What a story! Made me feel like I was there. Go Trump!

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Oh good!!

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Jessica, you are one of the best storytellers on Substack. Your attention to the tiny, but important, details takes us on your magical journey. My ADD takes a pause as I hang on to your every word. TY.

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Oh gosh, what a compliment. Thank you! It's such an amazing audience I have here. I love you all x

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La Gata you're a ratta. And stupid as well

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You don't agree that Jessica is one of the best storytellers on Substack? Her partner in crime is just as talented, her beautiful pictures also tell us great stories. I know how difficult it is to raise children, travel for business and deliver exceptional work and I deeply appreciate their efforts.

What part of my commentary about Jessica's work, in your opinion, is "stupid"? I've never claimed to be as educated, intelligent, sophisticated or elegant as Jessica - I celebrate her. I adore women who take the world by the cojones and squeeze'm while enjoying being a wife and mother - real, raw, unfiltered feminism.

Why are you so hateful? Did a rat eat your cheese? BTW my favorite Gouda cheese is from raw milk produced in a farm in rural Trump country (South Carolina) 😉. Bless your heart.

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Name-calling. Just like your wretched hero, Trump. Got a sum in mind you’d like to bet on him “winning in November?” Not gonna happen. And by the way, he doesn’t like Latinas, or didn’t you know?

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Little bitter man, you're all over this post calling Trump a pig and being an asshole to the women who are celebrating Jessica's exceptional writing.

Ever heard of the hood El Doral? Yeap Trump saved us Latinas and Latinos when he invested in our hood. He made us an international tourist destination. He absolutely loves us, Mexicans are his largest Latino voting bloc followed by Cubans.

I challenge you to provide proof to back up your accusations of Trump. You seem to regurgitate BS - it's boring. You're a little Bitter Betty.

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My problem is not with Jessica; it’s with the cheesy glorification of a lying, corrupt clown such as Trump. And you want proof? Are you paying attention at all? Were you paying attention on Jan. 6? If those people had been black, gay, or Hispanic, they’d have been in Gitmo the next day. He is not your friend. He only wants people to love him as much as he loves himself. It’s been obvious ever since he came down that damned escalator. I’m not bitter; I’m happy. BECAUSE HE’S SOON TO BE DONE, and ours will be a better country for it!

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"If those people had been black, gay, or Hispanic" 🙄 my compatriot Enrique Tario is Black and Cuban - wasn't at J6 and the Obama DOJ threw him in jail, where he'll be for over 20 years. Gay Brandon Straka was charged & convicted by Biden's administration - for simply being there. One of my boys, an attorney, has been part of defense teams for J6ers- I know how evil and vicious the Obama-controlled DOJ and Judiciary have been to Americans who are J6ers- that has absolutely nothing to do with Trump - it's YOUR TEAM who has created gulags where Americans are beaten, starved, isolated and denied medical care.

I challenge you to a debate about Trump - his Presidency, how he saved Refugees and Immigrants in El Doral from going bankrupt, his lawsuit in Florida so that my communities could join "White only" clubs, his shattering the ego of men who didn't want women in construction by putting a woman in charge of his commercial building projects, his reversing Obama's destruction of underserved Black kids in DC by reinstating their school vouchers, his reversing Obama's disastrous Cuba policy, his giving HBCUs more money than Obama & making their funding permanent for ten years. You claim to be a journalist, bring receipts for all of your accusations - I will not allow you to regurgitate bullshit - you must prove your accusations by providing proof. Name the place and time.

Stop disrespecting Jessica and being an asshole to the commenters in her sandbox - you've brought nothing to the many convos taking place here. You seem to think you're smarter than us (I'll prove you're not) and you suffer from artificial moral superiority.

With my high school diploma, I guarantee I'll whip your ass. I've been trained by hardcore Leftist feminists, they've taught me well. I'm not a Republican so don't attempt to discredit them, I'm not on their team.

Name the platform, day and time and come prepared. My days in DC have taught me a thing or two about Public Policy debates.

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Rick, do you have anything else better to do tonight? You’re replying on nearly every comment regurgitating the same few talking points every time. Opposing views are welcome here, your vitriol and false moral high ground is not.

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Epic photos. The best speeches were Kai Trump and the families who have lost loved ones due to the Biden Harris open border. Can’t wait to hear about how you recovered from TDS, glad it wasn’t a terminal disease for you as it is for too many people: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/trump-derangement-syndrome-diagnosis-dsm-v

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Healed and thriving! 🇺🇸

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Your deranged comments are EXACTLY why we follow Jessica. Open minded, not twisted & demented with liberal lies- as you clearly are.

If you are so bothered by an independent woman & self funded journalist discovering truth for herself about a political event, you are the problem.

