Jessica, for years you have given us the “goods” on this story. I want to thank you for all of the time and dedication you have put into this. This is a story for the ages.

It never came as a shock to me that this was happening. When I was younger, I worked on private jets and so many times I was asked to send in “full body shots” before I was hired. I remember specifically, one jet owner whose “assistant” asked me if I would give massages to the owner when in flight.

Epstein is just one of many, unfortunately.

It’s so satisfying to see this secret world of elitist men come to the light of day. I have known of its existence for so long but just as so many others, we were tied to NDA’s and threatened with legal repercussions. Thank you for untangling the skein of this story.

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Are NDA's for life and not able to be challenged?

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In a world when things are crazy and out of control, be a Jessica, not a Laura.

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Yes lol!

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This is beyond thorough! There is no such thing as coincidence. Why does this intense hatred of Trump seem to weigh in somehow on all of these high profile cases? I am going to unfollow Laura Boomer. Jay-Z pops up once again. This guy keeps skirting the law. The Comeys are corrupt as hell. I am praying for Nick. You are his angel Jessica. Great recap Cassie!

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I also unfollowed Laura. When she started going after unwed moms and Jess, that was enough for me.

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You’ve always been one of my fav independent journalists. Seeing influencers ‘posing’ with the binders with sheer glee was a strange look. Better decorum was needed. This information needs released to the public in a professional way worthy of the seriousness of the crimes. Since the info contained doesn’t appear to be new, what was the point?

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Maybe it was a WH test, to see what this "new media" does with the information. In preparation for the new details coming down the pipeline.

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This is my guess as well. If a journalist doesn't complain about being given printed-out online content in a highly publicized event then the journalist will be considered acceptable for further use. This author is focused on "access" not "scoop."

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I thought about this direction too

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The whole thing looked contrived and posed. First time I questioned my faith in this administration.

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I got the feeling it was a "set up"... The influencers paid the price. Bondi wanted headlines. Disappointed in her.

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If people want the story this is the best summary available. Truly incredible

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After following this case, reading every book, podcasts, news, article. My childhood dream of being a journalist. I still have the drive for truth. I’m afraid the truth will be so diluted and muddled in the minds of people. It won’t even break the surface. RFK’s speech about secret societies that also run the news network. Is replaying over and over again. The information war is is alive. It’s nausea inducing in it relentless. Keep punching, no matter how hard you get hit.

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Regarding the Laura Loomer drama—ugh. I hate how people who don’t have the time to do their own research will just believe everything she says. Those of us who have been following HIH since her kids were babies can see the way Laura is twisting and manipulating things. Obviously, Loomer’s continued attacks are because HIH called her out and now it’s personal.

Originally, I don’t think Loomer was mad because she was jealous/didn’t get the binder/not being invited to the WH. She and many others, including regular old citizens, feel the binder release wasn’t handled appropriately. It appears that she’s so black and white in her thinking that everything not handled the way she thinks it should be becomes a huge issue and conspiracy. She has no patience which leads to unnecessary drama. She’s definitely unhinged in her responses to issues that arise. She needs to find a new hobby.

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I fully agree

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Jessica’s Tea House. Best tea, ever. Unreal real and details. Thank you!

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THIS is why we need independent journalists!!!!!!!! So many people drooling over the files when there is SUCH a deep story with insane details behind the files that NO msm has ever even vaguely covered!!!!! I have a feeling These articles are more interesting and informative than anything we get from those files. Thank you for your service JRK you are truly a trailblazer and the universe has shown us over and over that you're following your destiny!!!!!

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I was a Ford model in the 1980s, traveling and working internationally. I regularly saw Jean-luc Brunel and spent time in his house- although I didn’t know him well. My very good friends were models who were repped through his agency Karin Models. I never saw any of this back then… although Jean-Luc always had a young girlfriend, a newbie, on her way up. Of course there was casting couch deals made—that goes back to the beginning of time, but I wasn’t aware of trafficking back then. I kept myself professional and didn’t have any compromised upsets. I also knew Andres Belaz…. That guy is greasy. He made it very clear, while he was engaged to Katie, that he was interested in getting together. I said no thanks…

Seems like this really took off on the 1990s and moved West to the music industry in the 2000s. I wonder what triggered all this, from behind the scenes? How and why did all this underground pedophilia and trafficking get such a stronghold? This was the time of Victoria Secret, American Apparel, and of course, Abercrombie and Fitch. Long comment… just train of thought

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Ouch, Jessica, I just watched Megyn Kelly and I feel bad about how everything went down with the Epstein binder, and the tweet DC Draino put out was a hand delivered talking point to all of you, not even his own words. Like what's going on🤔 it's not your fault, but still, not cool White House.

