8 hrs agoLiked by Jessica Reed Kraus

A great read. Thank you! A little Trump story: Trump leaves the stage at a recent rally to go backstage to deliver a beautifully wrapped gift to a small boy in a wheel chair. He greeted him kindly, greeted the mom and older sister graciously, shook hands and acted like he had all the time in the world. He then announced he had to go back to the stage and his parting words to the boy were, “you look great! If I looked as good as you, I’d be President!” What a great guy. Trump may not always be “nice”, but he’s always kind.

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That was such a sweet moment. There are many.

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I have always loved Trump. I may not agree with all but the moment I knew “who” he was - he walked into a room and his little granddaughter came running to him and he swooped her up. You can’t fake that with a little one. This Gram knows when another Grandparent loves his babies and this man loves his family.

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This article just encouraged me to post a selfie in my MAHA hat, in my incredibly woke circle that I’ve been very quiet in. Thank you sharing this experience along with all of your others 🥹♥️ 🥹

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Wore mine to a (homeschool) event last week- and got compliments! Stay the course ❤️

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Definitely finding out who is aligned vs who is not 🥰🥰 feels so good to find like minded folks.

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It’s sad that we have to be nervous and apprehensive to support a candidate. Good for you.

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Agree it’s so sad, admitting I’ve definitely been fearful/weak 😣

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I’ve been looking forward to this! I’m not a straight medium like Toni, but an astrologer/card reader. I’ve been checking on all the candidates…Trump has betrayal and enemies in his future position. He has the numbers to win, but the other side will do absolutely ANYTHING to hang onto their power.

IMO outcome is currently under a veil. We’re not allowed to see, just have to keep fighting. People are being given chance after chance to wake up and see bc it’s not about parties—it’s about the people vs. the powerful.

BTW, I am a former Leftie who continued to follow you because of your owl 🦉 stuff! Owls represent divine feminine wisdom—I knew your message was important, even when I didn’t agree.

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I love hearing the details behind these people. So much love and grief intertwined here. Thank you for sharing this with the rest of us! ❤️

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I don't agree with psychics. Not because their information isn't credible but because the source is "For Satan disguises himself as an angel of light." 2 Cr 11:14.

However, I do appreciate your candor in sharing your experience. There is a lot of darkness because of entities that people have submitted themselves too. The more power, the darker and baser the ritual worship. Politicians, celebrities and the like don't care about the everyday person because the entities that they worship don't care. I think there are every day people who get glimpses of the spiritual realm but don't have the correct framework to discern between almost right and right.

This psychic seems like a genuine person. I don't want to bash someone I don't know. But as correct as some of her readings are, they will never contain the full truth or give the power to not let those readings have the final say. It's extremely wrong how this story with Olivia and RFK jr has unfolded. But what if it's a distraction from your true mission? I don't say this in a belittling way, but I will continue to pray for you Jessica. It's clear your voice is powerful in the media landscape. I believe it's powerful because it's committed to truth. I will pray for continued protection and guidance as you seek to use the intuition God gave you and reveal the story that's unfolding.

Side Note: I do wish more Christians would start being open to the spiritual realm because we believe DEEPLY in a spiritual faith. This video does a good job laying the spiritual foundation of our faith that most American Christians don't understand: https://youtu.be/2QM7anD5vSI?si=fO1Oq25CtF0zS29m

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Perfectly stated. I’ve been praying for Jessica since I followed her during Johnny Depp trial. Jesus is our only hope in this demonic world.

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Just clicked on your YT link. I’ve got Dr. Heiser’s book on my to read list. Thanks for including the video.

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Stated much better than me. Thank you.

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Beautifully written. The cadence, the content… all incredible. “Arthur and the men in uniform will continue to protect your boys.”- tears. I read this to my 1 year old as I rock her to sleep. One of my favorite things about your perspective is that, as a mother, there is always that undertone. The undertone of our children. Of the future. The vast importance of speaking truth to power, whether that be biblically for some of us or simply morally for others. You are a light. Your purpose is great, as it the purpose of your children in this journey. I thank you for your courage.