Also, everything you’ve posted in this entire thread is 100% fiction. And no one here is brainwashed into believing fiction on either side of the political aisle. Free thinkers only.

Get help.

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Spray painting candidate posters with devil horns is open minded?

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Oh, Jessica is having "so much fun" now! American Democracy, Freedom, Civil Rights are hanging in the balance, but no matter - its all cool, put on that Pretty Little soundtrack, go shopping, have a cocktail. Oh, these poor persecuted MAGAs.

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Absolutely if the freaking shoe fits.

Communists who get zero primary votes, consistently evoke Marxist ideologies and phrasing, & literally demonize free speech & constitutional values- all while claiming they’re going to fix the problems THEY THEMSELF caused the past 4 years DESERVE to be outed as the villain they are.

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Please define “communist”.

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I also just saw Liz Cheney endorsed Harris. 🤣🤣🤣 I remember when your cult called the Cheney’s fascists warmongers. How does it feel to know she’s on your side?? 🙄

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I’m not in a cult, Toni.

Liz Cheney is putting her country before her party, which more people should do.

I’ve never heard anyone call her a fascist or a warmonger. Her dad, sure, but generally speaking the left doesn’t blame the sins of a given family member on the rest of the family like y’all do.

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Here ya go. Maybe this will help you since you don’t seem to know.


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I was asking the person who misused the term to define the term, Toni. Not looking for your misplaced snark.

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Try again, Yuri. Trump is a liar, a felon, deeply corrupt, and a predator who preys on women. Someone who appears as distinguished as you really ought to try and keep better company.

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Wow, Rick! I must say, I was quite taken aback by your decision to drop such negative comments here. It's clear that those of us who have chosen to subscribe to Jessica's content do so because we value her unique perspective and insights on various topics. By dismissing her experiences and viewpoints as unimportant or invalid, you not only undermine the purpose of her platform but also show a lack of respect for those who appreciate and support her work.

It's disheartening to see such negativity and hate speech being directed towards someone who is just trying to share their thoughts and experiences with the world. It makes me wonder what could have prompted you to make such hurtful remarks. Perhaps there was a misunderstanding or miscommunication, but regardless, it's important to remember that we should always strive to engage in constructive and respectful conversations, even when we may not agree with someone else's opinions.

In the future, I hope that we can all approach discussions with an open mind and a willingness to listen to different perspectives. It's through these interactions and exchanges of ideas that we can learn and grow as individuals. Let's strive to create a community built on mutual respect and understanding, rather than division and animosity.

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I will not communicate with you again. Consider yourself blocked Rick!

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Seems to me that Stephanie and Rick are either one in the same or dating each other! Following each post is a dead giveaway. Maybe y’all should consider going to Denny’s or joining a bowling league. This crap you’re spewing is boring! Go away please….

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Division and animosity….who’s responsible for most of that in our country? We know who, don’t we? Sorry you were “taken aback.” How tragic.

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Yes we do know who is responsible - Liberals afflicted with TDS

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So original!! It’s always the “fake news.” TDS means Trump Disgust syndrome, and I’m proud to claim that. He’s disgusting in every way.

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You seem quite angry, rude and miserable. Seek help.

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Your negativity towards people who are sharing ideas and comments inspire me to work harder to get others healed from TDS! YAY TRUMP! YAY VANCE! YAY KENNEDY!! Let us not allow negativity to drive us anyway but forward!!!

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Division and animosity was on steroids under Barack Obama's first two Administrations. Under his 3rd term, he continues to deliver on his promise to destroy this country. So yes, your side 100% owns the Division and hate.

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It's really hard to not feel animosity when the angle

She presents is


Skewed to one side. And just plain untruthful. Highlighting killer migrant stories is useless. Really? Why not highlight all the angry white men shooting people up.

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MSM highlights all the things you want to read/see. Go there.

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Stephanie, it isn't White men who are shooting people up, it's my Community of Minorities. That's a fact, I've been gathering the data for over a decade. I'd be happy to debate you on this topic, let me know where/when you'd like me to wipe the floor with you. I'm really good at cleaning floors, I do it at my house.

When time permits I'll publish a post on this topic and dedicate it to you. I'll make sure to tag you.

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What is a woman? Do you consider democrat policies that allow men to destroy women in sports and enter their locker rooms predatory? Your smears are the definition of TDS, clearly you are terminal case. Take a quaalude as Jessica suggests. Try to read what we write and offer real critique instead of regurgitating MSM histrionics. This is America and substack, not North Korea and CNN.

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You just don’t have a clue…..he’s a pig in every respect. The biggest liar on the planet, and we’ll be done with him in about eight weeks. You can visit him in jail after that.

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Bless your sad little heart.

