Not really related to what’s going down with him but it always amazes me that Gavin was married to Kimberly Guilfoyle and at one time they were a power couple to watch.

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I had an edit where I referred to him initially as Kimberly Guilfoyle’s ex but wasn’t sure everyone would follow 😂

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We gotta school ‘em, Emilie! 😉

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I wish you’d do a story on their marriage. I lived in the city when Gavin and KG were the Mayor and First Lady. Kimberly had a big comeuppance covering the Scott Peterson trial.

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Gavin is trying to green light the removal of a dam that supples water to over 600,000 people in Mendocino, Sonoma and Marin Counties. He is in cahoots with PG&E who owns the dam and is a major contributor to him. Here is an article written by a native to our area here in Northern California. Absolutely nobody else is coving this.


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Thank you for sharing- nobody spoke about this the other day- I’ll look at this!

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Thank you so much Emilie, we are a small community and nobody is talking about this. So easy fodder for vultures like Newsom and Huffman.

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The level of depravity between Newsom and PG&E is off the charts. They don't even hide it. CPUC being appointed by the governor is so corrupt. They hide behind "environmentalism" and "safety" to bankrupt the state.

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I accidently saw a snippet of Channel 9 news last nite and it was that C Karen Bass with Soboroff looking smug. She was talking about the EPA coming in to do testing before anyone could start rebuilding and that will take a "couple of weeks." That is the exact shit Trump told her she could not pull during the round table asskicking he gave. I despise her and Newsom so much. No one is moving in. Let them have free unlimited access to THEIR property and do what THEY want to do. The fact President Trump went in overnight and had water flowing via our military is incredible. Thank God for people like Emilie, Jessica, Rogan, Justine, Tucker, Kitson ... The list is growing - I belive there is more good than evil in the world and each disaster - especially the man made ones - will prove it and knock the evil out.

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So, I'm going to chime in as someone who lost everything to wildfire in 2020 up in the Santa Cruz mountains. While I'm opposed to most of what happened to me, the clean up phase is not a simple thing and YOU CANNOT DO IT ON YOUR OWN. What remains is not simply ash. It is more toxic than you can believe. You can't scoop it up and throw it away in the trash. The only access these people need right now is to see their property in this state. To begin to process the magnitude of their loss, and to sift through the remains to find what may have survived. I was surprised at the things that made it, ornaments, ceramics, stuff like that.

The city, county, and FEMA need to coordinate the real cleanup effort and it will take 18 months or more. 12,000 structures need to be removed and yes, you need to test the land afterward for chemical residue. Plastics, metals, paint, oil, all of it is in there. For our fire, the CZU, there were two phases, the first completely led by FEMA. In that phase, they visited every parcel and identified hazards, labeled them for the clean up crews, test for asbestos (if present requires extra cleanup procedures), etc. Once we passed phase 1, which is the luck of the draw as to when they get to your street, then we can choose to either hire a private contractor for debris removal or get on the list for what's called the "public option." I chose private and got someone in there fast. If you go with the public option, FEMA will run it and you will wait on them. The county and state will need to find 1) a place to put all the waste 2) crews from all over the country to come and clean it up. This isn't trivial. Our fire was in August of 2020, only 900 homes burned, and it took 15 months for cleanup to finish.

After cleanup, the soil is tested and if it clears, you're free to go. If it doesn't, another scrape is necessary. Again, why I went with the private option, I could get them to come back quickly. If you go with the public option, then you get in line to wait until they come back around for the second scrape.

This is not an evil process. California leadership is evil, but the clean up after a fire is a big, huge, toxic mess that needs to tended to. If you care what's in your food or your vaccines, you also care about the toxicity of what just happened. A lifetime's worth of stuff is gross after it burns.

