Homework: Watch Candace’s interview with Xavier Poussard—the journalist who exposed the secrets of the mysterious individual who has become “Brigitte”—so we can discuss it in threads on Thursday.
I do not have any hate for her. I struggle when things are clearly inauthentic and feel forced. I have zero desire to watch her for that reason ….she does not inspire me. I am genuinely curious as to who her audience is and why she is still clinging to celebrity? We should all continuously use discernment as we witness things unfold. However there seems to be a lack of understanding that we are all capable of good and bad. Let’s take each situation as it comes and stop categorizing with generalities. Elon/DOGE are capable of both. Discernment is imperative during these transitional times.
Have you seen any evidence of “stealing of trillions of dollars”or do you believe it because Elon Musk told you to?
There is no doubt countless amounts of tax payers money has been spent inappropriately by all previous administrations.
This administration has handed Elon Musk unprecedented access to all government affairs. Why do you believe Elon Musk would be interested in what’s best working class Americans?
https://doge.gov/savings I recommend checking out the government website where all of this information has been shared publicly. You can drill down into the link for further detail on the spend.
Thank you Janelle, people want you to answer their inane questions because they are to lazy to do it themselves and then question you on it when you try to make sense of their ignorance.
Lol! Elon Musk is an unelected and unaccountable government official wielding expansive executive power in violation of the U.S. Constitution. The information on that ridiculous website isn't even remotely accurate and laughable.
Fair enough, MM does not effect anyones life, l find it interesting people generally seem to not like her, influencers post narky comments about her and their subscribers answer with narky comments. The influencer is looking for likes and engagement which they obviously get, how does the subscriber benefit?
Discernment is absolutely required in current times. Thinking there is any good in what DOGE is doing seems very naive. Corruption and fraud around government money/power has always been a concern even when officials are considered reasonably good. Neither Musk or Trump deserve to be considered good people.
Audits are usually done by accountants who pass on reports and recommendations. It appears departments are being dismantled with no oversight or accountability. There is no doubt corruption and fraud are taking place but is DOGE the answer?
So if you were President how would you do it? Would you not want the most successful man in the world to lead it?? (I don't believe he needs an accounting degree to prove his intelligence). The tech guys are doing what they need .. technology does not need accountants so much anymore? So you would rather "waste" more money hiring 100's of accountants to review each individual department or have a very small team of nerds who can program software to audit files in minutes???
I hope what I have to say will not hurt anyone, and Laura Loomer is vulgar and insensitive, but single motherhood by choice is not a conservative value. I have absolute sympathy for the mothers who have such difficult lives that that divorce is their best option, and I hope they will find loving husbands who will support them, but the traditional family structure is optimal for raising children. I have been a teacher for decades and the pain that comes with children having only one parent involved, or being shunted between homes can not be overstated.
I wish everyone peace and love in their own homes, and that all children have doting parents who put their kids’ needs first.
I don’t think many people will argue your point. It is not whether it is a conservative value or not but is it a conservative value to attack and offend as Loomer does? She chooses to be nasty.
Many of us, like Ashley, have children unexpectedly out of marriage. Life, especially when you're young, happens. Some of us have incredibly fertile bodies. Majority of single moms raising their kids alone did not seek that, despite the mainstream medias obsession with trying to position us that way. Majority of single moms I know wish their child's father was involved more and it's a daily heartbreak to drum up the strength to raise your child to be a God loving good human with faith in the world when the joke of "fatherlessness" is on every conservative commenters lips- all because it's most often men who chose to bail. Ashley St Clair is not a good representation of what real single moms face, very few smart women pursue men who are already known deadbeats.
She’s a dime store Ann coulter. Ann said this years ago and as a child of a single mother I agree w Ann. I had a great childhood but I needed my dad. Not offensive, just facts.
My two outstanding questions after watching Becoming Brigitte were 1) what happened to the real Brigitte Trogneux and 2) is Jean-Michel actually Macron’s father? The nephew pic that looked like Macron was just so mind blowing.
