I don’t know what happened on the set and I will try to not make any judgements. HOWEVER she promoted movie about domestic violence with “florals”, launched her hair products at the same time and promoted her husband’s movie. It seems to me that she sabotaged herself with being completely out of touch and self-serving. And let’s not forget her mean and ignorant behavior during interviews. Now she is trying to fix her image but blaming others. How brave!

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Its almost as if these celebs aren't even real people the way they make PR moves to make the public have a different perception of them that is actually real or representative of who they actually are.

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Of course they are not. That’s why people should stop worshiping them.

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Was waiting patiently for all this, way more info/details than I’ve seen anywhere else thus far. General coverage (even some non-mainstream) is really pushing to defend Lively, and admittedly, I’d be grossed out by a lot of these claims but I’m just not sold. Neither seem very likable, TBH, but I’m old enough to remember like a week ago when RR tried to claim Blake and him both grew up “working class” and that now seems like a little seed he was sowing to gain some empathy for this lawsuit they decided to bomb the media with before Xmas. Also, RR & BL seem so money-hungry with all their conquests/products and sorry but it just sits real icky given how much money they rake in combined already. My overall opinion right now is that both parties should get over themselves, but the power imbalance working against Justin makes me doubt the BL side for sure.

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Right!?! When I read about her hair care line losing 78% of sales I went “How can she prove that’s because of Justin Baldoni? Maybe it just sucks?” Especially if there was no actual PR attack mobilized against her and this bad publicity was just organically her own fault.

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How would whe know about hair with all the extensions she's wearing. No celeb product is good ever. Also she gave her alcoholic beverages the names of characters in the movie. A movie about DV. I mean come on. She's just an Amber ,2.0 incapable of relating to anything which makes her a bad actress who wants an Oscar really bad. She was just annoyed by JB not catering to her so she used her influence and cried SH. Another low for her. I don't believe any of her allegations.

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Is it extensions? I was having hair envy when I watched the movie

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My thoughts exactly! Maybe your haircare line isn’t that great! Imagine that

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I see a lot of facts being glazed over in this comment section.

1. Many of the cast unfollowed Justin on Instagram - not just Blake.

2. Her citing the toxic environment happened first and is a separate incident to her “tone-deafness.” Both incidents deserve to be treated as individual- not rolled into one.

3. Q: Has the movie’s PR company come forward with their plan of action for Blake while they she was to be promoting the film - question being- how much of the tone deaf flatulence was brought on by Blake? Larger question: at what point does she begin to take responsibility for following a plan and not intuitively rebelling against the look they were creating?

4. That interview was bad. But my dad always told me, beleive none of what you hear and half of what you see. Based on that…. What am I really looking at?

5. Woodys daughter Dylan. The real victim …. Just want to mention her name and send her some light.

Lastly, both of them are hitting new lows.

#Team neither. But I’m soooo here for the Age of Aquarius pulling back the curtain on all these tactics!

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I’m honestly so sick of Hollywood babies. Blake is a ‘mean girl’ and it didn’t work for her this time so now she’s mad and grasping at anything to recover. And Blake has never used a PR firm to her advantage…not once…lol…not even that one time she got married at a plantation and had the internet scrubbed of all photos when she received backlash years later…

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OMG. Is that what happened? I'm out of the loop here.

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Dec 26Edited

In 2016 there was a whole backlash about them getting married at Boone Hall Plantation. Pictures and articles existed back in 2012 after their wedding (there’s a People magazine with them on the cover as well). If you google now you won’t find any pics of them from their wedding except a pic of just their hands entwined. The plantation even has a FB post congratulating them on their anniversary and shared a link to an article with pictures but that link is now dead. They only love an aggressive PR firm when it is working in their favor! One dead link I’m referring to = http://www.celebuzz.com/2012-09-10/blake-lively-ryan-reynolds-wedding-a-look-at-the-boone-hall-plantation-photos/

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Their wedding photos were never published online, at the time of their wedding I looked high and low for these photos because I idolized Blake and wanted to see her dress and hair, and ring, and all the wedding details that celebs sell to magazines/the internet. There was no cover article, just the link you posted with the couple holding hands. The only other photo I ever saw was of the dessert table (hand pies and cupcakes and cookies). So I don’t believe the internet was scrubbed of their wedding because it was held at a plantation. It was truly a private event.

