An interview with the Washington correspondent for New York Magazine, covering everything from Trump’s love of gossip to his thoughts on God to the prospect of boxers in bed
OK, now that the news has broken about Nuzzi and RFK am I sounding like a crazy conspiracy theorist to wonder if she was some kind of plant from the Dems to tank Trump’s campaign once RFK came aboard?
I don’t know how anyone could think Nuzzi’s pursual of RFK was anything other than a complete set up designed to bring trouble Trump’s way. He’s a decently attractive man, but he’s 70! And she’s 31. I don’t know a single 31-year-old who would be attracted to a guy that old unless she was looking for a sugar daddy or had another motive. Shit, I’m 55 and 70 is off putting even to me. Is he an idiot for falling for it? Yes. Is she a scumbag. Yes. So sad for the only real victims here, Cheryl Hines and Jessica. Have a great day everyone.
100 percent intentional to make trouble. She is a seasoned reporter and knows Jessica is relatively new to the game. I’m sorry this happened to her and of course Cheryl Hines.
Well now it seems like it was some kind of text flirting? I don’t even know what to think at this point. Was it truly a relationship or was it all in her head?
I did read something where she supposedly confirmed it was not a physical affair. Even so, I just can’t help but wonder if it’s all part of a plan? I’ve been reading lots of Dem outrage over this but they need to remember RFK isn’t on the presidential ballot anymore, but Kamala side piece is so…
I haven’t seen a single Dem care about this except to feel like it was expected. RFK Jr has said himself he’s got skeletons in his closet. He’s a known serial cheater.
Totally agree with you, no one thinks he’s a choirboy by any means. But the timing of this is less than ideal. However, is it a dealbreaker for me? No. I still think there’s a lot of good that can come out of having him as part of an administration. I hope people can separate whatever goes on in his personal life from the good he can do for the country.
It really seems overblown to me. How did the guy who “broke” the story even have access to her phone and know what was said? Do we know if this was a one sided infatuation? Any texts that do show up could be photoshopped. I’m honestly getting an RFK eats dogs and kills bears vibe from all of this
No clue how it came to light. Your suspicion isn’t unfounded. And as I’ve said before, I can’t help but wonder if this was all planned unbeknownst to RFK and an another attempt to discredit Trump and the people in his camp…
Olivia is a breath of fresh air. I couldn’t help but wonder if her love of driving ignites her intuition. Driving is my go-to when ever I’m feeling out of sorts or feel a change is coming. Being on the road IS so freeing. I couldn’t help but fantasize you and Olivia taking a road trip together (eat your heart out Gayle and Oprah!). I could see the two of you stopping at some unusual places with some interesting characters all the while cranking up some awesome music. Loved this piece Jessica!
I will say, you always seem to be in the right place when it comes to the “story” even if you didn’t know it. Again, prayers for your sanity and strength in this messy situation. ❤️🙏🏻
After I finished reading this, I felt a little sad for Trump. He seems like a lonely soul. His narcissism is unparalleled as is his tenacity and resilience. Bravo to Olivia for being able to get such an intimate interview. I am looking forward to reading the piece. It was great to get a glimpse of the behind the scenes of their interview. I love the unique way you word your questions like "What else about his phone situation stood out?" You are a truly gifted writer and I'm so happy to have found you Jessica!
Just curious, not meaning to argue, but why do you say his narcissism is unparalleled? I’m certainly not a fan of some of his comments, but how is he any different than most of the elite?
I was married to a narcissist (Gemini ironically) and he was above & beyond President Trump in his narcissism. He was an abusive, manipulative a-hole. I don’t see Trump like that at all.
Happy you asked. I not only think he is a narcissist, which gets used to describe a lot of people, I think he actually has Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). Some of the main traits are, "an inflated sense of self-importance, a need for excessive admiration. and a sensitivity to criticism." I have one family member who has this disorder as did an ex-boyfriend of mine who I almost married. I'm sry you did:( It sucks. Trump talks about his crowd sizes incessantly and to a fault as we saw Tuesday night and makes comments like how his administration achieved more than any other in U.S. history. The hyperbole he uses ad nauseam about himself and his administration's accomplishments are so off-putting. I think a lot of politicians have NPD and all are manipulative. You'd have to be pretty out there to want to be President. I think with him it's just more pronounced. That said, I hope he wins in November!
