I know Kim gets a ton of hate (I happen to like her post kids) but as a woman, wife, and mother- can you imagine living with a partner who suffers from such extreme mental illness? I think she did her best to stay with him as long as possible all the while being blamed for his troubles. The straw that broke the camel’s back was when he disclosed that she had wanted an abortion when pregnant with North. Honestly, I would be beyond nervous every time he had my kids I don’t know how she keeps her composure. I’ve loved Kanye for years way before there was a Kim watching him implode and knowing his kids see it is heart breaking. All of this goes to show that you can have all the money; wealth, power, and fame in the world but it’s nothing without your mental health.
Great article. I usually skip over articles about celebrities especially Kanye. I will never understand the idolization of celebrities. Had no idea he opened a school and why on earth would any parent entrust their children to him! One can only imagine the abuse these children have endured in that school. I see lawsuits from the children in the future. Parents, wake up and parent!
I wish at my old ripe age I could say I am shocked parents would fall for this so called school, then I remember all the cults that adult members happily hand their kids over to educate without question, including religions in which the final objective and usual result is to disintegrate and dissolve any notion of critical independent thinking from the students. Ye claims to be a “disrupter”, a “creative”.an “original”. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Donda is another ordinary cult school, glad it is closed. Nothing new to see here.
Disappointing to see once again the focus is on Kanye himself and his crazy behavior. Until one gets educated about MK Ultra and the horrific abuse these victims/survivors go through, the public will continue to only see the surface - displays of horrible behavior. Who has time or desire to spend weeks on end to do deep dives on this evil subject? It is not for the faint. If more people learned about the subject of mind control, we wouldn’t be where we are today. We live in a society where we are told to be positive or to turn away from dark/evil. How do we stop it then if we don’t know about it? How do we learn to recognize the signs and symbols of MK Ultra? If you like celebrity content, do a deep dive on the country music industry in the 70’s with the likes of Loretta Lynn, the Mandrel sisters and CIA operative mind control slave runner, Kris Kristofferson. MK Ultra plays a role in every part of our system, especially in the entertainment world. I would recommend reading “Operation Paperclip” and begin with the history of mind control. All people know of the holocaust, but not many know about the history of how the CIA secretly brought the Natzi war criminals into our country with the help of the Vatican and the Red Cross. Or if you’re not interested in history, than learn of Cathy O’Brien’s story. She is still alive and active in bringing awareness to this horrific subject. Jesse Czebotar is another victim who is a wealth of information. Read her sworn affidavit. It will make your stomach turn. One will learn about what goes on in the national parks, schools, underground tunnels, unimaginable rituals participated and or attended by our world leaders, politicians, law enforcement, and celebrities. There was a time when I too didn’t believe this could possibly exist. Kanye is a victim and a puppet to bring about chaos, destruction and most importantly distraction from what is really going on. Jessie, if you’re interested ~ and with your connections, perhaps contact Cathy O’Brien or Jesse Czebotar privately. I love your content/writing and the honesty in which you deliver, but this article was disheartening to read. It’s no coincidence, Kanye is in the news again. They have to distract from Diddy and his horrific behavior/crimes. And Diddy has to distract from the tippy top like the likes of Quincy Jones. Just like G. Maxwell is a distraction from the tippy top which was not J. Epstein. Such a clever world we live in.
Really well said, look deeper at what is happening then the rehearsal is front of us. Who discovered Ye? I need to do down that rabbit hole - Label, Producer and his management team… they won’t help him because he is doing exactly what they need him to do
With the money and resources available, he could be getting helped. No one wants this guy lucid and on his game because he is a loose wire of knowledge of the situation. It is inexcusable to treat children, employees and anyone in this fashion (Ye that’s not okay) but I think Audrey is exposing the larger picture is he an Operative or the Pawn?
100% MK Ultra! I also wish more people looked into it. Kanye had mentioned that if he went away for a while, and then come back, it wouldn’t be “him”. They reprogrammed him. I know it sounds crazy, but all of the music industry is involved.
