Kris is a brillant monster at PR. I can't stop wondering if somehow she's masterminding all of this...egging him on in some way. Between Travis still under scrutiny for Astroworld and Khloe dealing with another cheating scandal, Kendall doing nothing...maybe it's a way to keep herfamily in a favorable light?
From the moment it was “reported” that they were seen out together, I just knew Pimp Mama Kris had her hands all over this. ANYTHING to shove the Illuminati demon hell that Was Astroworld, under the rug. There has barely been a peep in the media about anything TS now that Pete is on the scene. Most everything the do is manufactured! Including Pete sending Khloe V-Day flowers.
“telling a Black man how to vote is the most racist thing a person can do” - this line also opened up my eyes tremendously! It makes more it more real than the polished version Candace Owens sells, same sentiment just a different package.
I think Candace can go overboard and come off more divisive than she needs to be. Whereas Kanye usually keeps it pretty simple and matter of fact. This sentence is fact. Obviously - as it effected us both the same way, right?
I don't see this as "pure entertainment" as much as a risk of an escalating, possibly dangerous situation. A man who has bought the house across the street to keep tabs, whose outrage is now directed at his ex's new boyfriend - and anyone who continues to associate with him. He is trying to manipulate others to bend to his will. It's either allies or enemies. He struggles with forgiveness, he holds a grudge. He follows up the insults with love-bombing (roses). We have no idea what goes on outside of what he/they choose to make public. No matter what you think of Kim, she doesn't deserve to be harassed or abused. Her kids don't deserve to be in any witness to the chaos that is being created. "manic truth" easily leads to violence. We see an escalation because he isn't getting what he wants. I don't see this going anywhere good. Not for Kanye, Kim or their kids.
I don't disagree with you on this. I think he's struggling with an episode. But also, no one in that family is a victim here. In my opinion. They chase this kind of thing to keep themselves relevant - and have for years - they are the best at manufactured TV conflicts but then turn around and call harassment when it veers outside of the decided storyline.
I'm sure Kanye is annoying as hell - my point is that he's always been this way.
And I absolutely believe the K's are playing games behind the scenes with him. He knows what they are doing - he keeps telling us! Plus the connection with Lou Taylor (more on that soon) really undermines their motives.
Kanye is crazy. But their 8 year old with 8 million followers on Tik Tok is fine?
Kanye is crazy but them bragging about their flower bouquets the morning after the Astroworld tragedy is ok?
Kanye is crazy but them creating new faces and bodies with surgery and pretending it's because of shakes and waist trimmers they sell is acceptable?
I could go on and on. And like I said, I don't defend his actions I just find it amusing that Kris Jenner has finally met her match. He was all good and fine when he aided Kim's image - but now he's an annoyance that's going to be very hard to get rid of. As anyone who knows anything about Kanye could have guessed...
I hear what you are saying. I stop at the "no one is a victim" part, but agree with you that no one is without fault. Even without their input what he is doing is harrassment and perhaps your instinct is right and he is on the receiving end behind the scenes.
Just to engage in your this or that bit: Their bragging about their bouquets after Astroworld was heinous, but Kanye demanding Billie Eilish apologize to Travis Scott or he won't play Coachella is "just Kanye"?
They can all be "crazy" and still be being mistreated. all of them.
I mean IS it an episode? Playing devils advocate here. Isn’t he doing things we all THINK about doing in desperate times? But Instead of thinking he’s acting on them in a public setting. I’m guilty of sending to many texts, and telling friends that my ex new GF is a…. Is the only way to get her attention to be public? Doesn’t make it right but just a thought
Oh, I think they're going to see every scandal and meltdown that ever touched this family because it's all been televised. I'm sure they won't love this chapter just like they probably won't love learning their mother's roots to fame is traced back to a very graphic sex tape that everyone and their brother watched.
It's all a mess. But I wouldn't say that's all Kanye's fault.
Lost all respect for Kanye as a domestic violence survivor his Narcissistic ways and harassment on social media is exactly what I endured and still do at times when my ex didn’t get his way he behaved so similar to Kanye like a spoiled child.The fact Kanye supports Travis & going after Billie is DISGUSTING he always goes after women Pete doesn’t owe him shit MAN tf up you lost your wife. Stop acting so Godly and then Pro Black to attacking people it’s so ridiculous
“The slow talk. The salad shake”. Yes. Yes yes. I am a mother of 3 girls. 2 of them idolize the social media, filtered, phony, out of touch, unrealistic women. If you haven’t seen celebrity big brother this season. Watch it. Lamar Odom speaks REALNESS. He dodged a bullet.