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Aww…aren’t you kind? Not sad at all, dear. Happy to know that he’s soon to be dispatched forever.

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Your pity party is forthcoming when Trump wins in November 🤣

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Starting off with anti-trans nonsense instead of discussing the former president being a felon—and getting a couple dozen likes for it—tells me the commenters here aren’t as “unbiased and open” as they claim lol.

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Try being less concerned with what’s in peoples’ pants.

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It's not about what's in a person's pants - It's about the fact that Democrats are attempting to erase women. A Dick isn't a Jane just because he wears lipstick and high heels😉

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I don’t know about you but I’m a lot more than lipstick and high heels, as a woman. If that is what you think will “erase women” you have a low opinion of women.

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You're missing my point. Mentally ill men who wear lipstick and high heels think that's all it takes to be a woman. We're all different. I've been advocating for women's rights many years, I'm watching the party of the pink pussy hats who marched in 2017 screaming about losing their rights under Trump, bowing down to Dicks who pretend to be Jane's. Dick will never be Jane.

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The DNC and Kamala’s little fake honeymoon is OVER! Now she has to try and talk policy which will fall so flat. Buckle up it’s gonna be fun to watch!

That's why I love wearing this in front of dems 👇


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Yeah trump

Is so good

On "policy" his policy is

For the highest bidder.

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Which policies, exactly, are you referencing?

His policy on eliminating human/sex trafficking?

His policy on eliminating the invasion of criminal illegal aliens?

His policy on lowering taxes so that small businesses can grow and create generational wealth?

Please elaborate.

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They can’t answer your questions. We’ve all asked them to explain/clatify/tell us, yet they don’t return. Then they show up on Jessica’s next article spewing the same nonsense. They are either clueless to what’s really happening or they are trolls. Either way, their game is old.

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Old and boring!

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Yeah, buckle up. It’s gonna be fun to watch him burn himself to the ground. He’s dead meat. And he knows it.

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So all of the women that work for President Trump are all slaves? They aren’t smart enough to break away from him? You sound sexist.

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How many women would that be? He only hires the ones he thinks are good-looking. You know he’s a pig, just like I do. He has no respect for anyone who works for him, male or female. Look how many former staffers and Cabinet members refuse to endorse him. What does that tell you?

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Jessica named several women in her article. I doubt you even read it. I won’t waste my time typing out all of the women who currently, happily I might add, work for him. So what if they’re beautiful? Do you have issues with gorgeous women? I know you’re quite used to fawning over the neoliberals, so maybe beauty scares you.

And absolutely I’m a Jesus follower and Trump supporter. See we, like Jesus, don’t put baby killing on the list of must haves. There’s only One Perfect man and His name is Jesus. But again, maybe you don’t know Him. He’s the One you’ll bow to one day. Guaranteed.

But continue to spew your hate towards the women here. Your true colors are brightly shining.

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Jesus never mentioned his stance on abortion. He did mention paying taxes and welcoming strangers though.

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Jesus’s stance on abortion is in His commandments: do not murder. How anyone can justify murdering an innocent baby is beyond me. Pure evil.

I’d bet money you lose your mind when people abandon animals on the streets or dump them in the trash.

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Trump pays plenty of taxes and has married TWO gorgeous Immigrants, so he has it covered😉

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Act like Jesus!

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And you say you follow Jesus? And you support Trump????? My God; that’s clueless.

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You must be Q-anon or something…..you admire Alex Jones and Donald Trump and you think you can throw Jesus of Nazareth in the mix, too. This is deeply delusional. So sorry you’ve gone down this rabbit hole. Hope you find your way out.

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So you just make up crap. One of your responses said, “ you don’t know me!” Well, sir, you don’t know me either.

You are a horrible person and I see no reason to continue wasting my energy on such a narcissistic ahole.

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Sometimes people return to abusive situations because they don’t know any better.

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Rick, your post is a pitiful yet prime example of the hatred the democrats have in their hearts and minds. You are well steeped in the mire & really should seek peace elsewhere.

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I don’t think democrats are hateful but most of us do hate misinformation and propaganda.

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I would ask that you try again and find some new, less over-used ad nauseaum insults to throw at Trump and his supporters🥱🥱🥱. But TDS has a strangle hold on you. Hope you get some relief soon. 🤗

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I can really feel the joy emanating from you.

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Did you see this? Please read… You might change your mind.


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I'm curious about the bullet point in your article that states that those who suffer from TDS are "Banning books, films, statues, and art that are offensive." I'm confused about who you believe to be banning books. Can you explain and perhaps cite a reference?

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Yes, I would like to hear Jessica elaborate on this topic.

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I teared up again reading you describe listening to the mom who lost her son to fentanyl, I cried during that portion too. A parent’s biggest fear indeed.