I wonder if you’d be liberal now if he’d been a raging conservative alcoholic.
Narcissists seek attention before anything else, as you know. If he was politically inclined it was because he thought it brought attention. That’s what Trump does, too.
Well, my ex is a narcissist too. An abusive one that was convinced he was Einstein reincarnated. I can tell you crazy stories that would be beyond belief if you read them in a book. Gov contractor, VERY high sec clearance, schmoozing with politicos, law enforcement, military, 3 letter spooks, and on and on. The HUGE difference between many, is that there are some TRULY EVIL narcs. I believe mine was. He is also in the M “fraternity”. Or was. I think they lose a degree or something if they get divorced.
But I believe that President Trump is NOT evil. I do believe he has a good soul. He does have many NPD characteristics. But I don’t think he’s extreme.
He’s also very Alpha. He’s a Gemini, and I am too. So I see the sensitive side of him. He’s a unique Gemini.
My ex is a Scorpio narc. Dangerous combination. He also has violent tendencies. He thought his opinion was the only one that mattered.
Anyway, just my 2 cents comparing my experience (more than a decade). Now, my son (liberal leaning) will absolutely not vote for Trump at all because he reminds him of my ex. (Not his bio dad)
Oh, he couldn’t have kids, which REALLY destroyed that part of his ego. And insisted that I never brought that up to people that never knew that my kids had a different bio dad.
Sorry, I didn’t mean to write a book, probably TMI. And there’s so much more.
Needless to say, I’ve had plenty of time to “study” and come to terms with my support for Donald Trump. He was born to help get our Country back on track.
I have a really hard time with the narcissist label. Armchair labeling of psych disorders should not be taken seriously. He does not have clinical narcissistic behaviors. Ego? Yes. However an overinflated ego does not make him a narcissist at all. Plus narcissists usually have one victim they concentrate on and the rest of the world thinks they’re wonderful humans. That is not how he operates. He’s a very generous person and narcissists are rarely generous unless they’re getting press and notoriety along with the generosity.
Rarely do I disagree with you Sabrina, but this time you’ve got it wrong.
To put this to rest for those wanting the clinical observations needed here you go:
From the DSM 5
To diagnose a narcissistic personality disorder, the following criteria must be met:
A. Significant impairments in personality functioning manifest by:
Impairments in self-functioning (a or b):
a. Identity: Excessive reference to others for self-definition and self-esteem regulation; exaggerated self-appraisal may be inflated or deflated, or vacillate between extremes; emotional regulation mirrors fluctuations in self-esteem.
b. Self-direction: Goal-setting is based on gaining approval from others; personal standards are unreasonably high to see oneself as exceptional or too low based on a sense of entitlement, often unaware of their own motivations.
Impairments in interpersonal functioning (a or b):
a. Empathy: Impaired ability to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others; excessively attuned to reactions of others, but only if perceived as relevant to self; over- or underestimate of own effect on others.
b. Intimacy: Relationships largely superficial and exist to serve self-esteem regulation; mutuality constrained by little genuine interest in others‟ experiences and predominance of a need for personal gain.
B. Pathological personality traits in the following domain:
Antagonism, characterized by:
a. Grandiosity: Feelings of entitlement, either overt or covert self-centeredness; firmly holding to the belief that one is better than others, condescending toward others.
b. Attention seeking: Excessive attempts to attract and be the focus of the attention of others; admiration seeking.
C. The impairments in personality functioning and the individual’s personality trait expression are relatively stable across time and consistent across situations.
D. The impairments in personality functioning and the individual’s personality trait expression are not better understood as normative for the individual’s developmental stage or socio-cultural environment.
E. The impairments in personality functioning and the individual’s personality trait expression are not solely due to the direct physiological effects (e.g., a drug of abuse, medication) or a general medical condition (e.g., severe head trauma).
What Are The 9 Narcissistic Personality Disorder DSM 5 Criteria or Traits?
In addition to the criteria mentioned above, the DSM-5 narcissism guidelines also point out nine different features of narcissistic personality disorder that professionals should look for when diagnosing the condition: [2]
Inflated self-esteem or a grandiose sense of self-importance or superiority
Craving admiration
Exploitative relationships (i.e., manipulation)
Little to no empathy
Identity is easily disturbed (i.e., can’t handle criticism)
Lack of attachment and intimacy
Feelings of depression or emptiness when not validated
A sense of entitlement
Can feel like others are envious of them, or may envy others.
