"Or—Biden is simply just a sick old man being held hostage by his power-hungry wife."

From start to finish this article was entertaining and candid. The frankness is refreshing with the dashes of humor and great way of summing up what we've all been feeling. What a FANTASTIC guest post! I hope we hear more from him again!

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You def will!

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Agreed! Great guest post and would love to hear from him again.

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Jul 24
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Give me a break. Attack is the correct word. But no one in DC is brave enough to call APS (adult protective services). That woman is doing more than standing by her man. She trotting him out like her prize pony! Once a person gets a small taste of power, their integrity is tested. Dr. Biden has failed the test. Standing by her man would mean being frank, telling him he needs to step down, giving him that permission he so needs. He worships her, and this is how she returned it. Committed relationships mean doing the right thing, the hard things when it’s better for that person. She has robbed him of the little dignity he had.

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What does that even mean? Jill Biden should be standing by her husband by allowing him dignity to not be humiliated by his obvious deterioration. This has nothing to do with a committed relationship.

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Can I just say... that anyone who has been jabbed multiple times and is still getting COVID needs to rethink the ol' "trust the science" BULLSHIT. And all the fans clapping their handprints off for Kamala, really need to concentrate on other issues besides abortion. Roe vs. Wade aint gonna prevent WWIII, nor is a DEI hire. Also, Kim Jong Un has body doubles.

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I don’t believe Joe Biden or any of the elite received the shot. They want to kill us off, not themselves.

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I was thinking the same. Probably a placebo. Same with the Hollywood elite who spoke the same message. Conspiracy? Maybe. Thanks for a good read. Biden and the deep state are always up to something criminal. I can’t imagine all the things hidden. The country would be in an uproar. Too bad all are switching their tone to all hail for Kamala.

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It's on video. Kinda conspiratorial people on these comments. I rather not waste my time being suspicious of everything...enough reality to worry about. Covid mutates just like the flu does, so each years vaccine has antibodies from various mutations of the past 12 months. Elderly people understand vaccines. I remember the polio epidemic and iron lungs so I will always keep my vaccines up to date.

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It’s your choice to do so. I just don’t believe any of the elites got a shot without years of testing. And yes I watched the “video”. It doesn’t mean he actually got the vax. It could have been a B12 shot for all we know.

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The vaccine had been in development for 10yrs. We have had other covid/Ebola outbreaks before so the technology was already available. It just needed to be fitted to that particular covid. The scientists who developed the vaccine shared a video of how it was done. Everyone at FOX was required to be vaccinated. The owner Murdoch recieved it before anyone at the WH. Trump invited a few wealthy friends to get it early. All the Trump's got it...after the recovered from covid. I am sorry you are so suspicious, it must be exhausting. I have many health issues and am elderly too. I have had no adverse reaction to any vaccine. I prefer the peace of mind that if I catch covid I won't die because I have been vaccinated. Living in fear and suspicion is detrimental to the spirit.

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I don’t live in fear at all. We should all be suspicious and not take everything they feed us as gospel. I lived after getting a Covid cold without the vax. Sadly, friend’s of mine died after getting the vax. Other relatives had strokes and many other complications after getting vaxxed. My grandson has been sick since birth because my daughter was forced to get the vax when pregnant with him. So please don’t tell me it’s safe. I’m glad you’re ok, but many perfectly healthy people died or are now suffering.

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Notice how the media isn’t discussing that. Oh no, just what a “hero” he is. Anyone who still likes or buys the BS the media is selling has lost the ability to think critically.

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“Clapping their handprints off” 😁

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Covid mutates every year just like the flu. You are just getting a mutation. If you wait for the vaccine until December/January they will have the latest mutation. September versions only have mutations of the previous 12mths. Covid is more active in November and December so mutations happen more often. It's still better to be vaccinated because you can catch a new mutation even while you are sick with the previous one. You can have 2 types at once.

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Clearly he’s not dead. Come on, man (like what I did there?)

But he is completely out to lunch! And I am so sick of listening to Biden’s defenders acting like he’s doing any of this out of selflessness or patriotism. He didn’t decide to “stand down”- he is being forced out. He had every intention of sticking to his guns and making everyone in his party go down in flames with him in November.

I’m dying know what Nancy Pelosi did to force his withdrawal from the race. You must find out for us, Jessica!

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Is that him though, or his body double? Where was Jill? And how did he march up the stairs so quickly despite being sick supposedly? For those who don’t know. I’m not just randomly spewing a conspiracy theory. CIA chief of disguise, Jonna Mendez has a TED talk about their mask technology. And we’ve previously seen Biden’s body double when he was confronted in Long Beach in September 2021. So it’s fair to ask questions.