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It’s so obvious that entire article was also written by their PR team 😂

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This link doesn’t take you to anything about BL

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Yes that’s my point. The article is gone now but existed in the past.

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Oh got it. Yeah I’ve never had any opinion on BL but her friendship with T Swift (who seems the ultimate fake mean-girl to me, come on you can’t be in that many relationships and the problem always be the other person) and her being completely out of touch with that reporter have me on team Baldoni. Blake has all the power here, if she ignored it it would all go away but it reeks of narcissism that she can’t just walk away

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Exactly this!

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my link above does take you to a story about the plantation wedding...

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Doesn’t everyone realize that both truths can exist? She can be an out of touch vixen and he can be a sexually inappropriate coworker? Why does there have to be sides. Sounds like a lose-lose situation if you ask me. If she stayed silent about his sexuality misconduct, it could have come out years later that she enabled it to continue. If he didn’t do pr cleanup, how would his career survive?

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I think the point is that -- it is more complicated than some might assume.

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Interesting thoughts to ponder! After seeing her interview that is posted here and how rude she was, I am now completely turned off of her. Very mean girl behavior. I understand her need for her children to have privacy, but to not be happy to be having a beautiful baby and allow others to acknowledge it, seems very out of touch and perhaps arrogant? Is it vanity? When you are a public figure, you have to be somewhat gracious to interviewers or maybe just don't do interviews! I have no opinion about Justin. Yet.

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I mean Flakey Blake is Taylor Swifts best friend. That’s all you need to know. She was so awful in that interview. Who would even want to be friends with a girl like that? That was NOT women supporting Women. That was mean girl bullying by both of these B list or should I say C list actors. Disgusting. If you watch the interview the interviewer wanted to compliment her on her pregnancy and for her to come back with commenting on her non existent baby bump was cruel. It always makes me laugh that her and her so called husband who actually look miserable together lately try to hide their pregnancies from the world. Like who cares? You’re not Princess Kate. Blake is trying to say she’s this great kind person. I for one don’t buy it. I can’t imagine what kind of mother she is. Probably super passive aggressive and that’s how she’s always come off to me.

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I read she was 8 months pregnant in this interview and it was very common knowledge. So absolutely inappropriate for her to expect someone wouldn’t comment on it.

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The interviewer also said "little bump" which should not be offensive if you're known to be pregnant

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I have been waiting for you to write about this. I hope

You follow up with more. I really feel that Ryan and Blake have been after writing and directing especially for sequel. I actually told my neighbor about a year ago that I would love my daughter to have an amazing life like Blake but after her interviews and past behavior (which I had never seen until it resurfaced) total cringe. She is a MEAN girl! Yuck. My only feeling is that the costars feel like Blake will win but I don’t feel like there is true conviction there.

Amber2.0 for me.

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Can’t wait for his countersuit - I hope he has a solid complaint.

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It wasn’t necessary for Blake to sue (my opinion at the moment)

Justin being dropped from everything is crazy. Just like Depp. With NO investigation. For people who backed AH because of power dynamic, this is even more …..power couple machine against one guy most people don’t know. I don’t think it’s fair for people’s livelihoods to be taken away prior to court. I don’t think it’s going to end well for either but somehow I think Blake will end up on top with her husband making sure of it .

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The fact Blake was given Producer credit after the fact makes me feel it was unearned and given to appease her. The fact Justin did Jane The Virgin (I adored that show - it was kinda like Pushing Daisys on the cute semi-campy side) and there was never a hint of inappropriate behavior that I've heard of, makes me question Blake's motives for this even more. I've never had much of an opinion of her other than a) she's beautiful and b) her husband is even more beautiful. Now I'm seeing her as Amber 2.0 and find her ugly.

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Question: was he in a position of power on Jane the Virgin?

