"What was unveiled today exposed that our press has been paid for by the government off the backs of taxpayers to create propaganda that the powerful wanted to promote."
Thanks for sharing this one Jessica. It’s a wild thing to think about what’s happened. It’s going to be shattering a lot of longstanding beliefs-I’m glad it’s finally out in the open.
This isn't an investigative article. It appears to be a shill piece to forward the Musk agenda.
I just took a look at the Twitter post linked above in the "being a technical error" hyperlink, saw that it referenced "Political Pro Subscription for 37 Users," and googled "Political Pro User." Here it is: https://www.politicopro.com/plans/ It's just a more expensive subscription to Politico's reporting and analysis.
It would be nice to know how long this has been going on. When did it start. Who approved it. I'm sure it it was happening during the last Trump administration and much longer. That's the real article. And what does Elon Musk have to gain from exposing this and what information is he able to conceal by accessing it all in his own with free reign of information. Who is checking his findings.
No one is overseeing his 'findings'. He has a vendetta against the U.S. for the demolition of apartheid. He's 'paying us back' for our dismantling of apartheid, a regime his family is happy to live with. Please stop him. Help us stop him before it's too late!
Gimme a break. Elon isn't acting on this alone. Why are you against having proof our goverment is fucking us over - and has been for years. We voted for President Trump to clean things up and this is what he's doing. Your baseless propoganda is part of the problem.
That's right! Your country is being systematically demolished in front of you by a S, African Fascist and all you can do is applaud his erroneous BS that hasn't a shred of truth or EVIDENCE! There was NO OVERSIGHT. Please help us save our country from these foreign nationals. Peter Thiel - Rupert Murdoch - ELON MUSK.
Examine the billions USAID shoveled SOLELY to leftist propaganda outlets like Politico.
We must assume you consider that use of US taxpayer monies to such ends to be just. You reveal your latent biases quite convincingly.
Musk is simply revealing the political graft extant. That this revelation and the transparency behind it makes you uncomfortable says more about YOU than about Musk,
Exactly, Musk never does anything that isn’t in his own self interest. Trump could have sent literally anyone else to do this in a less stressful aggressive manner for a better outcome. As it is, big, overbearing, bullying Musk is behaving like a hubristic rapist.
Shooting the messenger. Be more concerned that the man cheating on his wife IS cheating, not that she violated his trust by checking his cell phone calls
Do you know anyone who was born and raised in South Africa?
I do and they all tell me one thing if this country fails where else is there to go?
The older ones remember when South Africa was fairly free and successful.
Even many of the black people living there now regret switching from a white apartheid where everything worked to this new black one where nothing and no one works.
Now it's a cesspool the child rape capitol of the world.
The power is on less than eight hours a day, the infrastructure is crumbling, and even water is now not flowing.
They are murdering farmers and pillaging the land that some of them have had in their families for over 300 years.
Elon is trying to do his part to keep this country from collapsing.
Don't be so short sighted when it comes to people doing things.
Just because the rotten facade of the caring Democrat party has been unmasked as the party of theft, grifting and corruption is no reason to disparage the efforts of everyone.
Critics of this information are claiming that this is "Russian misinformation," and yet, one of the sources of this information is Wikileaks!! Do these critics REALLY think that Wikileaks is Russian now? Really???!!! https://x.com/wikileaks/status/1887501752213409919
Well, that was a crazy thing to read. It makes me sick to my stomach to think how the USA hasn’t been nearly as free as it’s made out to be. I remember learning about Soviet propaganda and thinking, “man, I am lucky to be an American.” This was a great article, and a wake up call.
Aaron and Jessica, my mind is reeling with the influx of information. I have tears as I grapple with the enormity of it all. How did they manage to escape accountability for such wrongdoing? The thought of criminal charges looms large in my mind. It's truly disheartening that this misconduct occurred in the first place. While not entirely surprised, I am relieved that the truth has finally been brought to light. No wonder the people involved have been so upset with Elon. I knew he would uncover a lot of corruption. Thank you for sharing this information with us, and thank you for your honest reporting. Aaron, I have to thank you for this wonderful article and the beautiful writing! Also, thank you for your words about Jessica. She is a wonder and I’m thankful for her and her courage to speak the truth.
