Egg shortage is just a result of government bureaucratic lawmaking and regulation on agriculture and farming. And like every other result of the plethora of regulatory laws coming out of the EPA, USDA the FDA and many others, are just going to be news stories that never uncover what has really been going on since the 80s, and since the 1960s, the Democratic Party has been on a long slow March to destroy free market capitalism, to end American prosperity and the generational wealth that comes from a constitutional republic where the private citizen owns land and are free to innovate and create great business, and then hand that down to the children. In a free market free from government destructive guidelines, something like bird flu couldn’t wipe out entire farms and the farmers would be able to recover, not to mention that almost all information the media and government feeds us are lies. So if we hear bird flu is causing some disruption in egg production, you can be sure that, that’s not the case, even if a farmer discovers the virus or a bacteria in chickens. The government’s attack on the family farms goes way further than most will look into including corporate and overseas agricultural operations. The shift from helping farmers with subsidies to the subsidies being a detriment to the world’s economy, like foreign aid, which is now just free food, like in Africa where billions of people get food from the US dollar instead of the U.S. helping African farmers grow crops, create irrigation, build infrastructure to create economic food production. This is attached to the EPA USDA FDA Gates Foundation Warren Buffet Soros even the board of education being involved with ending private land ownership. It’s not really an egg shortage it’s a war waged by government against the people and the children who are not growing up to even care about farms or eggs. The focus needs to be on deconstructing the EPA USDA and every other agency also persecuting Gates and others for crimes against humanity….that’s what I see. The GMO industry is part of the egg problem every issue with farmers can be attributed to multiple attacks by these agencies. Look at the USIDA insanity designed to destroy other countries agriculture and societies at large. :)

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Amen, amen, amen!!!

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I’m noticing that a lot of people I try to message it says only paid subscribers can leave comments… these people happen to be into astrology and animals.. a lot of spiritual talk mysticism, inner self, all kinds of things gurus speak of… but every follower of Jesus Christ people who love God, I’ve never seen that only paid subscriber message. Almost all the astrology people and planet people and animal People have similar concerns about what’s wrong with the country with Kids what has happened to our society…. But the absence of the word of God….. and then a platform paradigm or whatever you could call it, there is a common thread of trying to entice people to pay…… just a thought… as I wanted to message some of these people as to what I think part of the problem in society is that people believe in things like astrology, or that getting a dog can change someone’s life who is suffering from depression and anxiety, or trying to get over some kind of trauma… when that is not really true, and in fact, it can make the person more separated from society, and cause even further depression, quite unlike, having a child to take care of, which can absolutely change somebody’s life drastically, even bringing people out of poverty, as history shows, that the greatest figures on earth have all had children, women who have risen out of the most difficult circumstances scientists doctors, most of them had children when they had nothing, women who discovered cures for diseases….. I don’t know really where I’m going with this, but I was kind of aggravated, and I noticed, when I clicked on your reply, where it said, amen, I had a feeling I was going to be able to comment… and it wouldn’t have a message saying only paid subscribers…. But if you had your astrological sign on there, it might have. I think we have a biblical problem in this society of ours, the lack of biblical principles, and no belief in God….. instead, there’s beliefs and things people promote as helpful or healthy for whatever the issue or illness or disorder…. I think almost all disorders today are caused by the lack of people, realizing there is God that we are not just hear randomly searching for truth…. We have had it, we have always had truth and people are rejecting it. Anyway, nice to see I don’t have to pay to comment or reply to you. :) that’s the best emoji by the way :)

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My other theory about the egg shortage: all the chickens are constipated from GMO corn. So the chickens are laying tiny blobs that look like white Hershey kisses…. :)

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The egg shortage is such an easy fix by cities, counties and HOAs reducing restrictions on backyard chickens. Avian flu? Likely spreads due to the poor conditions at these chicken houses so the best thing to do is have chickens in the backyard with sunshine, clean water, organic food and clean living conditions. They’re so low maintenance and organic feed costs me $40 every couple months. Easiest “pets” I’ve ever owned with the added benefit of a protein source a few steps into my backyard!

