THIS. She would have been a no brainer. I am just guessing that she said no to Trump and that Kennedy chose someone with money? WHERE is Nichole??? I agree that Bobby needs to be seen... not just on youtube or the news, ride the bus and do it the old way!
Family on the bus touring the US, that's the campaigning Kennedy should have been doing. Instead of '20 people on a sailboat' here and there. He just isn't reaching enough people. And it now seems that Kennedy's ego has kept him from possibly his best chance at approaching the Whitehouse. Why would he NOT take a cabinet position? He could have done everything he wants with the power of the ex branch behind him.
Kinda harsh - no? I see posts on IG and Twitter a few times a day from Mr. Kennedy's team (I'm rarely on TT). Perhaps they're blocked from you. At this point, when Mr. Kennedy has a chance and is reaching people and connecting, why would he accept a post? It's probably not too late should President Trump win again. These two giants don't always agree so why should Mr. Kennedy through away his chance at POTUS?
We don't want another Communist as POTUS, we've had enough with Obama/Biden, which Kennedy brought us. Like Communist Bernie Sanders, he'll never be POTUS and he knows it. He's a lifelong Progressive pretending to be an Independent, the psyop master fooling Americans. His bringing in other lifelong Progressives to do his bidding is humorous, including Russell Brand. He couldn't pay an American who lives here full time?🤦♀️
And Bernie boy in the the end got a BIG SUPPLEMENT from the deep state. 3 mansions! WTf. I wonder what the progressive libtards thought about that🤣😂🤣Got bought out in the end! Trump kept his promises. Where the fuck do these idiots come from is my question?
All the little punks glorified the idiot who stabbed them in the back🤣IDIOTS!
I agree. The intimate events and boating are grating. Had he backed Trump and secured a cabinet position he could have made great impact. But Cheryl ain’t having it.
RFKJ could never go so far as to join a Republican ticket, especially not one with Trump on it. Trump is just too divisive. Also, RFKJ flies commercial? I have a hard time believing that. He can afford to fly private. Russell Brand has a way with words that is truly awe-inspiring. Now if he could just slow it down a bit so I can fully understand what he is saying! You seem to be having the time of your life on a wild ride and your writing takes us on the ride with you. Rock on Jessica!
Russell Brand is a disgraced comedian who has been cancelled in the UK (google it). He writes and speaks meaningless drivel. He was a left-wing Jeremy Corbyn supporter (google it). By trying to stay relevant, he is now supporting Trump and Vance. Why would any political party want his support?
Russell Brand should not be at any political events in the US, he is a disgrace. One has to wonder who is paying for this poser to be meddling in US elections.
We all need to vote with our Gut. If we do, the right candidate will win! If we waste a vote by "voting for who might win" or to "keep kh from winning," then, yes, we can waste a vote. Don't do that! Vote who you believe will do the best job for the citizens of the US. Don't forget, if America had voted its gut in 1992 the third party would have won. Polls taken afterward with all facts factored in, prove this. Vote. Your. Gut. But be sure to do the research - we've got 90 days!
I've done my research and published it here on SS - RFK Jr. is a Communist, just like his Mother. He's a lifelong Progressive pretending to be an Independent, running on "transparency" while his nonprofit continues to receive millions in dark money and refuses to provide any information to the public on this funding - his hypocrisy no longer surprises me, unfortunately.
If you find that men competing against women ( and injuring them) acceptable then vote for her. If you have no problem with the flood of illegals invading the country, then vote for the Hyena. As for me? She’d never get my vote
What platform? Nothing is listed on her website but a request for donations. Her entire goal seems to be to collect enough money to defeat Donald Trump.
RFK Jr is the only candidate with a well-defined and well-communicated platform. When people take a serious look at all three candidates, his momentum will grow.
And Democrats don't want to risk Trump getting back in office. That kind of thinking will ensure that one of the two candidates hated by the other side gets elected.
If enough Democrats and enough Republicans join the vast number of us who are fed up with the two-party system and its vitriol, Kennedy can and will win.
My realistic hope is that Kennedy becomes Trump's Attorney General and finally breaks up the monopoly of the pharma hold on America. I don't think he has a shot in hell of making it to the White House at this late stage. But its such a shitshow out there, who knows what is gonna happen???? At this point, I popping some popcorn.