So once you’ve read through this you can stop referring to Donald Trump as a narcissist. It’s not who he is, obviously.
I'm happy to hear your perspective. I could absolutely be wrong with the "diagnosis." I don't know if he is clinically a narcissist but he definitely craves attention and admiration, has a very grandiose sense of self-importance and certainly think others are envious of him. The rest is up for debate as I don't know him personally. My brother-in-law is a clinical psychologist and my sister a social worker and both think he displays symptoms of NPD and both are voting for him! I think the larger issue is that he hurts himself with his overinflated ego. It undermines the truth of what he says. He went ballistic when Kamala made a false comment about his crowds leaving in droves because they were so bored. She knew that would get him and his non-stop hyperbole of being the BEST, GREATEST etc. is to the extreme. Just for the record I want him to win the election!
Husband is a clinical social worker who has spent 35+ years working with these behaviors. That’s why I recoil at armchair diagnoses. It doesn’t do the general public any good to label people in these ways.
A clinical social worker cannot diagnose someone with NPD. Plenty of actual doctors have noted what you note, Sabrina: Trump exhibits many signs of NPD.
Thank you-people just throwing around labels is definitely dangerous. Everyone all of a sudden js a psychiatrist. If we go around telling people physical diagnoses people would attack for trying to play doctor.
Yes, it takes a lot to actually have a true NPD. And also, most are clinically women ironically. I talk about all the time the use of words like racist, sexist, misogynist, narcissistic etc. Cause then it takes away from the real victims of narcissistic behavior, the real racism an dso on. Most ppl that are assumed to have NPD are actually BPD. But you can't just diagnose that on a whim. Just cause a man is a loud, ego maniac, argues and belittles. That doesn't just mean NPD.
Exactly! Plus he can be all those things an also very generous and willing to help others at times. I’m thinking of the little boy suffering from cancer he just sent a letter, that little boy would have a hard time believing some of the ways/things he’s labeled.
My husband is USMC. Trump came to our base after a huge hurricane evacuated 90% of the base, and ruined the whole area. He came the day we were all allowed back on base. Checked out the base. The surrounding area. Talked to service members etc. Spur of the moment thing for them. Obviously it was planned, but not by much. He wouldn't do these things and keep em quiet if he was a real NPD. He's also a family man. NPD don't have adult children that still speak to them, marriages etc. Even his ex's all don't shit talk him. Petty little stuff, yes. But for the most part. You either love him or hate him. That doesn't just mean NPD. If ppl only realized how hard it is to truly diagnose that illness, they wouldn't be using that word so much.
100% agree. Please read my reply to Sabrina. I am convinced my ex has NPD. He enjoys being critical and abusive. I believe he’s evil. Donald Trump has a good soul. I’ve watched and studied him for some time. I watch the way he and his family interact. I try to watch any videos I can of him and Melania. I believe she adores him. And he adores her. He does have a HUGE ego and an Alpha personality. Most Presidents do. And there’s nothing wrong with that.
No he doesn’t. Read the DSM 5 definition. If you can’t read facts and set aside your feelings, you’ll just have to cling to those feelings and hopelessly move through life.
I loved this article; I think both Jessica and Olivia have an uncommon sense of honesty and confidence. I wonder if Melania is a best friend to him. I heard somewhere they will talk over dinner for hours? Great questions, JRK! I love your curious mind.
Knowing what we do now about Ms. Nuzzi and her conniving ways, blowing up her own engagement and trying to cut RFK Jr and Cheryl Hines off at the knees, I'm not feeling so charitable. I am glad Trump keeps Nuzzi at arm's length.
The NY Post article said they were sexting after her article on RFK Jr was published and that a source of RFK Jr confirmed they met only once for the in-person interview. So no actual sex then, nothing physical just texts?
It seems like someone hacked her phone and gave her an ultimatum to “come clean” to the “romantic” affair. And now they’re dragging his name through more dirt, after the bear, whale and dog stories, to discredit his character further. It seems like old-fashion by-the-playbook character assassination.