Same questions. I’ve been reading Xavier Proussard’s book on it “becoming Brigitte”. I skipped to the end and basically the claim / conclusion is that yep Jean-Michel is Emmanuel Macron’s father. Have to read the whole thing now to see how he backs that up.
No idea what really happened to the real sister Brigitte.
I think Diana would find it shameful the way everyone criticizes Harrys wife. I also think she would find it shameful that William allowed it to happen.
Maybe not, I vaguely remember Diana wanting William to be like JFK Jnr and it was thought she may have ended up living in America. Harry may have inherited his mothers love of Americans. Meghan definitely gave Harry the strength he was lacking, probably why the Royals hated her so much.
Harry was very impressive at the recent Invictus games. Both Harry and Meghan look amazing and very happy. William and Catherine look tired and depressed and poor old Charles does not look well at all. I wonder if the royals regret not trying harder to sort things out with Harry and Meghan rather than trying to destroy them via the British press.
Is that you, Meghan? In what world is this couple relationship goals? I’m not a fan of any of the Royals - except Diana - and they destroyed her. But you are truly stretching with your comments about future king William and Kate. Good grief, the woman just walked through cancer treatments. You’re clearly being ridiculous with these comments.
Apologies, I get triggered by the continual ridiculing of MM. I do not understand it and definitely need to move on. Like everyone else, I pay to be here.
I gotcha. What did me in was the book ‘Revenge’ by Tom Bower. I guess after that, I couldn’t deal with her anymore. Which is a bummer, ‘cause I used to like her too.
Tom Bower makes money off writing negative articles and books about Harry and Meghan. He is a classic example of a stale,pale,old male. The British press is full of “Tom Bowers”. I’m surprised people actually believe him.
Tom Bower writes various books and articles about people he has no access to. Meghan has told her story a couple of times so yeah I’m more inclined to believe her.
I honestly don’t know how you have physically handled the constant travel and work over the past year or so. I would have burned out long ago. Please rest up and take good care!
When I got my email notification for this post I thought it said “crushing Meghan Markle” (as in crushing on) and I was about to lose my mind. Happy to see it is in fact “cursing”. 🤣💃🏼
This is why I just don't like Laura Loomer and I can tolerate and get along with almost everyone. Her "White House curry smell" comment was another. It feels like she purposefully tries to make the movement she's a part of look bad by association, every once in a while.
Honestly having your Dad transition into a woman and marry you is one of the more disturbing things I've heard. And then you're the president of France? Everyone must know!
the question I have about Macron's wife is...so? I mean guess some people care but transitioning is not an indictment. I am pretty conservative but the spending all this time trying to produce a gotchya moment on Ms Owens' part seems a little silly...Im more curious about who is going to be held accountable for all the waste DOGE is uncovering and do we get a tax credit or something? If our deficit is significantly decreased....no one will be able to deny Trumps success!
I thought the same thing at first, but I watched the interview she did with the French journalist that came out yesterday and it goes deeper than just a man transitioning. It is about the insane level of public deception, media manipulation, blackmail, corruption, pedophilia, who is actually running the French government, etc.
Take the whole transitioning out of it and you still have a 39 year old person who groomed a 14 year old. Then layer that with deception and the deep deep coverup and people who have died covering the story and it’s still a very big deal - so no, it’s not just about transitioning.
Yes!!! How gross that everyone is so apt to protect this story line. Brigette can still be held to criminal charges until the end of this year so I’m sure they are scrambling to keep it hidden from proof. Also how gross to try to paint her as some sort of sex kitten teacher that all the boys loved…. Really?!?
Does potential reasons to blackmail a world leader not concern you? Blackmail to start wars or enforce rediculous laws on its own citizens not concern you. This is definitely blackmail material. It is IMPORTANT.
I just left this article and went to check out Candace Owen’s series on this topic on YouTube. Seven episodes, most around 50 minutes. I lasted 10 minutes. I just can’t listen to her. I find her behaviour odd, like it’s a vendetta. I need an AI summary of all seven episodes without the time suck.