I don’t like crediting Kanye with Kim’s success. Maybe he gave her more street cred with A-listers, but I think the whole family has leveled up and would have without Kanye. Also, I don’t buy it’s him just wanting to be in his kids lives. North on TikTok wasn’t an issue until Kim got with Pete. Kanye has been with 2-3 other women publicly, but when Kim does it he loses his mind. Double standard much? It’s about control. He can’t help that he is no longer in full control of her and her decisions. I think he’s a grade A narcissist. He has also been through 3 lawyers because he refuses to cooperate in divorce proceedings. I hope he gets hit with a restraining order. The truck of flowers was fucking creepy. It’s like an ex who won’t go away. There are many “Snapped” and “Dateline” episodes about how that sometimes ends.
It’s bad enough to be harassed by your ex in private life, but having to see it in public and all people making justifications and excuses? I have zero empathy for KK personally but as somebody that has been repeatedly harassed by the ex I worry about the precedent this takes.
This reminds me when I left my ex husband and I started dating someone else. My ex harassed him, called his job to get him in trouble, and broke into my apartment in the middle of the night because he thought he was sleeping over. When he didn’t find anyone he beat the shit out of me. All because he wanted to get his family back.. It’s really not funny, it’s a little too familiar for me to laugh about it.
It’s all entertaining until you take a step back, see his meltdowns as the manic bipolar episodes they are and it all becomes scary and sad instead. I can’t help but worry that something awful - suicide or violence - is going to be the end game here.
OJ VIbes he is spoiled man child look who he is around Antonio Brown has anyone seen he manic rants to the mother of his 4 kids 2 years ago online cursing her out infringing of their then 3 sons beat up the delivery driver if his belongings from California destroyed the security guards building yep they both act the same when shit isn’t going their way
What Kanye is doing is textbook narcissistic abuse. It’s unacceptable. Regardless of what Kim and her family sign up for in reality TV - it isn’t this.
Great piece. Every time he posts, I'm dying to read your take on it right away! It's so complex. I find myself constantly jumping back and forth over what's really going on - just when I think I have decided my stance, I'll read another interesting take and change my mind. One thing I'm sure of is that we'll never be able to put Kanye in a neat little box. It's too simplistic to say everything is down to him being 'off his meds' /narcissistic/jealous... His ego, talent and influence are giant - he will f-up and get things massively wrong without fear of backlash or cancellation. And it's kind of the antidote to the Kardashian PR machine we need, imo.
When you really listen carefully to Kanye he does make a lot of sense. The problem is how he railroads from one topic to another without finishing the topic he started on, which then leaves people a little confused. But most of what he says actually makes sense, he's a clever man. It's like he wants to say SO MUCH in as little time as possible so just blurts everything out! However, the God complex does him no favours whatsoever either. He truly believes he is some sort of God on earth and how dare anybody disagree with him. You can't live like that, it's not real life! In terms of what is happening now, unfortunately I have no sympathy for him. He buggered off here, there and everywhere whenever he wanted, leaving his wife and kids behind, for months at a time. If he really wanted his family, he would have been a better husband and father when they were together. As for the Pete situation, she has every right to live her life and be happy. How many woman has he now been photographed with, even letting 1 do an interview - an interview he arranged. Sure the sex tap is bad, she will have to discuss that with her kids one day but she was young, way before she probably ever even thought about kids. What Kanye does is in there here and now, while he has already got kids. Screaming on stage that he wanted to abort gis daughter, berating the kids entire family all over social media. Even at the super bowl, it should have been about his kids - spending time with his kids - instead it was the Kanye show and he wanted to wear that ridiculous mask to stand out! When you say everyones at fault, yeah maybe but those 4 little ones are totally innocent and don't deserve any of what he is putting them through and has put them through by being an absent father because he decided he wanted a ranch in Wyoming. As I said, he's a clever man, therefore he should know the damage this could do to his relationship with his kids in the future!
Yes to all of this!! I also wanted to point out that Eminem most likely kneeled to pay respects to Tupac since Dre was playing I ain’t mad at cha on the piano.
That's an interesting take I hadn't heard. The going theory is that it was done in acknowledgment of Kaepernick, though I don't think Eminem has confirmed/denied.
Yeah, I’ve heard that theory too! I did see that the NFL denied telling Em he couldn’t kneel & even knew he was going to. From my observation it seems pretty split down the middle. Will Eminem give us the satisfaction of confirming or denying is a whole different question!
Kris is a brillant monster at PR. I can't stop wondering if somehow she's masterminding all of this...egging him on in some way. Between Travis still under scrutiny for Astroworld and Khloe dealing with another cheating scandal, Kendall doing nothing...maybe it's a way to keep herfamily in a favorable light?
the same thought has definitely crossed my mind too
From the moment it was “reported” that they were seen out together, I just knew Pimp Mama Kris had her hands all over this. ANYTHING to shove the Illuminati demon hell that Was Astroworld, under the rug. There has barely been a peep in the media about anything TS now that Pete is on the scene. Most everything the do is manufactured! Including Pete sending Khloe V-Day flowers.