It's not late in the game at all. KH just got chosen a week ago! RfK has been campaigning forever! And P.S. there's always an "October Surprise" that can blow the game wide open. Robert has qualified to be on 34+ state ballots so far. This is huge.
As of the end of July, Team Kennedy had submitted enough signatures to be on the ballot in 42 states, totaling 480 electoral votes. Just 8 states + D.C. left, and four of those states have deadlines this coming week.
His campaign held a press conference to announce that over 100,000 volunteers had gathered over 1 million signatures, the largest number any candidate has submitted in history.
Kennedy isn't anti big pharma, he wants kids to be used as guinea pigs by vaccine manufacturers in order to test vaccines against placebos, just like his friend Robert Malone who wanted to test Anthrax vaccines on other people's kids. He has said it many times.
I am not too sure what you mean? I was referring to phramas control over medicare/caid, testing, and overall stronghold they have over doctors being able to prescribe what is actually needed. For me, health care prices is a huge issue that is not being discussed. He has sued big phrama companies more than any other lawyer around, and won. He'd be a great attorney general.
Many believe he's anti big pharma, he's not. He's also not anti vaccines. As an attorney, he sued on environmental issues, I haven't seen any interviews of him suing big pharma. Can you provide info where he, as an attorney, successfully sued pharmaceutical companies? I know that under CHD he has hired attorneys to file lawsuits that aren't reflective of CHD's mission, but he's been gifted millions in dark money, allowing him the opportunity to pay the hand picked attorneys, Robert Barnes being one of them.
Ummm, he sued Gardasil (Merck) and Vioxx and won. He has also represented many clients at the VAERS courts as a second chair with Wisner Baum's firm. He is staunchly for safe vaccines, and has said so in countless interviews. Also, just read his Fauci book, that is good place for you to get some better info.
I have his Fauci book, the one that the Vaccine Frankenstein who wanted to test Anthrax vaccines on other people's kids helped him write and edit (BTW Malone's BFF David Hone's name is deliberately misspelled). Malone was in charge of selling Ebola vaccines to Merck, small world! Fauci has been used as a distraction. The VAERS cases are a joke, it guarantees the attorneys get paid regardless of outcome.
I would have been 100% in favor of a Trump/Kennedy ticket, and found myself deflated after those rumors in Milwaukee did not come to fruition.
That said, after just finishing the book “Ask Not” about the Kennedy men and the women who endured them, RFK jr will not be getting my vote for president. Sounds like quite a contradiction, I know. But I believe with all my heart that we as a county need Trump right now. Kennedy as VP woulf have given him the 4 years to prove himself worthy (or not).
RFK Jr. is like his mother, a Communist. I've published the receipts. The Kennedys are a black stain in US history, just like Barack Obama, the Bush and Clinton dynasties.
The Kennedys left in politics are just like trump. They are all for themselves and money. None of them care about US! At least you can see the liberals help the little people and the middle class. If you give the win the trump or Kennedy unless you are RICH, you can kiss your life goodby. All of us working class people will be poor. Don't make too much fun of the poor who came here for a better life. You will find yourself doing the same.
I do hope for Kennedy/Trump but it wasn’t in the cards. The next best choice would have been Tulsi. But her intelligence and quick wit is what I believe kept her at arms length from the choice. I like Trump’s business acumen but he’s got a blind spot where women are concerned. He really needs a coach to help him lose the knee jerk reaction of attacking a woman’s appearance or personality because he can. I’d rather have him focus on politics. He’s able to do that with men but women just alerts his lizard brain and he loses his ability to think with his prefrontal cortex. It’s truly unfortunate.
Trump has a blind spot where women are concerned? He was the first builder/developer to put a woman in charge of major commercial building projects- you don't see the significance of his decision to demolish that road block for us? I owned a construction project management company, I benefitted from Trump’s ballsy decision to put a woman in charge, it opened the door for me and other women in construction.
At the opposite end, we have the Kennedys with their history of deleting women who become inconvenient.
After Link left the campaign, my kids (one of voting age) stopped hearing about Kennedy on TikTok, where they rightly or wrongly get their news from. I don't see the campaign game plan. I have not signed up for the campaign because of things like him being at the RNC--I don't see the point of volunteering or donating if he's not in it to win.