Just watch the interview she did with independent journalist Xavier Poussard (on her website) and you’ll get the gist of it as well as the most recent news/evidence.
Transition is only one aspect and it’s not at all an indictment. Grooming a 14 year old is really bad and the level of deception is on par with DOGE findings etc. these secrets have to be exposed
We aren’t a lone island. The world elites are currently in charge and hopefully we will break open the cabal and expose it for what it is because it is EVIL. I’m not saying (all) trans is evil... I’m saying the hidden world of elites is.
Not to mention that he/she basically sexually abused a 14-year-old boy and then later went on to marry him and she was like 39. Or he. Or whatever it is. Regardless of the transition or not, that to me is the bigger story!
I'm a never married single mother. Her father told me to have an abortion or he'd ruin my life- I chose to have my baby and raised her financially and physically alone. It's funny watching conservatives reactions to Loomer, because I've been bullied, minimized and stereotyped by conservative women my entire motherhood experience. I've also been bullied, minimized and stereotyped by liberal women for not having an abortion my entire motherhood experience. Us single moms seem to make great political props for whoever needs to weaponize us. It's funny how some of the people you mention, like Candace, have made content about "liberal single women getting pregnant alone on purpose" when many could say girls like Ashley are really doing the same thing. The reality is: most social media single moms don't represent majority of single mothers. Most of us didn't choose to get frisky with a known deadbeat who has 12 other children whose custody battles are quite well known. Most of us single moms didn't go out searching to get knocked up by any guy because "single motherhood looks fun" or "better than dealing with a man". Majority of us found ourselves in really unexpected positions where at the core- we are mother bears fighting to survive in a society where both sides use as as political pawns instead of strong women doing the best we can. Majority of single mothers struggle in America because the biological fathers are uninvolved and contribute minimally financially, if anything, I hope the conversation we could have around Ashley St Clair is: if she wasn't pregnant by a rich man who clearly provides resources, what kind of mother would she be? And why do we see women who have babies with rich men as "better" even when those men turn out to be deadbeats too? The real sad story is Ashley's child will grow up with a minimally involved father, but she's one of the few single moms who actually knew who he was a dad (aka mostly absent) before she touched him. The depth of hypocrisy is hard for me to digest.
Yes .. at church a literal "friend" with children the same age as mine, when I told her I was single she wrinkled her nose and said "oh, I did not know it was one of those situations", she then turned her back, walked away, and we never really spoke again. So weird! Thing is.... My girls turned out better adults than almost every single one of the kids of the parents who judged me. I take extreme pride in that.
Ugh why is are we all still being subjected to Markle. Who is keeping that women in business?
This comment got the most likes 😳 The hate for MM is astounding, meanwhile no one is questioning DOGE 🤔
I do not have any hate for her. I struggle when things are clearly inauthentic and feel forced. I have zero desire to watch her for that reason ….she does not inspire me. I am genuinely curious as to who her audience is and why she is still clinging to celebrity? We should all continuously use discernment as we witness things unfold. However there seems to be a lack of understanding that we are all capable of good and bad. Let’s take each situation as it comes and stop categorizing with generalities. Elon/DOGE are capable of both. Discernment is imperative during these transitional times.
Why are you doubting DOGE and the exposure of the stealing of trillions of dollars? Don’t you even care what has been happening to our tax dollars?
Have you seen any evidence of “stealing of trillions of dollars”or do you believe it because Elon Musk told you to?
There is no doubt countless amounts of tax payers money has been spent inappropriately by all previous administrations.
This administration has handed Elon Musk unprecedented access to all government affairs. Why do you believe Elon Musk would be interested in what’s best working class Americans?
https://doge.gov/savings I recommend checking out the government website where all of this information has been shared publicly. You can drill down into the link for further detail on the spend.
Thank you Janelle, people want you to answer their inane questions because they are to lazy to do it themselves and then question you on it when you try to make sense of their ignorance.