Or she set him up as they are apt to do and hold on to if needed at some point. Not making g excuses for him, what a dunbass thing to do. BUT, people need to stop deifying political figures. He’s a flawed human just like the rest of us. Am I disappointed? Yes. But it doesn’t negate the important work he is doing going to battle with toxic big pharma and government 🤷🏻♀️
I loved the interview and the portrait. Captured him as I feel he is. Trump fascinates me. Wickedly smart, adept, caring and authentic.
I always ask myself with celebrities and politicians, "Would I leave my children with them to watch fir an afternoon?" I definitely would with Donald Trump. They would have fun and he would keep an eye on them. Not many can I say that about. Thank you for this look into the man. Trump for President!
Fascinating interview. Great questions and insightful answers from Olivia. I love that the two of you became closer, rather than divide, after a disagreement. Our country could use a whole lot more of this approach.
It really seems overblown to me. How did the guy who “broke” the story even have access to her phone and know what was said? Do we know if this was a one sided infatuation? Any texts that do show up could be photoshopped. I’m honestly getting an RFK eats dogs and kills bears vibe from all of this
gotta come her to write my thoughts from last night 😣 I am so so disappointed and have a lot of not so black and white thoughts on it but just want to say-what the hell is with it being referred to as “a romantic relationship” in everything? It’s an affair! Call it what it is! That really gets me. Feeling for Cheryl right now.
OK, now that the news has broken about Nuzzi and RFK am I sounding like a crazy conspiracy theorist to wonder if she was some kind of plant from the Dems to tank Trump’s campaign once RFK came aboard?
I don’t know how anyone could think Nuzzi’s pursual of RFK was anything other than a complete set up designed to bring trouble Trump’s way. He’s a decently attractive man, but he’s 70! And she’s 31. I don’t know a single 31-year-old who would be attracted to a guy that old unless she was looking for a sugar daddy or had another motive. Shit, I’m 55 and 70 is off putting even to me. Is he an idiot for falling for it? Yes. Is she a scumbag. Yes. So sad for the only real victims here, Cheryl Hines and Jessica. Have a great day everyone.
100 percent intentional to make trouble. She is a seasoned reporter and knows Jessica is relatively new to the game. I’m sorry this happened to her and of course Cheryl Hines.
Well now it seems like it was some kind of text flirting? I don’t even know what to think at this point. Was it truly a relationship or was it all in her head?
I did read something where she supposedly confirmed it was not a physical affair. Even so, I just can’t help but wonder if it’s all part of a plan? I’ve been reading lots of Dem outrage over this but they need to remember RFK isn’t on the presidential ballot anymore, but Kamala side piece is so…
I haven’t seen a single Dem care about this except to feel like it was expected. RFK Jr has said himself he’s got skeletons in his closet. He’s a known serial cheater.
Totally agree with you, no one thinks he’s a choirboy by any means. But the timing of this is less than ideal. However, is it a dealbreaker for me? No. I still think there’s a lot of good that can come out of having him as part of an administration. I hope people can separate whatever goes on in his personal life from the good he can do for the country.
It really seems overblown to me. How did the guy who “broke” the story even have access to her phone and know what was said? Do we know if this was a one sided infatuation? Any texts that do show up could be photoshopped. I’m honestly getting an RFK eats dogs and kills bears vibe from all of this
No clue how it came to light. Your suspicion isn’t unfounded. And as I’ve said before, I can’t help but wonder if this was all planned unbeknownst to RFK and an another attempt to discredit Trump and the people in his camp…
I was never gonna vote for Trump or RFK Jr regardless. Both are lying philanderers. 🤷♀️
But Kamala is virtuous?
Was thinking about this as well. Need to know the extent of this “personal” relationship 😬
I believe that to be true. Think politics
this is interesting…
Well my day is already an hour behind schedule 😊
Olivia is a breath of fresh air. I couldn’t help but wonder if her love of driving ignites her intuition. Driving is my go-to when ever I’m feeling out of sorts or feel a change is coming. Being on the road IS so freeing. I couldn’t help but fantasize you and Olivia taking a road trip together (eat your heart out Gayle and Oprah!). I could see the two of you stopping at some unusual places with some interesting characters all the while cranking up some awesome music. Loved this piece Jessica!
