extract money and leave.
Kw, and you're still not listening to the comments back to you. We were not still conservative under Biden. It's the most radical liberal the US has been in recent history. Which is why I said naturally, like in nature. The pendulum will swing back. And you can talk about a billionaire being bad with money all day. It looks silly. Fact is, the va loan rates come out at 10 am M-F. The day after he was elected they dropped a full .5% and are going to keep trending down. That doesn't mean 2% or anything. But we won't be at 7% anymore.
I wanted to be able to take you seriously as a person. But our abortion and "birth worker" thread has made me realize. You're just walking around thinking you're smarter than everyone. But you don't grasp how abortion, pregnancy, birth, medical care for women, women's bodies actually work. You just talk a big game. But never actually put any hard work in behind the scenes. I'll be over here actually working to give and get better care for women, and you can commiserate on how the orange man is gonna harm your community, and were all stupid for thinking his economic policies will work.
Young men are already threatening to rape women. As a doula, are those cases you see the result of? I would expect those would be found in the ER, not seeing a doula.
You are intent on saying I think I know more than you. That’s an issue within you. I’ve never said or implied anything about your intelligence (but you did call me a bitch though!)
I’m sure you have vast amounts of knowledge in your area of expertise that I do not. However, that doesn’t mean that because you are unaffected by what is to come that it doesn’t happen.
Biden didn’t and doesn’t have a Dem supermajority. Trump will. So you will have plenty of time to “enjoy” his economic policy. The rest of us will be suffering but it sounds an awful lot like you don’t care.
Kw you were being a bitch. To a tonnnnnn of ppl. As I mentioned in another comment, I see all the comments you give. Not just to me. In scrolling you have been extra in the last few days. In a way you weren't pre election. You've actually not been a bitch to me directly. But you have been to others especially in this thread. Which I noted was different then past interactions I've seen and participated in with and around you on this platform.
Intelligence assumptions don't have to be blatant. You asking ppl to deep explain things when you see fit...but you refusing to explain things when ppl ask you a question is a thing. I never said you said I wasn't intelligent. But the way you have written in this thread and in the past to not only myself but many others...leaves a sense that you think you're smarted than all of us. Especially down to you accusing me of projecting, or having an imagined insecurity on my own consciousness etc. And especially you being smarmy and downplaying me being a "birth worker" and what does that even mean. I choose to have clients when I want to. I don't have to. I do a shit ton for free etc. But apparently if I don't work with women who were raped by some ass hole...then the rest if my comments are not valid? And I have worked with multiple women that experienced SA and became pregnant. 3 carried the babies to full term. One was the more recent abortion postpartum case that I worked on.
You're speaking in absolutes. Like women WILL be raped, WILL be victimized, the community WILL be forced into hiding and in danger, all of these horrible things WILL FOR SURE happen. There is no way to know that. And it didn't happen his 1st term. The same fears were propogandized his 1st term.
I will take advantage of the economic and familial advantages during this administration. .y familyand our home, health, safety are more imprtant to me then anyone elses. I can say that and nkt feel bad. But YOU took advantage of the Biden Harris administration while millions of ppl suffered financial ruin ect. That's how this country works. There are ppl that will like policies. Like laws. Like SCOTUS picks and not.
You're really good at telling ppl on this thread in particular that we all aren't empathetic enough. Assuming we don't care for others. We don't care for the community and their plight. But lgbtqia didn't care when ppl wanted more safety for our kids. You're saying boys are already threatening to rape women...Men/teens (masquerading as trans wome )HAVE raped, flashed, and filmed/photo women and children in restrooms, schools, malls. All in record.
So who wins? Who's the most giving and empathetic? There are ass holes on both sides. But there are amazing ppl on both sides too. So maybe chit chat to yourself and psycoanalize you're life and choices before you keep insinuating all of us have mental things we need to work on, and soul searching to do, and we are all projecting, we are all insecure.