I believe Mr. Kennedy is in it to win it. I am a Trump supporter but if for some reason, he is not President, I would want it to go to Mr. Kennedy. I believe him to be a good man who loves America. His honesty and integrity as to his past is palatable. I can't see him lying to us about anything since he's admiited to his drug use. I am not on board with global warming or late-term abortion - other than that, I have no issues with his policies. I pray for his safety.
Jessica - another beautiful article. I could feel your hands backing away from the keyboard at times and respect your brutal honesty too. I'm beyond grateful for your voice.
Please do check late term abortion stance. It's on his site. After hearing accounts from women and others RFK jr changed his policy several months ago and said he will always admit if he's wrong. 💙
You should read my research on RFK Jr. - he's a Communist just like his mother. The fact that he's a hardcore lifelong Progressive pretending to be an Independent, the prince of dark money in nonprofits and that Mr. DigitalID Steve Kirsch started Kennedy's POTUS run should absolutely give you pause, especially if you're a Trump supporter.
About a week ago, a panel of 9 TikTok influencers led by Tiffany Cianci, conducted a TikTok town hall with RFK Jr., and it was attended by about 200K. Perhaps you can suggest to your kids that they follow Tiffany (@tiffanycianci) and Ian Carroll (@cancelthisclothingco291). The other hosts were great as well, but I don't recall their names. I'm not actually on TikTok myself, but my husband has an account.
RFK Jr is definitely in it to win it! Nicole Shanahan talked for a few minutes about their game plan during her interview with Elex Michaelson.
RFK Jr's campaign is energized and has a solid corps of highly-motivated volunteers. I've seen nothing to indicate that he's not in it to win it. That's just rhetoric designed to keep you from volunteering or donating!
Great article recapping your whirlwind journey. I love when you post your candies. You have such a great eye for capturing the vibe ! Thanks for sharing Jess.
No it doesn't. Obama grew up with privilege, Vance didn't. The Obama machine created an image of Obama that fooled unsuspecting voters, just like RFK Jr. repeating the lie that his mega wealthy spoiled kids can't afford to own a home - that comment is insulting to ordinary Americans who can't afford to pay their rent because of the horrible economy that Kennedy brought us with Obama's current 3rd term.
Kennedy would do better if he apologized for bringing us a third disastrous Obama term, stopped being a hypocrite about running on “transparency” while hiding millions in dark money donations to Children's Health Defense and stopped lying about his mega wealthy kids not being able to afford a home - that's beyond disgusting.
My God, what are these idiots so damn afraid of? It’s been Vance, Vance, Vance non stop. It seems they are going after him more than they did Trump🙄I am curious tho…WTF!
Vance represents the American Dream - he must be destroyed. We can't have a Vice President that grew up in poverty and was neglected by his drug addicted mother. Our politicians must be like Obama and Kamala who grew up with privilege.
Just want to go on record as saying that I do not like, trust, whatever, JD Vance for no other reason than I received bad vibes the first time I saw him, lol. Could be a past life thing though... . who knows. :)
"Stopped hearing about Kennedy on TikTok....." certainly is an alarm bell. We are all being censored or at least bent or partially obscured online when we express anything but progressive views. These are mostly anathama to me, because they are currently destructive, insidious, and anything but inclusive. Inclusive if you enjoy being bound and gagged in the dark.
Are you able to tell us what happened with Tulsi for VP? I’m curious about both campaigns Trump and Kennedy. It’s crazy she is not on a ticket.
THIS. She would have been a no brainer. I am just guessing that she said no to Trump and that Kennedy chose someone with money? WHERE is Nichole??? I agree that Bobby needs to be seen... not just on youtube or the news, ride the bus and do it the old way!
I feel like she said no to Bobby and Trump did not ask her😞
Family on the bus touring the US, that's the campaigning Kennedy should have been doing. Instead of '20 people on a sailboat' here and there. He just isn't reaching enough people. And it now seems that Kennedy's ego has kept him from possibly his best chance at approaching the Whitehouse. Why would he NOT take a cabinet position? He could have done everything he wants with the power of the ex branch behind him.
Kinda harsh - no? I see posts on IG and Twitter a few times a day from Mr. Kennedy's team (I'm rarely on TT). Perhaps they're blocked from you. At this point, when Mr. Kennedy has a chance and is reaching people and connecting, why would he accept a post? It's probably not too late should President Trump win again. These two giants don't always agree so why should Mr. Kennedy through away his chance at POTUS?
