Dying to know more about the Kimberly story. Everything just happened in such a crazy way. Her and Don Jr were together when you attended the parade a few months back then Don Jr is on a full relationship with this other woman, that from your comments seem to be great? I’m here for the juice 🍿🍿🍿
Same. I’m also waiting for the follow up story of Kimberly entering the event the night before the inauguration and beelining straight to Don Jr. Inquiring minds…
Same, and what did Jessica write about Kimberly that ticked her off, lol, I don’t recall anything that was offensive? And she declined pictures? Am I understanding that correctly? A selfie and then another of her dress? 🫣🙃… cmon Kim, lighten up!
When Jess had the psycho blonde write a post or when she was covering her (the one who wanted to be press chick) it included commentary how that chick said she (Kimberly) smelled really bad and had BO. That on top of all the Jr updates probably made her unhappy.
Love this. I have to ask though, why is Russel Brand's shirt always unbuttoned these days? Always. Everywhere. Even the MAHA ball. I guess to show off his rosary?
Thank you for this wonderful commentary (that menu looked SO GOOD) and the darling pics. I’m still confused about which Kennedy family members support RFKJ and who still cling to the Biden criminal family. It looks so genuinely fun and joyous, unlike the faux joy around Kamala. I don’t usually go gah-gah over gala events but this one is different and I think this new administration is world changing-certainly America first again. And MAHA is just the sans seed oil icing on a healthy cake
I hope this is RFKs week, 🙏🏻. You in that dress, I can’t even. My favorite moment is of you sitting in the dress looking away from the camera. It’s not about “your full face looking back at us” in that photo it’s about what you bring to the table. I don’t know, to me that was the most significant Kodak moment.
I can’t even imagine what you could have said that upset Kimberly to that point? So glad it didn’t overshadow your evening. It’s utterly amusing that the journalists anticipated being fed at a ball that they weren’t truly guests at. Good times!
Thx Jessica- love getting a glimpse into the festivities of that night albeit without your full access to the MAGA ball too. Beautiful pictures too. Curious after seeing Anthony Shriver’s picture, if any other cousins/extended family is supporting RFK Jr now?
Hey Jessica, thanks for the update, rewarded perseverance indeed! Are there any women in DC embracing their authentic silver locks? Maybe that's just popular here in New Mexico, the land of the empowered crones.
It's always fun reading these recaps -- thank you, Jessica! Would love more captioned photos because while I recognize some of the faces many are unfamiliar to me.
Painting the town red! You look beautiful, Jessica! I love the dichotomy of it all - the treacherous weather trying to hamper the glitz and glamour, but just made better stories and memories. Perfect analogy of what the campaign has been like the last year!
To show your support for Elon, please perform the exact “gesture” in public everywhere you go. It will end the outcry of the delude libtards if you take it one step further and record yourself doing it and post it publicly. All of us will do the same to show our support.
To show your support for Elon, please perform the exact “gesture” in public everywhere you go. It will end the outcry of the delude libtards if you take it one step further and record yourself doing it and post it publicly. All of us will do the same to show our support.
So wld you do it in Germany, where even raising your right arm is a criminal offence and doing a Nazi salute carries a 3 year jail sentence? Wld you do it there? Would you do it to a concentration camp survivor?
To show your support for Elon, please perform the exact “gesture” in public everywhere you go. It will end the outcry of the delude libtards if you take it one step further and record yourself doing it and post it publicly. All of us will do the same to show our support.
How can any woman support Trump? Really? The economy, illegal immigration and so much more. 158 million women voted. 45% for Trump. You are not a captive audience but you are definitely captured. You may have come down with EDS--Elon Derangement Syndrome. Get some rest.
Dying to know more about the Kimberly story. Everything just happened in such a crazy way. Her and Don Jr were together when you attended the parade a few months back then Don Jr is on a full relationship with this other woman, that from your comments seem to be great? I’m here for the juice 🍿🍿🍿
Same. I’m also waiting for the follow up story of Kimberly entering the event the night before the inauguration and beelining straight to Don Jr. Inquiring minds…
Same, and what did Jessica write about Kimberly that ticked her off, lol, I don’t recall anything that was offensive? And she declined pictures? Am I understanding that correctly? A selfie and then another of her dress? 🫣🙃… cmon Kim, lighten up!
