"I believe we have every right to be suspicious of reality, especially the reality that is presented to us via the media"
Greetings! I’m still on the road. After covering a majestic sailing / clambake event hosted by RFK Jr. at the Kennedy compound, we’ve moved onto Newport RI for additional highlights. In my absence, please welcome Shane Cashman as guest writer this afternoon detailing the strange and suspicious return of Joe Biden.
Supposedly, President Joe Biden is alive, and he is addressing the nation tonight from the Oval Office. Despite the rumors of his death, the American people saw the President appear for the first time publicly from his COVID convalescence in Rehoboth, DE.
The media waited patiently outside Air Force One to capture Biden emerging from captivity as if it were Groundhog Day. Would the President see his shadow? Will his presidency last another week, or will it be a month?
We saw Biden step out of his SUV and uncharacteristically walk up the steps into Air Force One without stumbling.
He did appear alive.
When he reached the top of the staircase, he turned around and saluted the cameras. Then he disappeared into the plane.
Look, he did seem more lifelike than the last time we’d seen him—which was just over a week ago, right after his fateful COVID diagnosis. At that time, he looked weak and confused, taking each step carefully, allegedly from the muscle soreness one gets from the bioweapon formerly known as the coronavirus. However, this type of slow zombie shuffle is par for the course for Biden.
Gauging a President’s health by his ability to ascend or descend stairs isn't totally unique to Biden. President Ford famously tripped down Air Force One's steps in 1975. Obama had his own slipping incident while in office. And one time, Trump boarded Air Force One with toilet paper stuck to his shoe. All of which were routinely deconstructed.
The country might've argued over Ford's legitimacy as a president, Obama's birth certificate, or Trump's felony charges, but what sets Biden apart from the rest is that we didn't really collectively think any of them were dead. Even people who voted for Joe Biden were wondering if he was dead.
Some people forget former President Jimmy Carter is still alive. He's been in hospice for over a year. Carter seems to be doing better in hospice than Joe Biden's been doing in the White House.
A lot of the recent speculation about President Biden's death started on X (formerly Twitter).
Charlie Kirk had reported that sources within the Las Vegas Police Department told him that they prepared to receive Biden at a hospital. Roads were closed to make the transport flawless. But the plan changed rapidly, and they instead flew the President, who was allegedly having some sort of medical emergency, back east.
Images of American flags in Washington D.C. flying at half-mast also fueled speculation. There were suspicions that this meant the President was dead. However, the flags were flying at half-mast in honor of the U.S. Representative Sheila Jackson Lee who had recently passed away. It does seem though that the American flag has been flown at half-mast in-perpetuity, maybe to mourn the country itself. The poet-side of my brain is trying (somewhat) to show restraint in the face of these grand political metaphors.
Whatever was happening with Biden before he emerged yesterday, it was bad enough for him to publish a letter via his official X account announcing his withdrawal from the 2024 presidential race. That news came within hours of reports saying that Biden would reconsider his reelection campaign should he suffer a medical emergency. Is that just a crazy coincidence?
(It’s worth mentioning one of the stranger coincidences that happened to the initial 2020 Biden campaign. When he announced Kamala Harris as his running mate, a pro-wrestler named Kamala, whose last name was Harris, happened to pass away.)
Biden’s announcement to leave the race included his signature at the bottom of the page.
Internet sleuths quickly started questioning the signature's authenticity.
Some speculated the signature was made by AI, others said it was copied and pasted, and others argued it was, of course, Biden's real signature.
I personally don’t think Biden’s hands can even move in a way that would allow him to sign anything legibly. His legs, mouth, and his brain hardly work.
Back in January 2021, he once said on camera that he doesn’t even know what he’s sighing when they paraded Executive Orders under his nose.
Before Biden was seen boarding Air Force One yesterday, he called into Kamala's campaign to offer her praise on Monday. However, people questioned the authenticity of the phone call just like they did with his signature. Kamala herself even seemed to stop short of calling the phone call a recording.
It could've just been an awkward phone call with a sick old man.
But it did appear to either be a rehearsed call or a pre-recording. With the state of AI, I think it’s reasonable to think that anything is possible. Big Media told the American people for years that Joe Biden was a strong and confident and capable leader. They asked you to distrust your very eyes as you saw the man slur and stumble his way though his first term. When you’ve been lied to so frequently about so many important topics, a natural consequence will be to question the very fabric of reality. (Not to mention, Big Media with the help of politicians did this same type of reality bending during lockdowns.) It’s almost as if they’re attempting to cast a spell to make us believe things that are not true.
If you feel like when you watch the news, you’re really watching an extremely well-funded soap opera, you’re not alone. I am hearing from a lot of people who have watched the events of the last two weeks unfold, and they all feel as if we’re trapped inside a scripted reality. In the span of one week, the former president narrowly dodged a failed assassin’s bullet, and the current president announced his withdrawal from his reelection campaign.
I believe we have every right to be suspicious of reality, especially the reality that is presented to us via the media.
There is a war on your perception of reality. For instance, if you’re Joy Reid, the long-lost host of The View, you believe that Joe Biden surviving COVID is akin to former President Trump surviving an assassination attempt. And yet there are others who believe Joe Biden is a body double in a CIA prosthetic skin suit.
The thing about the Internet is that you can find “evidence” to support whatever it is you want to be true. This is post-reality. Everything is true and false all at once. Biden is both dead and alive. It just depends on your perception.
How familiar are you with psycho-magicians? I’m at the point where I’m certain we are in the throes of the consequences of dark magic. The past two weeks have felt like we’re actually trapped in some type of absurd spell.