I don't disagree with what you stated above, but to be "disappointed" in facts is disappointing. It is not Jessica's job to do massive deep dives in everything her readers are interested in. I am glad you're getting the word out, but it came across as harsh and dare I say, rude. Perhaps after the election Jessica, if she choses, can do a deep dive. I think we all watch shows like Stranger Things differently knowing what we know. Science Ficiton is more and more factual the more we dig.
I was not “disappointed in facts” Tulips and Bees. Nor would I expect Jessica to do massive deep dives on anything she was not called to dig. To be frank, MK Ultra and it’s different divisions is not a subject I would recommend Jessica write about, especially being a mother of 4 boys and now being a well known figure. My intention was simply to encourage the readers and for Jessica to privately reach out to the two women I mentioned in order to have a broader understanding of what is at the root of Kanye and his girlfriend’s behavior. This subject is near and dear to my heart so I’m frustrated that more people don’t understand beyond the “crazy” behavior of these celebrities. As soon as they try and speak out about what’s being done to them, the media begins a witch hunt on them. Britney Spears is another perfect example. It’s heartbreaking, so forgive me if I came across as harsh or rude. I read my comment again and I can certainly understand how you and others would perceive it as harsh or rude. I could have given more attention to my words and focused on crafting it ever so carefully as not to offend, but then I would feel like a phony. I wish I was a skilled writer/wordsmith, but clearly I’m not. Lol However, I do pay attention to constructive criticism so thank you. I will give it more thought/attention next time.
Thank you. I appreciate the follow up. I think Britney is the perfect example of what you're talking about. I think Gypsey Blanchard is their next client/victim. I would love to hear your thoughts on that. I was shocked that she was made into such a celeb when released from jail and was not surprised at all when I heard of her impending divorce. Safe assumption you follow Jessica on IG? I'm tulips_and_bees there if you're so inclined to message your thoughts. Hope your week is a great one.
Thank you Tulips and Bees. I am not familiar with Gypsey B. Hard to keep up. I actually don’t follow anyone or am on any social media or watch TV. I’m trying to hold off as long as I can! Allows me much more time to do the deep dives. Jessica’s substack is my restful go to for all things fun, smart and honest. I believe we can message each other through substack, right?
I followed her story for years. You've probably heard of her but just don't know it. :) Good for you for steering clear of social media. I get most of my news from IG and Twitter. I've made some good friends from people who do the deep dives. :) I kinda half-ass it due to time retraints (2 kids, 2 grandsons under the age of 5, work full time, wife, pets...) Happy Not Monday!
Yes Tulips and Bees, the deep dives are super time consuming. Lol, I think I was a private investigator in a previous life. You’re right, I did hear of Gypsy. What a disturbing story. I don’t think I will be doing a deep dive on her as I’ve got my hands full with the history/current mind control/occult for the last two years. Enjoy your family!
You may be right about everything you detailed above, however Kanye’s actions and behavior is harming not only him, but MANY OTHERS, causing real damage. The abuse is rippling out and it’s not okay. Even if Ye is a fall guy or a distraction, he needs to be stopped from abusing others. I think this lawsuit is a good way to bring attention to all sides of this situation, including the dark underbelly you speak of.
Yes Courtney he is harming himself and many others. He is programmed to do just that. Sadly, the only way he will be stopped from abusing others is by stopping his programmers and that’s not likely to happen. The powers that shouldn’t be would rather see him dead. You’re much more optimistic than I am about the lawsuit bringing attention to “all” sides. I hope you’re right.
I know about MKUltra and how they use extreme trauma and torture, I had no idea about it being embedded in country music, particularly those artists! But I guess Loretta Lynn and the Pill makes sense. I know they influenced the Laurel Canyon scene, but can you tell me where to find the info you’re speaking about with Kristofferson.