Great suggestion!! Do it Jessica!
Fantastic interview!
I will say, you always seem to be in the right place when it comes to the “story” even if you didn’t know it. Again, prayers for your sanity and strength in this messy situation. ❤️🙏🏻
This article isn’t aging well for me…
After I finished reading this, I felt a little sad for Trump. He seems like a lonely soul. His narcissism is unparalleled as is his tenacity and resilience. Bravo to Olivia for being able to get such an intimate interview. I am looking forward to reading the piece. It was great to get a glimpse of the behind the scenes of their interview. I love the unique way you word your questions like "What else about his phone situation stood out?" You are a truly gifted writer and I'm so happy to have found you Jessica!
Just curious, not meaning to argue, but why do you say his narcissism is unparalleled? I’m certainly not a fan of some of his comments, but how is he any different than most of the elite?
I was married to a narcissist (Gemini ironically) and he was above & beyond President Trump in his narcissism. He was an abusive, manipulative a-hole. I don’t see Trump like that at all.
Happy you asked. I not only think he is a narcissist, which gets used to describe a lot of people, I think he actually has Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). Some of the main traits are, "an inflated sense of self-importance, a need for excessive admiration. and a sensitivity to criticism." I have one family member who has this disorder as did an ex-boyfriend of mine who I almost married. I'm sry you did:( It sucks. Trump talks about his crowd sizes incessantly and to a fault as we saw Tuesday night and makes comments like how his administration achieved more than any other in U.S. history. The hyperbole he uses ad nauseam about himself and his administration's accomplishments are so off-putting. I think a lot of politicians have NPD and all are manipulative. You'd have to be pretty out there to want to be President. I think with him it's just more pronounced. That said, I hope he wins in November!
I agree with you and love him anyway. Is that my toxic trait? 🤔
Not at all!
Thank you. Nicely said.
I’m glad you dodged a bullet. Mine was also a raging liberal alcoholic. I have no idea what was wrong with me. 😂
Mine was too! We all make mistakes Tonni. Just glad we both moved on!😘
I wonder if you’d be liberal now if he’d been a raging conservative alcoholic.
Narcissists seek attention before anything else, as you know. If he was politically inclined it was because he thought it brought attention. That’s what Trump does, too.
Well, my ex is a narcissist too. An abusive one that was convinced he was Einstein reincarnated. I can tell you crazy stories that would be beyond belief if you read them in a book. Gov contractor, VERY high sec clearance, schmoozing with politicos, law enforcement, military, 3 letter spooks, and on and on. The HUGE difference between many, is that there are some TRULY EVIL narcs. I believe mine was. He is also in the M “fraternity”. Or was. I think they lose a degree or something if they get divorced.
But I believe that President Trump is NOT evil. I do believe he has a good soul. He does have many NPD characteristics. But I don’t think he’s extreme.
He’s also very Alpha. He’s a Gemini, and I am too. So I see the sensitive side of him. He’s a unique Gemini.
My ex is a Scorpio narc. Dangerous combination. He also has violent tendencies. He thought his opinion was the only one that mattered.
Anyway, just my 2 cents comparing my experience (more than a decade). Now, my son (liberal leaning) will absolutely not vote for Trump at all because he reminds him of my ex. (Not his bio dad)
Oh, he couldn’t have kids, which REALLY destroyed that part of his ego. And insisted that I never brought that up to people that never knew that my kids had a different bio dad.
Sorry, I didn’t mean to write a book, probably TMI. And there’s so much more.
Needless to say, I’ve had plenty of time to “study” and come to terms with my support for Donald Trump. He was born to help get our Country back on track.
I have a really hard time with the narcissist label. Armchair labeling of psych disorders should not be taken seriously. He does not have clinical narcissistic behaviors. Ego? Yes. However an overinflated ego does not make him a narcissist at all. Plus narcissists usually have one victim they concentrate on and the rest of the world thinks they’re wonderful humans. That is not how he operates. He’s a very generous person and narcissists are rarely generous unless they’re getting press and notoriety along with the generosity.
Rarely do I disagree with you Sabrina, but this time you’ve got it wrong.
