Hey everyone, Happy Monday!
Just wanted to drop in real quick to ask a favor of you as I move towards an official launch for this newsletter next month.
These past few weeks I’ve taken my time getting quietly acquainted with how exactly Substack works. It’s been a bit erratic as I’m still fumbling around deciding what exactly I want this space to be. A design revamp is in the works as well. Most of the content here to date has been available to both paid and free subscribers, but starting next month - ideally - it’ll come to serve mainly as a paid extension to my IG. For those interested in a more detailed variation of the featured topics that spring in my daily stories.
What to expect: End of month round ups / style posts / pop culture musings / long form court notes / a monthly book review by one of my favorite writers / home tour videos / occasional audio notes & hopefully (eventually) a pod cast series to house conversations with friends.
What I’m wondering: If you are paid - what would you like to see in a weekly newsletter? Do you prefer more frequent interactions - daily submissions on varied topics, in addition to the more in depth entries? Or one longer, tight laced weekly letter arriving at the end of every week?
Would audio notes in your inbox annoy you?
Do you like peeks into ‘normal’ people + celebrity homes?
Is a book club of any interest?
Anything in particular you’d like to see more or less of?
Now is the time to be vocal, opinionated and constructive. You know I love y’all and defiantly want to make that $1.75 a week worth it!
With love and thanks!
I second what Shannon said: I’d love a lengthy weekly round-up and some quick extras with breaking news on topics we’ve been following. I’d likely leave audio notes unopened because I want instant ingestion wherever I am and audio requires a certain setting for me. Love your idea of a deep dive into Dylan and I don’t even know/care about the man’s music. The way you’ve covered GM’s life is extraordinarily captivating: the relationships, history, fashion commentary, wonderings, what-ifs, breaking news, and alllll the photos, all the details. Thank you! More, please.
I would love a lengthier, weekly round-up- and maybe some quick "extras" with breaking news/updates on things we've been following along with for a while. Dont need audio notes but wouldnt shoo them away either. Book club sounds fabulous. DREAMING of a pod so a big yes to that!