Love the snaps! Of course the kittens sign is adorable! At least we get a real glimpse of Trump’s former digs, and not the illusive Greek Jewish Puerto Rican Black ghetto that Biden imagines… 😉

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Trump had huge, yuge past.

Biden had a BIG kitchen table.

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I read the room wrong - I thought Link (omg - I love him so much) would have been a look-out for you and Denise. and/or joined in.

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He really let us down. Lol

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Same lol! And I love him so much too!

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Oh how I wanted to you to get inside! Plus, the hair looked great so win win on that mugshot. You and Denise, your partner in crime, def need to go back, I need you to go back! Loved this piece, not just because it was insight to #45, but it was almost criminal. :)

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Did I see you at James O'Keefe's birthday party?

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No 😌

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Dang, it was a banger! I have exclusive footage of his parents getting down on the dance floor 🤣

Maybe next time, it would be great to chat with you.

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How fun!!

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I wanted to be there so badly but couldn’t swing the trip 😩 Glad to hear it was a good night!!!

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Yeah it took some concerted effort to get there but WELL worth it. James is a true gentleman and knows how to throw a party! Here are some photos I took https://x.com/kommiefornia/status/1807128146145140980

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LOVE IT!!! Wow, looked like a fun party. Thanks for sharing your pics!

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The pre-party was also epic. I met muckraker.com and other awesome citizen journalists, we did cake, tacos, hung with the OMG crew, gifts and previewed the border movie he's putting out in fall. BIG stuff coming. Sorry no photos allowed at that one haha

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I cannot wait for the border film to be released!!! I know it’s gonna be epic after all the work they have been doing. It will be worth the wait, I’m sure!! 👏🏼👏🏼

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It's going to rampage through the country harder than Sound of Freedom

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This was fun. Next time lean in with Denise! She has the sense of adventure that will get you into places you shouldn’t be but need to be! Remember the adage “it’s easier to apologize, than to get permission.” Admiral Grace Hopper; she’s never steered me wrong!

That’s the DT that makes me want to spank him! Even when he talks about his mother there’s a tinge of disrespect, just a tinge though. But instead of being surly and insulting he could get a bit curious and it would pay off in spades! Can you imagine if he’d asked Olivia about her shaking? She could have said she was nervous about the interview and setting and he could actually have explained there was no need to be and shown her the room and some key features. It would have turned out much better for him.

I think he loves attention - good or bad - and with a bit of finesse it could help him greatly. But alas can we teach an old dog new tricks?

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Thanks to y’all for being brave enough to get the content us crazies love 😆 side note… never fails to amaze me that when you come across random everyday, working class people and ask them about Trump, they all seem to respond the same. A little hesitant to be honest but their honest love and respect for him clearly shows through. It’s eye opening!

Also, because I don’t know how else to get this msg to you, Jessica… Seymour Hersh just posted an article about the Bidens and when Joe pulled out of his first presidential race in the late 80’s due to allegations of LYING and confirmed plagiarism 👀 check it out!

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I’m sorry he was so rude and crass to Olivia. That’s the man I do not like. I do wish he would stop attacking people who aren’t his haters.

I would have gone in with you and Denise. But I live dangerously that way. 😃

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What am I missing? Don Jr. is actually asking other people to help save the house? The Trump family cannot afford to purchase it? They can't get a friend to do it either? This makes zero sense to me. Ps you have to get in there Jessica! Sabrinalabow.substack.com

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I absolutely LOVED THIS! I’ve come to REALLY adore Denise, you turned me on to the delightful Link..everything about this was hilarious & amazing

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Well now we need you to return and take us on a tour-inside!🤣😂❤️

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I need to see the inside!!!

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That was fun. C’mon Link, live a little. But I guess Big Don in the corner of the room

is intimidating lol. Who owns it now? I can’t get over how much Barron looks like his dad when he was young!

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Y’all are so funny and I love it so much! What a great adventure.

Thank you

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Pretty sure trumps don't own that. Why would junior care about losing something they don't own

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I corrected! It was worded confusingly by Newsweek. It was Trump tower not this house!

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Love the insight. And giving us a glimpse!

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