I don’t know the best way to hold people to account. This I think is just the start of what’s going to be uncovered. USAID is 1% of the federal budget. My guess is that every department has something like this. Jessica is awesome. Her media style is the new way forward. Thanks for reading.
Same. I'm hoping they do away with these ridiculous taxes!I thought it was bad they were going to Ukraine. To find out our government wastes more money than I do on Amazon when I've had a shitty day is beyond my comprehension.
Aaron, I couldn’t agree with you more! I believe we are just scratching the surface with all that will be uncovered. I’m sickened by what they have done to me and my family with all the lies that have torn my family apart. I can only hope that they fall hard.
Have you ever heard of this funny thing called the Patriot Act!! Yeah so this was all there and it took you this long to realize how much control the government has. This is not some fucking secret its literally been there for years. Most of this spending has been on these federal agencies websites(maybe not so specific but they tell you what they spend on subscriptions and we have known for years that USAID has, while being a humanitarian aid agency, is also responsible for backing up Coups and funding foreign news). However, it has been a problem, but you know what is funny how conservatives are playing the victim. They have jailed, murdered, silenced, and tortured actual leftist groups for simply calling out war, and criticizing America for its wrongs. There is nothing wrong with humanitarian aid, and in no way is this the right way to protect people. Also, these agencies help America's farmers, workers, and many more. An audit would not mean shutting these places down it would mean allowing for Congress to do Congress's job while encouraging them and forcing them, but not this.
Dude, these are Executive Departments & Agencies, the President is well within his legal rights to end, change, defund, or audit any of them. Nobody’s saying humanitarian aid isn’t a good thing. We’re just sick of paying for our own media to lie to us while bankrolling their own fortunes on our backs. Plus, why do we need to buy billions of dollars in condoms & tranny comics in foreign lands?
It is circular. The media didn't do its job to reveal all this because the media was being paid with our tax dollars not to reveal all of this and to lie to us.
Just read the article...thank you for sharing! This may explain, why, in part, Obama push ed hard for Harris to win the election. It's all starting to be revealed and it's beyond disgusting!!
Except he’s shilling for you know who when he states in Senate testimony that 9.11 was an Arab terrorist attack….there’s not anyone of substance i know who believes that any more.
Soviet Union 2.0. My parents told me last night, “I can’t believe how hard we fought to immigrate, become citizens of this amazing country only for it to turn on its people.”
And don’t get me started on the amount of vaccines I had to agree to take before I could get a green card and apply for citizenship in spite of the fact that I immigrated from a healthy and progressive country.
I can’t believe how hard “I” fought to legally immigrate here 20 years ago from Australia to realize I’ve been deceived and controlled like this. This is a level of deception that is unfathomable.
I lived in Moscow in 1992, right after the fall of the CCCP, and I remember what Communism did to those poor people. It’s a legacy that still hasn’t changed much, except for the names of the countries & the leaders that were installed in the aftermath. It scares me beyond belief that people think we’d be better off under socialism (due to 24/7 propaganda, paid for by us).
I’m from Kyiv, Ukraine which was part of the CCCP as you know. I went to school there for first grade and I’ll never forget the righteous, malicious and sickening government. I was there during Chernobyl and we all know what they did then too. Same as they did here with COVID. Lies and cover ups.
Still , sounds much better then than now. The comedian and his US friends in the deep state have completely destroyed the place while the media acted as cheerleaders
As a retired newspaper editor and reporter it is depressing to see how far the news media has strayed from its mission. Even now former colleagues are howling at the moon over loss of “democracy”! The good news is that new outlets are pushing aside the legacy pretenders. Keep the faith Jessica.
I found this article in 2020 when I was self righteously proclaiming to a Canadian that the US would never! Ever! Promote propaganda to its citizens. I said “it’s illegal!” Then I found this article and my eyes were opened. I’ve been telling people about it ever since! I wasn’t surprised at yesterday’s news, but definitely shocked at the amounts being thrown around.
I believe this is what Naomi Wolf was telling us about - an Obama law repealing and older law to legalize use of propaganda against its citizens. She’s been another strong voice through all of this mess. Her reporting while digging through the pharma data on trial impacts on women, breastfeeding mothers and pregnant mothers was truly heartbreaking. And it did not reach enough ears and eyes.
