“In every human society of which we have a record, there has been a class of people who were in some way outsiders, whether it was because of their accent, their complexion, their beliefs, or the amount of money they possessed."
My sister and brother in-law live in the city in Victoria, Australia but are part of the destruction of farmland because of the infrastructure needed for 'renewable' energy. They believe that global warming is an impending disaster and that some people have to suffer in order to change to a 'clean power source. Ironically, they burn petrol driving to their beach house that they pay off with the money they earn destroying these farmers primary residences.
exactly. tragically, this is the evergreen - sorry for the pun - playbook of the bangkstur mahfeuh who've been rolling this way of destruction for a very very very very long time... and they have all their henchpeople and shillz and minions playing their puppeet roles so they can remain behind the scenes for the most part giving people their crumbs or small castles, depending, to appease said high and low level slayvs... and, people fall for it. occasionally, some do not, but, many...do. And, thus, here we are. Bring back the farms and the farmers and so many of my friends are and we have the world full of beauty, again, and true respect for nature, our home. Oh, well, real farmers, bring back real farmers, not poison chemical whores for the poxon companies... but, people who know how to use permaculture, etc.
Just reminds me that the “little “ people are the ones that have the most or rather the greatest outlook on life for they have the benefit of having really haved lived it…
We need another interview with this man, he needs to write a book that I can pre-order today, etc. My eyebrows shot up when he said he wished he had prepared for this—sir, you were made to have this impromptu parking lot interview! I loved this 🥳
I’m afraid I’m one of the ungodly creatures that society has to endure , my wife rescued a chihuahua from Battersea’s dogs home in London , my verdict on this little rat was don’t expect me to walk that creature anywhere ,,,that little thing realised from day one I was going to be the problem and made a bee line for me and although it took a while she was my little shadow for 15 years ,,so to sum up I proudly call myself an ungodly creature that society has to endure ,
The busted violin playing Christmas songs got me in the feels. I love that you give attention to everyone--so much hidden gold in our world. Cheers to the people like you who mine for it and share it with others.
Quick side note--The Orwell quote reminded me of S. E. Hinton's "The Outsiders". I once went to an anniversary book signing with her in attendance and the people who were "The Outsiders" in real life were a several blocks long line, waiting to meet her. I could tell some of the book editions were from their own high school years and the warmth and genuine excitement trumped every book signing and literary event I've ever been to. "The Outsiders" will almost always have the best insides.
One of my top 5 books & movies of all time. I believe I saw The Outsiders 6 times in the movie theater. I was a pre-teen obsessed with the cast. It was also filmed near where I lived in OK.
I’m from Oklahoma too! Such a treasure of a book. “Stay gold, Ponyboy, stay gold.” could bring you to instant tears. And can you still recite Robert Frost’s poem from it? 😉
There's also the "Hermit of Loretto"... who predicted DonaldJTrump would bring America back to God and made sure that a brick inscribed with DonaldTrump's name is in the holy door to the Vatican.
I’m making an audio about me and Moomoo, an ex fiancé, and her dog Moomoo, a golden retriever that I lived with for six years, and I fell in love with the thing. So….. my take on dogs is more about the people…. It’s not a dogs fault what people do with them.:)
It’s Eric from the Real World New York! They did a reunion show in 2021 and he was on it via video and he now does something with spirituality & health. His website says “Eric Nies: Modern Shamanism” lol
Yes, that’s eric from the real world, and he’s not in the real world, and he was on MTV grind too! We were all on an episode of the first real world in that New York City apartment on Spring Street! It was a friends and family episode where everybody got to bring their parents, brothers and sisters. Eric invited none of his family and about 50 of his friends, almost our whole crew, and he dosed the punch with 100 hits of mescaline or LSD, obviously, that episode never aired due to nudity profanity, and the fights that broke out with the parents who were tripping their faces off with their kids… it was a disaster. MTV cameramen wanted to quit the real world and just film our friends from Jersey after that., they said we would’ve made the best show on Earth. Jessica will be recording this chapter along with my entire life story., and I’m hoping we can retrieve that episode from MTV, or at least some clips of it. And eric is probably sitting in a lotus position right now in Maui, licking frog venom and telling everyone he’s whispering some kind of indigenous dragon that’s coming…..
The, “unsung heroes,” usually tell a more accurate picture of society than many as they are most observant and distanced. I love the fact that you identify with the so called,”misfits,” or as I would call them and probably myself, “misunderstood!”
Bud has more common sense and understanding of geopolitics than 99% of MSM talking heads and government officials.
Right?! Wait till you hear his take on carbon and other things!
My sister and brother in-law live in the city in Victoria, Australia but are part of the destruction of farmland because of the infrastructure needed for 'renewable' energy. They believe that global warming is an impending disaster and that some people have to suffer in order to change to a 'clean power source. Ironically, they burn petrol driving to their beach house that they pay off with the money they earn destroying these farmers primary residences.
Let me guess, they were one of the firsts to roll up their sleeves for the jabs too and believed that if you didn't get it, you were "killing grandma"
exactly. tragically, this is the evergreen - sorry for the pun - playbook of the bangkstur mahfeuh who've been rolling this way of destruction for a very very very very long time... and they have all their henchpeople and shillz and minions playing their puppeet roles so they can remain behind the scenes for the most part giving people their crumbs or small castles, depending, to appease said high and low level slayvs... and, people fall for it. occasionally, some do not, but, many...do. And, thus, here we are. Bring back the farms and the farmers and so many of my friends are and we have the world full of beauty, again, and true respect for nature, our home. Oh, well, real farmers, bring back real farmers, not poison chemical whores for the poxon companies... but, people who know how to use permaculture, etc.