Because he has no chance at POTUS
Actually, Robert absolutely has a chance. It ain't over til it's over - In it to win it.
We don't want another Communist as POTUS, we've had enough with Obama/Biden, which Kennedy brought us. Like Communist Bernie Sanders, he'll never be POTUS and he knows it. He's a lifelong Progressive pretending to be an Independent, the psyop master fooling Americans. His bringing in other lifelong Progressives to do his bidding is humorous, including Russell Brand. He couldn't pay an American who lives here full time?🤦♀️
And Bernie boy in the the end got a BIG SUPPLEMENT from the deep state. 3 mansions! WTf. I wonder what the progressive libtards thought about that🤣😂🤣Got bought out in the end! Trump kept his promises. Where the fuck do these idiots come from is my question?
All the little punks glorified the idiot who stabbed them in the back🤣IDIOTS!
Thx for this
Yeah HE DOES like the one this will be our last election!
He absolutely has a chance! Listen to this 4 minutes of Nicole Shanahan's interview with Elex Michaelson:
“Once people believe we can win, we win!”
I agree. The intimate events and boating are grating. Had he backed Trump and secured a cabinet position he could have made great impact. But Cheryl ain’t having it.
RFKJ could never go so far as to join a Republican ticket, especially not one with Trump on it. Trump is just too divisive. Also, RFKJ flies commercial? I have a hard time believing that. He can afford to fly private. Russell Brand has a way with words that is truly awe-inspiring. Now if he could just slow it down a bit so I can fully understand what he is saying! You seem to be having the time of your life on a wild ride and your writing takes us on the ride with you. Rock on Jessica!
RFK def flies commercial 🙂
I agree to the need for Russell to slow it down a bit! He is one intelligent human.
Yes please. A little slower
Russell Brand is a disgraced comedian who has been cancelled in the UK (google it). He writes and speaks meaningless drivel. He was a left-wing Jeremy Corbyn supporter (google it). By trying to stay relevant, he is now supporting Trump and Vance. Why would any political party want his support?
Russell Brand should not be at any political events in the US, he is a disgrace. One has to wonder who is paying for this poser to be meddling in US elections.
I just don't want to risk a Kamala win, if Kennedy draws voters away from Trump.
We all need to vote with our Gut. If we do, the right candidate will win! If we waste a vote by "voting for who might win" or to "keep kh from winning," then, yes, we can waste a vote. Don't do that! Vote who you believe will do the best job for the citizens of the US. Don't forget, if America had voted its gut in 1992 the third party would have won. Polls taken afterward with all facts factored in, prove this. Vote. Your. Gut. But be sure to do the research - we've got 90 days!
I've done my research and published it here on SS - RFK Jr. is a Communist, just like his Mother. He's a lifelong Progressive pretending to be an Independent, running on "transparency" while his nonprofit continues to receive millions in dark money and refuses to provide any information to the public on this funding - his hypocrisy no longer surprises me, unfortunately.
Go Kamala!!!
I’m too burdened by what has been
If you find that men competing against women ( and injuring them) acceptable then vote for her. If you have no problem with the flood of illegals invading the country, then vote for the Hyena. As for me? She’d never get my vote
Plus her entire platform is to wipe out the black population.
What platform? Nothing is listed on her website but a request for donations. Her entire goal seems to be to collect enough money to defeat Donald Trump.
RFK Jr is the only candidate with a well-defined and well-communicated platform. When people take a serious look at all three candidates, his momentum will grow.
Thanks for correcting me. She does not have a platform. She has one mission - to kill babies.
And Democrats don't want to risk Trump getting back in office. That kind of thinking will ensure that one of the two candidates hated by the other side gets elected.
If enough Democrats and enough Republicans join the vast number of us who are fed up with the two-party system and its vitriol, Kennedy can and will win.
My realistic hope is that Kennedy becomes Trump's Attorney General and finally breaks up the monopoly of the pharma hold on America. I don't think he has a shot in hell of making it to the White House at this late stage. But its such a shitshow out there, who knows what is gonna happen???? At this point, I popping some popcorn.
It's not late in the game at all. KH just got chosen a week ago! RfK has been campaigning forever! And P.S. there's always an "October Surprise" that can blow the game wide open. Robert has qualified to be on 34+ state ballots so far. This is huge.
I live in hope!