How will the media spin this in their favor? How can Corey Booker be screaming in a park about needing to fund foreign countries. It is madness but in their clawing to stay afloat they will continue to be undone.
The media became an enemy to me the day the newspapers posted Hilary won the CA primary in 2016 the morning of the dem primary. They called it before the polls had even opened.
I remember 1964. I had asked for a typewriter for Christmas. I was writing a sports column in the high school paper. I had taken the typing class and was up to 60 WPM. Almost.
I thought I wanted to be journalist.
I got snow skis. I never became a journalist. I didn’t even go to college.
Learned of operation mockingbird sometime ago. Now we see the USAID payola and the true evil of the industry.
It was years after my dad died that my mother told me why I never got the typewriter.
Dad did not want me going to what he called, the school of communism, at the University.
I guess my dad was right.
I have spent the better half of thirty years writing three novel that maybe a hundred people have read. I have written any number of email letters and blog posts. Now I have a stack that is read by 25 people.
A most important article here that deserves the nation’s full attention. Thank you Trump, Elon, and Elon’s wiz kids. I’m hotly enraged and sadly not shocked that our tax dollars have been working against us in this way, plus all the other wasteful programs that have been revealed to be USAID funded. I want justice and a giant tax refund!
Aaron is a good friend and great writer. I was delighted to receive this piece from him late last night. He is one of the good ones, equally as passionate about exposing media corruption in our news cycle.
I remember reading years ago that a team of democrats met weakly to deliver talking points to the media. Also, have you seen the videos of all the talking heads saying exactly the same thing on every network? Same adjectives. Same adverbs.
I really loved his videos and articles during RFK Jr.'s campaign, just wish he had more reach at the time. So glad he's still going strong. If he hasn't already, I hope he gets to meet RFK, Jr. one day, since he did a great job of capturing his values and mission during all the mud slinging.
All of the people saying that these small percentages are not that big of a deal when you’re dealing with trillions of dollars… our $33k tax bill last year was a big deal to 2 self-employed parents. I’d prefer it not be used for bullshit.
Thanks for sharing this one Jessica. It’s a wild thing to think about what’s happened. It’s going to be shattering a lot of longstanding beliefs-I’m glad it’s finally out in the open.
This isn't an investigative article. It appears to be a shill piece to forward the Musk agenda.
I just took a look at the Twitter post linked above in the "being a technical error" hyperlink, saw that it referenced "Political Pro Subscription for 37 Users," and googled "Political Pro User." Here it is: https://www.politicopro.com/plans/ It's just a more expensive subscription to Politico's reporting and analysis.
People should instead be paying attention to to what's in this video: https://youtu.be/5RpPTRcz1no
Musk isn't being altruistic for us plebes. He's after his own self-interest. USAID was shut down because the IG was investigating Starlink: https://gizmodo.com/elon-musks-enemy-usaid-was-investigating-starlink-over-its-contracts-in-ukraine-2000559365
This doesn’t negate USAID’s activities. The article you referenced may have received their funding.
It would be nice to know how long this has been going on. When did it start. Who approved it. I'm sure it it was happening during the last Trump administration and much longer. That's the real article. And what does Elon Musk have to gain from exposing this and what information is he able to conceal by accessing it all in his own with free reign of information. Who is checking his findings.
No one is overseeing his 'findings'. He has a vendetta against the U.S. for the demolition of apartheid. He's 'paying us back' for our dismantling of apartheid, a regime his family is happy to live with. Please stop him. Help us stop him before it's too late!
Gimme a break. Elon isn't acting on this alone. Why are you against having proof our goverment is fucking us over - and has been for years. We voted for President Trump to clean things up and this is what he's doing. Your baseless propoganda is part of the problem.
I'm not against evidence. Show me. Show me the evidence. Proof is what I need. You should insist on that at the very minimum.
Go find a South African that escaped the hell hole that is now South Africa and have a chat with them.
Get ready for your Democrat world belief system to get utterly rocked.
South Africas government was overthrown to install a Marxist regime and is a full view of DEI and race politics conclusion a smoldering ruin.
he is defiantly going after the rotten DEMOCRAT PARTY.
That is a win win.
The rest of it is more about not letting what was done to South Africa happen here and make no mistake that is exactly what the DEMOCRATS WERE DOING.