I agree. They've been working this way for so many years but social media seems to expose the extent of it even more?
“telling a Black man how to vote is the most racist thing a person can do” - this line also opened up my eyes tremendously! It makes more it more real than the polished version Candace Owens sells, same sentiment just a different package.
I think Candace can go overboard and come off more divisive than she needs to be. Whereas Kanye usually keeps it pretty simple and matter of fact. This sentence is fact. Obviously - as it effected us both the same way, right?
I don't see this as "pure entertainment" as much as a risk of an escalating, possibly dangerous situation. A man who has bought the house across the street to keep tabs, whose outrage is now directed at his ex's new boyfriend - and anyone who continues to associate with him. He is trying to manipulate others to bend to his will. It's either allies or enemies. He struggles with forgiveness, he holds a grudge. He follows up the insults with love-bombing (roses). We have no idea what goes on outside of what he/they choose to make public. No matter what you think of Kim, she doesn't deserve to be harassed or abused. Her kids don't deserve to be in any witness to the chaos that is being created. "manic truth" easily leads to violence. We see an escalation because he isn't getting what he wants. I don't see this going anywhere good. Not for Kanye, Kim or their kids.
I don't disagree with you on this. I think he's struggling with an episode. But also, no one in that family is a victim here. In my opinion. They chase this kind of thing to keep themselves relevant - and have for years - they are the best at manufactured TV conflicts but then turn around and call harassment when it veers outside of the decided storyline.
I'm sure Kanye is annoying as hell - my point is that he's always been this way.
And I absolutely believe the K's are playing games behind the scenes with him. He knows what they are doing - he keeps telling us! Plus the connection with Lou Taylor (more on that soon) really undermines their motives.
Kanye is crazy. But their 8 year old with 8 million followers on Tik Tok is fine?
Kanye is crazy but them bragging about their flower bouquets the morning after the Astroworld tragedy is ok?
Kanye is crazy but them creating new faces and bodies with surgery and pretending it's because of shakes and waist trimmers they sell is acceptable?
I could go on and on. And like I said, I don't defend his actions I just find it amusing that Kris Jenner has finally met her match. He was all good and fine when he aided Kim's image - but now he's an annoyance that's going to be very hard to get rid of. As anyone who knows anything about Kanye could have guessed...
I hear what you are saying. I stop at the "no one is a victim" part, but agree with you that no one is without fault. Even without their input what he is doing is harrassment and perhaps your instinct is right and he is on the receiving end behind the scenes.
Just to engage in your this or that bit: Their bragging about their bouquets after Astroworld was heinous, but Kanye demanding Billie Eilish apologize to Travis Scott or he won't play Coachella is "just Kanye"?
They can all be "crazy" and still be being mistreated. all of them.
Isn’t the tik tok Kim & Norths account & Kim is in most of videos with North??
I mean IS it an episode? Playing devils advocate here. Isn’t he doing things we all THINK about doing in desperate times? But Instead of thinking he’s acting on them in a public setting. I’m guilty of sending to many texts, and telling friends that my ex new GF is a…. Is the only way to get her attention to be public? Doesn’t make it right but just a thought
Right. I'm sure Kim and their kids don't find this entertaining. It's not fun watching a parent meltdown in public.
Oh, I think they're going to see every scandal and meltdown that ever touched this family because it's all been televised. I'm sure they won't love this chapter just like they probably won't love learning their mother's roots to fame is traced back to a very graphic sex tape that everyone and their brother watched.
It's all a mess. But I wouldn't say that's all Kanye's fault.
I know. It makes me sad for their kids. This is like your parents posting all of their business on Facebook X 1,000 for them.
Right! I mean, I’ll probably embarrass my own kids with my online sharings at some point too 🥴
Lost all respect for Kanye as a domestic violence survivor his Narcissistic ways and harassment on social media is exactly what I endured and still do at times when my ex didn’t get his way he behaved so similar to Kanye like a spoiled child.The fact Kanye supports Travis & going after Billie is DISGUSTING he always goes after women Pete doesn’t owe him shit MAN tf up you lost your wife. Stop acting so Godly and then Pro Black to attacking people it’s so ridiculous
“The slow talk. The salad shake”. Yes. Yes yes. I am a mother of 3 girls. 2 of them idolize the social media, filtered, phony, out of touch, unrealistic women. If you haven’t seen celebrity big brother this season. Watch it. Lamar Odom speaks REALNESS. He dodged a bullet.
Oh really? I must watch!
Brilliant write and actually helped me understand Ye a little bit. Thank you.
oh good. The documentary (newest one) explains a lot more.
