Happy and mentally healthy people, overall, don’t try to attack, bring others down, or throw accusations without substantial evidence and intent. I wonder how her marriage is going; drama often fills the void where happiness is lacking.

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Can you tell some of my family members that last bit? They could use it.

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Yeah I find it a bit much lady doth protest too much with the talking all the time part, what man wants to just jabber with wife all the time? Not many normal ones.

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I'll start on a positive: Those shoes are incredible and she has pretty feet. That's all she's getting. She is bossy and condesending. Her insisting on talking yet she would not start any conversation was telling that she had nothing to talk about. She was looking to him to start a topic. The "do you wanna BUTT IN" to the extra was pretty rude. Her passive/aggressive comments on his nose don't come across as total joking, yet she's claiming he talked about her weight? No. I used to think she was nice as her face is sweet and come on -she's married to Ryan Reynolds. The "it's more than cute" comment was also bitchy when Justin was complimenting her relationship with Ryan. She's done. Justin's management that fired him should be ashamed as should everyone who jumped on the Blake Bullshit Boat. Amber 2.0 but more dangerous.

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Agree, but let’s not forget that Ryan himself must be a POS as well for making fun of JB as the character “Nicepool” in RR’s movie.

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Great point. That one hurts.

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This situation highlights the power of PR and how easily narratives are shaped by curated content. It’s fascinating to see how public opinion shifts with each new detail, much like the article illustrates. I can also appreciate how this brings to light for everyday people that PR is constantly at play, and we rarely know the full truth before drawing conclusions. And this happens ALL the time, particularly when it comes to celebrity lawsuits or documentaries.

Ps - I love the addition of the evidential medium discussion.

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Me too! Love a medium involved in these things.

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Agree. Personally I believe none of it …ESPECIALLY the “narrative du jour” that’s being pushed the hardest through social media. We are constantly being played and manipulated, so I just don’t believe anything. (And also…… I don’t care 😆)

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Giving me major Heard vs Depp vibes.

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JUST said this exact thing in my girly chat. My exact text: Me thinks this feels very Amber Heardish. Where she tried to be smarter than the public. No one is perfect and def not Johnny Depp or Justin whatever his last name is and certainly not our patriarchal society that we live in; still doesn’t mean you can be a conniving b unchecked before it bites ya in the ass. The hubris!

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blake sucks. I decided.

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I too am no longer interested in this cringe story, but just want to add the lingering question I have had since the first lawsuit was filed: does Blake lively really have any intention of being an actress ever again? It really doesn’t seem like it.

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I hope Justin gets bag loads of cash and he can choose if he wishes to work or not work...

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Exactly. She’s made herself a massive liability.

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I thought there was nothing wrong with his marriage proposal. Was it over the top? Yeah but he’s an actor and director and who knows if she loves boy bands or something. If it was special to them who cares.

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Exactly— his gf dug the video and happily accepted his proposal, so who cares what anyone else thinks? To each their own!💍

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I thought it showed alot of creativity and effort. It was fun and I can see why his GF loved it!

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When I watched the unedited clip my first thoughts were "I would be terrified to be a love interest of Blake Livelys in any film going forward"

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Blake Lively is the ultimate mean girl. Ryan Reynolds is far from manly I can’t even listen to him speak he’s so feminine. Justin has the best lawyer in the biz… I hope they smash her ego and career to pieces.

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That’s an interesting observation. Maybe that’s why every young teenage boy I know has a ‘guy crush’ on Ryan. He’s actually feminine. 🤣

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ewww. that makes me sad to hear teenage boys have a “crush” on him. how!!??!! 🥺🥺🥺

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Ryan is not feminine at all.

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I find him to be very effeminate.

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That’s terrible to wish that on a mom of 4 , Don’t trust Justin Baldoni at all .

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she has plenty of money to be a stay at home mom to her kids. just bc she’s a mom does not negate the fact that she’s a “mean girl” and created this whole pr stunt / lawsuit to save her own reputation while trying to ruin his.

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He was trying to ruin her reputation first .

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In this age of the internet, you simply cannot lie. Blake Lively needs to drop her lawsuit otherwise she may go the way of Amber Heard. Not good.

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I’m curious if Ryan had seen this 10 min video BEFORE all the hoopla. If not, Blake may have some explaining to do… she definitely stretched the truth on J’s slow dance comments. I believe Justin. I didn’t even know who he was before this film.

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Listen to Baldoni's lawyer dissect Lively's allegations, disclose they'll post all her texts online, and briefly discuss his lawsuit against her on a recent Megyn Kelly Show episode. She's toast.

(He's also suing The NYT and Ryan Reynolds.) May justice be served so the wrongdoers get their comeuppance and know they can't get away with pulling this crap.

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PS: For those interested, Megyn Kelly and Candace Owens have both discussed this on two separate episodes. Yesterday, they each went over this video as well. Apparently Blake now wants to shut Justin up 😂. Hopefully she's done; what a snake.

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Spot on!! My favorite insight is to stop scrolling and let it end with us.

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She should just settle and save herself from further embarrassment.

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She’s a raging narcissist and has been, she’s being exposed.

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I’ve worked this in backwards order, knowing the scandal details prior to watching this movie. I think it made me hate the movie more than I probably would have. I loved the book. The movie was terrible…made more terrible by all of their bratty shenanigans. Ewwwww, ick!

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I didn’t get too far into the movie before I had to quit because it just wasn’t good with Blake Lively as Lily. Terrible casting.

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I never even watched it. I liked the book ok but when I saw they had cast her, I was out

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