That's right! Your country is being systematically demolished in front of you by a S, African Fascist and all you can do is applaud his erroneous BS that hasn't a shred of truth or EVIDENCE! There was NO OVERSIGHT. Please help us save our country from these foreign nationals. Peter Thiel - Rupert Murdoch - ELON MUSK.
I am trying to keep up with the changing thoughts here... Questions
Hasn't George Soros been doing the same thing but aligned with the Democratic side?
And wasn't Musk hailed as a hero by Biden and democrats for helping Ukraine with Starlink after Russia attacked Ukraines communication systems?
Musk also has been a democrat donor supporter for many years. Now that he took his tools somewhere else he is the enemy of everyone?.
Does George Soros belong on your list? Also Elon, Peter, Rupert and George have all become American citizens.
Two words: George Soros.
No proof just wild shrieking allegations.
They have medication for this.
Evidence? Glad you brought that up. Can you provide “ evidence “ for your claims?
No, she can't but it's not supposed to work that way in her little mind.
Where is YOUR evidence, Leia?
I'm not making any claims. I'm asking for your evidence.
Examine the billions USAID shoveled SOLELY to leftist propaganda outlets like Politico.
We must assume you consider that use of US taxpayer monies to such ends to be just. You reveal your latent biases quite convincingly.
Musk is simply revealing the political graft extant. That this revelation and the transparency behind it makes you uncomfortable says more about YOU than about Musk,
You made several claims and listed several names associated with.
Exactly, Musk never does anything that isn’t in his own self interest. Trump could have sent literally anyone else to do this in a less stressful aggressive manner for a better outcome. As it is, big, overbearing, bullying Musk is behaving like a hubristic rapist.
Appropriately named Karen.
Allegations that can't be corroborated in written form are called........Libel.
May I ask you Karen, and you know this for sure about Musk, how?
Well said, Jane L. Thank you.
Shooting the messenger. Be more concerned that the man cheating on his wife IS cheating, not that she violated his trust by checking his cell phone calls
Thanks Jane L! I found Dark Gothic MAGA very interesting.
Ha! How much did you get paid to write that? Are your links also the products of the pay-off? Why should anyone believe anything you have to say?
I believe Musk disconnected Ukraine from Starlink access.
Do you know anyone who was born and raised in South Africa?
I do and they all tell me one thing if this country fails where else is there to go?
The older ones remember when South Africa was fairly free and successful.
Even many of the black people living there now regret switching from a white apartheid where everything worked to this new black one where nothing and no one works.
Now it's a cesspool the child rape capitol of the world.
The power is on less than eight hours a day, the infrastructure is crumbling, and even water is now not flowing.
They are murdering farmers and pillaging the land that some of them have had in their families for over 300 years.
Elon is trying to do his part to keep this country from collapsing.
Don't be so short sighted when it comes to people doing things.
Just because the rotten facade of the caring Democrat party has been unmasked as the party of theft, grifting and corruption is no reason to disparage the efforts of everyone.
Critics of this information are claiming that this is "Russian misinformation," and yet, one of the sources of this information is Wikileaks!! Do these critics REALLY think that Wikileaks is Russian now? Really???!!! https://x.com/wikileaks/status/1887501752213409919
Note: Wikileaks is not considered a valid resource for research by colleges, etc. Because it can be updated by anyone without review .
Do we truly know what a "valid" resource is anymore?
Well done sir! Truly, JRK is a powerhouse. I agree with you that she is doing very important work. Thank you JRK and Aaron!
This is a seismic event. Thanks for getting it all out in the open.
The problem with your article on Politico receiving money from USAID is that it’s completely false. I fact checked it. Neither did the BBC.
Well, that was a crazy thing to read. It makes me sick to my stomach to think how the USA hasn’t been nearly as free as it’s made out to be. I remember learning about Soviet propaganda and thinking, “man, I am lucky to be an American.” This was a great article, and a wake up call.
Ask for proof before you bend your knee.
Who are you trying to protect?
Don’t you know how to read a spreadsheet?
I knew this BUT never considered that they were being paid by me! I guess I always felt like some liberal billionaire was funding them.