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The Biden Administration obliterated an entire sector of private trucking, thousands of truckers lost their rigs, jobs, homes, on top of that, small gas and oil companies were regulated out of business, agriculture products like fertilizers animal feed even farming equipment were either banned or changed by EPA unconstitutional lawmaking, the multi level attacks on farmers were devastating only very wealthy landowners survived there were countless farms put out out of business driving prices for everything through the roof, deisel fuel costs exacerbated inflation and as corporate trucking took over almost every delivery system in the country, while Comcast Viacom ran media blackouts on all of this news, Blackrock Vanguard State Street hedge funds bought out entire real estate portfolios including farms from the forced collapse of the private banking industry, which led to Chase Morgan And US Bank mostly getting those portfolios knowing Blackrock was going to purchase the them. I can’t stand the stories we are hearing about particular issues whether it’s jobs, homelessness, and crises, food shortages u name it….this is a result of most of the population not having any civic duty for the last 60 years, 70 percent of the country doesn’t vote and now when things are visibly disastrous no one looks at actual problems like generational ignorance from accepting a school system that wasn’t teaching anything but ungodly anti American ideals, creating a medicated and sexual culture of kids who have grown up detached from the biblical principles this country was founded on. We are suffering from the people’s ignorance and stupidity more than corrupt government, which only exists via the absence of the people choosing to represent themselves as it provides in our constitution. Ben Franklin said, the republic will only work if the people fight to keep it….the founders were aware that we would become wealthy one generation could allow governments to rob us of our freedom, federalism, what James Maddison wrote in his brilliant federalist papers…..we are the only country that has the majority not voting in local or national elections. We need to bring back the Bible to schools and re-indoctrinate our children and most adults if that’s even possible…we have serious problems but as least Present Trump is tge first in my lifetime since JFK who cares about kids and our country….so hopefully this will spark a surge in public awareness and all will start engaging like my parents did in the 40s and 50s God bless everyone and America!!

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You’re much smarter than me but glad for some deeper education!

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Couldn’t stop thinking about you saying that I was smarter than you. If you have the wherewithal to know, there are smarter people than you and people that you are smarter than, and acknowledge those things… you’re pretty smart. And I will also say that I was always one of the smartest in my class if not the smartest in most of my classes in schools, I always had a great gift for conversation, to deal in almost any kind of business or industry, understanding things, easily, and having insight… but I was a complete looking back at all the decisions I made, whether it was my first girlfriend, women, business, the things I ignored, the things, I thought didn’t matter, the things I thought were important, I basically had everything backwards. I was probably wrong on every single issue, and every choice I’ve ever made, except for the music I loved, certain styles of clothing, and may be a favorite car., I had some good taste in things that really didn’t matter too much in life… like having an eye for artwork… unless you’re a curator or a collector, it really doesn’t profit. What I didn’t have his wisdom…. Wisdom doesn’t come from being old or having experience we’re having super intellect. It actually comes from having the fear of God. Believing there’s heaven, but even more so believing there is hell that place called Hades, it’s talked about in the Bible, the place of torment. That there is some thing that pops out of the body when the body dies and that thing lives forever it either gets taken down or it goes up a portal back to God. And it’s actually who we are. I experienced this once when I died in 1998 and I was allowed to go back into my body. It’s a longer story. I will give it to you another time if you’d like. I didn’t know what I saw up in the clouds. There was twins up there to Majestic old men. The place down below was horrific it was like a compression chamber in pitch blackness. I saw it only for a couple seconds before this Crystaline to be open and sucked me up into the clouds. I read the Old Testament and the New Testament in 2019 has one book…. By the time I got to Alijah, I realize that some of the things that happened to me were in the book like the whirlwind that took Elijah up., the book of acts in the New Testament in Paul, it’s written that he got taken up, and he saw Jesus sitting at the right hand of the father. I saw this. That’s what I saw a 1998 they were twins. It was absolutely Jesus Christ in his father. I got baptized by a rabbi in the name of Jesus Christ and the things that have happened since then, and even decades before all through my life, I knew there was something going on around me all the time like the most incredible protection, Miracle is constantly always, and things that I want to just came to me… it wasn’t just a blessed life.. as I was constantly in trouble, anything I did, I would get caught. I had such misfortunes., but afterwords, I would end up in a better place. Every time I would end up with more better greater… I mean it was just nuts, my whole life. What I ended up with six years ago after reading that, was that fear. That fear that I know that when we die, we pop out of her body, and if we are not in line with biblical principles, and I mean everything getting rid of all sin, we end up in that place down below trapped For, could be thousands of years before the judgment which is in the clouds where I gotta take it up to. I even asked God for wisdom because it says if you ask you will receive it even if you don’t believe in God, he will give anybody wisdom if they ask. That fear gave me true Wisdom. The way my mind works today how icing and the choices they make every single day about what I do., are completely polar opposite the way I used to think and behave the way I thought the words I use. It has nothing to do with my intelligence anymore., it all comes from knowing there is God watching me, and hearing everything I say, knowing everything I do, and I do not want to end up in that place that I saw. I was allowed to see these things I believe because of my friends from the Jersey shore have a people I know around the world. I have a really unique crew of people reach around the world and also Jessica Reed Kraus who showed up like 24 hours yesterday morning so I can speak about these things Anyway. What do you say fuck in my mind and I felt I had to share this with you. And also, don’t worry about anything ever. If you don’t believe in Jesus. Believe me, neither did I I came out of the synagogue., I am the last person who would ever preach the Bible. That’s another reason I was allowed to see these things. I was the most ungodly and the last person who would ever be telling anybody these things it is not religious. Religion is actually against God to separations from all the churches and synagogues. It is an abomination, and it separates people because people are sinful in general. When you really look at the world, how tall constructed the symbiotic relationships between plants and animals the air the Earth is spinning the sun is moving the whole solar system is going around in circles and there are billions of other systems out there….. it was created by somebody like us who’s brain and power is beyond belief it’s immense… the power God has, but it is similar. That’s why we made computers and created all this stuff down here it is a reflection of what God has done in the heavens which are actual places there’s more than one place that he goes to and that we will be going if we are in line. The last thing I will say., if I’m wrong, I just gave up a lot of bad things, and I live a better life think of others before me. But if somebody doesn’t believe and they are wrong.? Think of that mistake and how horrific that is. If somebody doesn’t believe that they are wrong about that., that’s not even worth the gamble. So just think about that and I would say being a believer cannot be a mistake. That’s why the Bible even says only a fool would not believe. Because what a risk that would be. There’s nothing on the surf that lasts…. So there’s nothing worth gambling, especially if there’s a chance for eternity any chance that there is a place under the ground… nobody should ever take that gamble. And if nobody took that gamble, we would have no wars, no cheating no lying no crime… people believed what I believe, we would have a perfect world. God bless you and I hope this message is well received.