To put this to rest for those wanting the clinical observations needed here you go:
From the DSM 5
To diagnose a narcissistic personality disorder, the following criteria must be met:
A. Significant impairments in personality functioning manifest by:
Impairments in self-functioning (a or b):
a. Identity: Excessive reference to others for self-definition and self-esteem regulation; exaggerated self-appraisal may be inflated or deflated, or vacillate between extremes; emotional regulation mirrors fluctuations in self-esteem.
b. Self-direction: Goal-setting is based on gaining approval from others; personal standards are unreasonably high to see oneself as exceptional or too low based on a sense of entitlement, often unaware of their own motivations.
Impairments in interpersonal functioning (a or b):
a. Empathy: Impaired ability to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others; excessively attuned to reactions of others, but only if perceived as relevant to self; over- or underestimate of own effect on others.
b. Intimacy: Relationships largely superficial and exist to serve self-esteem regulation; mutuality constrained by little genuine interest in others‟ experiences and predominance of a need for personal gain.
B. Pathological personality traits in the following domain:
Antagonism, characterized by:
a. Grandiosity: Feelings of entitlement, either overt or covert self-centeredness; firmly holding to the belief that one is better than others, condescending toward others.
b. Attention seeking: Excessive attempts to attract and be the focus of the attention of others; admiration seeking.
C. The impairments in personality functioning and the individual’s personality trait expression are relatively stable across time and consistent across situations.
D. The impairments in personality functioning and the individual’s personality trait expression are not better understood as normative for the individual’s developmental stage or socio-cultural environment.
E. The impairments in personality functioning and the individual’s personality trait expression are not solely due to the direct physiological effects (e.g., a drug of abuse, medication) or a general medical condition (e.g., severe head trauma).
What Are The 9 Narcissistic Personality Disorder DSM 5 Criteria or Traits?
In addition to the criteria mentioned above, the DSM-5 narcissism guidelines also point out nine different features of narcissistic personality disorder that professionals should look for when diagnosing the condition: [2]
Inflated self-esteem or a grandiose sense of self-importance or superiority
Craving admiration
Exploitative relationships (i.e., manipulation)
Little to no empathy
Identity is easily disturbed (i.e., can’t handle criticism)
Lack of attachment and intimacy
Feelings of depression or emptiness when not validated
A sense of entitlement
Can feel like others are envious of them, or may envy others.
So once you’ve read through this you can stop referring to Donald Trump as a narcissist. It’s not who he is, obviously.
I'm happy to hear your perspective. I could absolutely be wrong with the "diagnosis." I don't know if he is clinically a narcissist but he definitely craves attention and admiration, has a very grandiose sense of self-importance and certainly think others are envious of him. The rest is up for debate as I don't know him personally. My brother-in-law is a clinical psychologist and my sister a social worker and both think he displays symptoms of NPD and both are voting for him! I think the larger issue is that he hurts himself with his overinflated ego. It undermines the truth of what he says. He went ballistic when Kamala made a false comment about his crowds leaving in droves because they were so bored. She knew that would get him and his non-stop hyperbole of being the BEST, GREATEST etc. is to the extreme. Just for the record I want him to win the election!
Husband is a clinical social worker who has spent 35+ years working with these behaviors. That’s why I recoil at armchair diagnoses. It doesn’t do the general public any good to label people in these ways.
Ok Robyn I understand your point.
A clinical social worker cannot diagnose someone with NPD. Plenty of actual doctors have noted what you note, Sabrina: Trump exhibits many signs of NPD.
Thank you-people just throwing around labels is definitely dangerous. Everyone all of a sudden js a psychiatrist. If we go around telling people physical diagnoses people would attack for trying to play doctor.
Yes, it takes a lot to actually have a true NPD. And also, most are clinically women ironically. I talk about all the time the use of words like racist, sexist, misogynist, narcissistic etc. Cause then it takes away from the real victims of narcissistic behavior, the real racism an dso on. Most ppl that are assumed to have NPD are actually BPD. But you can't just diagnose that on a whim. Just cause a man is a loud, ego maniac, argues and belittles. That doesn't just mean NPD.
Exactly! Plus he can be all those things an also very generous and willing to help others at times. I’m thinking of the little boy suffering from cancer he just sent a letter, that little boy would have a hard time believing some of the ways/things he’s labeled.
