"I approach every invitation with an open mind, respect, and curiosity — the way journalists used to operate. As many of you know, we’re currently fighting multiple wars in this country, but the war with the media may be the most devastating of all because it is shaping opinions and fueling division through lies, manipulation, and propaganda, while serving the agendas of soulless billionaires and elite forces. I’m paid by the people. My only obligation is to relay what I witness and let my audience decide what they think about it."

Brilliant speech. Beautiful photos and people. MAHA <3 MAGA.

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Here’s what I’m drawn to in this article

1. The meaning behind Tulsis grey streak. Her wit and determination is such an asset to the Trump team.

2. Your into and opened statement was outstanding. You’re a natural so I hope you didn’t sweat it too much beforehand.

3. I know there’s trouble brewing for RFK Jr but his (other) passions that pertain to our health, censorship, etc. is very important to me. I sure hope we have a team on the republican side with a focus on those issues.

I really enjoyed this piece and look forward to hearing more about what you uncover about the scandal. 😩

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With Bobby I think it's important to remember his line: if skeletons in my closet could vote I'd win the election in a landslide

I expect stuff like this to come out a lot over the next few months. He is a Kennedy and at the same time his message is critical regardless of his own laundry list of shortcomings. It's way beyond time to make our country healthy again.

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This is my take too. If we judged the personal human errors of everyone in the history of music, politics, art, culture, etc to the point of cancelation, we miss out on their unique gifts that move the collective forward. It’s nuanced. We are all flawed. But we all have medicine to offer. We still need Bobby.

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Well said!

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2..I meant your into and opening statements.

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We only have 2 choices for President out of a whole *ss country. I am voting for the candidate who talks the most about policy, and is clear about what exactly that policy is. I literally don’t care about the newest drama and gossip. I would vote for character if that was my highest value. I think I’m a good judge of character. But can we all realize that it’s policy that will determine the fate of our country and perhaps the whole world in turn. I am not the morality police. I just want a safe enough, stable, livable country. We all want that!!!! I’m voting for the person who can get us out of endless war, stabilize the border, and is aware of corruption at the highest level in our military industrial health complex.

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We don’t even know the details yet on this RFK thing. Everyone needs to calm the eff down and practice the 48 hour rule. Sheesh.

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Agreed. People are so quick to judge and form opinions before they even know the facts.

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Congratulations Jessica! I truly wonder if anyone would show up to, let alone wait in line for Harris/Walz or anyone associated with them. You do better "journaling" than any "journalist" I know. The Dick Cheney endorsement is so telling. The lefties I know don't seem to care as many have TDS and the confirmation bias is at an all time high with the MSM in overdrive, actually blaming Trump for having 2 assassinations on his life. Bobby, Tulsi and the team must continue going to the swing states as these are critical opportunities. He must also make sure security is TIGHT! Great job Jessica! sabrinalabow.substack.com

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What an amazing opportunity and great moderation. So happy Tulsi talked you into it. ;) I love your opening statement. It embodies what we all feel - we need journalists with an open mind, respect and curiosity.

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I'm glad you published this piece as is and acknowledged the timing of it all. This needed its own spotlight! There will be another time in the near future for the other allegations.

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Fantastic work, Jessica. You are boldly going where no one else will. We love you for it!

On another note. I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. Remember not that many years ago, many on the left were all about “resist”, no more wars, etc. Now it’s flip flopped, I’m now screaming resist and no more wars. The two parties have completely switched. I think it was Bobby speaking to Tucker that all of the elites - no more blue collar folks allowed - are democrats.

As a recent retiree, I’m now the poor, resisting, stop the wars, proud MAGA/MAHA hippy.

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Fascinating that RFK Jr. would call the left the “party of censorship” when book bans popping up have consistently been from the right.

Correcting misinformation is not censorship.

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Banning sexually explicit books from children’s libraries does not constitute book banning. It’s clear to anyone with their eyes open and functioning brain cells that one side is attacking the first amendment.

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Not all books being banned or attempting to be are "sexually explicit," or if we're being honest, are banned because they talk about the experiences of LGBTQ+. For example, 1984 is the #1 most banned book of all time for its social and political themes, ironically. Books about race and racism, books with characters of color, books with "inappropriate language" make up a large chunk of book bans. Not to mention books just talking about history truthfully. Some states successfully banned Maus a couple years ago because it graphically depicted scenes of the Holocaust...using mice. Other books that have been banned not about sexuality and/or gender: Sold, All American Boys, The Handmaid's Tale, I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings, The Class Castle, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, Dear Martin, The Kite Runner... I could go on.

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Fascinating, Jessica, both as in introduction (for me, at least) to your own history of combining private-public life & evolving into the valuable coverage you now embrace, as well as this gem of a kick-off interview opportunity you’ve shared with Tulsi Gabbard & RFK Jr. Thank you, Jessica! I’m delighted to have discovered you and added to my admiration of each of your interviewees.

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Watching Candace’s show. Apparently it was a sexting affair for those interested in more info

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Thank you. It's none of our business, but damn, I'd like to see it.

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Now I’m like was he setup? Was she CIA? Like most smart people know not to text that shit!

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The way we know the "alphabet" people can dial into our phones makes it so much more careless. They know better.

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Bc Candace is the person to go to for truth? No thanks. She probably has about as much proof on this as she does all her recent baseless conspiracy theories. Why can't everyone stop treating speculation as fact?