As of the end of July, Team Kennedy had submitted enough signatures to be on the ballot in 42 states, totaling 480 electoral votes. Just 8 states + D.C. left, and four of those states have deadlines this coming week.
His campaign held a press conference to announce that over 100,000 volunteers had gathered over 1 million signatures, the largest number any candidate has submitted in history.
Kennedy isn't anti big pharma, he wants kids to be used as guinea pigs by vaccine manufacturers in order to test vaccines against placebos, just like his friend Robert Malone who wanted to test Anthrax vaccines on other people's kids. He has said it many times.
I am not too sure what you mean? I was referring to phramas control over medicare/caid, testing, and overall stronghold they have over doctors being able to prescribe what is actually needed. For me, health care prices is a huge issue that is not being discussed. He has sued big phrama companies more than any other lawyer around, and won. He'd be a great attorney general.
Many believe he's anti big pharma, he's not. He's also not anti vaccines. As an attorney, he sued on environmental issues, I haven't seen any interviews of him suing big pharma. Can you provide info where he, as an attorney, successfully sued pharmaceutical companies? I know that under CHD he has hired attorneys to file lawsuits that aren't reflective of CHD's mission, but he's been gifted millions in dark money, allowing him the opportunity to pay the hand picked attorneys, Robert Barnes being one of them.
Ummm, he sued Gardasil (Merck) and Vioxx and won. He has also represented many clients at the VAERS courts as a second chair with Wisner Baum's firm. He is staunchly for safe vaccines, and has said so in countless interviews. Also, just read his Fauci book, that is good place for you to get some better info.
I have his Fauci book, the one that the Vaccine Frankenstein who wanted to test Anthrax vaccines on other people's kids helped him write and edit (BTW Malone's BFF David Hone's name is deliberately misspelled). Malone was in charge of selling Ebola vaccines to Merck, small world! Fauci has been used as a distraction. The VAERS cases are a joke, it guarantees the attorneys get paid regardless of outcome.
I would have been 100% in favor of a Trump/Kennedy ticket, and found myself deflated after those rumors in Milwaukee did not come to fruition.
That said, after just finishing the book “Ask Not” about the Kennedy men and the women who endured them, RFK jr will not be getting my vote for president. Sounds like quite a contradiction, I know. But I believe with all my heart that we as a county need Trump right now. Kennedy as VP woulf have given him the 4 years to prove himself worthy (or not).
RFK Jr. is like his mother, a Communist. I've published the receipts. The Kennedys are a black stain in US history, just like Barack Obama, the Bush and Clinton dynasties.
The Kennedys left in politics are just like trump. They are all for themselves and money. None of them care about US! At least you can see the liberals help the little people and the middle class. If you give the win the trump or Kennedy unless you are RICH, you can kiss your life goodby. All of us working class people will be poor. Don't make too much fun of the poor who came here for a better life. You will find yourself doing the same.
Legit asking - how are democrats helping the poor and middle class? I’m seriously curious.
I do hope for Kennedy/Trump but it wasn’t in the cards. The next best choice would have been Tulsi. But her intelligence and quick wit is what I believe kept her at arms length from the choice. I like Trump’s business acumen but he’s got a blind spot where women are concerned. He really needs a coach to help him lose the knee jerk reaction of attacking a woman’s appearance or personality because he can. I’d rather have him focus on politics. He’s able to do that with men but women just alerts his lizard brain and he loses his ability to think with his prefrontal cortex. It’s truly unfortunate.
Trump has a blind spot where women are concerned? He was the first builder/developer to put a woman in charge of major commercial building projects- you don't see the significance of his decision to demolish that road block for us? I owned a construction project management company, I benefitted from Trump’s ballsy decision to put a woman in charge, it opened the door for me and other women in construction.
At the opposite end, we have the Kennedys with their history of deleting women who become inconvenient.
After Link left the campaign, my kids (one of voting age) stopped hearing about Kennedy on TikTok, where they rightly or wrongly get their news from. I don't see the campaign game plan. I have not signed up for the campaign because of things like him being at the RNC--I don't see the point of volunteering or donating if he's not in it to win.
I believe Mr. Kennedy is in it to win it. I am a Trump supporter but if for some reason, he is not President, I would want it to go to Mr. Kennedy. I believe him to be a good man who loves America. His honesty and integrity as to his past is palatable. I can't see him lying to us about anything since he's admiited to his drug use. I am not on board with global warming or late-term abortion - other than that, I have no issues with his policies. I pray for his safety.
