I think is more likely that Musk had a middle age crisis somewhere on the way after his 2nd (technically 3rd) divorce which lead to whatever this is, possible the inspiration came from his father not Epstein. So this parallel is forced, come on. Yes, when you are very rich and publicly exposed, every shite u do it will be a big thing. I …
I think is more likely that Musk had a middle age crisis somewhere on the way after his 2nd (technically 3rd) divorce which lead to whatever this is, possible the inspiration came from his father not Epstein. So this parallel is forced, come on. Yes, when you are very rich and publicly exposed, every shite u do it will be a big thing. I don't know which is the truth, I personally would have never just sold an ovule to Musk but there are women who sell their ovules, but honestly, if u are an over 30 years woman, single, and you want kids and Musk comes and proposes you to be the donor instead of going to a bank sperm, don't tell me you would refuse. I wouldn't and I'm not going to be an hypocrite about it. It's just that this is NOT the solution for people who don't find partners to be able to have normal families. It's not. Actually, this is the leftist "living in a group", open relationships, polygamous relationships and destroying the "patriarchal nuclear family" we have seen all over. It's not going to work. Not for men, not for women. Anyhow, let's take UK. In UK if u're a single mother, u get a tone of benefits and u are literally sorted. So UK has now formed a generation of women who have multiple kids with multiple men, sometime unknown fathers, living on the benefits and just breeding. From trying to support single mothers, UK ended up with a generation randomly breeding since very young age (16) just for benefits. And no, birth rate in the UK isn't bigger. I would rather have them impregnated by Musk, at least they wouldnt live off tax payers money. 😂 Actually not, of course not, I'm joking. But I think u get my point. If a woman goes through a middle age crisis and has kids, it's a woman. If men do the same thing and want kids, hard. There are women, women who want exactly this from men. Rich men to support them only financially while they have their kids. U can't only blame the men. Thing is that it's hard to have any sense of normal relationship after you went on this spree, might u be a woman or man. This can't be normalised even if it works for many.
I think is more likely that Musk had a middle age crisis somewhere on the way after his 2nd (technically 3rd) divorce which lead to whatever this is, possible the inspiration came from his father not Epstein. So this parallel is forced, come on. Yes, when you are very rich and publicly exposed, every shite u do it will be a big thing. I don't know which is the truth, I personally would have never just sold an ovule to Musk but there are women who sell their ovules, but honestly, if u are an over 30 years woman, single, and you want kids and Musk comes and proposes you to be the donor instead of going to a bank sperm, don't tell me you would refuse. I wouldn't and I'm not going to be an hypocrite about it. It's just that this is NOT the solution for people who don't find partners to be able to have normal families. It's not. Actually, this is the leftist "living in a group", open relationships, polygamous relationships and destroying the "patriarchal nuclear family" we have seen all over. It's not going to work. Not for men, not for women. Anyhow, let's take UK. In UK if u're a single mother, u get a tone of benefits and u are literally sorted. So UK has now formed a generation of women who have multiple kids with multiple men, sometime unknown fathers, living on the benefits and just breeding. From trying to support single mothers, UK ended up with a generation randomly breeding since very young age (16) just for benefits. And no, birth rate in the UK isn't bigger. I would rather have them impregnated by Musk, at least they wouldnt live off tax payers money. 😂 Actually not, of course not, I'm joking. But I think u get my point. If a woman goes through a middle age crisis and has kids, it's a woman. If men do the same thing and want kids, hard. There are women, women who want exactly this from men. Rich men to support them only financially while they have their kids. U can't only blame the men. Thing is that it's hard to have any sense of normal relationship after you went on this spree, might u be a woman or man. This can't be normalised even if it works for many.