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Our local Congressman Jared Huffman is also for the environmental disaster the removal of this over a century old dam and its ecosystem. Lake Pillsbury was absolutely instrumental in fighting the Mendocino Complex Fire in 2018, which at the time was the largest ever in the country. Huffman is also in cahoots with PG&E and receives campaign contributions from them. The article explains how because PG&E is not a public entity it can play both sides of the fence.

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Someone needs to send to Elon

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Good idea

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Justine Bateman is a straight shooter, I appreciate her perspective. Lets see if a recall will stick this time.

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She’s a straight shooter alright. Never having a dead phone again

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Was about to clap back at the never having a dead phone but then I realized it was you making the comment 😂

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I’ve been looking for updates on holding Newsom accountable but it seems like nobody is covering it. So happy to hear there is a recall happening. Loved the part about the witch too. Totally LA! Please keep those of us not currently in California updated on the recall efforts. California is too beautiful to be destroyed by that man. We can’t let it happen!

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Totally surprised I didn’t hear about any of this until now. Tbf, I’ve been moving all week and didn’t have time to scroll through my favorite instagramers stories. So happy to hear this is happening and can’t wait to add my signature, again.

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Are you a Killers fan?

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The real question is, are you? Only a TK fan would know what Sam’s Town means :) But, to answer your question, I absolutely am.

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Come on now, don’t leave me hanging 😂

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Yes! I’ll be adding my name too!

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An historic American once said, the destruction of America will come from within. He couldn’t have been more right. Californians need to mobilize, first by clearing their foggy brains, then by making sure the voter roles are legit, then by harvesting as many votes as humanly possible, then by protecting the vote, now they can recall Newscum, elect people with a scintilla, or how about this, a lot of common sense. Like Trump stated, “This is a Common Sense Revolution.” You could just tell by their crestfallen faces at their meeting with Trump, all their ability to vacuum money and hold power being drained down the sinkhole when he said, just let them come in and clean up. Protect them from what? Burned ash? Bypassing all the made up rules and regulations pretending to protect the people from what? You’ve already destroyed everything they owned.

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Does the witchy stuff freak anyone else out?

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Yes - I didn't want to say anything but I don't mess around with that - even the "good" ones.

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Where did the $24 BILLION spent on homelessness in CA go? That should be enough to recall right there - another money laundering scheme 🙄

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Ok. So let’s pretend, third try is a charm? Then what? Bonta ? Schiff? Another Pelosi or Soros puppet? San Francisco and Los Angeles don’t have the emotional capacity to elect conservative leadership, and because of it, they are effing it up for the rest of the state who wants conservative leadership. Go to the Central Coast and you see signs saying vote Republican dotting the freeways. Not in LA not in SF. And even if a conservative governor is elected then he or she has a house and senate majority of socialists who will undo anything they try to do. This is a woke/progressive/socialist bed that’s been elected since the 90s, and we’re going to have to sleep in it for a very long time. The only example that change is possible, would be Huntington Beach where they have a conservative city and a conservative city council that reflects their ideals.

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Huntington Beach is a gem for so many reasons, not just the ocean location but the common sense in the people.

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My son-in-law grew up there and my daughter is raising her kids there. The 5 year old's preschool is fantastic. I have worn my Make Speech Free Again hat and Fake News tee and the teachers and parents know exactly who I follow as they do too. It's wonderful!

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It truly is a fantastic city!

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My oldest son just moved there recently and loves it.

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What an amazing day! Absolutely love Kitson’s (and loved it before I even knew about Fraser’s political stance). I’m in the OC but every jaunt to LA, I’d stop in. You were able interview some of my favorites. Great story. Congrats!

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Thanks! I already want to go back to Kitson for more

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Fraser as in Crane? I’m old.

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LA is finally waking up, it’s what they voted for.

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Sadly not everyone tho- many people I’ve talked to seem like they’d rather their house burn down than admit that they might be wrong - the loyalty they have to these leaders is insane

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Still have friends who refer to Newsom as Zaddy.🤮

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Sounds like some of my family members

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Loved reading this entire article. Thank you for sharing!