Lol! Elon Musk is an unelected and unaccountable government official wielding expansive executive power in violation of the U.S. Constitution. The information on that ridiculous website isn't even remotely accurate and laughable.
Anyone can make a pretty website. How is that information verified?
I would not trust a billionaire to do what is best for working class Americans.
Fair enough, MM does not effect anyones life, l find it interesting people generally seem to not like her, influencers post narky comments about her and their subscribers answer with narky comments. The influencer is looking for likes and engagement which they obviously get, how does the subscriber benefit?
Discernment is absolutely required in current times. Thinking there is any good in what DOGE is doing seems very naive. Corruption and fraud around government money/power has always been a concern even when officials are considered reasonably good. Neither Musk or Trump deserve to be considered good people.
Audits are miserable yet necessary. Full audit of this overweight mismanaged bureaucracy is way past due imo .
Audits are usually done by accountants who pass on reports and recommendations. It appears departments are being dismantled with no oversight or accountability. There is no doubt corruption and fraud are taking place but is DOGE the answer?
So if you were President how would you do it? Would you not want the most successful man in the world to lead it?? (I don't believe he needs an accounting degree to prove his intelligence). The tech guys are doing what they need .. technology does not need accountants so much anymore? So you would rather "waste" more money hiring 100's of accountants to review each individual department or have a very small team of nerds who can program software to audit files in minutes???
Explain how you would do it more efficiently???
I hope what I have to say will not hurt anyone, and Laura Loomer is vulgar and insensitive, but single motherhood by choice is not a conservative value. I have absolute sympathy for the mothers who have such difficult lives that that divorce is their best option, and I hope they will find loving husbands who will support them, but the traditional family structure is optimal for raising children. I have been a teacher for decades and the pain that comes with children having only one parent involved, or being shunted between homes can not be overstated.
I wish everyone peace and love in their own homes, and that all children have doting parents who put their kids’ needs first.
I don’t think many people will argue your point. It is not whether it is a conservative value or not but is it a conservative value to attack and offend as Loomer does? She chooses to be nasty.
Yeah, I feel like it’s not even a choice with her, she is impulsively brash and harsh. Not the type of person you want to have anything to do with.
Many of us, like Ashley, have children unexpectedly out of marriage. Life, especially when you're young, happens. Some of us have incredibly fertile bodies. Majority of single moms raising their kids alone did not seek that, despite the mainstream medias obsession with trying to position us that way. Majority of single moms I know wish their child's father was involved more and it's a daily heartbreak to drum up the strength to raise your child to be a God loving good human with faith in the world when the joke of "fatherlessness" is on every conservative commenters lips- all because it's most often men who chose to bail. Ashley St Clair is not a good representation of what real single moms face, very few smart women pursue men who are already known deadbeats.
I hope you meet a reliable man who will stick around and make you happy. Life can be tough.
She’s a dime store Ann coulter. Ann said this years ago and as a child of a single mother I agree w Ann. I had a great childhood but I needed my dad. Not offensive, just facts.
My two outstanding questions after watching Becoming Brigitte were 1) what happened to the real Brigitte Trogneux and 2) is Jean-Michel actually Macron’s father? The nephew pic that looked like Macron was just so mind blowing.
Same questions. I’ve been reading Xavier Proussard’s book on it “becoming Brigitte”. I skipped to the end and basically the claim / conclusion is that yep Jean-Michel is Emmanuel Macron’s father. Have to read the whole thing now to see how he backs that up.
No idea what really happened to the real sister Brigitte.
As ever is also stolen from Diana who would use it as a term of endearment. Shameful she would use it to merchandise
I think Diana would find it shameful the way everyone criticizes Harrys wife. I also think she would find it shameful that William allowed it to happen.
I think if Diana was still alive then Harry would never even have met Meghan let alone marry her .
Maybe not, I vaguely remember Diana wanting William to be like JFK Jnr and it was thought she may have ended up living in America. Harry may have inherited his mothers love of Americans. Meghan definitely gave Harry the strength he was lacking, probably why the Royals hated her so much.