Aaron and Jessica, my mind is reeling with the influx of information. I have tears as I grapple with the enormity of it all. How did they manage to escape accountability for such wrongdoing? The thought of criminal charges looms large in my mind. It's truly disheartening that this misconduct occurred in the first place. While not entirely surprised, I am relieved that the truth has finally been brought to light. No wonder the people involved have been so upset with Elon. I knew he would uncover a lot of corruption. Thank you for sharing this information with us, and thank you for your honest reporting. Aaron, I have to thank you for this wonderful article and the beautiful writing! Also, thank you for your words about Jessica. She is a wonder and I’m thankful for her and her courage to speak the truth.
I want a refund on my taxes 😂
I don’t know the best way to hold people to account. This I think is just the start of what’s going to be uncovered. USAID is 1% of the federal budget. My guess is that every department has something like this. Jessica is awesome. Her media style is the new way forward. Thanks for reading.
Same. I'm hoping they do away with these ridiculous taxes!I thought it was bad they were going to Ukraine. To find out our government wastes more money than I do on Amazon when I've had a shitty day is beyond my comprehension.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who spends my hard earned money on Amazon! Your comment is priceless 😊
Aaron, I couldn’t agree with you more! I believe we are just scratching the surface with all that will be uncovered. I’m sickened by what they have done to me and my family with all the lies that have torn my family apart. I can only hope that they fall hard.
How about we all just don’t file taxes until they fix the mess? They won’t have any money to keep up the grift until held accountable.
Have you ever heard of this funny thing called the Patriot Act!! Yeah so this was all there and it took you this long to realize how much control the government has. This is not some fucking secret its literally been there for years. Most of this spending has been on these federal agencies websites(maybe not so specific but they tell you what they spend on subscriptions and we have known for years that USAID has, while being a humanitarian aid agency, is also responsible for backing up Coups and funding foreign news). However, it has been a problem, but you know what is funny how conservatives are playing the victim. They have jailed, murdered, silenced, and tortured actual leftist groups for simply calling out war, and criticizing America for its wrongs. There is nothing wrong with humanitarian aid, and in no way is this the right way to protect people. Also, these agencies help America's farmers, workers, and many more. An audit would not mean shutting these places down it would mean allowing for Congress to do Congress's job while encouraging them and forcing them, but not this.
Dude, these are Executive Departments & Agencies, the President is well within his legal rights to end, change, defund, or audit any of them. Nobody’s saying humanitarian aid isn’t a good thing. We’re just sick of paying for our own media to lie to us while bankrolling their own fortunes on our backs. Plus, why do we need to buy billions of dollars in condoms & tranny comics in foreign lands?
To destroy the west of course.
The goal is South Africa for all.
Yippee! AIDS & Genocide!
It is circular. The media didn't do its job to reveal all this because the media was being paid with our tax dollars not to reveal all of this and to lie to us.
Things are changing so fast I feel like my brain is exploding…
Linda! Isn't it wild? I feel the same way.
Yes! I know it’s right but it’s as if the foundations are giving way.
I’d add Michael Shellenberger to the list of independent journalists worth reading.
Aaron have you read this article? I found it in early 2020 and was shocked. Sorry about the long link; I’m not a boomer, but close lol
I’m not - I am reading it now.
Just read the article...thank you for sharing! This may explain, why, in part, Obama push ed hard for Harris to win the election. It's all starting to be revealed and it's beyond disgusting!!
Except he’s shilling for you know who when he states in Senate testimony that 9.11 was an Arab terrorist attack….there’s not anyone of substance i know who believes that any more.
We knew it, but it feels so good to have it uncovered and written about. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Soviet Union 2.0. My parents told me last night, “I can’t believe how hard we fought to immigrate, become citizens of this amazing country only for it to turn on its people.”
And don’t get me started on the amount of vaccines I had to agree to take before I could get a green card and apply for citizenship in spite of the fact that I immigrated from a healthy and progressive country.
This is so true! My husband immigrated and they make you have so many vaccines! He had to get 5 in one day!
I can’t believe how hard “I” fought to legally immigrate here 20 years ago from Australia to realize I’ve been deceived and controlled like this. This is a level of deception that is unfathomable.
I lived in Moscow in 1992, right after the fall of the CCCP, and I remember what Communism did to those poor people. It’s a legacy that still hasn’t changed much, except for the names of the countries & the leaders that were installed in the aftermath. It scares me beyond belief that people think we’d be better off under socialism (due to 24/7 propaganda, paid for by us).