If you feel like that’s a ridiculous statement, you should know that the CIA has consulted magicians to create deception since its infancy. Six years into the start of the Central Intelligence Agency, the chemists behind secret human experiment projects MKUltra hired the magician John Mulholland (Houdini’s best friend) to conjure up the best ways to deceive people by way of illusion—oh, and brainwashing with LSD.
Reality is getting manipulated by a dangerous cocktail of widespread incompetence, and this incompetence is being used as a cover for bloodthirsty freaks-of-nature to carry out their sinister plot to maintain power. See: JFK assassination, Operation Northwoods, Operation Gladio, PATCON, MKUltra, etc.
The ruling class is not above sacrificing innocent people. They’re obviously very interested in using sleight of hand to produce propaganda to deceive the American public. It’s fair to consider these things not just because of declassified material, but because we’ve experienced lie after lie. There is no transparency. We’re still debating JFK and Lee Harvey Oswald decades later. RFK Jr. is on the 2024 campaign trail, and he also has questions about the assassinations of his father and uncle. I am under the impression that he might also fear his family was murdered by similar dark forces.
All this is to say, hiding a president’s death, hiding a president’s mental decline, forging a signature, creating an AI phone call of the president’s voice—it all seems within the realm of our CIA-funded psycho-magicians.
Or—Biden is simply just a sick old man being held hostage by his power-hungry wife.
After Biden’s disastrous debate against Trump, I spoke with someone who’s worked with dementia patients. She didn’t believe Biden lost his voice from a cold. She saw an old man who’s angry he is not who he used to be. This woman believed that Biden lost his voice from yelling out of anger. Perhaps because as he was preparing for the debate, he couldn’t grasp the words or arguments he needed in his mental arsenal to go toe to toe with Trump.
It could just be that Joe Biden is a man living inside a televised nightmare. His own Truman Show.
Biden, in my opinion, has never really been himself. He’s a famous plagiarist. Imagine your brain betraying you and it’s grasping for truth, but you’ve spent your whole life as a serial liar. A plagiarist with dementia could throw his failing brain into full blown Chernobyl mode.
Perhaps they didn’t spend the last week in a Hollywood basement filming tonight’s pretend live address from the Oval Office. (Do you remember the fake Oval Office Biden filmed those booster shot videos from?)
If Biden really is alive, and he isn’t a body double, I imagine he will address the nation from the Oval Office tonight striking a somber tone while confronting his age and declining health. He will seek our sympathy. He will resign by feigning dignity. He will spin it to seem stoic. He crawled through the D.C. slime on his hands and knees his whole life just to deliver this one final grief-stricken monologue. This was always his purpose. He’s a career political eulogist. Now he will eulogize himself. He’s always summoned grief to elicit sympathy and sustain power. He has always worn a death mask for political posturing.
Biden himself has summoned the image of his own corpse multiple times throughout his career. He’s done it at funerals and speeches. The day before Biden was sworn in as the 46th President of the United States of America. He gave a speech that sounded as though he was eulogizing himself. In a long black coat, standing before his family, Biden shared one of his favorite James Joyce quotes: “When I die, Dublin will be written on my heart.” And then, just as he’s done before, he personalized the quote. But this time, he began to cry as he spoke. “When I die,” he said, holding back tears, “Delaware will be written on my heart.”
That speech sounded like a goodbye. He cried as he summoned the image of his own dead body. You could argue he also cried because he had finally found a way to sneak into the White House. But I don’t believe that’s the case. I believe Biden was crying because the human part of him (a small and wholly separate part than Biden the politician) saw the existential writing on the wall. One way or the other, it’s over. And it might even end while he’s in office. And it will end publicly—no matter what. Such is how it goes.
His presidency became a memento mori—a reflection of what many of us might view as the death of America. But in 2024, it’s gone far beyond just a reminder of deaths inevitably. It’s mutated into this sort of Greek mythology where the powers-that-be parade this semi-corpse-man-president in public and force us all to play along with the game that he’s totally fine. Until they've decided to discard him. Which is what's happening now before our eyes.
Whether or not he resigns tonight, I imagine this speech will act and sound like a final goodbye. He will probably summon the grave concerns of Eisenhower in his final address from the White House—where Eisenhower coined the term “military industrial complex.” Except Biden is a product of that very thing. (Eisenhower's final address from the Oval Office took place right before JFK officially became President.)
At the end of the movie The Truman Show, Truman walks up a flight of stairs with the backdrop of a fake sky. He's reached the end of his fabricated reality. A nightmare that had been disguised as an idyllic dream-life. At the top of that staircase, Truman turns to face the cameras, bows, waves goodbye, and walks through the doorway out of his hostage reality. That final scene looked a lot like Joe Biden walking up the stairs to Air Force One. Like most Presidents have done, he turned around to salute the cameras. It appeared triumphant, but also unsettling.
If and when they announce Biden's gone, it’ll only be a bookend to this illusion, before the next one begins.
"Or—Biden is simply just a sick old man being held hostage by his power-hungry wife."
From start to finish this article was entertaining and candid. The frankness is refreshing with the dashes of humor and great way of summing up what we've all been feeling. What a FANTASTIC guest post! I hope we hear more from him again!
Can I just say... that anyone who has been jabbed multiple times and is still getting COVID needs to rethink the ol' "trust the science" BULLSHIT. And all the fans clapping their handprints off for Kamala, really need to concentrate on other issues besides abortion. Roe vs. Wade aint gonna prevent WWIII, nor is a DEI hire. Also, Kim Jong Un has body doubles.