My mother worked for a lobbyist at the state capitol in Sacramento. She used to lament the fact that when she told people that she worked for a lobbyist they most often would give her the side eye. Great article and it is a great reminder that there are good people everywhere if you care to look.
I love that Ches thinks a kindergartener knows what "nuanced" means. My daughter used "vitriolic" almost daily as a 4 year old because I didn't want to say the word "bad" and "mean and hateful" was too harsh, but otherwise I doubt she could comprehend nuanced. I need to start slipping that in my grandsons' vocab for a chance meeting with this incredible man!
I found this article ineresting. What I would really love to read in the near future is about what is happening to the federal government employees, I being one of them. There is a lot I do not understand and I am 17 years in. I voted for change and I believe in reduction, lobbyist's, change for the better, etc. But no one is covering from a point of view from the employee who works their ass off. Thank you for continuing to help educate people in a way they can truly graspnd understand. It's needed in this world.
Jessica, Sorry for your loss of employment. I hope you find a new opportunity soon. I too would like an article on this topic. I have a family member (federal employee) who is a very experienced firefighter. He also was part of the federal work force reduction. He was working in CA during the recent devastating fires. I think we could all benefit from hearing from some folks that have been directly affected by these new changes….(Jess: not like you don’t already have enough in the que waiting to be written…but we get no real info w/o you😄)
I have not lost my job yet thankfully. I may be one of the lucky ones. While I do believe a reduction and fine tooth combing should occur, I strongly believe there are better ways to do so and with tact and respect which is lacking currently. I voted for Trump as well. But thank you and I am sorry about your family member. I have a lot of positive to share about the federal government as well as my support in reduction of the workforce. I just wish they were looking at performance reviews. Many of us already report our weekly or monthly happenings. Especially with new leadership. It isn’t uncommon. We also have mid point reviews and our annual. In these reviews we do provide input as to what we have accomplished. I pride myself on exceeding expectations. As do many others. But like the private sector, we also experience the effects of those not performing. My job relies on others completing their job. Sadly there are many times I am stuck waiting. Part of it is a broken system needing restructure and not necessarily reducing the workforce. People already overloaded with work having additional duties assigned. There is so much to it and I would personally love the chance to have a team dedicated to improving watching me and hearing what I have to say to promote positive change. Your family member as well as you are in my prayers
I've certainly encountered the term "lobbyist" before, but the concept always eluded me! I used to think of them as nothing but schemers. It’s truly enlightening to hear it all explained through real-world examples, allowing me to grasp the intricacies of their role. I sincerely appreciate the insightful interview; thank you for shedding light on this subject!
If you really want to fix the US, all you have to do is ban lobbyists, make yearly audits mandatory and transparent across the board, impose term limits, make a constitutional amendment that no one with dual citizenship or membership in secret societies can hold public office, and get rid of the federal reserve.
This was such a welcomed read. I 100% felt seen when you, Jessica, referenced our very similar past beliefs…. Didn’t care for history class & had less than zero percent knowledge of how the government works.😂😂
I absolutely felt lobbyists are sinister and not at all for the greater good. Strong article!! Thank you.
“Politicians, no matter how experienced, can’t be experts on every policy issue. Lobbyists fill the gaps, offering critical information and strategic guidance. He often points out that no matter how you feel about lobbyists, you have one working for you every day. Every industry, profession, consumer product, and political view has a lobbyist.” This quote illuminates the fact that our federal government is TOO BIG! Biblically speaking, the only role of government is to protect its citizens. If the government was pared down to only it’s essential function, then our representatives would have no need to be “experts on every policy issue”. They could legislate by common sense and not insider influence.
My son is a recent IT college graduate... he has been saying for years how frustrating it is to have "boomers" in Congress voting on tech legislation. Maybe he should start lobbying.
I enjoyed this article and I appreciate your work.
I grew up in the suburbs of DC. My father worked for “the agency” and most of our neighbors growing up worked for the government. I always felt DC was such a bubble and was glad to get out. So many pretentious people. Everything revolved around politics.