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I am not that smart…. I just had a lot of time alone for a few years as I was reading scripture and listening to satellite radio and all the pundits…. And when I couldn’t get news around 2018 about Donald Trump being up for a Nobel prize, on NPR, or any other main stream outlet, it infuriated me because I realized I have been listening to those stations and reading the New York Times, my entire life and finding out I got nothing I got no information I actually was blocked from learning anything about what was going on in our country…. That lit a fire under me…. Like I was burning mad, because my family, super intellects, my mom and dad, brilliant people, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, NPR, PBS….. we got screwed by these people royally…. Everything from the school systems two news about our daily politicians policies….. lies lies lies. Like the Thompson twins song! I hung out with the Thompson twins by the way in 1982 in Santa Barbara! When I was in liberal college, learning nothing! But we got to draw some ugly, naked people in art class!

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Yes, you are so right! I absolutely love my chickens, they are perfectly healthy, and we have more eggs than we can eat.

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Exactly. Didn’t even know the egg shortage was a thing

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Totally the egg shortage is not a thing! It’s a gas shortage, energy shortage! Dollar shortage! Due to the printing of dollars, and the shutting down of energy! Not to mention all the forms that went out of business, a Farms shortage! Business shortage! And now there’s a life expectancy shortage because of it! Definitely not food die or eggs hahaha and the eggs are probably tainted anyway, you have to get your own chicken to lay one these days

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I love how your mind works, Shane. Great article. I'm in OC and if you, Shane, or Jessica, need eggs, lemme know. I have 3 backyard chickens who freerange and I love them! Gertrude, Heny LaMar and Spider Chicken (that later named by my 5 year old grandson, Jameson). I just brought in their eggs for the day. Chickens are easy, fun and inexpensve to keep. I bought my girls at the Feed Barn in Costa Mesa. The people there are phenomenal and hatch the chicks themselves. https://www.feed-barn.com/

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This is clearly a conspiracy by the left against we the people and because they hate our President Trump.. it is evil, it is despicable and it’s disgusting..

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The avian flu is being spread by those workers sent in to cull the 100 million chickens over the past couple of years. Take 100 million birds out of the mix and you have an egg shortage by design. It really is that simple.

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I do not know if if is done intentionally at this stage, but more from mishandling of dead animals.

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Loving this so much, thank you! In 1988, while working as a freelance, editorial illustrator in NYC, I watched the Joseph Campbell interview with Bill Moyers on PBS. I finally felt like someone was piercing the veil of symbols and bringing it to the masses. Over the years it has become evident that there were many of us who felt this at the time. Fast forward, I now live in Santa Fe, NM and combine talents from my editorial illustration days with aromatherapy and alchemy. Diving into rabbit holes to find gems while looking for patterns and interpreting symbols is really satisfying.

