Reggie Littlejohn: "We Should All Be Worried About The WHO's Pandemic Treaty"
WHO's Treaty Threatens Global Sovereignty and Freedom and No One is Informed On What The New Plan Actually Entails
I recently became aware of Reggie Littlejohn's work through an acquaintance we share. When she mentioned that Reggie had a time-sensitive story that could have global implications, I cleared my calendar and scheduled a call.
The World Health Organization Has a Vote Coming Up at The World Health Assembly In Geneva Held May 27 — June 1
Issues on the table: A new pandemic treaty and amendments to the International Health Regulations. Between the two, significant damage could be done to our national sovereignty and our medical freedom. A few weeks ago, new drafts of both documents were unveiled.
Who Is Reggie Littlejohn?
Reggie is a graduate of Yale Law School who worked as a litigation attorney for 8 years. An expert on globally complex issues, she is founder and president of Anti-Globalist International, an organization dedicated to “Resisting the Great Reset” — the global takeover advanced by the World Health Organization and other globalist organizations. In other words, precisely the type of person you’d want pouring over these documents, which is exactly what she's been doing since they came out. The phone call I took helped explain how this is happening under the radar.
To begin, the documents, Reggie warns, are purposefully written using "mind-numbing, bureaucratic language" to deter the average citizen (you and me) from engaging with them on any meaningful level. And while the documents are public, they are not easily accessible.
Digital IDs
The World Health Organization is working with the European Union to roll out international, interoperable digital IDs. If you go to the World Economic Forum website these digital IDs are touted as means to enrich our lives by making the following tasks easier: Accessing healthcare, opening a bank account, traveling, engaging in online transactions, accessing Medicare/Medicaid, voting, and paying taxes. Without these IDs, you won't be able to do any of those things. Or, if you step out of line in some way (say, if a certain vaccine is mandated that you refuse), the WHO could interfere with your digital ID to limit your access to any of these very basic activities.
The branding makes them seem like a useful way to simplify our lives, when they are in fact tools of mass surveillance aiding the continued push toward totalitarian control.
Is This For Sure Happening? Or Might it Happen?
Reggie claims it is for sure happening. The WHO is working with the EU to roll out the digital ID program right now. "In my opinion – and this is just my opinion – the WHO and other globalists (i.e., the UN and WEF) are using the pandemic (and potential future pandemics) as a pretext for installing these digital IDs, which can be used for totalitarian control."
She cited the trucker strike in Canada a few years ago as perfect example. The strike ended due to government interference that separated the truckers (and those who had donated to their cause), from their credit cards and bank accounts. There is already precedent for this happening in North America, but most North Americans don't even know about it. (I certainly don't remember hearing much about this story happening, do you?)
Reggie went on to question the "disinformation or misinformation clause" within the annex. The phrase is never clearly defined. Conveniently, it can mean whatever they want. This is especially troubling with the Covid pandemic so closely in the rearview mirror. Remember, the WHO was a large purveyor of misinformation during the early stages of the pandemic (i.e., stating that there was no human-to-human transmission of the disease). What this essentially means is that, under these proposed amendments, the WHO will require countries to censor "misinformation and disinformation"—aka, if the WHO says something is correct, the nations that are part of it will counter anyone who says otherwise.
And while the very concept of these proposed changes is chilling, Reggie maintains the most frightening thing is how little anyone knows about what’s coming. The average person has no idea this type of surveillance is even being suggested. She likened the siloing of information we're experiencing (i.e., what's being touted on MSM vs. what isn't) to people standing next to each other in the grocery checkout existing in separate universes. We could be right next to someone but on parallel paths that never intersect. Our realities are subjective — a terrifying consideration when it involves the general public unknowingly surrendering themselves and their freedoms to invasive surveillance tactics.
The fear of engaging with this type of information, she says, is once you lift the curtain, there is no turning back. Reggie admitted in our call that she was in the same boat as many of us, in that she grew up trusting her doctors and her government. She said it has taken "a lot" for her to pull herself away from blind faith in these industries.
What's more, she believes the pandemic treaty is being used as a pretext in order to implement the totalitarian surveillance she describes. We've all seen the way fear about health was weaponized by various governments during the pandemic; the WHO is counting on that same fear to make people willing to comply with these measures. It's a manipulation of people via terror. It's also a manipulation of the best part of human nature — the desire to protect those whom we love. Who wouldn't comply if it meant keeping a loved one safe?
What Can We Do About It?
The International Health Regulations passed in 2005 include "Article 55." This article requires that any amendments to the International Health Regulations be submitted 4 months in advance of when they are voted on, and that has not happened. They just submitted an updated draft and they're going to submit another one right before the assembly in Geneva at the end of this month.
Delay the Vote
Reggie is co-founder of the Sovereignty Coalition — a group currently advocating for the vote to be delayed so people can actually consider and learn more about it (and, more broadly, pushing for the US's exit from the WHO). She says it’s ridiculous to present an incredibly complicated new draft mere weeks before it goes to a vote, especially because it's against their own rules, RE: Article 55: "The text of any proposed amendment shall be communicated to all states/parties by the director general at least 4 months before the World Health Assembly at which it is proposed for consideration."
She believes the rush behind getting this complex amendment through without the procedure the WHO outlines is because they want it completed during the Biden administration, lest whoever takes office in 2025 might be less amenable to it.
The greater threat here is once this goes across the political aisle, our loss of freedom cannot be won back.
According to Reggie, RFK Jr. is the presidential candidate most outspoken on this issue. When Trump was president, he withdrew us from the WHO -- though that withdrawal never took effect because Biden put us back in as soon as he took office.
WHO Propaganda
She warns the general public doesn't understand that we are facing the greatest threat to our freedom that we've faced in our generation (and perhaps in American history).
Between the pandemic treaty and the International Health Regulations, we will be giving up our sovereignty in terms of the United States independently handling its health issues.
We would be handing control of our public health to an unelected, foreign, supranational organization — meaning they would have the power to tell us what to do in a health crisis.
In a closing email Reggie wrote: “I hope your readers are inspired to engage this issue. We really need everyone's help in fighting this Goliath.”
You can view a recent speech Reggie gave on these issues here, which provides a thorough overview. You can sign her anti-globalist petition here.
W.H.O. — The Goal is Total Control (45 minute speech = a great overview)
Anti-Globalist International Manifesto
Reggie’s interview with Michelle Bachmann on the WHO (begins at around 8:08 — all about losing our national sovereignty (20 mins)
"This is a digital gulag" — Reggie with Laura Ingraham (5 mins)
SO glad you're talking about thus!
Thank you so much, Jessica, for this fantastic interview and article in the days leading up to the World Health Assembly's vote on the two treaties which, if passed, would damage our national sovereignty and personal medical freedom. I appreciate RFK's outspokenness on this. I would add that Donald Trump actually withdrew us from the WHO, though that withdrawal never took effect, because Biden put us back in. In any case, thanks from the bottom of my heart for covering this issue and letting people know what we can all do to stop the WHO power grab.