I don’t like crediting Kanye with Kim’s success. Maybe he gave her more street cred with A-listers, but I think the whole family has leveled up and would have without Kanye. Also, I don’t buy it’s him just wanting to be in his kids lives. North on TikTok wasn’t an issue until Kim got with Pete. Kanye has been with 2-3 other women publicly, but when Kim does it he loses his mind. Double standard much? It’s about control. He can’t help that he is no longer in full control of her and her decisions. I think he’s a grade A narcissist. He has also been through 3 lawyers because he refuses to cooperate in divorce proceedings. I hope he gets hit with a restraining order. The truck of flowers was fucking creepy. It’s like an ex who won’t go away. There are many “Snapped” and “Dateline” episodes about how that sometimes ends.
It’s bad enough to be harassed by your ex in private life, but having to see it in public and all people making justifications and excuses? I have zero empathy for KK personally but as somebody that has been repeatedly harassed by the ex I worry about the precedent this takes.
This reminds me when I left my ex husband and I started dating someone else. My ex harassed him, called his job to get him in trouble, and broke into my apartment in the middle of the night because he thought he was sleeping over. When he didn’t find anyone he beat the shit out of me. All because he wanted to get his family back.. It’s really not funny, it’s a little too familiar for me to laugh about it.
The way Kanye is behaving should be considered as cohesive control and manipulation. A form of domestic violence.
I don’t like Kim or the Kardashians. But his behaviour should be called for what it is.
It’s all entertaining until you take a step back, see his meltdowns as the manic bipolar episodes they are and it all becomes scary and sad instead. I can’t help but worry that something awful - suicide or violence - is going to be the end game here.
OJ VIbes he is spoiled man child look who he is around Antonio Brown has anyone seen he manic rants to the mother of his 4 kids 2 years ago online cursing her out infringing of their then 3 sons beat up the delivery driver if his belongings from California destroyed the security guards building yep they both act the same when shit isn’t going their way
What Kanye is doing is textbook narcissistic abuse. It’s unacceptable. Regardless of what Kim and her family sign up for in reality TV - it isn’t this.
Great piece. Every time he posts, I'm dying to read your take on it right away! It's so complex. I find myself constantly jumping back and forth over what's really going on - just when I think I have decided my stance, I'll read another interesting take and change my mind. One thing I'm sure of is that we'll never be able to put Kanye in a neat little box. It's too simplistic to say everything is down to him being 'off his meds' /narcissistic/jealous... His ego, talent and influence are giant - he will f-up and get things massively wrong without fear of backlash or cancellation. And it's kind of the antidote to the Kardashian PR machine we need, imo.
When you really listen carefully to Kanye he does make a lot of sense. The problem is how he railroads from one topic to another without finishing the topic he started on, which then leaves people a little confused. But most of what he says actually makes sense, he's a clever man. It's like he wants to say SO MUCH in as little time as possible so just blurts everything out! However, the God complex does him no favours whatsoever either. He truly believes he is some sort of God on earth and how dare anybody disagree with him. You can't live like that, it's not real life! In terms of what is happening now, unfortunately I have no sympathy for him. He buggered off here, there and everywhere whenever he wanted, leaving his wife and kids behind, for months at a time. If he really wanted his family, he would have been a better husband and father when they were together. As for the Pete situation, she has every right to live her life and be happy. How many woman has he now been photographed with, even letting 1 do an interview - an interview he arranged. Sure the sex tap is bad, she will have to discuss that with her kids one day but she was young, way before she probably ever even thought about kids. What Kanye does is in there here and now, while he has already got kids. Screaming on stage that he wanted to abort gis daughter, berating the kids entire family all over social media. Even at the super bowl, it should have been about his kids - spending time with his kids - instead it was the Kanye show and he wanted to wear that ridiculous mask to stand out! When you say everyones at fault, yeah maybe but those 4 little ones are totally innocent and don't deserve any of what he is putting them through and has put them through by being an absent father because he decided he wanted a ranch in Wyoming. As I said, he's a clever man, therefore he should know the damage this could do to his relationship with his kids in the future!
Yes to all of this!! I also wanted to point out that Eminem most likely kneeled to pay respects to Tupac since Dre was playing I ain’t mad at cha on the piano.
Oh interesting! I'll read up. I read that they told him not to kneel but he did anyway. All I know is I like E for still being E
I read that the NFL denied telling Em not to kneel. Either way Em is gonna do what Em is gonna do!
That's an interesting take I hadn't heard. The going theory is that it was done in acknowledgment of Kaepernick, though I don't think Eminem has confirmed/denied.
Yeah, I’ve heard that theory too! I did see that the NFL denied telling Em he couldn’t kneel & even knew he was going to. From my observation it seems pretty split down the middle. Will Eminem give us the satisfaction of confirming or denying is a whole different question!
no chance no way!
Yes that's what I read too.
Kanye says the right things the wrong way. SO TRUE.