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One can only hope ... we tried years ago to recall him & it failed sadly ... putting it up there in the universe ... please 🙏🏼

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In the video interview with Randy Economy, he talks about why he believes the recall failed- blaming it on two things: Gavin having $175 million to spend and the state wide stay-at-home order he required- he expands this story in the video embedded above - very interesting theory

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We came very close. At that time, there were fewer reasons to get him out, but he still had fans who were not paying attention. I wanted him out when he was San Francisco's mayor.

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I believe we were successful - they just cheated. I've had a "Our Govenor is an Idiot" with the bear walking off the flag window sticker on my car since 2018 and I still get high-fives - people taking photos and notes on my car loving it. No one has tried to remove it and I go to LA a decent amount too (I'm in OC). I think No Cal is the only place overwhelmingly fond of him.

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I don't think the recall will work. I live in Santa Cruz and I can't tell you how many people said Newsom was a horrible man in the last recall. Especially after the fire we had there in 2020 (I'm one who lost her house to the flames) but they refused to vote against him. There were a few Democrats running against him, but everyone was so afraid to split the vote and then some scary Republican like Larry Elder would get in. We just can't have that! They said that to my face, as a fire survivor, they didn't care. Unless your own home burns down as CalFire watches from the side, letting it burn, you don't really get it in CA. Even the witches are so afraid of Trump and conservatism, they will chose to be abused by Newsom. And it's the same with the Christians, yoga teachers, manbun guys, and surfers. Everyone in California is afraid of conservatives and order. They prefer chaos, until, like I said, their house goes up in flames.

I voted for this guy: https://calmatters.org/newsletters/whatmatters/2021/08/newsom-recall-candidates-kevin-paffrath/

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I would love to see Sheriff Bianco as govenor. I worked with his mom in LA when we were both legal secretaries. Wonderful family.

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It’s crazy because living in the OC, it’s incredibly red. But I still have friends that call him Zaddy and he can do no wrong. It’s wild.

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Perfect first photo, I mean…..

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Who is the Fraser referred to in this article? I want to try and educate myself with all of this! Thanks for all the info! Anxious to see what will happen! In my view from Iowa, Newsom has always seemed like a dirt bag with only his best interest first!!

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Quite literally, one of my biggest fears is this man becoming president. Praying this recall works and will put him out of the running🙏

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I think these fires have exposed him. There is always a silver lining and I pray that is the one here. I know a few people who lost their homes and my cousin is Pasadena Fire. He is a specialist on building fires and has never seen anything like this. He knows it's on purpose. The majority do.

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I absolutely agree. I truly hope the veil has been lifted off of a huge part of the state. Especially LA & San Francisco areas.

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On purpose, do tell what is the speculation? I have wondered this from the beginning.

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Fraser Ross- the owner of Kitson- very vocal on Instagram about local politics and sells merch to match

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Thank You, that’s what I wondered!

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Just an FYI as you do you but there is no such thing as a “good witch”. No matter how well intentioned that woman might be she was calling on demons. There is Jesus Christ and there are demons. There is no middle. If there is a feeling of darkness in the house she certainly wasn’t cleaning it out but leaning into it. You can’t clear demons out by calling on demons. Best to have priest come and bless the house. That will get rid of the dark energy.

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How does a priest have more authority over a woman?

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It’s not Priest vs woman, as in man vs woman, it’s based on who they’re serving, it’s based on whom they’re deriving their authority from.. priest is deriving his authority to cast out demons in the name of Jesus, and the woman is a self- admitted witch, so she’s calling on demons, and what she’s practicing is simply witchcraft, very dangerous.

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That’s not the point I’m making. Have a woman pastor do the blessing then. The “good witch” is not calling on Jesus to cleanse the house. If she were she would call herself a pastor not a “good witch”. And if she’s not calling on Jesus Christ then she’s calling on demons. That’s my point.

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