Heather, you can read about Kris Kristofferson and many other well known figures in Cathy O’ Brian’s book, Trance Formation of America. I must warn you, a lot of the content is graphic. I had a hard time believing her story at first because of the people involved and the horrific crimes done to her and her daughter. I have spent hundreds of hours watching and listening to just about every interview she’s ever given and I am convinced she is credible. Explore her website www.trance-formation.com
I am sending my daughter to an unaccredited school and she is learning far more than she would at a public or private school. Donna Academy’s problem lies with the leader being an unhinged celebrity who appears to have been traumatized in some way, maybe by the gym trainer that people say is his handler.
My daughter attended public schools her entire life whereas my son, 11 years younger, has attended Catholic schools (he graduates next year). If he were still in grade school now, I would send him to an unaccredited school before I would a public school given the DEI/Alphabet shit going on in so many. Our children need to learn things that we all learned - not agendas. The people who are accediting schools appear to not be in line with common decency. The books they want in librarys are shocking. If a parent is good with a child reading porn, buy it themselves - don't subject innocent kids to that. Keep kid kids. They grow up far too fast as it is.
That’s exactly why I am sending her there. My youngest was 6 and going to a Christian school and coming home drawing demons and witches because of some show her best friend watched I’m not trying to completely insulate her from the world but I would like her to hold on to her childhood as long as possible. A friend of mine has a one room schoolhouse on a pastoral piece of land. She has been kind enough to make it possible for my daughter to attend. the students range from 5 to 10. They are outside more than they are not learning about nature and they learn fundamentals at their own pace and it isn’t boring. History means learning all kinds of people and events and knowing everyone wasn’t all good or all bad. The kids adore their teacher and she finds events from the past that were important but our school’s history books forget, like Vikings or the sinking of the Maine. My daughter used to cry every morning before school, now I can’t get her to leave in the afternoon. We don’t have to do our schools the way we do, the government chooses to make kids miserable so they can be used to it when they go out into the workforce. Look up Prussiagate here on Substack, there is a whole section about how government created public school to make compliant citizens and how it stems from Prussia.
I love this! Good for you. My son was told in 6th grade, at a Catholic school, mind you, "It makes us uncomfortable that you're so pro-life." These kids shouldn't want to kill babies at that age, and especially at a Catholic school. I'm not Catholic but my husband and 17 yo son are devout. I attended private schools (Seventh Day Adventist, which I'm also not a member of )all my life and didn't learn a lot about Vikings or real life stuff. I'll look up Prusiagate. Many people who were massively successful , didn't receive education after 2nd or 3rd grade. I love Adam Corrola who is against college for a lot of jobs. He says we all have computers at our fingertips and can learn about anything we want. I agree. Thank you for Prussiagate. I'm going there now.
What?! That is so surreal! Your poor son, the teachers should have been encouraging of his beliefs! It is so hard to be conservative and young now. My 12 year old daughter feels estranged from many kids her age because she sees what is happening today and wants no part of it. She got in an argument with my mom because she told her she wasn’t sure she wanted to go to college because of all the liberal brainwashing and my mother was aghast. But my mom is also struggling with the other one’s school not doing standardized testing! It is so hard to break these paradigms we have been stuck in our entire lives.
The teacher encouraged it - it was his peers. I had a few issues with that school, then Covid hit and he was out soon thereafter. I'm proud of my son for standing up for his beliefs. He had a ProLife IG page which was removed by IG. I'm sorry your dauaghter is having a hard time with your mother. It's a fine line for a child to speak their mind to an adult family member without being disrespectful. I have no doubt your daughter nailed it. Good job, Mama. All we can do is lead by example and stay strong. Prayer helps tremendously. #GodWins. xo
To be a fly on Kim’s wall when she read this filing. I’ve been increasingly nauseas by he and his wife Bianca and her outfits. Really wanting someone to do a sit down with her some time…
I have been rooting for Kanye for so long. It's sad to see him this way. He's making his fan base tired and this new lawsuit/details about Donda Academy are really disappointing...