I moved to FL, then NY after high school and at 20 years old ended up in eastern NC. I lived mainly in NC for the past 40+ years. It really opened my eyes moving to a small town in the South.
I have always been a political junkie. I really appreciate your perspective coming from the West Coast and your shift in politics. I too, had a huge political shift in my early 30’s as young mom (left to right).
It boggles my mind that my older siblings(the youngest of 7), that protested against the war and “the man” in the early 60’s, are now pro-government and war. They all believed the “experts” during Covid and wouldn’t listen to my concerns about the vaccine even though both I and my husband worked in the pharmaceutical industry for years as chemists.
My last job was in data integrity and software validation of analytical testing equipment. I quit my job because I was working on the PCR machine and realized it was too easy to manipulate results and other fishy stuff that occurred in my job. I started following Dr. Campbell at the beginning(when he was still pro vaccine). I would argue with anyone who thought the vaccine was safe. I never took a covid test or vaccine. When I asked questions I got shut down. I have lost many relationships with family and friends. I started following you when you started following RFK Jr. and you opened my eyes to him and many others. Thank you!
I wonder if there’s a way to prevent certain lobbyists from deceiving legislators, like those who use junk science to claim vaccines are “safe and effective”.
This was really interesting. I’ve always been fascinated with lobbyists but as I’ve aged, I’ve thought of them more as almost political “whores.” Forgive me - I’ve become far too cynical in my old age. This article though has made me rethink my opinion, of rather Ches McDowell has made me rethink my position. Wouldn’t it be great if people close to the President actually attempted to influence him for the actual good of the country?! Really interesting article. Thanks!
Great article/post! I live in NC and have my entire life. So this was very interesting for me. Anyway, as always, I look forward to your next article/post.
My mother worked for a lobbyist at the state capitol in Sacramento. She used to lament the fact that when she told people that she worked for a lobbyist they most often would give her the side eye. Great article and it is a great reminder that there are good people everywhere if you care to look.
Fantastic article! Very informative 🇺🇸👏👏
I love that Ches thinks a kindergartener knows what "nuanced" means. My daughter used "vitriolic" almost daily as a 4 year old because I didn't want to say the word "bad" and "mean and hateful" was too harsh, but otherwise I doubt she could comprehend nuanced. I need to start slipping that in my grandsons' vocab for a chance meeting with this incredible man!
Wow! Great article! This helped me to understand a process I never really knew much about before.
Ches is the BEST!! Love to see other people seeing the amazing work he’s done for NC and the country!
I found this article ineresting. What I would really love to read in the near future is about what is happening to the federal government employees, I being one of them. There is a lot I do not understand and I am 17 years in. I voted for change and I believe in reduction, lobbyist's, change for the better, etc. But no one is covering from a point of view from the employee who works their ass off. Thank you for continuing to help educate people in a way they can truly graspnd understand. It's needed in this world.
Jessica, Sorry for your loss of employment. I hope you find a new opportunity soon. I too would like an article on this topic. I have a family member (federal employee) who is a very experienced firefighter. He also was part of the federal work force reduction. He was working in CA during the recent devastating fires. I think we could all benefit from hearing from some folks that have been directly affected by these new changes….(Jess: not like you don’t already have enough in the que waiting to be written…but we get no real info w/o you😄)
I have not lost my job yet thankfully. I may be one of the lucky ones. While I do believe a reduction and fine tooth combing should occur, I strongly believe there are better ways to do so and with tact and respect which is lacking currently. I voted for Trump as well. But thank you and I am sorry about your family member. I have a lot of positive to share about the federal government as well as my support in reduction of the workforce. I just wish they were looking at performance reviews. Many of us already report our weekly or monthly happenings. Especially with new leadership. It isn’t uncommon. We also have mid point reviews and our annual. In these reviews we do provide input as to what we have accomplished. I pride myself on exceeding expectations. As do many others. But like the private sector, we also experience the effects of those not performing. My job relies on others completing their job. Sadly there are many times I am stuck waiting. Part of it is a broken system needing restructure and not necessarily reducing the workforce. People already overloaded with work having additional duties assigned. There is so much to it and I would personally love the chance to have a team dedicated to improving watching me and hearing what I have to say to promote positive change. Your family member as well as you are in my prayers
Also, love his boots!
