It is definitely time to let Julian Assange go home. This is antithetical to free speech which is the cornerstone of our First Amendment. The death penalty--really?? He told the truth and the only one standing up for what is right is RFKJ. I am shocked that there is not more outrage about this. Same with Snowden. If journalists cannot be free to report then we should do away with the First Amendment. I don't think if people understood what's at stake here other than a man's life, they wouldn't agree. Thank you for posting and calling attention to this extremely important issue. #freeassange
The problem is the average American continues to be captivated by MSM which as we know, does the Liberal Neocons bidding. So they have painted Assange (and Snowden) as criminals and will continue to do so. The other issue is apathy. The large majority of Americans don’t fully understand, know or care to know the nuances of the situation (see reason 1 for why) and are apathetic to truly understanding it’s our first amendment on the line.
I’ll also be the first to admit I had just graduated college in 2010/2011 and really had no clue nor did I really care about what was going on. My boyfriend at the time was Australian (and older, so more politically in tune?) and he shared with me the gist of what was going on, but I was more focused on myself and making my way in the world to really care. This is why it’s even more important for independent journalists like Lucia and Jessica to be getting the message out to a broader audience. #freeassange
You are so spot on! Younger ppl are busy trying to figure out who they may want to date next and what they are going to do with their lives and MSM is still really biased towards the left wing. The good news is MSM numbers are going down and podcasts are going up. CNN has approximately 500,000 and Joe Rogan has approximately 14 million viewers. Massive difference! And independent journalists like Jessica and Lucia are key to helping ppl truly understand what's going on.
"When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals.”
- Edward Snowden
Not much else needs to be said. Except great article and great job, Jessica. People are seeking you out just so they can talk shit about RFK. You are making a difference.
No I do not follow his podcast- I find him someone who is highly suspect - possibly cannot be trusted as he is a raging Liberal!
Unfortunately what he says has become irrelevant as USA is behaving like a Banana Republic and lost all credibility the world over after the ridiculously corrupt witch hunt against Trump.
Not sure they will make their way back- USA is a laughing stock and it’s people just a joke!
If I recall correctly Trump did consider pardoning both Assange and Snowden. He said what stopped him was that only one of them truly deserved pardoned as the leaks exposed corruption but the other caused serious national security leaks. He didn’t specify which, decided to pardon neither and regrets that decision. During one of his very recent campaigns he said he’d seriously consider pardoning Assange. To just announce pardoning anyone charged with such serious crimes needs to make sure they will absolutely do it without second thought, IMO. Let’s remember presidential promises are many times not delivered once elected due to reasons we seemingly will never know.
It is definitely time to let Julian Assange go home. This is antithetical to free speech which is the cornerstone of our First Amendment. The death penalty--really?? He told the truth and the only one standing up for what is right is RFKJ. I am shocked that there is not more outrage about this. Same with Snowden. If journalists cannot be free to report then we should do away with the First Amendment. I don't think if people understood what's at stake here other than a man's life, they wouldn't agree. Thank you for posting and calling attention to this extremely important issue. #freeassange
The problem is the average American continues to be captivated by MSM which as we know, does the Liberal Neocons bidding. So they have painted Assange (and Snowden) as criminals and will continue to do so. The other issue is apathy. The large majority of Americans don’t fully understand, know or care to know the nuances of the situation (see reason 1 for why) and are apathetic to truly understanding it’s our first amendment on the line.
I’ll also be the first to admit I had just graduated college in 2010/2011 and really had no clue nor did I really care about what was going on. My boyfriend at the time was Australian (and older, so more politically in tune?) and he shared with me the gist of what was going on, but I was more focused on myself and making my way in the world to really care. This is why it’s even more important for independent journalists like Lucia and Jessica to be getting the message out to a broader audience. #freeassange
You are so spot on! Younger ppl are busy trying to figure out who they may want to date next and what they are going to do with their lives and MSM is still really biased towards the left wing. The good news is MSM numbers are going down and podcasts are going up. CNN has approximately 500,000 and Joe Rogan has approximately 14 million viewers. Massive difference! And independent journalists like Jessica and Lucia are key to helping ppl truly understand what's going on.
This is a well thought out, detail story. It will help me fill in the blanks concerning my understanding of Assange. Thanks so much.
"When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals.”
- Edward Snowden
Not much else needs to be said. Except great article and great job, Jessica. People are seeking you out just so they can talk shit about RFK. You are making a difference.
Many are bots or paid to shit on RFKJ. It's actually good news in a way bc it means they are scared of the traction he is gaining. 🤞
RFK is jumping on any bandwagon he can to get noticed!
He will never be anything other than the Liberal Sap he has been for years!
Leopards do not change their spots - his middle name is Bernie!😂
Do you follow his podcast? He’s been talking about important topics for a long time.
No I do not follow his podcast- I find him someone who is highly suspect - possibly cannot be trusted as he is a raging Liberal!
Unfortunately what he says has become irrelevant as USA is behaving like a Banana Republic and lost all credibility the world over after the ridiculously corrupt witch hunt against Trump.
Not sure they will make their way back- USA is a laughing stock and it’s people just a joke!
If I recall correctly Trump did consider pardoning both Assange and Snowden. He said what stopped him was that only one of them truly deserved pardoned as the leaks exposed corruption but the other caused serious national security leaks. He didn’t specify which, decided to pardon neither and regrets that decision. During one of his very recent campaigns he said he’d seriously consider pardoning Assange. To just announce pardoning anyone charged with such serious crimes needs to make sure they will absolutely do it without second thought, IMO. Let’s remember presidential promises are many times not delivered once elected due to reasons we seemingly will never know.
Long live free speech and truth telling journalists!!
RFK jr is a piece of clickbait of the system.
BTW: It's not only about Julian Assange. We should also not forget Ed Snowden, one of the best America has in his generation.