Harry is whipped. There is not one bit of strength in that man.
Strength? You cannot possibly back up that statement. She has put his arrested development on blast. This union is a complete tragedy.
Harry was very impressive at the recent Invictus games. Both Harry and Meghan look amazing and very happy. William and Catherine look tired and depressed and poor old Charles does not look well at all. I wonder if the royals regret not trying harder to sort things out with Harry and Meghan rather than trying to destroy them via the British press.
Is that you, Meghan? In what world is this couple relationship goals? I’m not a fan of any of the Royals - except Diana - and they destroyed her. But you are truly stretching with your comments about future king William and Kate. Good grief, the woman just walked through cancer treatments. You’re clearly being ridiculous with these comments.
I feel your fatigue and exhaustion. Wishing you cozy naps and unplugged days ahead!!
Meghan is so cringe. Like really really cringe. Shes not even a good actress. That was painful to watch.
If it’s so painful why are you watching?
I watched the vid Jessica posted. Why are you here?
Apologies, I get triggered by the continual ridiculing of MM. I do not understand it and definitely need to move on. Like everyone else, I pay to be here.
I gotcha. What did me in was the book ‘Revenge’ by Tom Bower. I guess after that, I couldn’t deal with her anymore. Which is a bummer, ‘cause I used to like her too.
Tom Bower makes money off writing negative articles and books about Harry and Meghan. He is a classic example of a stale,pale,old male. The British press is full of “Tom Bowers”. I’m surprised people actually believe him.
Or Megan for that matter.
Tom Bower writes various books and articles about people he has no access to. Meghan has told her story a couple of times so yeah I’m more inclined to believe her.
Human nature is complex. Critical thinking ,why view a train wreck knowing nothing good has taken place?
Agree 💯and we all see what suits us to see.
I’m exhausted just by watching you do all the things you do. Thank you. It can’t be easy.
I honestly don’t know how you have physically handled the constant travel and work over the past year or so. I would have burned out long ago. Please rest up and take good care!
When I got my email notification for this post I thought it said “crushing Meghan Markle” (as in crushing on) and I was about to lose my mind. Happy to see it is in fact “cursing”. 🤣💃🏼
This is why I just don't like Laura Loomer and I can tolerate and get along with almost everyone. Her "White House curry smell" comment was another. It feels like she purposefully tries to make the movement she's a part of look bad by association, every once in a while.
Honestly having your Dad transition into a woman and marry you is one of the more disturbing things I've heard. And then you're the president of France? Everyone must know!
Wow I am behind on this story and was debating on whether or not to find out more — your brief overview has me 😨
the question I have about Macron's wife is...so? I mean guess some people care but transitioning is not an indictment. I am pretty conservative but the spending all this time trying to produce a gotchya moment on Ms Owens' part seems a little silly...Im more curious about who is going to be held accountable for all the waste DOGE is uncovering and do we get a tax credit or something? If our deficit is significantly decreased....no one will be able to deny Trumps success!
I thought the same thing at first, but I watched the interview she did with the French journalist that came out yesterday and it goes deeper than just a man transitioning. It is about the insane level of public deception, media manipulation, blackmail, corruption, pedophilia, who is actually running the French government, etc.
Take the whole transitioning out of it and you still have a 39 year old person who groomed a 14 year old. Then layer that with deception and the deep deep coverup and people who have died covering the story and it’s still a very big deal - so no, it’s not just about transitioning.
This IS the story in my opinion! It’s unreal how people (media) have normalized this as a natural relationship.
Yes!!! How gross that everyone is so apt to protect this story line. Brigette can still be held to criminal charges until the end of this year so I’m sure they are scrambling to keep it hidden from proof. Also how gross to try to paint her as some sort of sex kitten teacher that all the boys loved…. Really?!?
I have other things to be mad about than the French presidents wife lmao. But love that for you.
The French Presidents “wife” is most likely his own father. So yeah, it kinda does matter.
How does that matter to you?