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I’ve NEVER thought he had doubles// multiples. Until yesterday. And I’m STILL second guessing myself! Even though I was “sure” Jill was being held hostage somewhere and Biden was incapacitated. My gut says he was indeed incapacitated most of last weekend, and has had at least 2-3 medical emergencies the past month. Jill now jetting off to Paris (?!) I couldn’t have been more wrong about her fate! Do most people think he’s used doubles a lot? What was the incident in Sept. 2021?

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As some of us have been saying… we are living the movie, DAVE, in real life. Kevin Kline was great; this isn’t so great.

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Seriously- up until recently this body double was too much of a far out there idea. It’s not nearly as out there anymore. And that’s crazy.

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Make up artists can do amazing things these days. 😮

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Yeah. Look at Donald Trump

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There are several elevators in the WH

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What happened with a body double on Long Beach??? 👀👀👀

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All i know is that i don't know what's going on...

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You = all of us

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Jess can we get a round up of your sunglasses from this summer? They are all so good! 😍

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THIS!! I trust NO ONE! except what Jessica shows us!

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"The thing about the Internet is that you can find “evidence” to support whatever it is you want to be true. This is post-reality. Everything is true and false all at once." THIS! It precisely captures the gnawing frustration that has been growing inside of me--that fact that people living in the same country now live in two separate realities based solely on the source of the information they consume. It's growing exponentially harder to have discernment, and I'm beginning to believe all the people who have said this is by design--that they (whoever they are), want us this way.

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"Biden, in my opinion, has never really been himself. He’s a famous plagiarist."

An excellent piece of writing, Shane. And some very thought-provoking observations.

I would also add that he has famously had a lot of plastic surgery to recreate his image. That's another very obvious sign of him not being himself. It's also an incredible show of vanity, IMHO. Perhaps it's a more typically American thing that I don't fully understand as a New Zealander, but it strikes me as very symptomatic of his desire to project an image of something he is not. He's certainly been trying to do that over the past four years.

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Hi, I am an American living in NZ and people are a lot more into their looks and image than where I came from in USA (NH). Botox and fillers at every mall...one thing cheaper than America :) But, with that said, I think all politicians lie about who they are an just show what they want the world to see. I can say that with certainty about family members who are politicians.

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Interesting observation, Ashley. And I do agree that New Zealanders of a certain socio-economic group are quite into physical appearance. While they're inclined to do Botox and fillers, full facelifts and hair plugs aren't that common here, especially among men. Agree about politicians. Their existence is incompatible with the truth. Although I do think that RFK Jr might be an exception - from what I've seen.

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I wear my Kennedy shirts around NZ proudly :)

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Need to get myself one!

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Jessica, is this what is being called journalism? This reads like something out of the enquirer at best. I'm not even a Biden supporter and this is giving me the cringe. I realize you didn't write this but I'm also surprised you approved it. Your growing and I get you can't do all you do and keep up with substack as well but there needs to be a better way.

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Other people here loved it

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Yes we did love it. No idea what "Lisa" sees as a "better way?" Interesting how ppl who have a problem with your posts have zero posts. Click on Lisa. I wonder why that is?

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Wow that's a stretch.. your tin foil hat must be especially tight today. Maybe just maybe I never felt the need to reply. She has how many subscribers? Do they all comment oh wise one?

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Where are your posts Lisa? Says "coming soon." You are a bot. People, ignore "Lisa". Ps Jessica has many subscribers and you have zero.

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What are you rambling on about? Girl I pay my monthly subscription just like you do and I have been for a while. Why would anyone subscribe to me??

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Whattt this was such a well written piece I loved it. He's not claiming anything, he's just asking questions and saying that it's ok to ask questions because look at the history of the CIA. The conspiracies hold truth because of that history but he's not asking you to believe them. Simply assuring you that it's OK to be curious. Come on, don't slam your mind shut.

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Did I call people names like you and the person who wrote the article? No I didn't. It's also people like you who make it almost impossible to even disagree with something. I'm used to her style in writing. Jessica's take on things are alot different. That's all I'm saying.

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Everything he stated is based in fact. The parts that are speculation are stated as such. The piece stands up to strict analysis in the exact ways that the lies from mainstream media do not. You have the nerve to compare this well written and important article to the Enquirer while the Regime's propaganda machine spews forth simultaneously and in unison, from the mouths of all of the Ivy League fake news journalists like Rachel Maddow and Morning Joe, and you choose to land your criticism here? You have earner your push-back and strike me and others as very suspicious...

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Dear sir, I have personally not watched any mainstream media in yrs. It's funny that my comment that was directed at the article that was NOT written by housinhabit and It has aroused such suspicion. I voiced my opinion which is the first time I've ever done and the whack a doodles come out in force. FYI , I ment every word of what I said. Sorry not sorry you took my comment as a personal attack . Last I checked she is and has been open to discussion. Also if you deemed my comment as being from someone from the other side because I do not blindly get in line with everyone else. You sir are the problem not I.

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It was refreshing, snarky, frank about so many thoughts we are feeling. It’s okay to have fun when reporting the news sometimes.