Shout out to Denise’s photography skills, always makes you feel like you are in the moment.

Great job ladies.

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It was heartbreaking. I was not expecting to end up in tears that night.

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Jessica, have you seen this yet? (8 minutes read)


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I watched the RNC every night… missing some speakers but for the most part caught the highlights….here is the refreshing part… you wrote EXACTLY… what my eyes saw and my ears heard! This is why I follow your stories! I don’t have to question your reporting! Thank you!😊

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Beautiful recap! And the missing ticket story was all too relatable. Been there done that. Thank you for your candor and insight. We are so lucky to have you this election season!

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This was beautifully written! Truly masterful. You have such a talent for writing those VF/Atlantic/esquire long form journalism pieces from the good old days (before clickbait and woke agendas).

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I agree completely! So great!

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Fantastic article. I always wondered what it was like attending the convention and now I know! The great pics were frosting on the cake. Thank you!

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This was lovely. I laughed, I cried, and my cheeks flushed with anger and then pride. Thank you Jessica for this coverage. Truly doing the Lord’s work! I’m looking forward to hearing about your remedy for TDS; I love that you once suffered from this because look at you now! HOPE 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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The lords work? The lord wouldnt recognize you . Neo Christian asshole

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What a weird comment. Seek help, Stephanie. You’ll be less angry and miserable on the other side.

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Stephanie is triggered 🤣

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I can really feel the joy emanating from you.

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This has been my favorite since subscribing 🇺🇸

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Wow! Really?

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No disrespect to the other stories on here. They’re all great! . I just found this one the most intriguing and beautifully written. Thank you for all you do. 🇺🇸❤️

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You have such a way with your words and I look forward to reading these stories from your perspective. Great recap of the convention and hearing the behind the scenes stories. Thanks for continuing to fight and have these conversations to make people think outside what the news is programming them to think. 🇺🇸💛

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Thank you for reading and commenting, Lauren.

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Loved this recap! I hope to hear a recap of the DNC so I can see how it compares, energy and joy wise.

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I was def a contrast LOL

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Did she get into the DNC?

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No. She did not.

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I’ve always made a point of staying emotionally detached from anything having to do with politics, but following your up-close election coverage is giving us a much-needed personal insight into these key political players, and I love it. Not afraid to admit I’ve been moved to tears more than once by your campaign stories.

I’m not sure if there’s a better place to post this question, but is there a forum for us to get connected with other House Inhabit readers in our area? I’m in Charleston, SC, and would love to host a meet-up! I need more people in my life I can obsessively ask “have you seen the latest houseinhabit stories?”

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Olivia, there is a Facebook group! Cuteservatives for HouseInHabit, as well! 🩷

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Perfect! I’m already in the Cuteservatives group so I’ll look for that one too.

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@Georgia Dyess @Chelsey Rose love to hear it! If you want to connect on Instagram, my handle is @oliviaunearthed.

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I am also in CHS and obsessed -- Olivia, if you host a meet up, count me in!

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I’ll play! I live in Charleston :)

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I love this! My friend Jess and I are always texting “have you seen the latest house inhabit stories!?”

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I’m all the way in Columbia but would love to meet up with other HIH fans! 🫶🏼

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Now THIS is journalism! Thank you for sharing your experiences and captivating us with your writing and Denise’s photos. I’m taking a little breather from Instagram and came over here to get my HIH fix and you did not disappoint!!! Now if only your badass soundtracks could be added here..

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Right? The music brings it all together so uniquely and fun !

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Jessica, this is amazing, amazing writing. I felt like I was there. I cried, laughed, smiled, felt anger and grief, all the emotions. You are one of a kind! Thanks for taking me on this journey with you. I so so enjoyed it!

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You're so sweet! Thank you for your compliments.

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Jesus, Lord. Don’t have a stroke or anything……

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Rick, you’re not a very nice person.

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You don’t know a thing about me. I’ll do whatever I can to keep that felon from the White House again. We all should……

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I do know at least one thing… you’ve come to this Substack and treated people with disrespect by being snarky and making rude comments. To me, that’s not a nice person. And if that’s the only thing I were to ever know about you, I wouldn’t want to know more.

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So, on Substack, everybody holds hands and sings together? Give me a break. Not when I see some nonsense defending the worst, most corrupt president this country has ever seen....Where's your concern for that?

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I didn’t say that.

I don’t have concern for that because I don’t feel the same way as you. Also, you still have yet to provide fact over feeling and emotion.

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Babe, the only one in danger of having a stroke is you either with your over the top TDS.

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What a story!! Well done!! And Denise your pictures made it come alive!!

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I can feel the energy through your writing. I was I was there!

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