Evil should be called out, especially when it’s been normalized and promoted right under everyone’s noses. Can you not see that?
Go get em! I dont have the emotional bandwidth to be calling out every ‘evil’ in the world.
Does potential reasons to blackmail a world leader not concern you? Blackmail to start wars or enforce rediculous laws on its own citizens not concern you. This is definitely blackmail material. It is IMPORTANT.
*ridiculous. Chiding someone on the internet over what they should care about sounds suspiciously Democrat to me.
I just left this article and went to check out Candace Owen’s series on this topic on YouTube. Seven episodes, most around 50 minutes. I lasted 10 minutes. I just can’t listen to her. I find her behaviour odd, like it’s a vendetta. I need an AI summary of all seven episodes without the time suck.
Just watch the interview she did with independent journalist Xavier Poussard (on her website) and you’ll get the gist of it as well as the most recent news/evidence.
Thank you, that’s very helpful! I don’t want to watch all the hours either!
Exactly like haha!!! I don’t like trying to pull the rug out from someone on either side.
I thought that too when I first heard about this but there’s so much more than that. It’s a crazy story.
Transition is only one aspect and it’s not at all an indictment. Grooming a 14 year old is really bad and the level of deception is on par with DOGE findings etc. these secrets have to be exposed
I guess? MY priorities are America's problems which are plentiful
Both topics require exposure.
We aren’t a lone island. The world elites are currently in charge and hopefully we will break open the cabal and expose it for what it is because it is EVIL. I’m not saying (all) trans is evil... I’m saying the hidden world of elites is.
Not to mention that he/she basically sexually abused a 14-year-old boy and then later went on to marry him and she was like 39. Or he. Or whatever it is. Regardless of the transition or not, that to me is the bigger story!
"I was in such a bad mood I cut off a Cybertruck on purpose". ☠️😂😂😂
I'm a never married single mother. Her father told me to have an abortion or he'd ruin my life- I chose to have my baby and raised her financially and physically alone. It's funny watching conservatives reactions to Loomer, because I've been bullied, minimized and stereotyped by conservative women my entire motherhood experience. I've also been bullied, minimized and stereotyped by liberal women for not having an abortion my entire motherhood experience. Us single moms seem to make great political props for whoever needs to weaponize us. It's funny how some of the people you mention, like Candace, have made content about "liberal single women getting pregnant alone on purpose" when many could say girls like Ashley are really doing the same thing. The reality is: most social media single moms don't represent majority of single mothers. Most of us didn't choose to get frisky with a known deadbeat who has 12 other children whose custody battles are quite well known. Most of us single moms didn't go out searching to get knocked up by any guy because "single motherhood looks fun" or "better than dealing with a man". Majority of us found ourselves in really unexpected positions where at the core- we are mother bears fighting to survive in a society where both sides use as as political pawns instead of strong women doing the best we can. Majority of single mothers struggle in America because the biological fathers are uninvolved and contribute minimally financially, if anything, I hope the conversation we could have around Ashley St Clair is: if she wasn't pregnant by a rich man who clearly provides resources, what kind of mother would she be? And why do we see women who have babies with rich men as "better" even when those men turn out to be deadbeats too? The real sad story is Ashley's child will grow up with a minimally involved father, but she's one of the few single moms who actually knew who he was a dad (aka mostly absent) before she touched him. The depth of hypocrisy is hard for me to digest.
Yes .. at church a literal "friend" with children the same age as mine, when I told her I was single she wrinkled her nose and said "oh, I did not know it was one of those situations", she then turned her back, walked away, and we never really spoke again. So weird! Thing is.... My girls turned out better adults than almost every single one of the kids of the parents who judged me. I take extreme pride in that.
Can’t wait until Thursday and of course for the behind the scenes of Tulsi’s confirmation !!!👏👏
If you dropped off the face of the earth for weeks, we would all be here still… happy for you! Good job laying low… keep it up ❤️
Lay low as long as you need…but, we will be glad when you are rested and back full force!