My husband is USMC. Trump came to our base after a huge hurricane evacuated 90% of the base, and ruined the whole area. He came the day we were all allowed back on base. Checked out the base. The surrounding area. Talked to service members etc. Spur of the moment thing for them. Obviously it was planned, but not by much. He wouldn't do these things and keep em quiet if he was a real NPD. He's also a family man. NPD don't have adult children that still speak to them, marriages etc. Even his ex's all don't shit talk him. Petty little stuff, yes. But for the most part. You either love him or hate him. That doesn't just mean NPD. If ppl only realized how hard it is to truly diagnose that illness, they wouldn't be using that word so much.
100% agree. Please read my reply to Sabrina. I am convinced my ex has NPD. He enjoys being critical and abusive. I believe he’s evil. Donald Trump has a good soul. I’ve watched and studied him for some time. I watch the way he and his family interact. I try to watch any videos I can of him and Melania. I believe she adores him. And he adores her. He does have a HUGE ego and an Alpha personality. Most Presidents do. And there’s nothing wrong with that.
He has several markers of malignant narcissism.
No he doesn’t. Read the DSM 5 definition. If you can’t read facts and set aside your feelings, you’ll just have to cling to those feelings and hopelessly move through life.
He does, which is why a number of psychiatrists (doctors, not clinical social workers) have attested to him exhibiting those traits.
She had an inappropriate relationship with RFKJr. I feel sad for Cheryl Hines.
Cheryl met him and cheated with him when he was still married to his second wife, Mary.
Not only that, he's known for not being able to keep his pants zipped. This is his typical pattern, nothing new here sadly.
I loved this article; I think both Jessica and Olivia have an uncommon sense of honesty and confidence. I wonder if Melania is a best friend to him. I heard somewhere they will talk over dinner for hours? Great questions, JRK! I love your curious mind.
Knowing what we do now about Ms. Nuzzi and her conniving ways, blowing up her own engagement and trying to cut RFK Jr and Cheryl Hines off at the knees, I'm not feeling so charitable. I am glad Trump keeps Nuzzi at arm's length.
holy click
The NY Post article said they were sexting after her article on RFK Jr was published and that a source of RFK Jr confirmed they met only once for the in-person interview. So no actual sex then, nothing physical just texts?
It seems like someone hacked her phone and gave her an ultimatum to “come clean” to the “romantic” affair. And now they’re dragging his name through more dirt, after the bear, whale and dog stories, to discredit his character further. It seems like old-fashion by-the-playbook character assassination.
Or she set him up as they are apt to do and hold on to if needed at some point. Not making g excuses for him, what a dunbass thing to do. BUT, people need to stop deifying political figures. He’s a flawed human just like the rest of us. Am I disappointed? Yes. But it doesn’t negate the important work he is doing going to battle with toxic big pharma and government 🤷🏻♀️
This isn’t RFK JRs first affair. He has had many.
Like, dozens and dozens.
RFK Jr. cheated on every wife he’s had. He’s said himself he is tempted by women and cannot stop himself. He’s probably a sex addict.
I loved the interview and the portrait. Captured him as I feel he is. Trump fascinates me. Wickedly smart, adept, caring and authentic.
I always ask myself with celebrities and politicians, "Would I leave my children with them to watch fir an afternoon?" I definitely would with Donald Trump. They would have fun and he would keep an eye on them. Not many can I say that about. Thank you for this look into the man. Trump for President!
Fascinating interview. Great questions and insightful answers from Olivia. I love that the two of you became closer, rather than divide, after a disagreement. Our country could use a whole lot more of this approach.
Nuzzi’s supposed “breath of fresh air” countenance turned out to be fetid sour belching.
So the “relationship” is not what it seems.
ugh, thank you for linking this. I need to stay off the internet today til all the facts are in!
It really seems overblown to me. How did the guy who “broke” the story even have access to her phone and know what was said? Do we know if this was a one sided infatuation? Any texts that do show up could be photoshopped. I’m honestly getting an RFK eats dogs and kills bears vibe from all of this
gotta come her to write my thoughts from last night 😣 I am so so disappointed and have a lot of not so black and white thoughts on it but just want to say-what the hell is with it being referred to as “a romantic relationship” in everything? It’s an affair! Call it what it is! That really gets me. Feeling for Cheryl right now.
Is it an actual affair, or did this journalist entice RFK, jr like some political move??