I've certainly encountered the term "lobbyist" before, but the concept always eluded me! I used to think of them as nothing but schemers. It’s truly enlightening to hear it all explained through real-world examples, allowing me to grasp the intricacies of their role. I sincerely appreciate the insightful interview; thank you for shedding light on this subject!
You are absolutely the best Jessica.
If you really want to fix the US, all you have to do is ban lobbyists, make yearly audits mandatory and transparent across the board, impose term limits, make a constitutional amendment that no one with dual citizenship or membership in secret societies can hold public office, and get rid of the federal reserve.
This was such a welcomed read. I 100% felt seen when you, Jessica, referenced our very similar past beliefs…. Didn’t care for history class & had less than zero percent knowledge of how the government works.😂😂
I absolutely felt lobbyists are sinister and not at all for the greater good. Strong article!! Thank you.
“Politicians, no matter how experienced, can’t be experts on every policy issue. Lobbyists fill the gaps, offering critical information and strategic guidance. He often points out that no matter how you feel about lobbyists, you have one working for you every day. Every industry, profession, consumer product, and political view has a lobbyist.” This quote illuminates the fact that our federal government is TOO BIG! Biblically speaking, the only role of government is to protect its citizens. If the government was pared down to only it’s essential function, then our representatives would have no need to be “experts on every policy issue”. They could legislate by common sense and not insider influence.
Curious how he evolved from democratic parents to now republican? Great article!
My son is a recent IT college graduate... he has been saying for years how frustrating it is to have "boomers" in Congress voting on tech legislation. Maybe he should start lobbying.
Great article!!
I enjoyed this article and I appreciate your work.
I grew up in the suburbs of DC. My father worked for “the agency” and most of our neighbors growing up worked for the government. I always felt DC was such a bubble and was glad to get out. So many pretentious people. Everything revolved around politics.
I moved to FL, then NY after high school and at 20 years old ended up in eastern NC. I lived mainly in NC for the past 40+ years. It really opened my eyes moving to a small town in the South.
I have always been a political junkie. I really appreciate your perspective coming from the West Coast and your shift in politics. I too, had a huge political shift in my early 30’s as young mom (left to right).
It boggles my mind that my older siblings(the youngest of 7), that protested against the war and “the man” in the early 60’s, are now pro-government and war. They all believed the “experts” during Covid and wouldn’t listen to my concerns about the vaccine even though both I and my husband worked in the pharmaceutical industry for years as chemists.
My last job was in data integrity and software validation of analytical testing equipment. I quit my job because I was working on the PCR machine and realized it was too easy to manipulate results and other fishy stuff that occurred in my job. I started following Dr. Campbell at the beginning(when he was still pro vaccine). I would argue with anyone who thought the vaccine was safe. I never took a covid test or vaccine. When I asked questions I got shut down. I have lost many relationships with family and friends. I started following you when you started following RFK Jr. and you opened my eyes to him and many others. Thank you!
I wonder if there’s a way to prevent certain lobbyists from deceiving legislators, like those who use junk science to claim vaccines are “safe and effective”.
This was really interesting. I’ve always been fascinated with lobbyists but as I’ve aged, I’ve thought of them more as almost political “whores.” Forgive me - I’ve become far too cynical in my old age. This article though has made me rethink my opinion, of rather Ches McDowell has made me rethink my position. Wouldn’t it be great if people close to the President actually attempted to influence him for the actual good of the country?! Really interesting article. Thanks!
Great article/post! I live in NC and have my entire life. So this was very interesting for me. Anyway, as always, I look forward to your next article/post.