I know many Christians who dislike the idea of psychics but, personally, I wonder what the difference is between what we consider physics and the Bible considers prophets. There are energies and messages and I have no doubt that your path has been laid out. There are no such thing as coincidences.

As for Olivia, I love some good old fashioned vengeance but you are too wise to give her energy for the sake of spite. I look forward to you exposing her and leaving her wreckage behind you.

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Prophets are God chosen, speaking His words. Psychics are not. Huge difference.

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This 💯. The Bible was written by people inspired by God, and angels and spiritual warfare is real, but psychics can only access demons. Ok 🙄

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Omg! Been waiting for this! Was on the edge of my seat and even on the verge of tears. She’s so right on about you, Jessica 😊

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8 hrs agoLiked by Jessica Reed Kraus

My gosh, thank you for this. For all of it.

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Love this, great read. This part worries me “They will make it like they won because…” So she is saying Trump will win but they will rig it??

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That's how I took it

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🥴 God help us all. Thank you for all you do.

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My dad keeps telling me he will be instated before the election. I don’t really understand it all.


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My same thought

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No. She did not get “biblical.” “He is suffering in many ways to try to and do better for us“ — no no no. He suffered and died ONCE. Not to “do better for us” but to give us eternal life if we trust Him.

You, Jessica, are not an angel. And you are not connected to Jesus unless you have heard the gospel and believe it and trust in Him for your salvation. Not trust Him for a better life or more things or a better world, but for you yourself being personally reconciled to GOD.

Do not trust this psychic, she is talking to demons. Yes the demons can give psychics some bits of true information, and the psychic will believe it’s from angels but it’s NOT.

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She was not saying Trump is Jesus. She was saying that Jesus watches over him.

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Agree. 100%.

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This comment is a little heavy handed, but I agree, and this video is super interesting.

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This line absolutely gripped me, “In time, you’ll notice how you’re always somehow right where you’re supposed to be.” ❤️

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That’s also my favorite thing she said to me ♥️

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Theres an Olivia Breault in Dexter, coined as "the blonde girl".

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There is no doubt this woman is psychic. I would ignore ppl who comment otherwise as it freaks them out. I knew the Jesus stuff would bother certain people. You know there is no way this woman could have known what she knows about you(esp. about Matt--both first and last name) without some connection to the spiritual world. She gave you great advice. She also reassured me that Trump will win. People are still asleep because they cannot separate Trump's personality with his policies. Also tribalism at its core. It's a problem. Also a problem after the election there will be all kinds of shenanigans. You are waking people up Jessica. Tightness in your chest? Not good. Please take care of yourself. The world needs you, as dramatic as that sounds. I need you! sabrinalabow.substack.com

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🎯agree, this woman is gifted with clear vision🪽

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Fabulous article Jessica!! I actually got goosebumps with this one. I can’t wait for the documentary! You’re making history and at this point my #1 news source. I’m a hairstylist and I talk to all my clients about your stories. They end up following you and the next time they come in, we actually have something interesting to talk about. You’re doing incredible things for America and Women! Thank you for being a logical voice all while remaining ethical! Unlike SOME women we know..Olivia…

Anyway, I can’t wait for more!!

Also, if you ever need a blow out im THE BEST! Hit me up!

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8 hrs agoLiked by Jessica Reed Kraus

Toni!!!! ❤️🙏

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Can you hear this in her voice?

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8 hrs agoLiked by Jessica Reed Kraus

100000%!!! And the “baby” lol, literally hear her saying it when reading this. Whole thing gave me chills, moving. Love you both.

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She's all "baby" and "Friend"

I wish I could just use the audio hahah

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Hahahha I still love going back to listen to my sessions with her. Glad I record them, and crazy that every time I go back something new pops up that I somehow missed, and it becomes relevant to the moment! It really was wild reading the article and totally hearing her voice speak it out in my head 😂

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OMG! Yes.

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Possible to get Toni’s contact deets?

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This is a beautiful story Jessica-maybe my favorite. Love the info she gave about your boys! What a gift! We need you -I need you! Thank you 🦂

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