When Jess had the psycho blonde write a post or when she was covering her (the one who wanted to be press chick) it included commentary how that chick said she (Kimberly) smelled really bad and had BO. That on top of all the Jr updates probably made her unhappy.
Love this. I have to ask though, why is Russel Brand's shirt always unbuttoned these days? Always. Everywhere. Even the MAHA ball. I guess to show off his rosary?
I almost commented on that!! lol
Thank you for this wonderful commentary (that menu looked SO GOOD) and the darling pics. I’m still confused about which Kennedy family members support RFKJ and who still cling to the Biden criminal family. It looks so genuinely fun and joyous, unlike the faux joy around Kamala. I don’t usually go gah-gah over gala events but this one is different and I think this new administration is world changing-certainly America first again. And MAHA is just the sans seed oil icing on a healthy cake
I hope this is RFKs week, 🙏🏻. You in that dress, I can’t even. My favorite moment is of you sitting in the dress looking away from the camera. It’s not about “your full face looking back at us” in that photo it’s about what you bring to the table. I don’t know, to me that was the most significant Kodak moment.
I can’t even imagine what you could have said that upset Kimberly to that point? So glad it didn’t overshadow your evening. It’s utterly amusing that the journalists anticipated being fed at a ball that they weren’t truly guests at. Good times!
The nerve of these media puppets!
Thx Jessica- love getting a glimpse into the festivities of that night albeit without your full access to the MAGA ball too. Beautiful pictures too. Curious after seeing Anthony Shriver’s picture, if any other cousins/extended family is supporting RFK Jr now?
Hey Jessica, thanks for the update, rewarded perseverance indeed! Are there any women in DC embracing their authentic silver locks? Maybe that's just popular here in New Mexico, the land of the empowered crones.
Good question! I didn't see any, but I love that trend. I might try it myself soon.
Highly recommend, the more of us embracing our authenticity the better!
It's always fun reading these recaps -- thank you, Jessica! Would love more captioned photos because while I recognize some of the faces many are unfamiliar to me.
Yes please!
You looked gorgeous in that red dress! So glad you wore it! Big celebrations deserve big dresses!
Knock the red dress all you want but now we all know about that impressive décolletage you’ve been hiding! 🔥🔥🔥
Hahaaa! My whole life in hiding
Love all of the pictures and you look fabulous, Jessica! The MAHA menu looks delicious!!
I love all your photos. You have a real gift for catching your subjects in truly candid situations. Thank you
Denise is the photographer! She is amazing.
Painting the town red! You look beautiful, Jessica! I love the dichotomy of it all - the treacherous weather trying to hamper the glitz and glamour, but just made better stories and memories. Perfect analogy of what the campaign has been like the last year!
How can you? How can any woman support Trump? Support Musk and his salute? I cannot begin to understand this.
Did you just sign up? This has been explained in depth for a a year now, is why I ask.
It’s an expression of incredulity and disbelief. Of horror, actually.
To show your support for Elon, please perform the exact “gesture” in public everywhere you go. It will end the outcry of the delude libtards if you take it one step further and record yourself doing it and post it publicly. All of us will do the same to show our support.
Omg it wasn’t a Nazi salute! Come on. Enough with that!
To show your support for Elon, please perform the exact “gesture” in public everywhere you go. It will end the outcry of the delude libtards if you take it one step further and record yourself doing it and post it publicly. All of us will do the same to show our support.
So wld you do it in Germany, where even raising your right arm is a criminal offence and doing a Nazi salute carries a 3 year jail sentence? Wld you do it there? Would you do it to a concentration camp survivor?
It was spastic. He was outpouring love from his heart. Stop making something out of nothing. I swear you libs have zero critical thinking skills.
It’s always so much fun to see which propaganda the TDS’ers cling to.
To show your support for Elon, please perform the exact “gesture” in public everywhere you go. It will end the outcry of the delude libtards if you take it one step further and record yourself doing it and post it publicly. All of us will do the same to show our support.
How can any woman support Trump? Really? The economy, illegal immigration and so much more. 158 million women voted. 45% for Trump. You are not a captive audience but you are definitely captured. You may have come down with EDS--Elon Derangement Syndrome. Get some rest.
Cry harder and then grow up. 🤡
You write well, but geez, what a groupie.
A groupie? She's reporting the festivities and should be allowed to have some fun while doing so. Why burst her bubble?
She's gaga for MAGA, partying with the plutocrats. A useful tool.
You look amazing in that color of red!
Thank you!