I posted some audio here for Jessica and things she liked for you guys to listen to some of it’s funny
Just reminds me that the “little “ people are the ones that have the most or rather the greatest outlook on life for they have the benefit of having really haved lived it…
I could not agree more. Listen to the ones who lived it!
We need another interview with this man, he needs to write a book that I can pre-order today, etc. My eyebrows shot up when he said he wished he had prepared for this—sir, you were made to have this impromptu parking lot interview! I loved this 🥳
He believes it too. He text me later saying us meeting was always in the cards 🥹
Seriously 🙏🏻✨
Wow amazing. Such a beautiful story!!
I posted some audio on my Substack for the first time they were for Jessica on Instagram, some that she just liked
Firstly, is Bud invited to the Christmas party this year? Secondly, does he need a date?
Of course. As featured guest speaker perhaps?
the reader of "The Night Before Christmas : Election Year edition"
I posted some audio on my Substack they were for Jessica on Instagram. Some of them are funny.
I’m afraid I’m one of the ungodly creatures that society has to endure , my wife rescued a chihuahua from Battersea’s dogs home in London , my verdict on this little rat was don’t expect me to walk that creature anywhere ,,,that little thing realised from day one I was going to be the problem and made a bee line for me and although it took a while she was my little shadow for 15 years ,,so to sum up I proudly call myself an ungodly creature that society has to endure ,
We love you for it, Alan ☺️
The busted violin playing Christmas songs got me in the feels. I love that you give attention to everyone--so much hidden gold in our world. Cheers to the people like you who mine for it and share it with others.
Quick side note--The Orwell quote reminded me of S. E. Hinton's "The Outsiders". I once went to an anniversary book signing with her in attendance and the people who were "The Outsiders" in real life were a several blocks long line, waiting to meet her. I could tell some of the book editions were from their own high school years and the warmth and genuine excitement trumped every book signing and literary event I've ever been to. "The Outsiders" will almost always have the best insides.
Thank you for this reference! I’ll purchase a copy today thanks to it! x
An iconic book in the 70"s. Written by a teenager and later a movie with many big names. The book was my age groups version of, "Catcher in the Rye".
One of my top 5 books & movies of all time. I believe I saw The Outsiders 6 times in the movie theater. I was a pre-teen obsessed with the cast. It was also filmed near where I lived in OK.
I’m from Oklahoma too! Such a treasure of a book. “Stay gold, Ponyboy, stay gold.” could bring you to instant tears. And can you still recite Robert Frost’s poem from it? 😉
I’m from Ponca City. 😊
I can’t quote the poem now, but definitely could many decades ago. >>>> going to look up Robert Frost 🤣
Hello from Edmond. 😊
“The gas station prophet” 🙌🏼😂 so good.
There's also the "Hermit of Loretto"... who predicted DonaldJTrump would bring America back to God and made sure that a brick inscribed with DonaldTrump's name is in the holy door to the Vatican.
Would love for Bud to be on Roseanne’s podcast! That would be a dream interview. Jessica, you’ve got a huge heart and that’s why I’m here!
I would love to see that happen
Posted some audio on my Substack they were for Jessica on Instagram. Some of it has my back story pieces
Excellent....I would hazard a guess that he is more representative of how we are a feeling than anyone else in the MSM. Can't wait for more.
Jessica, this article is everything. I'm obsessed.
Good! I have lots more from Bud ❤️
Love this guy. Please have more from Bud. He is a Gen X like me.
Me too!
I didn’t see these comments! Thank you! I’m a baby boomer!
I love Bud so very much. He’s clearly a genius. Super smart people ALWAYS talk loud and fast!
As a small dog owner I must protest! Ahh well that is okay, to be an outkast amongst outcasts is an honor 🤠
Indeed lol
I’m making an audio about me and Moomoo, an ex fiancé, and her dog Moomoo, a golden retriever that I lived with for six years, and I fell in love with the thing. So….. my take on dogs is more about the people…. It’s not a dogs fault what people do with them.:)
Ha. Eric Nies. New Jersey in the 90’s. Wonder if i know this guy.
It’s Eric from the Real World New York! They did a reunion show in 2021 and he was on it via video and he now does something with spirituality & health. His website says “Eric Nies: Modern Shamanism” lol
Yes, that’s eric from the real world, and he’s not in the real world, and he was on MTV grind too! We were all on an episode of the first real world in that New York City apartment on Spring Street! It was a friends and family episode where everybody got to bring their parents, brothers and sisters. Eric invited none of his family and about 50 of his friends, almost our whole crew, and he dosed the punch with 100 hits of mescaline or LSD, obviously, that episode never aired due to nudity profanity, and the fights that broke out with the parents who were tripping their faces off with their kids… it was a disaster. MTV cameramen wanted to quit the real world and just film our friends from Jersey after that., they said we would’ve made the best show on Earth. Jessica will be recording this chapter along with my entire life story., and I’m hoping we can retrieve that episode from MTV, or at least some clips of it. And eric is probably sitting in a lotus position right now in Maui, licking frog venom and telling everyone he’s whispering some kind of indigenous dragon that’s coming…..
The, “unsung heroes,” usually tell a more accurate picture of society than many as they are most observant and distanced. I love the fact that you identify with the so called,”misfits,” or as I would call them and probably myself, “misunderstood!”
What a fun interview. Harry Vox is pretty cool too, but over the top on joos.