Will probably always have Jesus is King (and College Drop Out) on repeat but I am getting weary of the antics/bad behavior.
I could have never imagined one day sympathizing with Kim Kardashian, but today that day has come after reading this article. Jessica, I know you’re not a fan of hers, but I respect your fair coverage of this matter and the fact you can remain unbiased enough to report from all sides. I was a Kanye fan for a while, rooting for him because he seemed to be exposing “dark Hollywood” etc. but after he started parading around nearly-always-naked Bianca I could NOT reckon his words with his actions. Good article on a continuously bizarre saga, thank you.
That’s Bianca driving it though. Not him. Her female stylist talked about it. But he does suffer from mental illness and as a result is inconsistent in his beliefs.
They broke Kanye. I don’t know who “they” are, but whatever interference that Harley Pasternak (not sure of the spelling there) and others did, the drugs and intervention they undertook seriously broke this man’s brain. 🤦🏻♀️ horrible that children including his own are witnesses.
IF I cared more- knew someone involved- and loved them-
THEN I would care about the complexities.
But I don’t.
I read this, and lump it all under “mental illness not being addressed fully or accurately, and outright perversity.”
I don’t care- anymore- no matter the talents, or the past hilarity, or the alleged abuses he’s suffered.
He’s got the abilities and funding to get help.
May God lead him/ may he listen.
Celebrity worship undermines the moral underpinnings of our civilization, by design and intention. Who are the designers?
Amen to this! No more idolizing celebrities and politicians.
How can anyone send their kids there? 🤯
I’m so bored of Ye. The parading around of his porn addiction in broad daylight with his wife dressed in see through hosiery. I’m so over it.
And I paid £300 for the man’s shoes a few years ago. I now wear them for gardening.
Excellent article Jess. Thank you.
A good read.
I know Kim gets a ton of hate (I happen to like her post kids) but as a woman, wife, and mother- can you imagine living with a partner who suffers from such extreme mental illness? I think she did her best to stay with him as long as possible all the while being blamed for his troubles. The straw that broke the camel’s back was when he disclosed that she had wanted an abortion when pregnant with North. Honestly, I would be beyond nervous every time he had my kids I don’t know how she keeps her composure. I’ve loved Kanye for years way before there was a Kim watching him implode and knowing his kids see it is heart breaking. All of this goes to show that you can have all the money; wealth, power, and fame in the world but it’s nothing without your mental health.
Great article. I usually skip over articles about celebrities especially Kanye. I will never understand the idolization of celebrities. Had no idea he opened a school and why on earth would any parent entrust their children to him! One can only imagine the abuse these children have endured in that school. I see lawsuits from the children in the future. Parents, wake up and parent!
I think Kanye is some kind of controlled opposition for Christianity. He is thrust constantly in the spotlight to make us look crazy and prejudiced.
I wish at my old ripe age I could say I am shocked parents would fall for this so called school, then I remember all the cults that adult members happily hand their kids over to educate without question, including religions in which the final objective and usual result is to disintegrate and dissolve any notion of critical independent thinking from the students. Ye claims to be a “disrupter”, a “creative”.an “original”. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Donda is another ordinary cult school, glad it is closed. Nothing new to see here.