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No but there was a lot of female writers and producers

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I don’t believe so. He was an actor - Jane’s BF/husband - at the end. I was team Michael. 🤣

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I'm still wondering the reason for the lawsuit. Does the lawsuit give them a legal way to remove him from sequels?

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I'm curious of this, too. What's the end game?

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Ah, yes, Blake NotSoLively (Dlisted's fitting moniker for BL) is gonna win back her vanilla public image after all the negative feedback earlier this year! That's what this is about: Blake Lively's image.

I came across this comment on Data Lounge about this:

"As I stated in an earlier thread a crew friend who worked on the film told me Baldoni was clueless and in over his head but Lively was a raging cunt who caused unnecessary delays with her tantrums and despicabke, disrespectful behavior. And she got a highly experienced 1st AD named Julie Bloom fired. I hope maybe Bloom will speak out someday about the toxic piece of shit who is Blake Li ely,"

—Anonymous (reply 286) https://datalounge.com/thread/35101665

Now that Blake is married to Ryan and Ryan has made gazillions of dollars both in Hollywood and outside, she's using all her married resources to get back at Justin and portray all the bad publicity she had late this past summer as not because of her own behavior but instead because of an alleged smear campaign. And, gosh, wouldn't you know it, she was sexually harassed on a movie set! She is a victim! These phrases in her lawsuit have nothing to do with the context of the movie's subject matter. No! It's all because Justin (and I honestly had never heard his name before all of this) is a big meanie to Blake!

Let us look back at other travails of Blake over the years:

- Allegedly f*cking Ben Affleck on the set of The Town (allegedly Jennifer Garner found her nudes on Ben's phone and got back at her by getting them circulated)

- Allegedly f*cking married costar #2 on the set of The Green Lantern. Yes, let's not forget that Ryan Reynolds was originally married to Scarlett Johansson before this happened.

- Her lifestyle website "Preserve" was a big failure that collapsed within a year of opening after being well promoted before launch. Sounds like the haircare launch timed with It Ends With Us is failure #2 in this regard.

- Her referring to herself as having "an LA face and an Oakland booty."

Enough said. She's always been insufferable on her own, regardless of whether Justing Baldoni cried or didn't cry during meetings in her trailer.

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DAAAAAMN. I didn't know most of this. 😳

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Justin is a victim here…Blake is showing the world what happens to u if u dare to go against her wishes. The entire career Justin has been nothing but amazing, the movies and documentaries he produced did not make him a lot of money but many showed stories of regular people dealing with obstacles. Its hard to believe that blake in all her meaness was so traumatized by justins comments especially when they were working on a movie that included lots of violence and abuse….the rest of the crew sticking behind her are as bad if not worse than her because they do it out of fear and greed. The entire situation is hearbreaking for Justin, his amazing wife and their kids.

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I'm so glad to see someone else that has followed his career. His book "man enough" is about feminism and men being kind to women. Her claims are so unbelievable because she's going after the most kind (be it spiritual if you read her requests for him to stop saging people) person that has dedicated his life to helping underprivileged and terminal people.

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Yes, I’ve followed his career for over 10 yrs now, before he married his wife. He has always been about highlighting those invisible people in our society. His wife is amazing and both make such a perfect couple. It breaks my heart watching BL ruin his career. His movies were never about making money, they were always intended to show real humans go through real life situations and that what he was trying to do. I just cant believe he went w BL, this role should have been played by someone fresh, young and new to hollywood.

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That's why I'm sure she bulldozed her way into the film seeing it as nothing more than a vehicle for her career not even studying her character or the themes of the movie. She's so vapid lol

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Do you think the cast that unfollowed Justin sided with Lively because her and Reynolds were the ticket to a sequel and future projects?

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Yes! I read a comment on this thread about people overlooking everyone unfollowing him, but honestly their management or Blake could have told them to. Ryan’s hands are In a lot of projects.

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More likely due to pressure. Blake might not be that powerful in H'wood, but her husband certainly is.

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While the cesspool that is Hollywood is increasingly giving me the icks I appreciate your ability to break down these scenarios that are complex to reveal the incredible nature of manipulation and manufactured entertainment drama. The reach of PR and media sway is not limited to Hollywood or Washington DC. It’s encouraging to have your voice continuously leading the charge into the grey area that those pulling the strings would like us to ignore.