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You're doing a great job, Jess. We are very proud of how far you've come and excited to see where this life is leading you🤍🤍🤍

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How are we reconciling getting the kids healthy and cleaning up food and water with the Trump admins history of deregulating food industry and unbridled “drill baby drill!” mentality? As someone primarily concerned with health and the environment I simply do not know where to turn at this point.

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umm maybe the other direction??

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I've never cared for Olivia Nuzzi, I remember her ridiculous rants about Trump. But let's not trash her, she's a beautiful, young and hard working journalist who might've been star struck by an older, very powerful good looking dude. If true that she had an affair with RFK JR., I can understand how it could've happened.

Let's not trash her, she's an ambitious female. I pray for her safety.

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Re: let’s not trash her… I think when someone knowingly does something wrong, yes, people can and should call them out. Avoidance of shame was a really great tool for keeping small communities in line for most of human history. Unless she was raped, the adult woman made her choice. If the rumor is true, they both lost their integrity which was one of his greatest assets.

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I don't think RFK Jr. has integrity, I've researched his record of performance - he's an opportunist and a political beast. He helped bring us three terms of Barack Obama.

I won't judge Olivia Nuzzi if she did have an affair with RFK Jr., I've seen many young women who have been bamboozled by older men in positions of power. Bobby has a very long history of cheating on his wives, I guess it's good for his ego. Obviously he has black holes in his soul that he needs to eliminate.

If true, Olivia needs to evaluate what is missing in her life that would cause her to sleep with an old guy who could be her father. If her involvement (if true) isn't ego driven, she needs to figure out what is missing in her life. She's young and can recover from the attacks she will face.

I feel bad for Botox Barbie, having one's husband's affair turn into a publicity shit show, must be hard on her. Bobby has disrespected her, if the gossip is true.

Many lives are affected, I don't understand why this relationship, if true, would be exposed. It's not going to hurt Bobby, it hurts Olivia. The woman is always the one who takes the hit. I've spoken to Paula Broadwell, General Petraeus' lover, she lives near me. The media put her through hell, her life fell apart while his life was unaffected. Petraeus was in a position of power, just like Bobby.

There's an imbalance of power and I hope Jessica keeps this point in mind when she writes about the Olivia and Bobby relationship.

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Yeah, I had RFK Jr on such a high pedestal and it’s a weird feeling to feel disappointed by someone you’ve never met but held in high regard and saw as a hope for us all. I hate when I lose trust in someone. Do you mind sharing how he helped bring in the three terms of Obama? Or what if google to research that? I didn’t realize he was super politically active until recently. I just thought he was an attorney.

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You can go to my Substack where I've published some old videos of Bobby. Also, he campaigned for Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton - he's a lifelong Progressive. Obama rewarded Bobby with millions of taxpayer dollars as repayment for his campaigning on his behalf.

You can also go to YouTube and watch Alison McDowell (WrenchInTheGears.com) and watch her videos about Camelot / Bobby. She's one of my favorite Leftist researchers - her work is amazing.

My point is that the men survive these "affairs" unscathed while the women get their lives destroyed. I've never liked Olivia but I don't want to witness her destruction - there's an imbalance of power (as with Paula Broadwell) and that should be a focal point of women who write about this topic. There's a video where Paula Broadwell mentions this - how unfairly she was treated vs Petraeus. It's a teachable moment and I hope Jessica keeps this in mind.

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Thanks for your time sharing this info.

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No problem, we’re here to share and learn from each other.

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Jessica...you did a great job. But I have to say in light of the information released today about RFK and Nuzzi, I am beyond disappointed. What the hell?? Why?? He's 70, married to a beautiful woman and decided to screw around with a 31 year old? What's wrong with these men? It's all so depressing. What an absolute mess.

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Nuzzi made a statement and said nothing physical happened between her and RFK. So I am at a loss as to WTH is going here

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And if nothing physical happened, why say anything at all? Either someone was onto it and about to blow the lid off it or it was all part of another attempt to discredit Trump and his allies.

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It made me sick to my stomach last night but I am waiting to see what comes out. Would not be surprised at all if this was a fabricated/exaggerated plot to destroy Bobby and in turn the Trump Campaign. Definitely so thankful that Jessica will no doubt get to the bottom of it and share FACTS and TRUTH!

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I’ll be the one to say it…

… If she really said THAT…


my God it sounds so pitifully lame, and I’m embarrassed for her.

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What are you disappointed in - that she published this article or in RFK? If it's the article, she had it ready to go - that's hours of work and we all wanted to share in it. If it's the RFK allegations, we don't know facts yet. I was literally sick to my stomach last night when I heard about it. Bobby has been brutally honest about his past - I can't see an affair actually taking place and they both say nothing physical happened. That said, if it's an emotional affair, I think those are more damaging. Bobby has too much to lose and I just can't see him being that reckless. Stranger things have happened, but I'm chosing to wait to see more facts. I felt awful for Cheryl and almost equally as awful for Jessica. Making poor decisions matters, but I still believe Bobby, along with President Trump and Tulsi, love America and will protect her. I'm still voting for the felon and his ties to whale head cutter.

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Turns my stomach.

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He’s been a philanderer in all of his marriages. He’s owned up to that pretty publicly. I’m not sure why it wasn’t covered here.

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16 hrs ago·edited 16 hrs ago

Yikes These two? How the hell did I end up under this rock.

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