Disappointing to see once again the focus is on Kanye himself and his crazy behavior. Until one gets educated about MK Ultra and the horrific abuse these victims/survivors go through, the public will continue to only see the surface - displays of horrible behavior. Who has time or desire to spend weeks on end to do deep dives on this evil subject? It is not for the faint. If more people learned about the subject of mind control, we wouldn’t be where we are today. We live in a society where we are told to be positive or to turn away from dark/evil. How do we stop it then if we don’t know about it? How do we learn to recognize the signs and symbols of MK Ultra? If you like celebrity content, do a deep dive on the country music industry in the 70’s with the likes of Loretta Lynn, the Mandrel sisters and CIA operative mind control slave runner, Kris Kristofferson. MK Ultra plays a role in every part of our system, especially in the entertainment world. I would recommend reading “Operation Paperclip” and begin with the history of mind control. All people know of the holocaust, but not many know about the history of how the CIA secretly brought the Natzi war criminals into our country with the help of the Vatican and the Red Cross. Or if you’re not interested in history, than learn of Cathy O’Brien’s story. She is still alive and active in bringing awareness to this horrific subject. Jesse Czebotar is another victim who is a wealth of information. Read her sworn affidavit. It will make your stomach turn. One will learn about what goes on in the national parks, schools, underground tunnels, unimaginable rituals participated and or attended by our world leaders, politicians, law enforcement, and celebrities. There was a time when I too didn’t believe this could possibly exist. Kanye is a victim and a puppet to bring about chaos, destruction and most importantly distraction from what is really going on. Jessie, if you’re interested ~ and with your connections, perhaps contact Cathy O’Brien or Jesse Czebotar privately. I love your content/writing and the honesty in which you deliver, but this article was disheartening to read. It’s no coincidence, Kanye is in the news again. They have to distract from Diddy and his horrific behavior/crimes. And Diddy has to distract from the tippy top like the likes of Quincy Jones. Just like G. Maxwell is a distraction from the tippy top which was not J. Epstein. Such a clever world we live in.
Really well said, look deeper at what is happening then the rehearsal is front of us. Who discovered Ye? I need to do down that rabbit hole - Label, Producer and his management team… they won’t help him because he is doing exactly what they need him to do
With the money and resources available, he could be getting helped. No one wants this guy lucid and on his game because he is a loose wire of knowledge of the situation. It is inexcusable to treat children, employees and anyone in this fashion (Ye that’s not okay) but I think Audrey is exposing the larger picture is he an Operative or the Pawn?
100% MK Ultra! I also wish more people looked into it. Kanye had mentioned that if he went away for a while, and then come back, it wouldn’t be “him”. They reprogrammed him. I know it sounds crazy, but all of the music industry is involved.
I don't disagree with what you stated above, but to be "disappointed" in facts is disappointing. It is not Jessica's job to do massive deep dives in everything her readers are interested in. I am glad you're getting the word out, but it came across as harsh and dare I say, rude. Perhaps after the election Jessica, if she choses, can do a deep dive. I think we all watch shows like Stranger Things differently knowing what we know. Science Ficiton is more and more factual the more we dig.
I was not “disappointed in facts” Tulips and Bees. Nor would I expect Jessica to do massive deep dives on anything she was not called to dig. To be frank, MK Ultra and it’s different divisions is not a subject I would recommend Jessica write about, especially being a mother of 4 boys and now being a well known figure. My intention was simply to encourage the readers and for Jessica to privately reach out to the two women I mentioned in order to have a broader understanding of what is at the root of Kanye and his girlfriend’s behavior. This subject is near and dear to my heart so I’m frustrated that more people don’t understand beyond the “crazy” behavior of these celebrities. As soon as they try and speak out about what’s being done to them, the media begins a witch hunt on them. Britney Spears is another perfect example. It’s heartbreaking, so forgive me if I came across as harsh or rude. I read my comment again and I can certainly understand how you and others would perceive it as harsh or rude. I could have given more attention to my words and focused on crafting it ever so carefully as not to offend, but then I would feel like a phony. I wish I was a skilled writer/wordsmith, but clearly I’m not. Lol However, I do pay attention to constructive criticism so thank you. I will give it more thought/attention next time.
Thank you. I appreciate the follow up. I think Britney is the perfect example of what you're talking about. I think Gypsey Blanchard is their next client/victim. I would love to hear your thoughts on that. I was shocked that she was made into such a celeb when released from jail and was not surprised at all when I heard of her impending divorce. Safe assumption you follow Jessica on IG? I'm tulips_and_bees there if you're so inclined to message your thoughts. Hope your week is a great one.
