I love a salacious political scandal, don't get me wrong, but Hunter Biden and this whole laptop fiasco is probably my least favorite subject to showcase. I do, because it's important, in that it exposes media corruption on a grand scale but my God it’s an ugly feat.
Sifting through endless images/recordings of the president’s son cracked out of his mind, penis swinging in every direction imaginable in an array of graphic and explicit, and downright disgusting situations. In one shot he's in bed with his niece, in a text chain he's spewing racial insults, in other recordings he’s getting a foot job, or repositioning his phone to make sure it catches his naked self in the shower washing two girls he's hired for the night.
His father’s contact is listed as "Pedo Pete," and his web searches show "12-year-olds" in the links.
I feel like my soul needs a good saging anytime I'm forced into another deep dive on this twisted tale. And it doesn’t take a radical right-wing mind frame to be infuriated by media blackout. I don’t understand why it’s even political, to be disgusted seeing a man like him protected by mainstream media. But then again we’ve been through it before, two years ago when the story first broke and we watched (in real-time) how successfully the media worked to squash it collectively during peak election weeks.
It's happening again right in front of us with Maxwell. Look at how the media’s construct of her directly benefits the unnamed men involved (aka, her VIP clients) The less we know about her, the more hateable she is. And they desperately need her to be hateable so the public forgets how all of these men in high places not only helped Epstein get away with his crimes, but aided in him facilitating the abuse. He operated like he was invincible because for two decades he was.
The working theory? Without Maxwell, he never would have gained access to these young girls in the first place. As if a seductive groomer on his side is the only thing that stands between powerful men luring underage girls for sex.
Now consider how quick the media is to sympathize with Hunter's sins as evidence of a man struggling with addiction. While refusing to even entertain the possibility of Maxwell as a victim of Epstein’s manipulative hold. “The Making of the Monster," a recent documentary about Maxwell, says it all. By reducing her identity to purely evil, in a narrative pushed by those who aided and funded this global sex trafficking ring, there is nothing left for the public to question. Which is exactly what they want.
The reality? Nothing stands in the way of men like Epstein or Biden if the right people are on their side.
As for the “monster,” whoever those in charge decide.
Original Laptop Deep Dive here
I would link the sites I follow that keep the images updating in real-time but naturally, they keep disappearing. Screenshot efforts = are the only proof
For those of you new, a brief recap
The laptop was brought to a computer repair shop in Delaware. Hunter Biden signed a contract for repair that said if the laptop was not picked up in 90 days it became the property of the shop owner.
Hunter did not pick it up. The owner found photos of Hunter with what appeared to be underage girls and emails related to foreign entities and transactions.
He made four copies of the hard drive and gave the laptop to the FBI.
The FBI signed for the computer in Dec, 2019. The owner never heard back from the FBI, but Hunter's lawyer asked for the computer back. The owner eventually gave one of his hard drive copies to Rudy Guiliani's attorney, who then gave it to the NY Post.
E-mails show that Joe Biden met with some of the foreign players connected by Hunter. Which proves Biden is lying about never talking to his son about Hunter's foreign business deals.
Othe E-mails suggest Joe Biden received money through his son for peddling influence. One of the people tagged on many of the E-mails came forward. A Navy Veteran democrat, who donated to democrat campaigns. He is testifyed that the FBI that The E-mails were legit and that Joe Biden had a big role in these transactions in which he got paid.
He gave the FBI his three cell phones, with copies of the emails and additional ones as well as texts.
July 9th : Online site 4chan hacks into Hunter’s iCloud password, and gains access to 450GB of his perosnal files. Exposing highly compromising photos which has folks abuzz at what they are going to find here with ful access. Many assuming some of the scandalous content (text messages, pics, etc.) could threaten to derail the presidency.
Hypocrisy on split screen

Brief recap of contents found on latptop
Media censorship
Note the overly cautious phrasing
Just a guy enjoying a sandwhich next to a woman with a bag over her head
They are mocking us with their refusal to cover the Hunter laptop. In the same way they mocked us with Epstein's "suicide." They know we know what's up, and they are saying: "So what are you gonna do about it chump?"
So disgusting and TBH a lot of us saw it all unfolding just before the election. If this was Trumps kids. Whoa. Imagine. If we can't trust the media's narrative on this and depp vs heard and covid stuff then its pretty clear, we can't trust the media about ANYTHING. I saw a photo of Hunter in a car with George Soros! This thing goes so so deep.