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We are living in times straight out of the enquirer! 🤪 Nothing seems impossible at this point.

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You clearly go against the grain in every single possible way here. You have NO credibility. People who read House Inhabit see through the lies of the ruling elite and their supplicants in legacy media. There is a war on for the very soul of our nation and for the well-being of ourselves. You are clearly coming from the other side. https://open.substack.com/pub/karlskellenger/p/once-upon-a-time-on-a-rooftop-the?r=fjmlo&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Jul 24
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No point engaging with it. It's a waste of time.

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You have to be a reformed Democrat ..

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So mature...did I say it was dumb?

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The bickering in here is yuck. Perhaps that means the piece did its job by getting everyone to engage? Idk? I’m just surprised that everyone is still in this place of allegiance to ANY politician …to the point where we go at each other. My politician is better than yours! 😆 It makes me a little nervous to think about where we will be come November.👀🤞

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I'm with you

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My Sufi teachers have long said the world we live in is an illusion projected by dark magicians through the media.

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It's like we are trapped inside an episode of Scandal...

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I think of Scandal often with this administration--maybe all are the same, but this seems the most obvious.

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This season of America is “inspired by” Scandal + House of Cards.

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It's said that Bill Clinton was asked how accurate House of Cards was in portraying D.C. and he replied that it was about 99% accurate!

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I’m so nervous, I feel like we’re going to lose to Kamala!

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She’s equally disliked by republicans as Biden was. They will cheat- again- either by using illegal votes or other means but I think more people are aware that the democrats are no good.

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I pray you are right.

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ME TOO. It’s not easy trying to maintain hope- but we have to remember- in the end- Jesus wins.

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She will continue his same policies because they are both controlled by. Shadow government. Unless those in control change the way things have gone the past 4 years things will basically remain the same. IMO.

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Jul 24
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oK sUsaN 🙄. Why do trolls like you use annoying sayings (I.e. tRUMPSTER) with some caps/some lower case? It’s so unhinged and weird. Why even bother to come on this site and comment? It makes you seem nuts. Truly.

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I agree! She seems a little like she drank the juice the dems have been serving.

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Jul 24
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And the democrats have done nothing illegal? They are saints? They don't show up to the speech made by Netanyahu- how disrespectful is that? And they don't say anything when rioters are burning the American flag and desecrating buildings while he is speaking? NOT ONE WORD. That's okay?

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And we found the troll of the day!

There is more evidence backing me up that is based in fact and on video than anything you’ve just said.

I’m sorry you’re brainwashed Susan. Try thinking for yourself and stop repeating false statements.

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Jul 24
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Jul 24
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Why are you so angry? You do realize that President Trump has already been our president, right? Until the fake plandemic life was very good for Americans. You know it was even though you’ll more than likely deny it.

You believe we get mad because you type the lower t. It just makes you look like a child. I always laugh because then I know I’m dealing with a low IQ individual.

Everything you’ve typed from your mom’s computer is a lie. The only innocent person who died on Jan6 was murdered by Capitol Police. Continue spewing your nonsense though. You’ll be crying again come November 6. Even CNN says Trump will win. 😆

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Oh- I’m sorry- are we supposed to post things saying “I’m not with Any of them” on some tumbler like you did? You think a picture of a cup makes you less of a

Troll? Go get a therapist and tell them where Trump hurt you.

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Jul 24
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I worry that Trump/Vance will be only a slight emprovement over very dire circumstances. See Whitney Webb's recent interviews. She seems to have the best analysis out there.

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How can people be so excited for “the first woman president” when they can’t even define what a woman is?

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You should be nervous.

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It is indeed a scary thought.

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I’ve never believed in the “he’s dead” “that’s a mask” conspiracies until I watched Jonna Mendez from the CIA speak. Ian Carroll covers this in his latest video. The painful truth is sometimes too big and scary and therefore people scream “you’re a crazy conspiracy theorist that’s could never happen”.

I took care of my grandma who had dementia and seeing Biden I’m reminded of what it was like. That said, Biden hasn’t looked like Biden since earlier than 2020. Trump even remarked about it during one of their 2020 debates. The different earlobes could be from plastic surgery. He looks embalmed - too much filler? Now maybe they’ve switched to a mask. I wouldn’t be surprised after everything our government has done.

I enjoyed this article from the guest writer. I hope you have him back.

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Great article! Biden is an old man in decline and it has shown for a while now. With that being said, i do thank him for his service regardless of any views I hold. Loved the humor thrown in along the way. Hope to see more in the future.

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Rest assured, he's been very well compensated for his "service".

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Perhaps Biden will rise back up like Jon Snow, after the DNC Night’s Watch knifed him - for Democracy!


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Ahhh, a fellow Game of Thrones enthusiast! Love the analogy.

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This was a fantastic guest post! I throughly enjoyed the frankness and bits of humor.

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