Thank you Tulips and Bees. I am not familiar with Gypsey B. Hard to keep up. I actually don’t follow anyone or am on any social media or watch TV. I’m trying to hold off as long as I can! Allows me much more time to do the deep dives. Jessica’s substack is my restful go to for all things fun, smart and honest. I believe we can message each other through substack, right?
I followed her story for years. You've probably heard of her but just don't know it. :) Good for you for steering clear of social media. I get most of my news from IG and Twitter. I've made some good friends from people who do the deep dives. :) I kinda half-ass it due to time retraints (2 kids, 2 grandsons under the age of 5, work full time, wife, pets...) Happy Not Monday!
Yes Tulips and Bees, the deep dives are super time consuming. Lol, I think I was a private investigator in a previous life. You’re right, I did hear of Gypsy. What a disturbing story. I don’t think I will be doing a deep dive on her as I’ve got my hands full with the history/current mind control/occult for the last two years. Enjoy your family!
I’m super curious about GRB- I find the whole thing very strange.
You may be right about everything you detailed above, however Kanye’s actions and behavior is harming not only him, but MANY OTHERS, causing real damage. The abuse is rippling out and it’s not okay. Even if Ye is a fall guy or a distraction, he needs to be stopped from abusing others. I think this lawsuit is a good way to bring attention to all sides of this situation, including the dark underbelly you speak of.
Yes Courtney he is harming himself and many others. He is programmed to do just that. Sadly, the only way he will be stopped from abusing others is by stopping his programmers and that’s not likely to happen. The powers that shouldn’t be would rather see him dead. You’re much more optimistic than I am about the lawsuit bringing attention to “all” sides. I hope you’re right.
I know about MKUltra and how they use extreme trauma and torture, I had no idea about it being embedded in country music, particularly those artists! But I guess Loretta Lynn and the Pill makes sense. I know they influenced the Laurel Canyon scene, but can you tell me where to find the info you’re speaking about with Kristofferson.
Heather, you can read about Kris Kristofferson and many other well known figures in Cathy O’ Brian’s book, Trance Formation of America. I must warn you, a lot of the content is graphic. I had a hard time believing her story at first because of the people involved and the horrific crimes done to her and her daughter. I have spent hundreds of hours watching and listening to just about every interview she’s ever given and I am convinced she is credible. Explore her website www.trance-formation.com
On top of ALL the things the thing that blows my mind the most is why would any parent send their kid to a unaccredited school?
I am sending my daughter to an unaccredited school and she is learning far more than she would at a public or private school. Donna Academy’s problem lies with the leader being an unhinged celebrity who appears to have been traumatized in some way, maybe by the gym trainer that people say is his handler.
My daughter attended public schools her entire life whereas my son, 11 years younger, has attended Catholic schools (he graduates next year). If he were still in grade school now, I would send him to an unaccredited school before I would a public school given the DEI/Alphabet shit going on in so many. Our children need to learn things that we all learned - not agendas. The people who are accediting schools appear to not be in line with common decency. The books they want in librarys are shocking. If a parent is good with a child reading porn, buy it themselves - don't subject innocent kids to that. Keep kid kids. They grow up far too fast as it is.
That’s exactly why I am sending her there. My youngest was 6 and going to a Christian school and coming home drawing demons and witches because of some show her best friend watched I’m not trying to completely insulate her from the world but I would like her to hold on to her childhood as long as possible. A friend of mine has a one room schoolhouse on a pastoral piece of land. She has been kind enough to make it possible for my daughter to attend. the students range from 5 to 10. They are outside more than they are not learning about nature and they learn fundamentals at their own pace and it isn’t boring. History means learning all kinds of people and events and knowing everyone wasn’t all good or all bad. The kids adore their teacher and she finds events from the past that were important but our school’s history books forget, like Vikings or the sinking of the Maine. My daughter used to cry every morning before school, now I can’t get her to leave in the afternoon. We don’t have to do our schools the way we do, the government chooses to make kids miserable so they can be used to it when they go out into the workforce. Look up Prussiagate here on Substack, there is a whole section about how government created public school to make compliant citizens and how it stems from Prussia.
