The Egg at the End of the World
The constant use of the image of the egg is beginning to feel a little too symbolic
This week, someone stole 100,000 eggs from a distributor in Franklin County, PA.
$40,000 worth of eggs just vanished during a national egg shortage. You’d think there’d at least be a helicopter chase considering how eggs are the new gold.
Well, I’m sure the authorities are watching the black market and the dark web for leads.
This heist might not strike you as anything other than an act of desperation during an egg shortage, but it’s actually the latest in a string of egg-related headlines in 2025.
Earlier this month, NewsNation released footage of what they say is a retrieval of an egg-shaped UFO. The footage of this so-called retrieval looks surprisingly worse than the moon landing footage. There appears to be a mysterious egg getting hoisted up by what I can only guess is a NASA-grade golf ball water retriever.
And then there was the egg truck crash in LA. A massive shipment of eggs splattered across the highway—at a time when everyone’s trying to get their hands on this hot commodity.
A fake company posing as the disgraced corporation Enron revealed their fake egg-shaped nuclear reactor… for the home. The “CEO” happens to be the same guy who co-authored the book, Birds Aren’t Real. (I highly recommend.)
Somehow, the new “Enron” video looked more realistic than the egg UFO video.
As the egg headlines pile up, egg prices are skyrocketing across the country due to cases of bird flu. President Trump is blaming President Biden for the egg crisis, meanwhile, President Biden just signed with Hollywood talent agency CAA as he prepares to star in the Humpty Dumpty biopic.
As I was typing this, Waffle House announced a new egg surcharge.
The constant use of the image of the egg is beginning to feel a little too symbolic.
Granted, people seem to be combing the news for a deeper meaning more and more lately as distrust in the “narrative” has accelerated. And they’re not wrong to do so—symbols have been used throughout time as a way to supersede barriers in language.
But there’s something undeniable going on with eggs lately.
Whatever’s happening, my local supermarkets are all short on eggs. They’ve got a few dozen in an otherwise empty fridge. There are signs apologizing for the lack of eggs.
Is it merely a coincidence that the image of the egg has dominated headlines in 2025? Or are my friends and I just neurotically piecing together some grand egg conspiracy? Could this be a case of the Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon, aka “the frequency illusion?”
According to
The Baader-Meinhof effect involves two cognitive processes: selective attention and confirmation bias. Selective attention occurs when your brain subconsciously decides that something is important and starts noticing it more.
You’ve probably experienced this before when you suddenly start to see the car you drive everywhere.
You can Google old egg news and find various headlines about “eggflation” dating back years. Egg prices spiked during COVID lockdowns. There have also been massive egg recalls in the U.S. over the last three decades. Not to mention the ancient giant eggs that’ve washed ashore over the years. Or the giant egg found in Antarctica in 2011 that they called “The Thing.”
It’s hard not to look past the surface of the chaotic news cycle in an attempt to find some larger truth. Many of us are currently reading the news as if we can find Easter eggs hidden in the narrative.
Surely, these eggs must mean something. They’re exploding, they’re missing, they’re vectors for bird flu, they’re fake nuclear reactors and UFOs.
The egg has been an integral symbol throughout humanity. It symbolizes the beginning. It symbolizes rebirth, fertility, and transformation.
January 2025 was clearly a major phase of transition for the United States. President Trump’s inauguration felt like a new beginning for many.
2025 also happens to be the Chinese Year of the Snake. In symbology, the egg and the snake have a long history.
The Orphic Egg, aka the Cosmic Egg, is the image of a snake wrapped around an egg, which is said to contain the entire universe—surrounded by primordial chaos. The myth says that the world was born from this egg.
In the time it took me to write this far into the story, a new video has gone viral from Costco. Customers picked a large pallet of eggs clean within minutes. The video was captioned: Eggs are the new toilet paper.
The egg shortage is inspiring people to stockpile eggs at home.