Merry Christmas to you and your family, you’ve more than earned to celebrate with the closing of this incredible 2024 you’ve taken on! Cheers to what 2025 will bring!

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Merry Christmas, Natasha! Thanks for reading. Xx

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This is Jonny Depp and Amber Heard all over again. The truth will come out.

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Wow, after watching that interview with Kjersti Flaa I’ve chosen a side. Im team Justin. Just like with the Depp-Heard trial, I want to side with women, I am one, but when I found out Heard literally pooped on his bed I just could not side with someone who had no qualms acting like an animal.

I’m out, Blake.

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I agree. I’m a woman who was sexually abused from a young age. I want to side with women who’ve been mistreated. Blake Lively is not that. She is mean. She is a bully. A prima Donna who cries wolf when she doesn’t get her way.


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Been there and totally empathize. Also sorry for what you’ve been through. It’s horrific!

I used to always side with women bc of my own personal experiences but, I have learned women are not always right. And it’s hard removing my own personal feelings, yet I try to do it as best as possible bc I have sons.

I’ve watched them be groped by women literally grabbing their genitals, then laugh and my son will politely say please don’t do that and then they laugh and do it again because they just don’t see it as assault - and it is.

As such, between the two situations I have learned to be a little more cautious in always immediately siding with women.

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Im sorry for what you’ve been through.

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I politely disagree, only bc they are not married. This is not so extreme. And I agree with what was written, AH played out in front of us for all to see. Those two had a much more intimate relationship. This is definitely not that. But yes, let’s hope the truth does come out bc it keeps changing!

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Depp vs Heard in that at first the media wanted you to side with Heard but as more and more came out it was impossible to do so. The media is firmly in Blake’s camp and I never had an opinion on her previously but watch that interview, she barely looks at the reporter only her co-actress, she’s clearly incredibly rude and arrogant. Her co-actress tries to cover for Blake when she claps back at the reporter who was just trying to compliment her on her pregnancy. Blake strikes me as a very ugly (internally) person who tries super hard to overcompensate

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Well, at least we haven’t heard BL’s dog stepped on 🐝 - yet

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Unfortunately it can be another case of a woman weaponizing accusations against a man to kill his reputation. Crying SA or SH is or should be illegal.

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What should happen is the woman, if found she is lying, should get the same punishment the man would’ve gotten. We all have brothers, husbands, sons, and fathers, accusations like this can ruin someone’s life.

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I am a huge Parker Posey fan not a fan of Blake lively, but it really was unfortunate to see how Parker behaved in that interview as well. They were both so rude.

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I agree completely. And it was almost as if Parker was totally enamoured by, and had to gush over BL because of some weird Alpha/Beta dynamic? The body language and the stroking of the sheepskin were giving ‘must pay homage to Regina’ vibes

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I got the feeling that Parker was trying to compensate for Blake being in a really hormonal b*tchy mood or something. Like right before they sat down, Blake said something like "I swear, if one more person talks about me being pregnant!" And then the first comment right out the gate was about the baby bump and it felt like Parker was trying to smooth things over while also coax out Blake's better behavior.

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This is the vibe I got too.

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Ohhh yeah that’s a good point

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The difference is her career didn’t take the hit his has. He also has a family and has taken a hit to his reputation, lost jobs, awards etc. yes there was talk of her being unlikable but she wasn’t losing work or awards.

I think He felt it was his movie and felt her and Ryan were taking over. I think he was misunderstood or things he said may have been taken in a different light because they clearly didn’t get along. she is probably use to getting her way and he wanted to stay true to his vision of the film.

When the film came out she was obligated to promote it but wanted it to tank and that resulted in all her awkward interviews.

The cast is siding with her because “believe all women” they felt the tension and of the sequel is made they want to keep their job! Ryan and Blake are a power couple!

If there was inappropriate behaviour why didn’t the other actors come forward! I hope for his sake it isn’t true but the damage is done

Jay z isn’t getting all this and he accused of rape!

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