I love this! Good for you. My son was told in 6th grade, at a Catholic school, mind you, "It makes us uncomfortable that you're so pro-life." These kids shouldn't want to kill babies at that age, and especially at a Catholic school. I'm not Catholic but my husband and 17 yo son are devout. I attended private schools (Seventh Day Adventist, which I'm also not a member of )all my life and didn't learn a lot about Vikings or real life stuff. I'll look up Prusiagate. Many people who were massively successful , didn't receive education after 2nd or 3rd grade. I love Adam Corrola who is against college for a lot of jobs. He says we all have computers at our fingertips and can learn about anything we want. I agree. Thank you for Prussiagate. I'm going there now.
What?! That is so surreal! Your poor son, the teachers should have been encouraging of his beliefs! It is so hard to be conservative and young now. My 12 year old daughter feels estranged from many kids her age because she sees what is happening today and wants no part of it. She got in an argument with my mom because she told her she wasn’t sure she wanted to go to college because of all the liberal brainwashing and my mother was aghast. But my mom is also struggling with the other one’s school not doing standardized testing! It is so hard to break these paradigms we have been stuck in our entire lives.
The teacher encouraged it - it was his peers. I had a few issues with that school, then Covid hit and he was out soon thereafter. I'm proud of my son for standing up for his beliefs. He had a ProLife IG page which was removed by IG. I'm sorry your dauaghter is having a hard time with your mother. It's a fine line for a child to speak their mind to an adult family member without being disrespectful. I have no doubt your daughter nailed it. Good job, Mama. All we can do is lead by example and stay strong. Prayer helps tremendously. #GodWins. xo
Indoctrination is extremely appealing to some. Easier than actually thinking.
To be a fly on Kim’s wall when she read this filing. I’ve been increasingly nauseas by he and his wife Bianca and her outfits. Really wanting someone to do a sit down with her some time…
I want to hear Bianca say ANYTHING AT ALL!! She is the ultimate fly on the wall for this era of Kanye and it’s crazy how mute she is.
Sounds more like a prison than a school. He treated the teachers like prisoners.
He was the wanna be Warden aka “King”
This is what untreated Mental Illness looks like.
This is what MK Ultra looks like.
Praying for Ye ❤️
I have been rooting for Kanye for so long. It's sad to see him this way. He's making his fan base tired and this new lawsuit/details about Donda Academy are really disappointing...
Will probably always have Jesus is King (and College Drop Out) on repeat but I am getting weary of the antics/bad behavior.
Jesus the King is breathtaking; would love to believe written in moments of true clarity / sanity…
… but who knows?
Major talents and their abilities to project false truths have produced fraudulent work since Eden…
( Lucifer, anyone?? )
I could have never imagined one day sympathizing with Kim Kardashian, but today that day has come after reading this article. Jessica, I know you’re not a fan of hers, but I respect your fair coverage of this matter and the fact you can remain unbiased enough to report from all sides. I was a Kanye fan for a while, rooting for him because he seemed to be exposing “dark Hollywood” etc. but after he started parading around nearly-always-naked Bianca I could NOT reckon his words with his actions. Good article on a continuously bizarre saga, thank you.
That’s Bianca driving it though. Not him. Her female stylist talked about it. But he does suffer from mental illness and as a result is inconsistent in his beliefs.
They broke Kanye. I don’t know who “they” are, but whatever interference that Harley Pasternak (not sure of the spelling there) and others did, the drugs and intervention they undertook seriously broke this man’s brain. 🤦🏻♀️ horrible that children including his own are witnesses.