Mar 7, 2022Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

I second what Shannon said: I’d love a lengthy weekly round-up and some quick extras with breaking news on topics we’ve been following. I’d likely leave audio notes unopened because I want instant ingestion wherever I am and audio requires a certain setting for me. Love your idea of a deep dive into Dylan and I don’t even know/care about the man’s music. The way you’ve covered GM’s life is extraordinarily captivating: the relationships, history, fashion commentary, wonderings, what-ifs, breaking news, and alllll the photos, all the details. Thank you! More, please.

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Thank you Kelly!

I would LOVE to do more on Dylan. And truth be told I'm hardly through with GM.

Her life bio holds ammunition for endless content. Hah!

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Mar 7, 2022Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

I would love a lengthier, weekly round-up- and maybe some quick "extras" with breaking news/updates on things we've been following along with for a while. Dont need audio notes but wouldnt shoo them away either. Book club sounds fabulous. DREAMING of a pod so a big yes to that!

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Thank you!! xx

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Mar 7, 2022Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

I second this!

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I third this!

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Mar 7, 2022Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

I am obsessed with your content! You are the only Instagram account I have notifications turned on for, though I end of saving em up and tuning in at night when I am decompressing. Those notifications give me a lil dopamine hit and excite me about the evening viewing. Personally, I would prefer daily (or 2-3times/week) interactions, then I can crawl into bed at night and read the exact info I desire (instead of scrolling insta and getting triggered--for lack of better term-- by content I did not seek at that time of day). I think I might be an outlier here but I don't seek (more) home tours or even a book club. I follow a lot of accounts that cater to that content already. I miss the days of knowing what I am getting when sitting down with a gossip mag or a style mag. The way you report on Epstein/Maxwell, Kanye, The Queen, etc. is exactly what I seek. It's so refreshing. It feels like a lot of content creators try to do too much and the bread-and-butter takes a hit. I do enjoy the sprinkling of your life and family on Stories, but I tune in for your perspective on current events. I find that these days I don't read a lot of newsletters because they are doing too much and I get tried skimming for the info I really want. Can't wait to follow your evolution! You're on to something incredible!

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thank you Alyssa! this is all so informative and helpful to me! xx

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Mar 8, 2022Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

I like the lengthy weekly wrap up with pictures included of course! I would listen to audio and a podcast. I don't like book clubs, personal opinion, I like to pick out my own books and I'm picky.

The topics you cover vary so much and I would have never known the details of the JE and GM if I hadn't been following your IG. Plus the fashion and pop culture stuff. Yes I am a paying follower and I would never have paid for even a newspaper online. You don't push your agenda but give us all the details which is true journalism. Plus fashion details that break up the content with humor including who you think is good looking and we all have differing opinions.

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Thankful to have you in my subscriber list Tiffany!

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Mar 7, 2022Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

Here for all the content! Podcast, audio notes, deep dives into petty arguments, court drama! Love your perspective

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Mar 7, 2022Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

Can I just say that I adore you?! I really don't know what I want and feel like whatever you provide will be just right...I know that's not helpful but your style is surprising and delightful and I don't want to be bothered with expectations. I adore long-form podcasts and a book club would really be dreamy! Thank you...

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ok great! thank you Karen. xx

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Mar 7, 2022Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

I would LOVE a book club! And yes to everything else. I pretty much eat up whatever you create, so would love it all. I am also obsessed with English royalty, so any tea on them would be much appreciated!

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Honestly. I’m up for any and all. I like your quick timely musings and your long detailed recaps. And YES for a book club! As far as audio, perhaps, but I’m usually reading at night in bed while my husband sleeps next to me.

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aren't we all! :D

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Mar 7, 2022Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

I think a book club would be great! I love the gossip, and deep dives. Looking in people's houses is definitely interesting. Also please plan a group field trip to NYC where I can come and hang out with you and your bestie ;)

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you got it!

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Mar 7, 2022Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

Until we can ALL hang out on a private island together discussing ALL of this, I will gladly take whatever you are able to throw at us :) xoxox

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OK cheers! :D

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Mar 7, 2022Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

Would love a book club and love having updates every few days (something enjoyable in my inbox!) but also here for the in-depth weekly wrap up. Same as others, audio would likely be skipped over as it’s either full blown toddler chaos or silent middle of the night feeds when I’m catching up. Thank you for all you do, I look so forward to every update!

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Mar 7, 2022Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

ALSO- a favorite favorite of mine is celebrity beefs/fueds through time. Because theyre often so silly and tantrum-y. Jack White/Caleb Followill for example- over their kids private school in Nashville- makes me giddy. Imagining them avoiding each other at school performances is amazing.

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I absolutely agree!

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Mar 10, 2022Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

I would love a book club! I love anything pop culture so deep dives into personal stories is always super interesting. I also would love if you did some Royal commentary. I like following their fashion and looking at all of the amazing places they live ( I love all the Royals, not just the BRF but Liz is my favorite!) I really enjoy your coverage of Ghislaine Maxwell and Gabby Petito so would appreciate coverage of any new newsworthy events.

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More royals is a much appreciated suggestion 🤗

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Yes!! Thank you❤️❤️

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Mar 8, 2022Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

I’m all for whatever, Jess! I vote for longer, more spaced out content. I appreciate you amplifying the movement of validating all perspectives no matter which direction they are reflected from.

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Mar 8, 2022Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

Long form weekly round up YES! Anything more frequent and I'd let them bank up to read in one go..

Audio notes I'd ignore as I can't listen to them at work.

Book club and other consumable media you love YES! Give me all of it.

Thank you!

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Mar 8, 2022Liked by Jessica Reed Kraus

I agree with Kelly— lengthy weekly round-up and quick extras on breaking information, but would likely leave audio unopened. Always looking forward to your writing!

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