I’m from Kyiv, Ukraine which was part of the CCCP as you know. I went to school there for first grade and I’ll never forget the righteous, malicious and sickening government. I was there during Chernobyl and we all know what they did then too. Same as they did here with COVID. Lies and cover ups.
Still , sounds much better then than now. The comedian and his US friends in the deep state have completely destroyed the place while the media acted as cheerleaders
As a retired newspaper editor and reporter it is depressing to see how far the news media has strayed from its mission. Even now former colleagues are howling at the moon over loss of “democracy”! The good news is that new outlets are pushing aside the legacy pretenders. Keep the faith Jessica.
Great to hear from you, John! X
I agree!! Please don't stop!!!
I found this article in 2020 when I was self righteously proclaiming to a Canadian that the US would never! Ever! Promote propaganda to its citizens. I said “it’s illegal!” Then I found this article and my eyes were opened. I’ve been telling people about it ever since! I wasn’t surprised at yesterday’s news, but definitely shocked at the amounts being thrown around.
I believe this is what Naomi Wolf was telling us about - an Obama law repealing and older law to legalize use of propaganda against its citizens. She’s been another strong voice through all of this mess. Her reporting while digging through the pharma data on trial impacts on women, breastfeeding mothers and pregnant mothers was truly heartbreaking. And it did not reach enough ears and eyes.
How will the media spin this in their favor? How can Corey Booker be screaming in a park about needing to fund foreign countries. It is madness but in their clawing to stay afloat they will continue to be undone.
The media became an enemy to me the day the newspapers posted Hilary won the CA primary in 2016 the morning of the dem primary. They called it before the polls had even opened.
Smith-Mundt Modernization Act is what you are referring to. And yes it was under Obama.
The Soviets had a state run media, we have a media run state. Neocons like Bill Kristol are furious their grift has been exposed. The downfall of USAID is the downfall of propaganda and taxpayer theft: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/downfall-usaid-bill-kristol-neocon-ngo
Yes, Yuri. People are finally waking up to it.
I guess we sort of knew this but didn’t want to think it was really true💜 great read
exactly. xx
Exactly. Both a huge letdown to discover and yet freeing and exhilarating at the same time.
Or we didn’t know WHAT we could do about it!
I remember 1964. I had asked for a typewriter for Christmas. I was writing a sports column in the high school paper. I had taken the typing class and was up to 60 WPM. Almost.
I thought I wanted to be journalist.
I got snow skis. I never became a journalist. I didn’t even go to college.
Learned of operation mockingbird sometime ago. Now we see the USAID payola and the true evil of the industry.
It was years after my dad died that my mother told me why I never got the typewriter.
Dad did not want me going to what he called, the school of communism, at the University.
I guess my dad was right.
I have spent the better half of thirty years writing three novel that maybe a hundred people have read. I have written any number of email letters and blog posts. Now I have a stack that is read by 25 people.
Writing. It’s just something I do.
A most important article here that deserves the nation’s full attention. Thank you Trump, Elon, and Elon’s wiz kids. I’m hotly enraged and sadly not shocked that our tax dollars have been working against us in this way, plus all the other wasteful programs that have been revealed to be USAID funded. I want justice and a giant tax refund!
Love seeing Mr. Everritt's article here.
Aaron is a good friend and great writer. I was delighted to receive this piece from him late last night. He is one of the good ones, equally as passionate about exposing media corruption in our news cycle.
I remember reading years ago that a team of democrats met weakly to deliver talking points to the media. Also, have you seen the videos of all the talking heads saying exactly the same thing on every network? Same adjectives. Same adverbs.
Agree 100% Jessica… Aaron’s writing is superb!
I really loved his videos and articles during RFK Jr.'s campaign, just wish he had more reach at the time. So glad he's still going strong. If he hasn't already, I hope he gets to meet RFK, Jr. one day, since he did a great job of capturing his values and mission during all the mud slinging.
All of the people saying that these small percentages are not that big of a deal when you’re dealing with trillions of dollars… our $33k tax bill last year was a big deal to 2 self-employed parents. I’d prefer it not be used for bullshit.