It’s not just the Mormon church and Mark Zuckerberg building giant doomsday bunkers filled with enough food and supplies to survive the end times—the average citizen has also begun stockpiling and building makeshift bunkers.
The frequency with which we are seeing eggs in the news has been made all the more curious because the news has also been inundated with the word “doomsday.”
The beginning and the end, life and death, eggs and doom.
The crashed Black Hawk was performing a “doomsday exercise” the day after the Doomsday Clock was pushed closer to midnight, and then there were reports of a doomsday asteroid that could hit Earth in 2032. Two weeks prior to these headlines, the literal moon was listed as an “endangered site.” (Is it too much to mention that the moon isn’t a sphere but is actually considered to be egg-shaped?)
People are worried about the end times, but then again, when aren’t we?
$40,000 worth of eggs, in this economy, is enviable. The crime alone says so much about the current state of eggs and doom in the American psyche. So many of us want to buy eggs but might not be able to afford them even if they were in stock.
Warhol’s Eggs
Maybe the egg heist in Pennsylvania will just lead to new egg regulations. We know the government’s great at that. Watermarked eggs, eggs with serial numbers, maybe even a nationwide egg rationing system like the gasoline shortage of the 1970s. Maybe the 2025 eggs are the 2024 Jersey drones—a psyop used to pass new regulations and print more money.
Lue Elizondo, who alleges to be a government UFO whistleblower that once researched ancient symbology at the Pentagon, has recently claimed that there are more than just the one “egg-shaped” UFO. He hints that there are more to come.
Could you imagine egg UFOs appearing in the sky during an egg shortage? Did the government steal all those eggs to become background actors in an egg-themed War of the Worlds Project-Blue-Beam-style event?
Or, maybe, sometimes an egg is just an egg. A really, really expensive egg adjusted for inflation.
Egg shortage is just a result of government bureaucratic lawmaking and regulation on agriculture and farming. And like every other result of the plethora of regulatory laws coming out of the EPA, USDA the FDA and many others, are just going to be news stories that never uncover what has really been going on since the 80s, and since the 1960s, the Democratic Party has been on a long slow March to destroy free market capitalism, to end American prosperity and the generational wealth that comes from a constitutional republic where the private citizen owns land and are free to innovate and create great business, and then hand that down to the children. In a free market free from government destructive guidelines, something like bird flu couldn’t wipe out entire farms and the farmers would be able to recover, not to mention that almost all information the media and government feeds us are lies. So if we hear bird flu is causing some disruption in egg production, you can be sure that, that’s not the case, even if a farmer discovers the virus or a bacteria in chickens. The government’s attack on the family farms goes way further than most will look into including corporate and overseas agricultural operations. The shift from helping farmers with subsidies to the subsidies being a detriment to the world’s economy, like foreign aid, which is now just free food, like in Africa where billions of people get food from the US dollar instead of the U.S. helping African farmers grow crops, create irrigation, build infrastructure to create economic food production. This is attached to the EPA USDA FDA Gates Foundation Warren Buffet Soros even the board of education being involved with ending private land ownership. It’s not really an egg shortage it’s a war waged by government against the people and the children who are not growing up to even care about farms or eggs. The focus needs to be on deconstructing the EPA USDA and every other agency also persecuting Gates and others for crimes against humanity….that’s what I see. The GMO industry is part of the egg problem every issue with farmers can be attributed to multiple attacks by these agencies. Look at the USIDA insanity designed to destroy other countries agriculture and societies at large. :)
The egg shortage is such an easy fix by cities, counties and HOAs reducing restrictions on backyard chickens. Avian flu? Likely spreads due to the poor conditions at these chicken houses so the best thing to do is have chickens in the backyard with sunshine, clean water, organic food and clean living conditions. They’re so low maintenance and organic feed costs me $40 every couple months. Easiest “pets” I’ve ever owned with the added benefit of a protein source a few steps into my backyard!