Jessica - another beautiful article. I could feel your hands backing away from the keyboard at times and respect your brutal honesty too. I'm beyond grateful for your voice.
Please do check late term abortion stance. It's on his site. After hearing accounts from women and others RFK jr changed his policy several months ago and said he will always admit if he's wrong. 💙
You should read my research on RFK Jr. - he's a Communist just like his mother. The fact that he's a hardcore lifelong Progressive pretending to be an Independent, the prince of dark money in nonprofits and that Mr. DigitalID Steve Kirsch started Kennedy's POTUS run should absolutely give you pause, especially if you're a Trump supporter.
About a week ago, a panel of 9 TikTok influencers led by Tiffany Cianci, conducted a TikTok town hall with RFK Jr., and it was attended by about 200K. Perhaps you can suggest to your kids that they follow Tiffany (@tiffanycianci) and Ian Carroll (@cancelthisclothingco291). The other hosts were great as well, but I don't recall their names. I'm not actually on TikTok myself, but my husband has an account.
RFK Jr is definitely in it to win it! Nicole Shanahan talked for a few minutes about their game plan during her interview with Elex Michaelson.
And the campaign held a ballot access press conference on Wednesday, July 31st,
RFK Jr's campaign is energized and has a solid corps of highly-motivated volunteers. I've seen nothing to indicate that he's not in it to win it. That's just rhetoric designed to keep you from volunteering or donating!
Lynn Edwards - asking out of curiosity- he was never inside arena, correct?
I think you are correct and he was just in the town.
Another great article, Jessica! Thank you.
Stained glass windows are the names of the twelve tribes in Hebrew, where was it?
So gooooood!!! Keep it coming!!!
Another beautiful piece, Jessica! Thanks so much for sharing such insightful experiences; I could almost imagine being there with ya!
Great article recapping your whirlwind journey. I love when you post your candies. You have such a great eye for capturing the vibe ! Thanks for sharing Jess.
Thanks for reading, Julia!
Candids 🙄
Thank ypu. Can you please post the link?
RFK Jr endorsed Hillary in previous elections.
That's inexcusable.
Yah, but JD Vance previously called Trump some pretty bad names.
Vance prob loved Hilary too lol
I think Vance might be bisexual. He lives in the gayest neighborhood in Washington DC. Or at least he used to. His origin story vibes with Obama’s.
No it doesn't. Obama grew up with privilege, Vance didn't. The Obama machine created an image of Obama that fooled unsuspecting voters, just like RFK Jr. repeating the lie that his mega wealthy spoiled kids can't afford to own a home - that comment is insulting to ordinary Americans who can't afford to pay their rent because of the horrible economy that Kennedy brought us with Obama's current 3rd term.
Kennedy would do better if he apologized for bringing us a third disastrous Obama term, stopped being a hypocrite about running on “transparency” while hiding millions in dark money donations to Children's Health Defense and stopped lying about his mega wealthy kids not being able to afford a home - that's beyond disgusting.
My God, what are these idiots so damn afraid of? It’s been Vance, Vance, Vance non stop. It seems they are going after him more than they did Trump🙄I am curious tho…WTF!
Vance represents the American Dream - he must be destroyed. We can't have a Vice President that grew up in poverty and was neglected by his drug addicted mother. Our politicians must be like Obama and Kamala who grew up with privilege.
OMG listen to what he says!!
OMG, people say shit…just made up stupid shit!
Wow. I can definitely see this and kind of makes sense now…
You've no proof of your claim.
Just want to go on record as saying that I do not like, trust, whatever, JD Vance for no other reason than I received bad vibes the first time I saw him, lol. Could be a past life thing though... . who knows. :)
🤣 fair enough
So what? They made amends.
That doesn't change the fact that RFK Jr. ENDORSED Hillary.
Democrats supporting Democrats - for decades- nothing unusual.
Trump donated money to Hillary. Is that inexcusable as well?
"Stopped hearing about Kennedy on TikTok....." certainly is an alarm bell. We are all being censored or at least bent or partially obscured online when we express anything but progressive views. These are mostly anathama to me, because they are currently destructive, insidious, and anything but inclusive. Inclusive if you enjoy being bound and gagged in the dark.