There is so much to unpack here. The bottom line is that we must protect whistleblowers and journalists/publishers at all costs. The problem is going against the establishment can cost you your life. I honestly didn't think Assange would live to tell his story. It looks like PACE is an organization that is helping but I'm just not sure how we prevent these kinds of things from happening to others. I guess continuing to make people aware of what's going on. Our rights, particularly the First Amendment is being eroded, and now it's even blatant. Look what John Kerry recently said about how the First Amendment was a "major block." Even The NY Times had this headline--"The Constitution Is Sacred. Is It Also Dangerous?" The New York Times! I feel for Assange and hope he will be able to live the rest of his life without fear of being assassinated. Thanks for posting Jessica. It will not be easy to find this elsewhere. sabrinalabow.substack.com

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Unfortunately, with all the screeching about "the future for our children", the majority have become comfortable cowards, choosing Head in the Sand over Critical Thinking.

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Our government intel agencies are essentially the Fourth Reich (Nazi). And they are committing these atrocities in the name of we the people (America) with the blessing of the Fourth Estate. (Media)

The "Fourth Estate" emerged with the rise of the press, which became a powerful force in shaping public opinion and holding other estates accountable. A "Fifth Estate," while it’s not traditionally recognized in the same way as the first four, some argue that modern digital media and the internet could be considered a Fifth Estate. This "Fifth Estate" includes bloggers, social media influencers, and other online platforms that can influence public discourse and politics independently of traditional media

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I watched the whole thing and it was very educational of where we are in this society. We must be vigilant always now and not take anything for granted.

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I am so mad I missed this live. I can't believe I didn't hear about it.

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It was an eye opener for me. I knew of his story but to here him say it was compelling. We are in another space whether people wish to believe it or not. We are in NKW aka non kinetic warfare against the populace. I can only hope folks say wait a minute and snap out of the convenience trap.

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Fantastic summary about yet another example of a huge abuse of power that should really anger everyone. Thank you for shining light on this. “

I eventually chose freedom over and realizable justice” - we shouldn’t have to choose freedom over human rights ever. It’s a gross violation of human rights - rights to have our own conscious thoughts and rights to make conclusions based on the words spoken (or sent over the internet) and the speaker (journalist, publisher, writer). Julian is a true hero and symbolizes every human’s right to free thought and information. He is an inspiration as are you @Jessica!

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I remember months ago Tucker said Pompeo tried to kill Assange. I was shocked at how he would know this. Trump just recently briefly mentioned Pompeo as if he wasn't aware of any of this. He really needs to be careful about the people he trusts like Lindsey Graham. It seems like our government agencies are just as evil as the other countries that we thought were the bad guys. We are the bad guys too! I Googled Pompeo and Assange and no mention of the assassination/kidnap plot.

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I watched this in its entirety. Thought surely mentioning Pompeo, head of CIA and the hit put on his family including 6 months old son would make headlines the next day. Nothing. Scary times. Imagine, he has been imprisoned for reporting the truth and now in return they don’t report his truth.

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According to Assange’s testimony give today, Trump is very much part of the “swamp”. According to MAGA folks, Trump is dismantling the CIA, draining the swamp etc. but this is a damning testimony to what side he was actually acting on behalf of.

Seriously so sick of our two party system, when all it’s been since WW2 is the CIA controlling both parties and all arms of government.

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Yeah. Jessica, when you interview Trump or his people again, I'm sure Trump won't admit to past mistakes, but I would like to hear that this sort of thing won't happen under a second administration.

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The only time Gaza mentioned in this Substack in humanistic terms. Thank you Asange. Since this particular Substack is about unveiling hypocrisies, the US policy towards Ukraine vs Gaza is sickeningly obvious. If u think of the hatred towards Arabs programmed into US minds via news and even Hollywood, it would be so clear that Israel is a major US asset. At my expense, and yours too, as a US Citizen. Before calling me anti semitic I am a semite more than any of those self proclaimed white “semites” from Poland, Brooklyn, Ukraine, Russia, Germany who installed themselves there and stole our homes and lands and denied our existence in broad daylight 75 years ago.

“There are no tools to, to secure individuals in Gaza that are being followed by drones and, are being targeted in mass bombing. There is a little defense from that, but, the outcry and the condemnation should be there. We should not be silent when this happens. Thank you”

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Thank you for sharing this. I had no idea Assange had been released and I am here in the UK!

I too, didn’t think he would survive this ordeal and I am so thankful that he has, and was able to address publicly what has happened.

As Assange said, he is guilty of journalism.

Now, onwards because this bullshit is just getting in the way and we must sidestep over and over again, never faltering.

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As an Australian, I am proud of him and how he endured and withstood all that. I have to say I am pretty horrified by the state of world governments and the lack of a justice system. All the intelligence agencies seem to be really evil and working against the good. How is this righted especially with agencies like the CIA?

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So glad Julian is free…💐

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Not a peep on the world's news front. Not a peep.

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This type of insanity is why Trump cannot be trusted. He has no compass.

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You're completely naive to think this is Trump alone. The current administration has no compass. There is a global push to eliminate human rights so that we all will be subjected to our words, thoughts, and actions and living conditions being controlled on a micro level through the abuse of technology (especially AI). To demonize Trump is to take your eyes off of the fact that this is a GLOBAL initiative with the goal of a one-world government that is unelected (think World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, United Nations) but will have the power to make decisions that will impact every country. The innate human desire to be free - free-thinking, self-determining, lifestyle freedom - will cease to be because humans are difficult. Humans don't conform like robots would. The elite would literally prefer that there were far fewer humans. This is not a Trump problem, it is a global problem. If this whole article by Assange didn't make you realize that, I'm afraid nothing will.

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Have you considered therapy?

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It’s not just Trump. It’s ALL of them.

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Anyone in the upper levels of government I’d add.

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