At least it was worth all your money and time to have 1 on 1 time together in the Oval.

I hope after all your years of hard work and thorough reporting and investigating Epstein, I hope you do actually get everything ❤️ I wish you all the best always.

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I was actually disgusted by the woman holding the binder and smiling ear to ear. Like what?? This isn’t something to be all happy about - think of the families and she was parading with glee. Yes, we want everything exposed; but she made me feel ill.

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It’s all interesting but I guess I’m wondering, like Elle, what’s the point when nothing is new? It seems almost like a distraction from reporting on the absolute mayhem created by the new PDT/Musk administration and illegal usage of executive powers. Don’t get me wrong. I started following you during this and the Amber phase but you pivoted and it seems odd to me that you haven’t said much now about the apparent dismantling of our constitution and democratic republic.

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You are just now learning that Jessica is all about transparency and truth? The constitution is not being dismantled-

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The constitution is and will be kicked to the curb.

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Why is she being referred to as "the author" instead of by her name?

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It was a last-minute dash— Had to feed all 20+ of her article transcripts through AI with no time to edit! I used Claude AI which you can train on tone, so I made sure it understood her writing and didn’t add any extra commentary besides what was there. Hope you find it helpful!

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I thought you did a great job . I had no idea it was AI though. I sent it to a couple of my friends & they 💛it.

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So glad you liked it— it’s all because the AI had incredible material to work with! Having read all of the articles in real time as she published them, I actually appreciated the recap as well. Thankful for a tool that was able to help us get this out so quick and really excited for this saga to continue now that we’ve had a good refresher!

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I just downloaded it. I’m still having to get use to AI 🤖.

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Meaning Claude

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This is a free article but like…AI is not journalism.

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It wasn't meant as journalism it was meant to be a reference point. It says it in the title, you see?

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She published it as a reference point. It’s a summary of what all of Jessica’s articles on this topic discuss with backlinks to each one. That’s where the journalism is, and over three years of dedicated coverage shouldn’t be diminished whatsoever.

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Sounds like the results of a Grok search.

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What's the issue? It's a reference point. Read the articles if you want original insight.

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Did you ask ChatGPT to summarize your articles, then cut and paste? This is painful to read.

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It's not meant to he read. It's a reference list. That is made clear in the title.

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Do you still support Trump despite his support of Andrew Tate? If so, how do you sleep at night? Do you still support him and Vance despite way they bullied Zelensky? If so, how do you sit with your conscience? Is this the kind of moral tenor you want in America?

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Most nights I sleep very soundly.

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Do you sleep soundly - or perhaps more importantly, do you think women in general should sleep soundly - when you see Andrew Tate aligned with Trump and his family? Does it make you feel relaxed and happy to know that Trump supports Andrew Tate? Does this feel a good alignment with your own values?

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They didn’t bully Zelensky. If you watch the entire discussion it becomes clear. Trump even disproved of the one journalist who asked Zelensky why he wasn’t wearing a suit. Trump told Zelenksy he liked what he was wearing and thought he looked nice. Watch Zelensky’s body language, facial expressions and eye rolls throughout out the entire discussion. Watch the way Zelensky speaks to the media in the room. He then directly challenged Vance and was a smart aleck. How anyone can defend Zelensky's rude/demanding behavior is beyond me. When he speaks he’s always demanding and saying everyone that is helping him is not doing enough. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you.

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Large swathes of the civilised world has reacted with disgust and revulsion at the way Trump and Vance behaved. The idiocy of your response, describing Zelensky as a “smart aleck”, shows how badly you are all being gaslit. Zelensky challenged Vance because he lied. Can’t you see what’s happening? You literally cannot, can you. It’s so weird. I am British. Currently live in Dc. What is happening to your country is so horrific. I am so sorry for you all. You are in a cult. Wake up.

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Yeah, if you don’t watch the entire discussion with an open mind you might come away thinking that. It seems like you approach the discussion already hating Trump and cannot see it objectively or from any other point of view. Just because someone doesn’t agree with your perspective doesn’t mean they are in a cult.

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