In alchemy the egg is referred to as the Hermetic Vase, a vessel of transformation. On Easter day in 2020 I wrote:

"Intending our collective human mind today may ingest, incubate and hatch the symbolism of the "egg" as an archetype for libration. The origins of the word Easter are found in the ancient Saxon Lunar Goddess known as Eostre and Norse Goddess Ostara. In both these traditions, as well as those of the Greeks and Egyptians we find the symbolic use of the egg and a theory of the Cosmic Egg as the source of all creation."

Yesterday one of my fellow alchemy students posted an Egyptian image with words referring to a shift occurring on Easter day. More auspicious synchronicity?

I appreciate your insights Shane!

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After reading this I got up from my egg-shaped chair and made myself breakfast--2 eggs sunny side up. What a wild and crazy world we live in! I think it was Charles Dickens who wrote, "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times." That's us! Fun read.

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Thank you for this, Shane! Have you been keeping up with Dr. Steven Greer’s research and podcast lately? Whistleblower, Jake Barber, recently came forward and spoke about retrieving an egg shape non-human craft. I’m wondering if this is the same or different story that you mention. He goes into detail of how he felt a strong, feminine presence of love coming from it. It’s one of the main reasons why he came forward. It’s really neat! I highly recommend Dr. Greer’s work. He’s been working for decades to expose covert government programs, reverse engineering crashed craft and using it against us, etc. I think you would enjoy that rabbit hole.

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Prep for the theft of our nest eggs in 2026.

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Super well written. Honest reality I am seeing is that catastrophe follows the Donald ( duck)

The covid epidemic and the egg shortage is the plague sent to our Pharisees- the false belief of power and being on top and most civilized is falling yes Humpty Dumpty is indeed sitting on the wall. What goes around comes around in a circle and an egg. It’s the little things right? Pointing to the naked emperor. We don’t know what to do the monopoly game of the usa just had a hand slam off all the pieces and money. “If I can’t have it all… I will not play and nobody else will. The littlest ignorant racist uneducated entire Republican Party is falling over bowing as the velvet robe passes by. They think they’re so in favor. They are nats bussing haphazardly around with no plan. No leadership ( the girls on his team all look like Dallas cheerleaders big hair big hopes and simply shiny objects . Toys for boys) what a world and the egg is actually all over the face of usa. They cheated that’s the only way they play with people. friends wives

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So the last four years of chaos weren’t enough for you? They were for me. Happy to move on

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You’re stunted in your ability to absorb reality.

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When ONE bird tests positive for avian influenza in a chicken house that farmer is required by law to kill EVERY single bird in that house. Average is around 20,000-60,000 birds in a house. If you let AI run its course in a chicken house you will have about 20-30% of the chickens die. It will not harm a human (despite what they say & if it starts it’s because the government has bioengineered the virus just like COVID.)

Not only that, the farmer is responsible for the loss. It will absolutely kill the farmer as profit margin is already RAZOR thin.

Chicken farming is extremely corrupt and unfair to the farmers. You could also look into how almost every farm is being sold to Vietnamese immigrants because they are the only ones that get certain tax breaks that make the farm profitable- getting rid of American farmers.

It’s heartbreaking what is happening in the agricultural industry. But also, it’s unnatural to have 60,000 birds trapped into a metal box and the model NEEDS to change.

As a young farmer, I am excited to hopefully see changes in this administration for more innovative farming solutions like pasture-raised chicken farming with chicken tractors and regenerative agriculture. I live in a small farming town and it is impossible to make money conventionally anymore.

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What about the egg left at the end of the credits in the Blake Lively and Justin Baldoni movie

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Eggselent - couldn’t resist.

There’s always more under the hood when it comes to this stuff. I’m sure the press will tell us soon why there’s nothing to worry about and how egg shortages are just like New Jersey drones…nothing to see here. Your eyes are lying. The department of eggland security says it’s all normal.

Great read.

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I needed this! Thank you so much for your work!

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I finally got some organic eggs 2days ago after my store had empty shelves.

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Back in 2019, I was in the break room chatting with one of my coworkers about various topics when she said I should check out this show about UFO's coming out on the History channel. She said her brother-in-law had quit his job at the Pentagon to blow the whistle on what he had been working on and was able to put together a docuseries telling the public about it. She said after her brother-in-law told them why he quit, her first response was, "no wonder you have been so stressed out the last few years!" (She's a massage therapist, so she would know.) Just saying, Lu Elizondo told his family the same thing he told the public.

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